Tarot of Ceremonial Magick — Таро Церемониальной Магии

Характеристика Tarot of Ceremonial Magick — Таро Церемониальной Магии
Автор: Lon Milo DuQuette (Биография автора в статье Анны Блейз)
Художник: Констанс Джин Дюкетт
Издательство: US Games 1995, Thelesis Aura 2010
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 75×118 мм
Год: 1995, 2006, 2010
ISBN: 978-0880797283 US Games
Традиция: Кроули
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Принцесса, Принц, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: Оккультная; Каббала; Астрология; Енохиана
Лон Мило Дакетт создал Таро Церемониальной магии, чтобы включить ключевые элементы различных эзотерических систем. Он чувствует, что «изучая Таро правильно, вы [можете] одновременно изучить основы Каббалы, астрологии и магии церемониальной». Эта колода основана на двух популярных разновидностях основ Каббалистической магии: Енохианской доктора Джона Ди и Гоэтии. Он также опирается на астрологических данные, таттвы медитации и И Цзин. Каждая карта представляет отдельные элементы из этих различных систем. Символы и названия на картах показывают эти назначения. Таро Церемониальной магии основано на Таро Тота, так как Дакетт был вдохновлен работами Алистера Кроули. Существует отдельная книга компаньон для этой колоды Таро — называется Церемониальная Магия: Изобразительный синтез трех великих столпов магии (астрологии, Енохианской Магии, Гоэтии).
Tarot of Ceremonial Magick создано американским магом Лоном Майло Дюкетом, состоящем в древнем эзотерическом ордене O.Т.О (Орден Восточных Тамплиеров). Лон Дюкет — современный последователь основоположника европейской оккультной школы Алистера Кроули, практикующий различные виды магического искусства, включая магию Вызова — Гоэтию. Созданная Дюкетом колода Таро пронизана духом церемониальной магии телемитов. На Старших Арканах изображены божества из пантеона Телемы. Иллюстрациями на Младших Арканах служат печати демонов Гоэтии. Кроме того, на картах колоды указаны соответствия буквам иврита, астрологическим символам и магическим печатям Духов. Колода «Таро церемониальной магии» не подойдет новичкам, поскольку работа с этими картами требует глубоких специальных знаний, отважного духа искателя и энергетической подготовки.Это второе издание колоды, т. н. Babalon Edition (магазин Тароман)
Книга: Tarot of Ceremonial Magick: A Pictorial Synthesis of Three Great Pillars of Magick:
Автор: Lon Milo DuQuette
Издательство: Weiser Books
Производство: США
Год: 1995
Страниц: 306
Язык: английский
Где купить Tarot of Ceremonial Magick — Таро Церемониальной Магии
*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.
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Ключ, который открывает секреты всех карт Таро
Много лет до наших дней Церемониальная Магия использует множество систем, таких как астрология, каббала, и тому подобные с их ритуалами и гаданиями.
Большинство магов считают, что Таро для этих целей неприемлемо. Но в Таро порой кроются такие глубокие тайные знания, что любому серьезному магу есть чем заинтересоваться. Колода всеми доступными средствами пытается сделать Церемониальную Магию открытой для широкой публики. Она призвана стать «образным синтезом трех великих столпов магии».
Карты оформлены в стиле многолетних традиций Таро с небольшим дополнением. На каждой карте в маленьких окошках отражена многочисленная символика, отражающая все многообразие систем гадания от гексаграммы Ицзин, астрологической символики, нумерологии, Каббалы, гаомантики, Енохианских субангелов и других занимательных систем. Мне кажется, что изображения весьма интересны, не ужасны, хорошо прорисованы и некоторые из них имеют мало общего со смыслом карты. Все богатство символики скорее сбивает с толку и носит явно жульнический оттенок вместо того, чтобы действительно учиться узнавать значение карты. Данное Таро как стартовый пистолет для начинающих изучать основы Церемониальной Магии.
Карты среднего размера и гибкости, хорошо тасуются. Масти остались классическими: Жезлы, Кубки, Мечи и Диски. Придворные карты одинаковы, но с разными цветами. Т.е. Королевы одинаковые, Принцессы одинаковые и т.д.
Рубашка великолепна, хотя я не была сильно удивлена этой колодой.
Джина М. Пейс (Энциклопедия таро Странникова)
В интересах академической честности: пишуший это обозрение может быть учеником автора этой книги и колоды, Лон Мило.
Около тридцати лет назад песенник Джон Себастьян спросил Лон Мило «Ты веришь в волшебство?» Тот определенно ответил: «Да!»
Таро Церемониальной Магии является уникальным дополнением ко Вселенной колод Таро. Эти карты привносят с собой все богатство информации от Каббалы, мантики до Енохианской магии доктора Джона Ди. Карты включают астрологическую символику, Ицзин и индийскую медитационную символику.
На первый взгляд здесь налицо как бы чувствительный перегруз, но для изучающих Церемониальную Магию эта информация очень полезна. Например, в обычном раскладе Таро вы можете сразу к какому Енохианскому ангелу или готическому духу следует обращаться, и даже по каким священным дням. Для таролога, который хочет больше знать о соответствиях Таро другим системам гадания, эта колода — просто клад.
Например, астрологическая информация может быть использована для выявления связи с их собственным гороскопом.
Старшие Арканы в основном следуют символике, с которой толкователи Таро хорошо знакомы. И это не удивительно с тех пор, как мы привыкли к символике Райдер-Уэйта и Памелы Смит, которые были членами Ордена Церемониальной Магии. Имена некоторых козырей в большей степени следуют традициям колоды Кроули, но и они легко узнаваемы.
Старшие Арканы имеют ярко выраженную египетскую символику, например, в Правосудии. Придворные карты: Принцесса, Рыцарь, Королева и Король. Модель Ди хорошо вписывается в соответствие Придворных карт четырем элементам.
