New Century Tarot — Таро Нового Века
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Характеристика New Century Tarot — Таро Нового Века
Вариант названия: Golden Gomera Tarot
Автор: Rolf Eichelmann
Художник: Rolf Eichelmann
Издательство: Königsfurt Urania; US Games
Производство: Швейцария; США
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция на английском языке
Язык карт: немецкий/английский (в зависимости от издательства)
Размер карт: 83 x 110 мм
Год: 2003, 2004
ISBN: 978-3038-190240 Königsfurt Urania, 978-1572814110
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: сюрреализм
Таро Нового Века отражает потребность ХХI века в новых интерпретациях карт Старших и Младших Арканов. Живописно иллюстрированные карты изображают ландшафты богатой природы, подчеркнутые золотом. Воспроизведенное в искрящихся красках традиционное Таро трансформируется, благодаря таланту художника Рольфа Эйхельманна. Производство США.
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Это Таро художник Рольф Эйхельман создавал тринадцать лет . Первый опыт живописи он получил с группой монахов в Греции, где он жил в то время. Они научили его искусству рисования традиционных религиозных икон. Это искусство и было воплощено в Таро Нового Века. С другой стороны, первое его Таро было с классический Райдер-Уэйт. Эти два фактора в 2002 году породили Таро Нового Века.
Это красивая смелая колода превозносит праздник жизни в новом веке. Карты графически проиллюстрированы, с богатой природой, и акцентирован золотыми чернилами. Новый век Таро -это классическая традиция Таро в огранке потрясающих драгоценных тонов.
На Арканах часто повторяющиеся темы — например, увеличенное изображение горизонта усеяно деревьями на дальнем фоне. На центральную часть всех карт помещено лоно, которое меняется в зависимости от символики карты, как в цвете так и в дизайне. Эта же функция в Младших Арканах используется для идентификации указанных мастей. На переднем плане Дворцовых карт небольшие изображения передающие смысл карты.
Яркие цвета, используемые в колоде, привлекательны и свежие. Колода сильно стилизована, подробна и оригинальна.
Но для начинающих немножко трудновата для понимания.
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New Century Tarot
0 The Fool
The careless Fool walks around without watching his path and with the aim of a child. He is dressed imaginatively and his right foot still stands firm on the ground. A barking dog jumps up his left leg, but the Fool is unaware of its presence. Nor does he take notice that his left foot is stepping into empty space. He tilts his face upward with a cheeky expression and wears a fool’s cap on his head.
Only children and fools possess this naive joy of life. The broad sunbeam falling down to earth behind him emphasizes the serenity of this picture.
With his left hand he carries a stick. It rests over his shoulder and drops downward with the weight of its contents. The stick holds a bundle containing his few belongings. In his right hand he holds a fresh green walking staff that touches the flowing water.
Card Meaning: Adventure, pleasure, spontaneity, curiosity, childlike confidence, and longing. Stupidity, immaturity, failings, and lack of responsibility.
I The Magician
In the middle of an imaginative landscape the Magician stands on a carpet as a symbol of earth, hovering above quietly flowing water. With concentration he looks at the three cups on a table in front of him. The three elements; water, fire, and air fill the cups. The Magician holds a wand in each of his hands. He is master of both magic and research—magical and intellectual in his own nature.
A mystical aura surrounds him, which is visible as an outlined circle carried by two wings and framed by fable creatures. The flowing water of the river symbolizes strength and independence because it seeks its destination without effort.
Card Meaning: Concentration, mastery, strong will, skill, and self-confidence. Also represents abuse of power, a trickster, or a person who bluffs artfully.
II The High Priestess
Wearing a transparent red dress, the High Priestess stands with outstretched arms on a blue carpet. She is serene—she is a goddess and woman in one person. The crown on her head is open like a cup symbolizing the receiving woman. Yet at the same time she is closed by the moon inside, the symbol of the priestess as representative of the gods. She holds a wand and a circle in her right hand. The wand a symbol of transience, the circle infinity. In her left hand she holds an opened book, offering a glimpse of the knowledge she has to offer. Card Meaning: Intuition, patience, mysterious knowledge, female power, a visionary, or someone skilled in medicine. Also depicts the veiling of true intentions, one who has bewitching and destructive powers.
III The Empress
A young winged queen bows her beautiful face toward the eagle sitting on her left arm. In her right hand she holds a scepter. The throne itself is not of great importance. She is not someone who needs to demonstrate her authority—she simply has it. She is the Empress and a life-giving woman.