Если соединить 4 придворные карты и Тузы, то получим невероятные узоры Енохианских таблиц, которые не помогут, но увлекут изучающих церемониальную магию. Магическая символика часто использует рекурсию.
Нумерованные карты не имеют фигур и сказочных сюжетов колоды Уэйта. Однако они отличаются многообразием эзотерики Гермеса как Старшие Арканы и Придворные карты. Енохианская Пирамида, Зодиакальные деканаты, дух черной магии, знаки Джинов и Енохианских Ангелов и планетарная символика украшают эти карты по мере возрастания номера.
Две любимые нефигурные карты в этой колоде: Двойка Кубков с двумя сливочными пломбирами и Семерка Кубков с 7 бокалами мартини и оливками.
Карты красочные и яркие, словно раскрашенные цветными карандашами. Художественное оформление, хотя и столь мастерское как Акварельное Таро или Новое Паладини, но лучше многих колод и имеет собственное неповторимое очарование. Прилагаемая книга доступна и хорошо написана. Книга дает простое описание учения Лона. Колода и книга могут существовать как вместе, так и отдельно. В набор входит плакат с раскладом Кельтский Крест. Сама колода упакована в стандартную картонную коробку смаленькой белой книжкой.
Колоду можно рекомендовать как среднему, так и продвинутому таристу или изучающему Церемониальную магию. Однако начинающему без основ Церемониальной Магии эта колода вряд ли подойдет.
Линда Валтерс (Энциклопедия таро Странникова)
Лон Майло Дюкет — член древнего эзотерического ордена ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (Орден Восточных Тамплиеров), нынешний заместитель главы Великой Ложи О.Т.О. США. Он — телемит и последователь известного мага и оккультиста Алистера Кроули, основоположника учения Телемы. Члены О. Т. О. практикуют различные виды магии, в том числе и Гоетию (вызывание демонов Клипот).
Дюкет занимается Гоетией уже не один десяток лет и является, по сути, одним из самых опытных современных церемониальных магов.
Колода пронизана насквозь телемитским духом (телема — греч. «воля»).
В Старших Арканах представлены божества телемитского пантеона: госпожа Бабалон и Змеелев (Зверь 666 ) — XI Аркан (Lust), Херу-Ра-Ха и Ра-Хор-Хут — XIX Аркан (Sun). В колоде мы также находим изображение Стелы Откровения (XX Аркан), где представлены Богиня звёздного неба Нуит, Осирис и Жрец.
Младшие Арканы иллюстрированы печатями гоетических демонов.
Например, двойка жезлов под названием ГОСПОДСТВО, проиллюстрирована печатью (слева внизу) демона Баела (Bael) — первого главного духа — Короля, правящего на Востоке, который управляет более чем 66 Легионами адских духов.
Другая печать на этой же карте ( внизу справа) тридцать седьмого духа, который называется Фенекс (Phenex). Он Великий Маркиз, появляется в виде птицы Феникс и имеет голос ребёнка. По сути, это конспект по Гоетии.
Конечно, работа с этой колодой требует специальных знаний и энергетической подготовки и рекомендуется людям ищущим и отважным, тем, кто не просто чувствует вибрации новой эпохи и понимает, что во Вселенной всё уравновешено: добро и зло, енохианские ангелы и архангелы и гоетические демоны.
О том, что такая колода существует я узнала на одном из магических форумов. Долго и безуспешно искала её. Приехав этим летом в Москву и встретившись с известным российском тарологом Анной Котельниковой, я наконец-то обрела заветные карты. Взяв в руки это ТАРО, я запела о радости! Так радуются, когда обретают что-то глубоко личное, сокровенное, желанное. Теперь эта колода не просто пополнит мою коллекцию; это прекрасная подсказка для гоетических экспериментов, которыми я намереваюсь заняться в самое ближайшее время.
Предсказывать на этих картах одно удовольствие, поскольку сразу же чувствуется незримое присутствие духов, которые помогают, охраняют, предостерегают.
Если Вы решитесь купить Таро Церемониальной магии, значит, Вы сделали первый шаг к знакомству с невидимым миром, к знакомству с магией.
Илана Сазонова (Мадин Ра) Sr. S. A
Проработка / Обсуждение Tarot of Ceremonial Magick — Таро Церемониальной Магии
Lizi Black: Tarot of Ceremonial Magick
Tarot of Ceremonial Magick: A Pictorial Synthesis of Three Great Pillars of Magick: Enochian, Goetia, Astrology. — частично можно почитать
МБК значения: Tarot of Ceremonial Magick — Таро Церемониальной Магии
Скачать перевод книги Таро церемониальной магии germopol.ru
By Lon and Constance DuQuette
Ceremonial Magick has been called the «Yoga of the West.» The goals of both systems are identical; self-mastery, illumination, and spiritual liberation. Each demands discipline, study, practice, and a willingness on the part of the aspirant to persevere tenaciously until these supreme goals are achieved. The Yogi does this by systematically withdrawing from (and shutting out) the outside, objective world in order to access a greater subjective internal «reality.» The magician, on the other hand, endeavors to access this internal «reality» by projecting it into the outside world and dealing objectively with its mysteries.
The Hebrew Qabalah forms the foundation upon which the Western Hermetic arts (Ceremonial Magick, Astrology, Geomancy, Tarot, even Palmistry) are constructed. Of the above, the tarot is the most perfect representation of the Qabalistic fundamentals and is the common denominator between all the various Hermetic arts. One could even say that the tarot is the DMA of the Qabalah. Properly decoded it reveals not only the secrets of the Qabalah but also the mysteries of all other Qabalah-based systems. In other words, by learning tarot properly, you simultaneously master the fundamentals of Qabalah, Astrology, and Ceremonial Magick.
The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick is the only tarot deck ever created that accurately incorporates the key elements of the two most popular and widely practiced varieties of Qabalah-based magick; the Enochian magick of Dr. John Dee, and Goetia. Each card is also a wealth of additional occult information including Astrological details, Tattwa meditation symbols, even I Ching hexagrams. In the space permitted we will briefly outline these unique features.
The 78 cards of the tarot are divided into the following four categories:
22 Trump Cards
· 16 Court Cards 4 Aces • 36 Small Cards THE 22 TRUMPS
The 22 Trumps correspond directly to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and their place upon the Qabalistic diagram called the «Tree of Life» (see figure below) and serve as paths that connect the ten sephiroth or divine emanations.
The Hebrew alphabet is divided into 3 categories:
3 Mother Letters — Aleph, Mem, Shin
7 Double Letters — Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Pe, Resh, and Tav
12 Simple Letters — Heh, Vav, Zain,
Cheth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzaddi, Qoph
Like the Hebrew alphabet, the 22 Tarot Trumps are also divided into the same 3 categories:
3 Primitive Elements: Air (Fool-Aleph), Water (Hanged Man-Mem), and Fire (Aeon-Shin) [The element of Earth is represented by the Universe Card which also represents the planet Saturn.]
7 Planets: Mercury (Magus-Beth), Moon (High Priestess-Gimel), Venus (Empress-Daleth), Jupiter (Fortune-Kaph), Mars (Tower-Pe), Sun (Sun-Resh), and Saturn (Universe-Tav).
12 Signs of the Zodiac: Aries (Emperor-Tzaddi), Taurus (Hierophant-Vav), Gemini (Lovers-Zain), Cancer (Chariot-Cheth), Leo (Lust-Teth), Virgo (Hermit-Yod), Libra (Justice-Lamed), Scorpio (Death-Nun), Sagittarius (Art-Samekh), Capricorn (Devil-Ayin), Aquarius (Star-Heh), Pisces (Moon-Qoph).
In addition to the above elemental, planetary, and zodiacal information, the 22 Trumps of the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick also display the magical seals of the Genii’s (spirits) of the Domarum Mercurii (House of Mercury), found on the bottom left of each Trump; and the magical seals of the Genii’s
of the Carcerorum Qliphoth (Prison of the Shells), displayed on the bottom right. These mysterious pairs of spirits first surfaced in occult literature with the publication of Aleister Crowley’s enigmatic Liber 231, and Liber 22. If evoked with skill, these spirits can serve as guides, counselors, and agents of the forces and dimensions represented by the Trumps.
After the Trumps, the remaining 56 cards are divided into four suits representing the four universal Elements: Wands (Fire), Cups (Water), Swords (Air), and Disks (Earth). [The fifth element, Spirit, is represented by the Aces] Each of the four suits corresponds to a letter of the Tetragrammaton, the great four-letter Name of God YHVH (commonly pronounced Jehovah). Each letter and suit also represents one of the four Qabalistic worlds. The highest is Atziluth, the Archetypal World (Wands); Briah, the Creative World (Cups), Yetzirah, World of Formation (Swords), and Assiah, the Material World (Disks).
THE 16 COURT CARDS There are four Court Cards in each suit; Knight, Queen, Prince, and Princess. These are often used in tarot readings to represent actual people, but each of the
Court Cards is also representative of one of the four elements.
The Knights represent the Fire aspect of their suits. The Queens represent the Water aspect of their suits. The Princes represent the Air aspect of their suits. The Princesses represent the Earth aspect of their suits.
The Knight of Wands, therefore, would represent the fiery aspect of the element of Fire; the Queen of Disks, the watery aspect of Earth; the Princess of Cups, the earthy aspect of Water, etc.
There is an exact parallel to the 4 Aces and 16 Court Cards of the tarot in the Enochian system of magick. In that ancient and powerful system there are four large tablets, representing the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. In the tarot, the 4 Aces serve the same function as the Elemental Tablets. Each of the Elemental Tablets contains 156 squares (12×13) upon which letters are inscribed. The letters make up the names of numerous angelic beings who can be called up or visited by the magician. Each of the Elemental Tablets is divided into four sections, representing Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. The sixteen subsections (subangles) of the Elemental Tablets
correspond directly to the 16 Court Cards of the tarot.
Examples: Knight of Wands is the Fire subangle of the Fire tablet. Queen of Disks is the Water subangle of the Earth tablet. Princess of Swords is the Earth subangle of the Air tablet.
In the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, the appropriate Enochian subangle is displayed at the bottom center of each Court Card. At the bottom left corner is found the appropriate square from the Enochian Tablet of Union (the Spirit Tablet). This master tablet of twenty squares rules the four Elemental Tablets and their sixteen subangles. No single tarot card represents the Tablet of Union. It is constructed by the 4 Aces and the 16 Court Cards.
By correctly arranging the various cards,
the operator can construct the entire elemental apparatus of the Enochian system and clearly see the names of the angelic beings inhabiting the cards.
ASTROLOGICAL ATTRIBUTIONS It should also be pointed out that the Knights, the Queens, and the Princes each rule 30 degrees of the Zodiac-from 20 degrees of one Sign to 20 degrees of the next. This information and the approximate days of the year covered by the 30 degree periods is displayed in the upper right corner of each of these Court Cards. Using this information the Significator in a tarot reading can be determined by the questioner’s birthday. Other individuals relevant to the reading can be similarly identified.