Card Meaning: Renewal, growth, care, devotion, and leadership. Also indicates infidelity and painful changes.
IV The Emperor
The king sits on his richly decorated throne, wearing extravagant clothing. In his right hand he holds the «apple of the empire,» a symbol of the world. In his left hand he holds his scepter. Both objects are insignia of his worldly power. To his left, there is an eagle with his wings spread, ready to fly. The eagle personifies spirit when combined with strength. The Emperor plants his right foot strictly on earth, while his left touches water. His position in each realm expresses that he grants security in both places.
Card Meaning: Authoritarian leader, self-assertion, responsibility, and intelligence combined with wisdom. But also indicates coldness, distance, and a lack of emotion.
V The Hierophant
The Hierophant stands between two columns. He is awe-inspiring, draped in a dignified robe. On his head he wears a bishop’s hat like a crown.
In his left hand he holds a wand, which ends in a triple cross depicting the physical, spiritual, and divine world. His face expresses infinite wisdom and a mild demeanor. In front of him three young people are kneeling. They represent his own past inner struggles that he endured to achieve this deep spiritual unity and internal contentment. This inner journey has made him what we see now.
Card Meaning: Strong belief, spirituality, confidence, search for truth, inspiration, and wisdom. But beware of hypocrisy, arrogance, intolerance, and rigidity.
VI The Lovers
In a meditating attitude and veiled in a shining white robe, the priest rises above a pair of lovers kneeling on a carpet in front of him. On the left side, the bottom of the priest’s robe turns into flowing water. Over his right shoulder the sun blazes in the sky as a fire sign, while over his left shoulder a small amorous god glides along, bow and arrow in his hands. The priest raises his hand over The Lovers to bless them. An aura surrounds their heads, and with this blessing they carefully lean into one another and touch hands.
Card Meaning: Confidence, harmony, the ability to overcome oppositions and contradictions, willingness to accept bonds, and the ability to experience devotion. Jealousy, self-resignation, and pessimism are also indicated.
VII Chariot
The upright attitude of the young conqueror expresses determination as well as reserve. Armor and helm indicate his determination, while his hidden face hints at his reserve. The horses look in opposite directions. The Chariot driver, always ready for departure, directs the horses with sure hands toward the unknown stretching out before them in brilliant red color.
Card Meaning: Skill, conquest, spirit of enterprise, and willingness to take risks. There are also signs of carelessness, reckless behavior, and exaggerated self-confidence.
VIII Strength
We view a woman in opulent dress wearing a fan-like crown. Above her is a transparent hat representing the symbol of infinity. With grace and internal strength she looks into the wide-opened maw of the monster at her feet. Without effort she holds open the mouth of the lion-like animal, which remains docile in silent devotion.
Card Meaning: Courage, power of spirit, power of love, vitality, and passion. Also indicates the strive for power, megalomania, and destruction.
IX The Hermit
The white-haired and bearded old man searches for his way through water, supported by his staff. He holds up a burning lantern in his left hand to light his view. White clouds billow out of his black cowl-like robe as a small red drake winds around his left foot.
Card Meaning: Seclusion, search for internal reality, gain-ing experiences and ideas, strength and clearness apart from activity. Loneliness, fear, bitter feelings, and a weariness of life are also evident.
X The Wheel Fortune
Two white snakes wind around a mast upon which a wheel is mounted. Behind it a red sail is unfurled. The wheel is a symbol of perpetual movement with no distinct beginning or end. Strange beings populate the wheel. The horned figures—first climbing up and then falling down—show us the perpetual ups and downs of life.
The sphinx is poised seductively, but she maintains a balance on the wheel with the aid of her blue wings.
Card Meaning: Accepting your fortune, change, a new beginning, or unexpected good luck. Being at fortune’s mercy, instability, resignation, and helplessness are also indicated.
XI Justice
A feminine figure dressed in a bright orange-red dress sits on a throne. The throne reaches upward into two columns on either side of her. The colors of her dress represent spirituality and intelligence.
The severe shape of her crown is compensated by the small white cloud of spirit pouring out of the gap. In her right hand she holds a heavy sword. It serves neither for defense nor for attack, but it is the sign of execution. In her left hand she holds up a pair of scales that remain empty. They indicate that nothing has been decided as of yet.
Card Meaning: Incorruptible, honesty, balance, and the power of judgment. Inability of action, complacency, and abuse are also represented.