THE TATTWA SYMBOLS At the bottom right corner of each Court Card and Ace is the Hindu Tattwa meditation symbol. They are symbols of the elements that have been used in the East for millennia as objects of concentration and meditation. Adepts of the Golden Dawn used the figures to astrally project into the various elements by intently gazing at the appropriate Tattwa symbols then turning their gaze at a blank, neutral colored background. They then imagined themselves entering or projecting into the «ghost» image of the symbol. This is a disarmingly simple yet very effective astral
projection technique. The symbols are as follows: Fire, a red triangle, point up; Water, a silver crescent; Air, a blue circle; Earth, a yellow square. Spirit; a black egg. Examples: Knight of Cups (fire of water), a red triangle within a sliver crescent. Princess of Swords (earth of air), a yellow square in a blue circle. Ace of Wands (spirit of earth) a black egg in a red triangle.
The I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes) could be called the Qabalah of Eastern thought. The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick does not presume to act as a replacement to this venerable work and divinatory tool, but there are certain areas where the two most perfect of systems coincide. There are 64 hexagrams (figures made up of 6 lines, either broken or unbroken) in the I Ching. Each are made up of two Trigrams (figures made up of three lines, either broken or unbroken). There are eight such Trigrams; Male, Female; Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. The four elemental Trigrams perfectly parallel the four elements of the tarot.
When combined to form hexagrams (Fire of Fire, Water of Fire, Earth of Air, etc.), the resulting 16 figures perfectly match and help
define the 16 Court Cards. The hexagrams can be found on the upper left of each of the Court Cards and their titles and divinatory meanings can be found in the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick (Weiser, 1995) and a wide assortment of available texts.
The 4 Aces are the roots of their respective elements-not the manifested elements themselves, but the spirit and the seeds of the elements. They are above and quite apart from the other Small Cards and, with the Princesses, each rule a quadrant above the North Pole instead of degrees of the Zodiac.
As we have mentioned above, the 4 Aces are representative of the 4 Elemental Tablets of Enochian magick. The entire Elemental Tablet for each element is displayed in the upper left of each of the four Aces. At the lower left hand corner is found the ruling square from the Tablet of Union. The Enochian seal of the element is displayed bottom center, and the Tattwa symbol on the bottom right.
A MAGICK MICROSCOPE An easy way to think about the relationship between the cards and the Enochian system is to pretend you have a magick microscope. Put the Ace of Cups under your
microscope and you first see the Spirit of Water square of the Tablet of Union (H of HCOMA). Turn the magnification up and see the entire Elemental Tablet of Water. Switch the focus and you see that the Water Tablet is made up of the Knight, Queen, Prince, and Princess of Cups (the four subangles of the Water Tablet). Focus now on the Queen of Cups and you see that she is the Water subangle of the Water Tablet, etc.
Or turn the process around. Put the Spirit of Earth square from the Tablet of Union under your microscope and see the Ace of Disks and the entire Earth Tablet. Put the Fire subangle of the Air Tablet under your microscope and see the Knight of Swords, etc.
The remaining 36 cards are the Two’s through Ten’s of the 4 suits. The cards, with titles like LOVE, SORROW, ABUNDANCE, are often the most helpful in tarot readings because they appear to deal directly with the mundane matters of love, health, business, and the immediate future. While not ignoring the efficacy of the Small Cards as divinatory tools, the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick also uncovers a treasure house of hidden information that can be of invaluable aid to the student and practitioner of Magick. But before we dig for treasures we should
answer some very fundamental questions: Why are the Small Cards titled the way they are? Why is the Two of Cups called LOVE and the Three of Swords called SORROW? Why is the Five of Wands STRIFE but the Six of Wands VICTORY? Were the titles and attributes arbitrarily created somewhere in the dim past? Are they purely traditional? There is an answer.
The titles and meanings of the 36 Small Cards are determined by 3 Hermetic variables. The first two are Astrological and the third purely Qabalistic. Hang on, it’s easier than you think! Variable #1. Zodiacal Attribution.
Each of the 36 Small Cards represents 10 Degrees (1 Decan) of the Zodiac. In groups of three’s, the nine Wands represent the Fire Signs; the nine Cups represent the Water Signs; the nine Swords represent the Air Signs; and the nine Disks represent the Earth Signs.
2’s, 3’s, and 4’s — Cardinal Signs: Aries-Fire, Cancer-Water, Libra-Air, Capricorn-Earth.
5’s, 6’s, and 7’s — Fixed Signs: Leo-Fire, Scorpio-Water, Aquarius-Air, Taurus-Earth.
8’s, 9’s, and 10’s — Mutable Signs: Sagittarius-Fire, Pisces-Water, Gemini-Air, Virgo-Earth.
The exact degrees and the approximate days of the year that the cards represent are displayed in the upper right section of each of the Small Cards of the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. Starting at 0° Aries and placed in the following order, the entire year is chronologically represented: 2-3-4 of Wands-Aries, Cardinal Fire 5-6-7 of Disks-Taurus, Fixed Earth 8-9-10 of Swords-Gemini, Mutable Air 2-3-4 of Cups-Cancer, Cardinal Water 5-6-7 of Wands-Leo, Fixed Fire 8-9-10 of Disks-Virgo, Mutable Earth 2-3-4 of Swords-Libra, Cardinal Air 5-6-7 of Cups-Scorpio, Fixed Water 8-9-10 of Wands-Sagittarius, Mutable Fire 2-3-4 of Disks-Capricorn, Cardinal Earth 5-6-7 of Swords-Aquarius, Fixed Air 8-9-10 of Cups-Pisces, Mutable Water
The student is encouraged to lay out a great counter-clockwise circle using the Small Cards arranged in the above order. Then place the Knights, Queens, and Princes next to the 3 Small Cards which represent the same degrees and days of the year. In this way it is easy to see how the Court Cards rule the various Small Cards. Now place the Princesses and their respective Aces together in a cross or square in the center of your circle. Looking down at this
figure it is as though you are looking down upon the North Pole of the Earth, and the great circle of cards girdling the equator represents the belt of the Zodiac.
Variable #2. Planetary Attribution.
In addition to a Zodiacal attribution, a planet has been allocated to each of the 36 Small Cards. Beginning with 0° Leo (the traditional Chaldean start of year), and moving by decans through the year, the planets are assigned in the following traditional Qabalistic order: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. This pattern is repeated until all 36 decans have been assigned a planet.
[Note: As there are 7 planets and 36 decans, the ancient astrologers were faced with one left-over decan. This they corrected by repeating an assignment of Mars to both the last decan of winter (20°-30° Pisces, 10 of Cups), and the first decan of spring (0°-10° Aries, 2 of Wands) In this way they acknowledged an extra dose of the fiery energy of Mars which overcomes Winter’s momentum and ushers in the Spring.]
The planetary/zodiacal information is displayed in two areas of each of the Small Cards of the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, underneath the title at bottom center, and upon an Enochian Square taken from the
Grand Cross portion of the Elemental Tablets. This square is displayed in the upper left of each Small Card.
Now we have determined the first 2 variables in determining the title and characteristic of the Small Cards and can already tell a great deal about it. The Two of Wands, DOMINION, for example, has the astrological attribution of Mars in the very compatible Sign of Aries. The qualities of Dominion are manifested nicely by Mars in Aries. But there is one more variable to be considered before the true characteristic of each Small Card is determined-the number and suit of the card.
Variable #3. Position on the Tree of Life.
We recall that there are 4 Qabalistic worlds each representing a letter in the divine Name YHVH. We also recall that the 4 worlds correspond to the 4 suits of the tarot.
Each world is represented as a primal unity (Kether-Aces) that expresses itself in 10 emanations or sephiroth. As we discussed earlier, the 10 sephiroth are connected by 22 paths corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the Tarot Trumps. When put together in diagram form we have the figure called «The Tree of Life.» Each of the 4 Qabalistic worlds is represented by its own Tree of Life with unique attributes. The Aces represent the uppermost
sephirah of each tree and the remaining 9 Small Cards of each suit are placed as on the diagram below.
Each sephirah of the 4 descending Qabalistic worlds has its own traditional correspondences and attributes. The characteristics along with the astrological attributes of
each Small Card are weighed to determine the overall nature and title of each Small Card.
Examples: Five of Wands, STRIFE. Saturn (Restriction) in Leo (Power and fiery energy) in the 5th sephirah (Geburah, stress, disturbance) = Strife.
Six of Wands, VICTORY. Jupiter (the «Greater Fortune,» beneficent expansion and order) in Leo (Power and fiery energy) in the 6th Sephirah (Tiphareth, beauty, supreme balance) = Victory.
Each of the Small Cards can thus be worked out by considering the 3 variables as we have done above. THE ANGELS OF THE SHEMHAMPHORASH The 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash (divided Name of God) are the traditional Qabalistic rulers of the 36 Small Cards. Ruling in pairs, the angels can be called upon to bestow greater insight upon the inner meanings of each card, or can be evoked to manifest the energy represented by the cards. Their names are found just above the Goetic seals on the lower right and left of the card.
Along with the Enochian information, the inclusion of the 72 spirits of the Goetia on the 36 Small Cards is perhaps the most sig-
nificant feature of the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. Never before have the correct attributions of the spirits been incorporated into a deck of tarot cards. This information has been drawn from Aleister Crowley’s qabalis-tic masterpiece, 777 [cols. 155-166.] (Samuel Weiser, 1988)
Goetic evocation is one of the most popular and widely practiced forms of Western Ceremonial Magick. Space forbids us in this place to detail the attributes of the spirits. The reader is encouraged to learn more about Goetic evocation by reading GOETIA (Magickal Childe Publishing 1991), and the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick by Lon Milo DuQuette (Samuel Weiser, 1995).
The spirits of the Goetia are taken from the first book of the Lemegeton, commonly called the Lesser Key of Solomon and represent forces which in the middle ages were considered «fallen angels.» The modern magician, however, does not view the spirits in the same sinister light. Rather, they represent imbalanced and heretofore uncontrolled aspects of the magician him/herself, which, if properly called forth, controlled and directed, can be of immeasurable benefit, especially in mundane and material matters.
Like the angels of the Shemhamphorash, the spirits of the Goetia are assigned to the
Small Cards in pairs, one for the day (found on the lower left) and one for the night (found on the lower right). The name of each spirit surrounds the seal and is read by starting with the top letter and reading clockwise.
It is easy to see the almost limitless applications of the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. First and foremost is a simple tarot reading requiring no application of any of the Ceremonial Magick aspects of the cards. Using only the descriptive titles and perhaps a little of the Astrological data to determine the Significator, the cards are perfect for beginner and expert alike. If you wish to perform an Enochian or Goetic evocation, a simple spread can tell you which spirit would be appropriate to call and the days of the year sacred to that spirit. When working Enochian Magick the cards can be used to locate appropriate angels and the Tattwa symbol on the corresponding card and be used to astrally project into that elemental sphere.
Perhaps most importantly the cards are a powerful learning tool which can enable you to easily learn the intricacies of Magick and Qabalah while working with the tarot.
There are literally thousands of ways to «read» the tarot cards. The spread we present below is among the simplest to master. The important thing to remember is consistency. Once you find a spread that you are comfortable with, stick to it. The efficacy of your readings will only be diluted if you constantly change spreads.
Before beginning it is necessary to choose the Significator. The Significator is a card, usually a Court Card, that is used to represent you or the questioner. In the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick it can be the Court Card that represents the birthday of the questioner.