XII The Hanged Man
A naked man hangs upside down from a crossbar between two artfully decorated columns. His face, with its wide-open expression, is turned toward the viewer. His body is veiled with a radiant aura and he does not appear to be in immediate danger. A foaming river flows below him as a symbol of life.
Card Meaning: Change, regeneration, a turning point or new orientation, seeing things from a different perspective. Also indicates a standstill, passiveness, resignation, and self-denial.
XIII Death
This crimson figure of death doesn’t answer the traditional idea of the death itself. He is wrapped in a tight red dress, his head surrounded by a fiery garland of beams while he walks through his field. He carries a death-bringing scythe in his hands, and kindly looks upon the dead bodies at his feet. On the left and right beside him there is new growth in the form of plants with human heads awaiting their birth. The life-giving river flows bubbling through the dry landscape.
Card Meaning: Farewell, release, to put an end to something in order for something new to begin, rebirth, and growth. Fear of loss, dead feelings, numbness, and change are also indicated.
XIV Temperance
The angel in his blue richly folded robe stands in the middle of the picture. His face expresses harmony and balance of mind. The big yellow wings indicate his godlike nature. In his hands he holds two golden jugs. He carefully pours the contents from one jug to the other.
Card Meaning: Patience, internal and external harmony, reason, calm, and striving for wisdom. Instability, self-consciousness, and greed are also indicated.
XV The Devil
The Devil’s presence is both demonic and frightening—he dominates the picture. Kneeling with one leg, with the other leg bent in order to fully raise himself, he stands on a round black pedestal that serves as an altar.
Two downward shaped horns rise out of his tapered head, while his pointed ears also give indication to the animal nature of his being. The large wings behind him, littered with eyes, remind us of the fallen angel. In his left hand he holds an extinguished torch. And at his feet we see two naked figures bound to the altar, and thus, the Devil himself.
Card Meaning: Violence, destructive powers, instinct, seduction, greed for power, addiction, and slavery. Liberation, contemplation, and spiritual understanding are also indicated.
XVI The Tower
A black curtain has darkly descended behind the tower and imposes a threatening presence. The Tower can be viewed as a symbol of imprisonment and also one of seclusion. A violent energy hits the tower unexpectedly and tears the building down to the ground.
A man and a woman are helplessly falling to the ground. They cannot be saved from the fall or the impact. The woman wears a white dress and she bravely faces her fate with open eyes. The crowned man meets his fate with outstretched arms to brace the fall.
Plants sprout through the paving stones and denote that there is rebirth here too, and something new will emerge from this sudden impact.
Card Meaning: Rigidity, destruction, disaster, chaos, overthrow with both a negative and positive outcome. Breaking up paralyzed thought, a new beginning.
XVII The Star
In a blossoming garden a young woman sits naked with an orange cloth draped about her. She kneels on the bank of a wildly foaming river. Water streams out of her open palms and unites with the water of the rushing stream. Her hair is in the form of a crown and is adorned with a golden star, which shines brighter than the more imposing star in the sky. The larger star rises above her like a carpet. She watches the flowing water thoughtfully, and two birds, messengers of God, stand by her.
Card Meaning: Love and confidence, life energy, abundance, excess, fulfillment, and deep understanding. Doubt, and lack of focus on the present while being too intent on the future is also indicated.
XVIII The Moon
The night sky is full of pale stars as it stretches through the picture like a broad wave. We can see the sickle shaped moon as a whole disk because the circle has been completed in pale blue.
Two wolf-headed figures with black faces and dark red manes are kneeling in the water and howling toward the moon.
A snake winds itself around one of the wolf men. Two humans hover and watch the scene from the window of a stone castle.
Card Meaning: Instability, intrigue, illusions, fears, and anxiety. Imagination, longing, and dreams. Darkness followed by light is also indicated.
XIX The Sun
The Sun appears in a spiral-shaped circle as a flaming symbol of the universe.
The heat of her glow can be seen as a fiery aura streaming up and down to earth. The sky is folding up above a brick wall. Two children, naked and innocent, stand in front of it. One of the children stretches out his arm toward the warming sun. Colorful seed grains fall to the ground, while on the right side life-giving water flows.
Card Meaning: Vitality, growth, joy of life, cheerfulness, warmth, and positive energy. Being overly confident or naive is also evident.
XX Judgment
An angel glides down with flaming wings in front of the dark blue band of sky. He holds his hands over the human figures, who stand before him naked and vulnerable, in order to protect them. Some of them are engulfed by a beaming aura, others are just approaching. Cleansing water flows around the feet of the reborn figures. Flakes of light pour out of the angel’s palms and fall down to earth in order to drive away darkness.
Card Meaning: Resurrection, rebirth, and renewal. Imprisonment and condemnation are also indicated.
XXI The World
In front of the bright universe the archetype mother sits naked on a dark blue carpet that spreads over a bull and lion. In her right hand she holds a blue sphere as a symbol of the earth and in her left hand she seizes the lion’s head as if to take ownership of it.
A vaulted rainbow rises behind her. To the left of it an eagle has perched to represent her authority. A white angel looks down on the woman from the right, depicting her advanced maturity. The river of fertility flows at her feet.
Card Meaning: Perfection, joy, harmony of body and soul, and self-development. Carelessness and activity are also indicated.
King of wands
The regal king sits confidently on his throne. In his right hand he holds one wand that symbolizes both intelligence and maturity.
Card Meaning: The King of Wands stands for confidence, power, and maturity. This card also indicates conceit, boastfulness, and one who embellishes the truth or brags about himself.
Queen of wands
Proud and elegant the queen presents herself. The white cloth accentuates her gentleness.
Card Meaning: The Queen of Wands is a temperate woman who is self-confident. She is strong, and a fighter. She represents the Amazon woman and can be a passionate companion. This card also indicates extravagance, wastefulness, and frivolous behavior.
Knight of wands
The young and attractive knight successfully masters his impetuous horse. His helmet is more decorative than protective. He is not burdened by worry and wants everything to be available to him.
Card Meaning: The Knight of Wands represents a departure, a local change, unguarded enthusiasm, chivalry, and impulsive behavior. This card also indicates impatience, separation, estrangement, and egoism.
Page of wands
This page appears playful and whimsical. His feminine side is accentuated by his fanciful hat and fluttering white cape.
Card Meaning: The Page of Wands represents the desire for an escape, a break from the daily routine, and an encouragement of something both fresh and new. This card also indicates thoughtlessness, careless behavior, an ill-conceived suggestion, and a dubious change.
10 of wands
A female figure lies crouched on the carpeting. She covers her head with her hand. A dark rock seems to hover above her, crushing her spirit. Two helping hands appear from the air.
Card Meaning: The Ten of Wands symbolizes someone who is overextended, shouldering a big responsibility, burden, a depressive situation with no prospects of improvement. This card also indicates the acceptance of help, false behavior, betrayal, and intrigue.
9 of wands
The wand in the middle is made up of one body with two heads looking in opposite directions. The intriguing figure wears armor and holds a shield in each hand.
Card Meaning: The Nine of Wands stands for resistance and defense, to protect against a threat. This card also indicates a handicap, difficulties to be overcome, fear, and to get offended.
8 of wands
Eight wands are arranged like a lattice. The middle wand dominates the others. Nimble fallows flow between the wands. The earth grows plants anew.
Card Meaning: The Eight of Wands stands for change, a quick deal, pleasant events, discernment, the arousal of enthusiasm and helpful ideas. This card also indicates disputes and troubles.
7 of wands
A man stands in defense against red monsters. He is not in immediate danger because the creatures cannot reach him. He stands upon a pedestal with his hands warning them to stay back. His blue cape flutters about him in this stance.
Card Meaning: The Seven of Wands means to stand your ground. To hold and defend your position against opposition. It represents the temptation to be successful, to have the courage to save a hopeless situation. This card also indicates fear, hesitation, and instability.
6 of wands
A young man rides upon a drake with blazing wings. His hair is adorned with a triumphant crown of flowers. He wears the look of victory.
Card Meaning: The Six of Wands symbolizes conquest, triumph, good news, and to have your wishes realized. Due to this success, caution must still be used. It is important to not become overly confident and boastful.
5 of wands
Four young people compete powerfully at the base of five upright wands. They are escorted in their efforts by a blue cloud.
Card Meaning: The Five of Wands stands for a playful competition for power; a challenge. This card also indicates rivalry, disagreement, and contradiction.
4 of wands
Two females sit with their back toward the viewer. They are relaxed and rest side by side. They look to the horizon. A meditative atmosphere is supported by the calm and flowing river. Card Meaning: The Four of Wands shows us a phase of freedom, new contacts, and shared undertakings. This card also indicates an unfulfilled romance, losing the desire to be perfect in every way, a calming of the soul, and melancholy.
3 of wands
The archer stands strong in the middle of the picture. His body is braced and shows us the vitality and strength of his being. He dynamically aims toward the future. Card Meaning: The Three of Wands stands for achieving
your goals, success, power, and a positive development. It also indicates the assurance of being cautious.