Prior to any divinatory operation it is important to take a moment to attune yourself and the questioner to the great intelligences with whom you wish to communicate. The adepts of the Golden Dawn created a brief yet effective invocation of these universal agencies which we quote below: Take the cards in your left hand. With the right hand, hold the wand over them (or simply hold the right hand over them) say:
/ invoke thee, IAO, that thou wilt send HRU, the great Angel that is set over the
operations of this secret Wisdom, to lay his hand invisibly upon these consecrated cards of art, that thereby we may obtain true knowledge of hidden things to the glory of thine ineffable Name. Amen.
Shuffle the cards thoroughly for about two minutes, while calmly concentrating on the question. Then set the deck face down upon the table and cut it into two piles (or have the questioner cut it). Place the bottom pile on top.
Turn the entire deck face up on the table. Carefully fan the cards out from left to right in a large horseshoe. Without disturbing the order of the cards locate the Significator. Being careful to keep the cards in order, take the Significator and all the cards to its right to form a stack. (While this stack is still face up, the Significator should be the bottom card.) Now, again being careful to keep the cards in order, restack the left portion of the horseshoe and place it face up upon the right stack. Now turn the whole deck face down. (The Significator should now be the first card you turn over in the reading.)
Pick the Significator and lay it face up with no comment. The next card in the deck will be the first card (1) of the reading. Turn it over, lay it upon the Significator and say: «This card covers you and represents the general influences that surround the situation.»
Turn over the second card and lay it across the first, (position 2 in the diagram) saying: «This card crosses you and shows the opposing forces, whether for good or for ill.»
Turn over the third card and place it above the first card saying: «This crowns you and represents your conscious thoughts in the matter.»
Turn over the fourth card and place it below the first card saying: «This card shows your unconscious thoughts in the matter.»
Turn over the fifth card and place it to the left of the first card saying: «This is behind you and represents the influences that have
just passed or that are now passing away.»
Turn over the sixth card and place it to the right of the first card saying: «This is before you and shows the influences that will be operating in the near future.»
Turn over the seventh card and place it to the far right of the fourth card (see diagram) saying: «This card represents yourself.»
Turn over the eighth card and place it directly above the seventh saying: «This shows your environment.»
Turn over the ninth card and place it directly above the eighth saying: «This card represents your hopes and fears in the matter.»
Turn over the tenth and final card and place it directly above the ninth saying: «This card tells the final outcome of the matter, the total result of all the influences exerted by the other cards.»
A majority of Wands indicates great energy; Cups, emotional matters; Swords, trouble, or health matters; Disks, business or financial matters; Trumps, powerful forces beyond the questioner’s control; Court Cards, social matters; Aces, great strength.
0. FOOL. Air. In spiritual matters: The beginning of the Great Work. Divine innocence.
Foolishness is holiness. The Holy Ghost descends when opposites are balanced. In matters of the heart: A fool for love. A stranger competes publicly for the hand of the beloved. In intellectual matters: Divine madness. Reason is transcended. In material matters: Folly. Gain or loss through foolish action.
1. MAGUS. Mercury. In spiritual matters: Unconscious will. The process of continuous creation. In matters of the heart: Ambiguity. Deception. All things may not be as they appear. In intellectual matters: Concentration, meditation. The mind is used to direct the will. In material matters: Manipulation. Communication. The guileful maneuverings of a business transaction.
2. HIGH PRIESTESS. Moon. In spiritual matters: Symbol of the highest initiation. The link between the archetypal and formative worlds. In matters of the heart: An initiatrix. Wooing by enchantment. In intellectual matters: The idea behind the form. Possibility. In material matters: Fluctuation. Change. Time may not be right for decision concerning mundane affairs.
3. EMPRESS. Venus. In spiritual matters: The Holy Grail. Love unites the will. In matters of the heart: Love. Beauty. Friendship. Success. Romance. In intellectual matters:
Passive balance. The feminine point of view. In material matters: The door is open. Disregard the details and concentrate on the big picture.
4. EMPEROR. Aries. In spiritual matters: Creative wisdom radiating upon the organized man or woman. In matters of the heart: Domination after conquest. Quarrelsomeness. Paternal love. In intellectual matters: Ambition. Thought ruled by creative, masculine, fiery energy. Stubbornness. In material matters: War. Authority. Energy in its most temporal form. Swift, impermanent action. Overconfidence.
5. HIEROPHANT. Taurus. In spiritual matters: The Holy Guardian Angel. The uniting of that which is above with that which is below. In matters of the heart: Love is indicated, but the nature of that love is yet to be revealed. In intellectual matters: Inspiration. Teaching. Organization. Discipline. In material matters: Strength. Endurance. Toil. Help from superiors.
6. LOVERS. Gemini. In spiritual matters: Intuition. Be open to your own inner voice. In matters of the heart: A well intended, arranged marriage. An artificial union. In intellectual matters: Analysis followed by synthesis. In material matters: Indecision. Instability. Superficiality.
7. CHARIOT. Cancer. In spiritual matters: Light in the Darkness. The burden you carry may be the Holy Grail. In matters of the heart: Faithfulness. Hope. Obedience. A protective relationship. In intellectual matters: Firm, even violent adherence to dogma or tradition. In material matters: Victory. Triumph. Chain of command.
8. JUSTICE. Libra. In spiritual matters: Equilibrium. Karmic law. The dance of life. All possibilities. In matters of the heart: A woman satisfied. In intellectual matters: Balance. Weigh each thought against its opposite. In material matters: Lawsuits. Treaties. Pause and look before you leap.
9. HERMIT. Virgo. In spiritual matters: Divine seed of all things. By silence comes inspiration & wisdom. In matters of the heart: Wandering alone. Temporary solitude. In intellectual matters: Creative contemplation. In material matters: A virgin. Retirement from involvement in current events.
10. FORTUNE. Jupiter. In spiritual matters: Continual change. In the midst of revolving phenomena reach joyously the motionless center. In matters of the heart: Carefree love, wanton pleasure. In intellectual matters: Amusement, fun. In material matters: Change of fortune, usually good.