2 of wands
A priestess with a crown and a tremendous aura holds two snakes in her hands. The wands sprout tendrils that have intertwined, growing upward.
Card Meaning: The Two of Wands symbolizes a mature and dominant personality without fear. This card also indicates courage, impatience, lack of trust, and conflict.
Ace of wands
An enormous flowering wand blooms upward from behind the rising sun. A ring of water encircles the flower. The glowing landscape is interrupted with a red cloth. Card Meaning: The Ace of Wands symbolizes creativity, willingness to take a risk, enthusiasm—the qualities of an entrepreneur. This card also indicates a mental void, decline, and standstill.
King of Cups
The bearded king sits with a red robe on his blue throne. He is meditative. He wears a heavy golden crown upon his head. A bird rests upon his crown. The crown stands for both dignity and burden. He holds a scepter in his left hand. In his right hand he holds a cup of flowing water.
Card Meaning: The King of Cups symbolizes knowledge, the ability to be sensitive, responsible, and to understand. However, this responsibility could be used in a thoughtless way. This card indicates that the person may prove to be unreliable and easily distracted.
Queen of Cups
The throne of the lovely queen stands firmly on the earth in close proximity to water. She wears a richly decorated crown as a sign of dignity. She focuses on the cup of flowing water in her left hand. In her right hand she holds a scepter. A gentle veil waves around her shoulders.
Card Meaning: The Queen of Cups stands for wisdom, helpfulness, and motherhood. The queen is a ruler and visionary, but can also be the cause of restlessness.
Knight of Cups
The young horseman sits naked on his reared up horse. He arrives as a bringer of good messages in a friendly manner. He holds a closed cup in his hand. Wings grow out from his shoulders. The cloth behind him drapes down to the water.
Card Meaning: The Knight of Cups stands for friendship and tenderness. The card represents your knight in shining armor, one who stimulates your heart. But it also indicates a temptation to be untrue, false, and cheat.
Page of Cups
The page stands in the middle of a river wearing a red robe. His expression is tender, and he dreamily looks off into the distance. In his left hand he holds an opened cup.
Card Meaning: The Page of Cups stands for softness, playful amusement, and an agreeable impulse. It can also indicate someone who is very emotional, delusional, and secretive.
10 of Cups
One large and richly decorated cup outshines the other nine cups, even though the cups are all designed in the same fashion. Wings with a glimmer of gold symbolize freedom. They dominate the picture and emanate a harmony and a feeling of equivalence. The plants in the foreground stand for a new beginning and inner strength.
Card Meaning: The Ten of Cups represents luck, fortune, love, and strong feelings. To be agreeable and have good relationships with those who are close to us. This card also indicates loss and potential decline.
9 of Cups
Water flows luxuriantly from one cup to the next. The rivers of water created from this flow form a couple embracing. They pour into the landscape guaranteeing new growth. Card Meaning: The Nine of Cups symbolizes optimism, joy, abundance, and sociability. This card expresses that we should enjoy this time. It also indicates complacency. Beware of someone who seeks pleasure excessively and watch for exaggeration.
8 of Cups
Eight cups tower behind a female figure. The middle cup spills water. The woman stands with open hands in front of the cups and bares her breasts.
Card Meaning: The woman represents liberation and the release of intimate things. The Eight of Cups indicates independence and finding a new direction.
7 of Cups
Seven cups appear to be equal until the observer inspects them more closely and finds that two cups are larger and have a different design than the others. On the edge of the picture a female figure interrupts the flowing river, forcing it to bend around her. She holds two different masks in her hands. She represents illusion and delusion.
Card Meaning: Seven is a number of misfortune and disaster. The Seven of Cups symbolizes danger, ruin, a deceptive seduction, and a wrongful yearning. However, if we are willing to think realistically, we can overcome the negatives.
6 of Cups
A pyramid is formed by six cups. The water flows from one cup to the next. A mother lovingly holds her child to her. A red cloth symbolizes the vitality and joy of life. The plants in front of the figures show us romantic implications.
Card Meaning: The Six of Cups symbolizes satisfaction and being at peace. The card illustrates good luck and a longing for security, but it also indicates melancholy, some regret, wistfulness, and possibly a move to a new location.
5 of Cups
Four small cups are placed with one larger cup in the middle. This larger cup is closed and symbolizes that you are unable to foresee your fate. Three red birds appear between the cups flying swiftly in one unified direction. A darkly dressed figure raises his hand. He is imposing and seems to stop anything that comes before him. The white clouds illuminate the darkness. All things flow, as the water indicates, but we do not know to what destination.