11. LUST. Leo. In spiritual matters: Understanding. The Will of the New Aeon. In matters of the heart: Passion. Sense smitten with ecstasy. Let love devour all. In intellectual matters: Energy independent of reason. In material matters: Strength. Courage. Utilization of magical power.
12. HANGED MAN. Water. In spiritual matters: Redemption through sacrifice. Annihilation of Self in the Beloved. In matters of the heart: Martyrdom. Loss. In intellectual matters: Torment. Reversal. In material matters: Suspension. Death. Suffering.
13. DEATH. Scorpio. In spiritual matters: End of a cycle. Transformation. In matters of the heart: Raw sexuality. «Sex is Death.» In intellectual matters: Stress becomes intolerable. Any change is welcome. In material matters: Time. Age. Unexpected change. Death.
14. ART. Sagittarius. In spiritual matters: Transmutation through union of opposites. In matters of the heart: A perfect marriage exalts and transforms each partner. In intellectual matters: The scientific method. In material matters: Success follows complex maneuvers.
15. DEVIL. Capricorn. In spiritual matters: «Thou hast no right but to do thy will.» In matters of the heart: Obsession. Temptation. Ecstasy found in every phenomenon. In intellectual matters: Creative action, yet sublimely careless of result. In material matters: Materiality. Unscrupulous ambition. Strength.
16. TOWER. Mars. In spiritual matters: Escape from the prison of organized life. In matters of the heart: Renunciation of love. Quarreling. In intellectual matters: Plans are destroyed. In material matters: War. Danger. Sudden death.
17. STAR. Aquarius. In spiritual matters: Clairvoyance. Visions. Dreams. In matters of the heart: Hope. Love. Yearning. In intellectual matters: Realization of inexhaustible possibilities. Dreaminess. In material matters: Unexpected help. Renewal.
18. MOON. Pisces. The interpretation of this card is especially sensitive to the influence of the surrounding cards in the reading. In spiritual matters: The Dark Night of the Soul. In matters of the heart: Deception, falsehood. Bewilderment. In intellectual matters: Illusion. Madness. In material matters: The threshold of significant change.
19. SUN. Sun. In spiritual matters: The Lord of the New Aeon. Spiritual emancipation. In matters of the heart: Pleasure. Shamelessness. Vanity. In intellectual matters: Frankness. Freedom brings sanity. In material matters: Glory. Riches. Enlightened civilization.
20. AEON. Fire/Spirit. In spiritual matters: Let every act be an act of worship. In matters of the heart: Let every act be an act of love. In intellectual matters: Final decision. Judgment. In material matters: Learn from the past. Prepare for the future.
21. UNIVERSE. Saturn/Earth. In spiritual matters: Completion of the Great Work. In matters of the heart: Patience. Perseverance. Stubbornness. In intellectual matters: Long, continued meditation. In material matters: Work accomplished. Reward. The end of the matter.
Suit of Wands
ACE OF WANDS: Root of the Powers of Fire. Primordial energy as yet unmanifest. Seed of the will. Masculine archetype. Natural force. Beginnings.
TWO OF WANDS: Dominion. First manifestation of Fire. Ideal will, independent and creative. Control over circumstances.
THREE OF WANDS: Established Strength. Success. Harmony following struggle.
FOUR OF WANDS: Perfected Work. Completion. Order. Limitation. By tact and gentleness a strived-for goal is achieved.
FIVE OF WANDS: Strife. Stress. Destruction. Purgation preceding renewal. Conflict. Quarreling. Vigorous, even violent belligerency.
SIX OF WANDS: Victory. Exultation after struggle. Harmony. Beauty. Stability. Perfect balance. Accomplishment. Gain.
SEVEN OF WANDS: Valour. Equilibrium disturbed. Loss of confidence. Difficulties requiring courage and tenacity to overcome.
EIGHT OF WANDS: Swiftness. Sudden flash of activity; too much too soon. Speech. Electricity. A telephone call, letter, or message.
NINE OF WANDS: Great Strength. Recovered balance and health. Success follows struggle. Change is stability. TEN OF WANDS: Oppression. Blind force. Violent energy. Obstinate cruelty. Self devouring lust of result. KNIGHT OF WANDS: Fire of Fire. A proud, generous man. Sometimes impulsive or brutal. Action, but indicates failure if not successful on first try.
QUEEN OF WANDS: Water of Fire. A generous, attractive woman with a great capacity for love, but on her own terms. Sometimes fickle, obstinate and melancholic. Constructive work under the guidance of another.
PRINCE OF WANDS: Air of Fire. An impetuous young man, strong and energetic. A practical joker. Can be a cowardly braggart, sadistic and callous. Struggling against the odds, but winning in the very long run.
PRINCESS OF WANDS: Earth of Fire. A reckless, extremely individualistic young woman, ambitious and self-centered. Sometimes domineering, vindictive and irrational. «Know that when you play with me, you play with fire.»
Suit of Cups
ACE OF CUPS: Root of the Powers of Water. Primordial receptivity. Seed of love. Feminine archetype. Inspiration. TWO OF CUPS: Love. First manifestation of water. Perfect harmony between male and female. Ecstasy, joy.
THREE OF CUPS: Abundance. Love bears fruit. Bounty. Enjoy, but mistrust the good things in life.
FOUR OF CUPS: Blended Pleasure. Luxury. Seed of the decay of pleasure. Weakness, surrender to desire.
FIVE OF CUPS: Loss in Pleasure. Disappointment in love or pleasure. Expected pleasure thwarted.
SIX OF CUPS: Pleasure. Harmony. Ease. Fertility. Not the gratification of artificial
desires, but the fulfillment of the true sexual will. One of the best cards in the deck.
SEVEN OF CUPS: Illusionary Success. Debauch. Addiction. False pleasure. External splendor, internal corruption. Guilt. Deception.
EIGHT OF CUPS: Abandoned Success. Indolence. Unpleasantness. Sorrow plagues pleasure.
NINE OF CUPS: Material Happiness. Good fortune. Joy. Gladness. Self-fulfillment.
TEN OF CUPS: Perfected Success. Satiety. One’s cup runneth over and stains the carpet.
KNIGHT OF CUPS: Fire of Water. An amiable man of innocence and purity, a dilettante. May be passive-aggressive in temperament, and tormented by conflicting elements of his nature. Failure, unless extraordinary good fortune intervenes.
QUEEN OF CUPS: Water of Water. An inscrutable woman, attractive and popular; completely reflective of every impression she receives. Beware of flattery; others see only themselves in you.
PRINCE OF CUPS: Air of Water. A mysterious, subtle, intensely passionate man, without conscience as ordinarily understood. Can be the victim of his own over-reaching
ambition. The essentials of success are goodwill, sincerity and right mating.
PRINCESS OF CUPS: Earth of Water. An extraordinarily gracious young woman who effortlessly radiates all sweetness voluptuousness and romance. A symbiotic relationship.
Suit of Swords
ACE OF SWORDS: Root of the Powers of Air. Primordial intelligence. Seed of the mind. Invoked force for good or for ill.
TWO OF SWORDS: Peace Restored. First manifestation of air. Equilibrium abiding above disruption. Dormant antagonism.
THREE OF SWORDS: Sorrow. Profound melancholy engendering either depression or wisdom. Secrecy. Perversion.
FOUR OF SWORDS: Rest from Strife. Truce. Compromise. Tension is relaxed through submission to militaristic discipline and dogma. Refuge from sorrow.
FIVE OF SWORDS: Defeat. Failure. Inadequate energy to maintain peace. Reason is undone by sentiment. SIX OF SWORDS: Earned Success. Intellectual endeavors rewarded. Equilibrium of mental and moral faculties. «The method of science, the aim of religion.»
SEVEN OF SWORDS: Unstable Effort. Futility. Indecisiveness. Appeasement. Swimming against the tide. Insufficient energy and will to complete the task.
EIGHT OF SWORDS: Shortened Force. Interference. Being good-natured at the wrong time. Unexpected bad luck. Energy wasted on unimportant details.
NINE OF SWORDS: Despair & Cruelty. Mental anguish. Nothing furthers. Both the acceptance of martyrdom and unrelenting revenge.
TEN OF SWORDS: Ruin. Madness. Disaster which may signal the end of delusion.
KNIGHT OF SWORDS: Fire of Air. A delicate man, yet active, fierce and courageous; often the victim of his own shortsightedness or ill-conceived notions. Attack.
QUEEN OF SWORDS: Water of Air. An aggressive woman, keenly perceptive. In action, confident; in spirit, gracious and just. Graceful, perhaps a dancer. Sometimes cruel, deceitful, and unreliable. Support comes from seemingly unsuitable sources.
PRINCE OF SWORDS: Air of Air. An ambivalent young man, bright yet unfocused. A fanatic, easily attracted to fads, cults, causes and drugs. Can be overcautious, indecisive and unreliable. Success possible, but only through the aid of an intelligence greater than your own.
PRINCESS OF SWORDS: Earth of Air. An aggressive woman with great cleverness in the management of practical affairs and the settlement of controversies. Can be anxiety ridden and crushed by responsibilities, especially those of family. Sometimes it is okay to abandon responsibilities.
Suit of Disks
ACE OF DISKS: Root of the Powers of Earth. Primordial matter. Seed of the material universe. Sun and earth, spirit and flesh united.
TWO OF DISKS: Change. First manifestation of earth. Perpetual change maintains stability.
THREE OF DISKS: Material Works. Constructive energy. Crystallization of forces. Job. Concentrated effort rewarded now or in the future.
FOUR OF DISKS: Earthly Power. Unaggressive mastery over purely material circumstances. Security within protective walls. Law and order.
FIVE OF DISKS: Material Trouble. Worry. Anxiety over money. Loss of job or source of income. Prolonged inaction produces intense strain. Fundamental instability.
SIX OF DISKS: Material Success. Investment of labor or resources results in high yields. A settling down. Temporary success.
SEVEN OF DISKS: Success Unfulfilled. Expected profits turn into loss or even liabilities.
EIGHT OF DISKS: Prudence. «Saving for a rainy day.» Plant your garden and wait. Retiring as a positive maneuver.
NINE OF DISKS: Material Gain. Considerable increase of fortune. Reap what you’ve sown and relax. Popularity. Good luck and good management. Inheritance.
TEN OF DISKS: Wealth. Material prosperity. Recycle wealth by acquisitions and philanthropy. If properly applied, true wisdom and perfect happiness.
KNIGHT OF DISKS: Fire of Earth. A sturdy man with good instincts, a breadwinner, perhaps a farmer. Unintellectual, laborious, preoccupied with material things. Can be shortsighted, stupid and superstitious. Use your instincts. Success results from imitating nature.
QUEEN OF DISKS: Water of Earth. A quiet, practical woman, affectionate, domesticated and kind. Often shyly lustful. May attempt to seek relief from drudgery by alcohol or drugs. Quietly move forward. No need to battle circumstances.
PRINCE OF DISKS: Air of Earth. An energetic and competent man, steadfast, trustworthy, ingenious; both the jack and the master of all trades. Almost emotionless, he may appear insensitive. Gradual liberation from repressive conditions.
PRINCESS OF DISKS: Earth of Earth. A strong and beautiful woman, perhaps a mother. Ideal projection of womanhood. So all-encompassing in her attributes she may appear confusingly inconsistent. She rests and awaits the future. The threshold of transformation.