Card Meaning: The Five of Cups stands for pain, sorrow, and abandonment. It also represents that something new and beautiful will arise. The possibility to find the power for renewal is indicated.
4 of Cups
The four cups are arranged symmetrically. This structure represents balance and composure. Two female figures appear on either side. They sit on blue chairs and are connected with a billowing cloth. They appear to be rich and fortunate but they do not take part in fully experiencing life and all it has to offer.
Card Meaning: The Four of Cups symbolizes dissatisfaction, financial and emotional saturation, and standstill. The position of the women expresses disappointment and unwillingness, but also indicates anticipation of new and unforeseen things.
3 of Cops
Three overflowing cups are placed in front of a circle. The water represents abundance in this image. A snake winds around the middle cup. It is a symbol for healing medicine. An owl, a symbol of intelligence, appears in flight on the right. There is much to be grateful for here.
Card Meaning: The Three of Cups stands for a satisfied position, healing, generosity, and harmony. It also indicates desire, abundance, and excessiveness.
2 of Cups
Two cups stand beside each other on a dark blue plate. The scenery flourishes around them. A cloth pours out of one cup as a salamander snakes down at the foot of the other cup. Two hands seem to levitate and touch each other. A flame hovers above the ten fingertips. Card Meaning: The Two of Cups represents friendship, a loving meeting, partnership, passion, and joining together. It also indicates a separation and conflict of interests.
Ace of Cups
A large cup stands on a blue altar. On the right there is a white pigeon, representing a symbol of perfection. Water flows out of the pigeon’s beak. A soft cloth flutters around the cup. A river runs in front of the altar, and there are plants surrounding it as well.
Card Meaning: The Ace of Cups symbolizes luck, love, wealth, abundance, achievement, and great fortune. It can also indicate passion and transformation.
King of swords
The youthful king sits proudly on his throne. On his head is a banded crown. A suit of armor protects his body. In his right hand he holds a sword as his attribute and in his left hand he holds a dagger.
Card Meaning: This card stands for intelligence, astuteness, and eloquence. The king symbolizes that he has the power to make decisions and the ability to be just while doing so. But he can also be sly, devious, crafty, and egotistical.
Queen of swords
The queen sits erect and barefoot on her throne. Her hair is undone and she wears it loose with a crown as her garnish. In her right hand she holds a sword. She dons her armor like a girdle.
Card Meaning: The Queen of Swords is sophisticated and watchful, critical, and reserved. She has the ability to solve problems with her intellect. She can also be a vengeful, evil, and calculating person.
Queen of swords
The queen sits erect and barefoot on her throne. Her hair is undone and she wears it loose with a crown as her garnish. In her right hand she holds a sword. She dons her armor like a girdle.
Card Meaning: The Queen of Swords is sophisticated and watchful, critical, and reserved. She has the ability to solve problems with her intellect. She can also be a vengeful, evil, and calculating person.
Knight of swords
The powerful knight keeps his reared up horse in bridle easily. He is naked with only a white cape flowing about his presence. He carries a sword as he boldly strives forward. It could be in attack or defense and he protects his head for either occasion with a helmet.
Card Meaning: The Knight of Swords stands for powerful action. Not evading conflict or difficult situations, and for protecting one’s own interests. Imprudence, foolishness, and dispute are also indicated.
Page of swords
The page leans easily on his sword. He dons his chest armor like the king and queen. A cap with a colorful feather masks the watchfulness of the page. His motions are deft and keen because of his youth. Card Meaning: The Page of Swords suggests arguments
and implies clarifying impulses. This card can also indicate rebellion and violent criticism.
10 of swords
Five swords are arranged horizontally with five more resting perpendicular. The largest perpendicular sword has a red stone embedded in the handle. On either side of the sword arrangement there is a figure standing bound cocoon-like in cloth amidst a cloudy vapor.
Card Meaning: The Ten of Swords represents sorrow, grief, pain, and divorce. The end of a situation. The red stone appears as a glimmer of hope.
9 of swords
Four swords are arranged horizontally while five swords appear perpendicular. On the largest sword there is a ring at the handle. A woman in a dreamlike state sits on the left side in a defensive position. Two evil creatures are looming toward her. She tries to avoid these dream ghosts. A red cloud makes the illusion more intense.
Card Meaning: The Nine of Swords represents nightmares, desperation, desolateness, fear of loss, and a fear of being alone. The ring at the handle of the large sword demonstrates that there is no way out and the situation will be never-ending. This card also indicates slander.
8 of swords
Four swords are arranged horizontally, while the other four appear perpendicular. At the bottom of the arrangement we see two prisoners captured between stones. Card Meaning: The Eight of Swords indicates imprisonment, capture, inability to move freely, repression, and to be controlled. It also represents limitation for the moment.
7 of swords
Four swords are arranged horizontally, while two more are planted perpendicular. Down to the right, the head of a female with red hair appears on the water, its eyes closed. Her hands rise upward and a red bird is perched on her head. Plants sprout out of the ground that appears behind her.
Card Meaning: The redheaded woman appears as though she may be drowning, but she is not. She is just simulating this action. The red bird symbolizes hope and fantasy, new plans. Therefore, the hope and fantasy of the female appears out of her head in the form of the crimson bird. The animal spreads its wings and is preparing to depart for a new destination. The Seven of Swords also indicates intrigue, cheating, and self-deception.
6 of swords
Six swords appear horizontally alternating pointing to the left and right. Beneath the swords a red boat drifts on the sea, a lounging female figure its only inhabitant. She appears to be watchful into the distance and her hair is adorned with flowers.
Card Meaning: The Six of Swords represents a journey, a departure, change, and peaked interest. It also indicates instability, uncertainty, fear of the unknown, and distress.
5 of swords
Four swords lie horizontally with a fifth sword perpendicular through the center, facing downward. Around the grip of the largest sword a black cloth is draped. An isolated and helpless female is rolled up on a blue altar at the base of the sword configuration. The rolling sea appears vast in the background.
Card Meaning: The Five of Swords stands for the things that hit us the hardest in life. Pain, defeat, shame, dishonor, and fear. The female in the picture will be sacrificed, and the sea that appears in the background is endless. The black cloth represents disaster. This card also indicates the feebleness and loss in your life.
4 of swords
Four swords are aligned facing upward. A male figure is suspended in front of the swords. He is wrapped in white clothes before a red background.
Card Meaning: The Four of Swords represents a standstill, forced calm, or seclusion. It can also indicate a truce.
3 of swords
Three swords are configured like a cross. In the bottom of the picture a blue figure looks into the distance. On the left side is a bird that flies away, in the same direction of the figure’s gaze. Card Meaning: The Three of Swords symbolizes painful experiences. The missed opportunities that escape us like a red bird. This card also indicates the understanding, realization, and the proper sense that make it possible to find resolution in a difficult decision.
2 of swords
Two angels keep the crossed swords between them. Their shining wings are closed to their androgynous figures. The expression they hold is empty.
Card Meaning: The Two of Swords represents peace, calm, harmony, neutrality, and a resolution of conflicts. But it also indicates doubt.
Ace of swords
One pointed sword faces upward. A luminous aura blasts outward from both the spiked tip and handle of the sword. A ring of victory garlands circle around the tip. Behind the sword there hangs a pleated white veil. Card Meaning: The Ace of Swords represents strength, courage, determination, and conquest. It also symbolizes barriers, force, and destruction.
King of pentacles
The king sits on his throne, his posture is turned inward. The red crown on his head seems soft and comfortable, he wears it well. He focuses on the shining circle that illuminates the pentacle. It is a symbol for prosperity and material objects. His left hand is relaxed and it rests on his lap. The patterned carpet at his feet symbolizes consistency and closeness. Card Meaning: The King of Pentacles is pragmatic, loyal, and is conscious of reality and what is practical. This card also indicates materialism, tyranny, and corrupt actions are possible.
Queen of pentacles
The young queen sits poised and relaxed on her throne. She wears her red crown like a cap. Her sexuality and sensual side are emphasized by her close-fitting dress. She gazes intently at the shining pentacle in her left hand. This is a symbol of prosperity. The flowering field beneath her feet indicates growth and fertility.
Card Meaning: The Queen of Pentacles stands for security, loyalty, maturity, prosperity, vitality, and being conscious of what is real. It also represents the strive for material things, the need to acquire property, and feelings of mistrust.
Knight of pentacles
The Knight sits conscientiously on his white horse. He holds the rein loosely and rides without hurry. He is both reliable and insistent, and aspires to reach his goal. Card Meaning: The Knight of Pentacles stands for staying power, tenacity, diligence, and energy. This card also indicates stubbornness and indecision.
Page of pentacles
The Page stands solidly on the ground with playful grace. The pentacle in his right hand is realistic and robust. His beautiful and elaborate robe generates the creativity that is felt with this card.
Card Meaning: The Page of Pentacles shows us productive power, growth, and intuitiveness. But this card also indicates greediness, a miserly nature, and unrealistic negotiations.
10 of pentacles
Ten pentacles appear to fall from the sky. An angel with blazing hair and fiery wings embraces the pentacles. He wishes to hold them. The carpet is spread through the landscape and is bordered by flowering plants.
Card Meaning: The Ten of Pentacles stands for fullness, experience, cleverness, fate, and being rich in material things as well as emotionally. This card also indicates loss, the danger of placing too much value in material items, frivolity, and lack of hard work or any work at all.
10 of pentacles
Ten pentacles appear to fall from the sky. An angel with blazing hair and fiery wings embraces the pentacles. He wishes to hold them. The carpet is spread through the landscape and is bordered by flowering plants.
Card Meaning: The Ten of Pentacles stands for fullness, experience, cleverness, fate, and being rich in material things as well as emotionally. This card also indicates loss, the danger of placing too much value in material items, frivolity, and lack of hard work or any work at all.
9 of pentacles
The harmony of the nine pentacles is accentuated by the fragile female figure who rests in the flowing water. The waterfall appears from an unknown source and blends with the pool of calm water. The richly decorated woman and the lush growth of plants indicate affluence and security.
Card Meaning: The Nine of Pentacles stands for inner enrichment, a love of nature, material wealth, and luck. This card also indicates failure and danger.
8 of pentacles
A young man works intently on a wing of feathers. It is a long assignment for a beginner. It is a task that requires attention to detail, caution, and awareness. If the work is good the young man can be proud of his accomplishment. Card Meaning: The Eight of Pentacles stands for work, diligence, ambition, job knowledge, caution, and the start of a project. This card also indicates immaturity and taking on more than you can handle.
7 of pentacles
The seven pentacles are arranged in an orderly fashion on the backdrop. On the left, below the pentacles, a gardener patiently tends to his plants. Water flows from his hands and forms a river of nourishment for the blooms. Card Meaning: The Seven of Pentacles symbolizes effort, growth, composure, and patience. This card also indicates failure, loss, and feebleness.
6 of pentacles
A young and shining girl stands strongly on the earth. Six pentacles are above her, arranged symmetrically. In her opened and extended hands she holds blooming plants.
Card Meaning: The Six of Pentacles displays helpfulness, tolerance, generosity, and positive development. This card also indicates resentfulness and suspicion.
5 of pentacles
The five pentacles are arranged in an imperfect pyramid. Clouds float on the top left and right. The two figures in the picture are pitiful, and imply emptiness and desolateness.
Card Meaning: The Five of Pentacles stands for crisis, fear, deprivation, and insecurity. The card also indicates the possibility to achieve inner peace and security due to a life-crisis.
4 of pentacles
Four pentacles form a square. A female figure sits on the ground wearing a foolish cap. She embraces two baskets full of stones to keep them upright. Two additional baskets full of stones are by her side, with more stones scattered about her on the floor.
Card Meaning: The Four of Pentacles stands for greed, meanness, concealment, and the desire to hold tight onto the present and the things that you have. It also indicates anxiety and ignorance.
3 of pentacles
The three pentacles are arranged like a pyramid. At the bottom a young female sculptor stands as she works. She applies diligence, creativity, and her natural ability to her work, and finds that it is easier because of this focus.
Card Meaning: The Three of Pentacles stands for productive power. It represents the dexterity of someone who knows what they are doing. It also indicates a boastful knowledge and settling for work that is less than average.
2 of pentacles
The guitar player interrupts the balance and serenity of the two big pentacles. He dances in the flowered landscape. He is light on his feet with the aid of his wings. He possesses the wisdom of a fool and the innocence of a child.
Card Meaning: The Two of Pentacles shows us there is hope in overcoming the difficulties in life. By being spontaneous and a little impulsive, whatever your natural abilities may be, will go a long way in putting yourself in a better humor. This card also indicates foolish behavior and thoughtlessness.
Ace of pentacles
A large pentacle shines brightly in the center with a shining aura surrounding it. The pentacle grows a lush plant within its circle. The flowering landscape gives us a feeling of prosperity, well-being, and perfection.
Card Meaning: The Ace of Pentacles stands for health, material luck, as well as luck in the spiritual realm. This card also stands for greed, wastefulness, and someone who has a mean-spirited nature.
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