Oceanic Tarot — Таро Океана

Характеристика Oceanic Tarot — Таро Океана
Вариант русскоязычного названия: Океаническое таро
Автор: Wallace Jayne, Jane Delaford-Taylor
Художник: Jane Delaford-Taylor
Издательство: CICO Books
Производство: Англия
Состав: 78 карт + 64 стр. книга на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 8х13 см
Год: 2016
ISBN: 9781782493396
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: волшебные существа (русалки, морские существа)
Аннотация: Откройте для себя древнее искусство прорицания на Таро с этим прекрасным тематическим набором из 78 карт и сопроводительной книгой, потрясающе проиллюстрированной Джейн Делафорд-Тейлор. Традиционные старшие и младшие арканы переведены в волшебный мир русалок, мифов и морских существ. Книга раскрывает интерпретации для каждой карты, а также объясняет, как раскладывать карты для разных типов чтения, поэтому вы легко узнаете, как извлечь уроки из прошлого, получить представление о настоящем и предсказать будущее.
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Обзор Oceanic Tarot — Таро Океана
Океаническое Таро — это русалочная тематическая колода из 78 карт. Старшие арканы — это милые карты с русалочками, в то время как младшие арканы — это простые неиллюстрированные карты с морской тематикой в мастях: Дельфины (Чаши), Морские Черепахи (Пентаклей), Акулы (Мечи) и Морские коньки (Жезлы).
Обзор колоды от автора Jayne Wallace (англ. язык):
МБК значения: Oceanic Tarot — Таро Океана
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Oceanic Tarot Course THE MAJOR ARCANA
The major arcana cards highlight important decision-points and events in your life. The major arcana’s 22 cards are numbered from 0, The Fool, to XXI, The World. Each card’s meaning in the following interpretations is repeated on the physical card too, so in time, you may feel comfortable working with just the cards, rather than using the book to look up the meanings as you go.
If you’re new to tarot, you may like to lay out the whole of the major arcana in front of you. Beginning with 0, the Fool and ending with The World, the sequence can be seen as a story of life beginning (The Fool), transformation (with Death, card XIII) and rebirth (shown by The World, card XXI); this circle of life and its continual renewal is symbolised by the infinity symbol, or figure-eight, which appears on card II, The High Priestess and card XIV, The Angel of the Ocean.
You can practice using just the major arcana cards at first for your readings, as a way to get to know them, before moving on to read with the full deck. Also, try using the majors for your daily advice card, which helps you learn the meaning of a new card each day of the week, building your repertoire of knowledge.
0The Fool
Keywords: Risk, innocence, a departure, a new path, discovery, journeys, starting over
The Fool is the tarot’s dreamer; he takes a spectacular dive from a cliff-top into an enchanted ocean, not knowing what lays beyond. His youth and his dreams will lead him into deep waters of discovery. While this is the beginning of a great adventure, the merman’s journey also involves a risk: will he survive his ordeal? A small dolphin, who knows these waters well, acts as his guide.
Message: New beginning
You are on the brink of a new path in life, and a wonderful opportunity awaits. Now is the time to follow your destiny – in work and in relationships. Before you follow your heart’s desire, pay attention to two things: be practical, and check that your dream is tangible and realistic; and listen to you intuition, which, like the dolphin, will safely guide you forward. Keep the focus on your goals, rather than be distracted by others’ opinions and needs. This is your time to reinvent yourself, and there’s a bright future ahead in exciting new territory. The Fool can also show a physical journey over land or sea.
Time to look before you leap, if you like what you see, dive right in
1The Magician
Keywords: New enterprises, communication, energy, creativity, travel, money, support
The Oceanic Magician is the commander of the deep. He calls forward the dolphin, sea horse, shark, and sea turtle; these are the four creatures of the minor arcana. On his table are the four traditional suit emblems: the cup, wand, sword, and pentacle. His left palm is open, showing he is a manifested or alchemist — one who weaves magic with the energies of spirit, the earth, and the ocean.
Meaning: Manifestation
The Magician looks directly into your eyes to ask, ‘What can you make happen?’ All the conditions for your future success are perfect, so now is the right time to take action. You have the resources and talent to attract whatever you want, from a new relationship to a business enterprise, project, or trip. Above all, The Magician sees you in the creative flow of life, full of energy and purpose. Communication speeds up when The Magician appears, so you may find you’re talking and texting more than usual, and at work, presenting your ideas. You’ll also find that others support your efforts.
The time is now – take action, and you will find success.
2The High Priestess
Keywords: Wisdom, secrets, discretion, teaching, spiritual work, vision, dreams
The High Priestess is the wise woman of the ocean. Her oracle is the infinity symbol, which reveals to her the secrets of never-ending flow of energy. In her left hand is scroll of wisdom, for her knowledge of this world and beyond, also symbolized by the two pillars — a magical portal. Over her third eye is a pendant pearl, for insight and wisdom.
Meaning: Intuition
The High Priestess indicates that it’s time for learning, so she can represent a teacher or spiritual guide. If you are reading for another person, it can show that they are ready to open up spiritually, or to find an educational course. An additional meaning is needing to spend some time alone, and to connect with your inner self. There may be a secret around you, or a new situation that is yet to unfold. Someone may take you into their confidence.
Keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself just now, and respect others’ secrets as well as your own. Take time for your spiritual interests and listen to your intuition. The right teacher will appear when you are ready for the lesson.
3Queen of the Ocean
Keywords: Growth, nurturing, home, love, fertility, comfort, generosity
The Oceanic Queen is the partner of card IV, The King of the Ocean (see page xx). An ocean goddess, she is the embodiment of feminine power and fertility. She understands the rhythms of nature and lives in harmony and comfort: her left palm is open, to receive the blessings of life, while her right hand, which holds her scepter, offers love unconditionally, as a mother to a child. Glowing with light, the emerald scepter signifies healing, nurturing, and love, while the oyster pearls signify wisdom.
Meaning: Abundance
The Queen of the Ocean is the mother card of the tarot, bringing happiness and abundance. She predicts contentment: a loving partner, family, and comfort, and reassures you that your needs will be taken care of; if you have suffered financial setbacks recently, money will flow again. Old feuds will be forgotten, and harmony rules at home. An additional meaning is spiritual growth, emotional stability, and creativity. The Queen also favors fertility, pregnancy, and children. As a person, she is the female partner, mother, or mother figure.
It’s time to grow and evolve: enjoy and invest time in your relationships, your home, your spiritual practice, and new creative projects.
4King of the Ocean
Keywords: The father, protection, wisdom, organisation, authority, leadership, boundaries
The father-figure of the tarot, The King of the Ocean is the partner of card III, The Queen of the Ocean (see page xx). He represents the traditional values of the mature man: order, authority and protection. His regal throne, carved from rock, shows he is steadfast in his purpose and will hold fast to his territory if opposed; he does not take the easy option. He rules wisely, and protects those he cares for. The crystal scepter in his left hand symbolizes his power.
Meaning: Order
The King of the Ocean is a symbol of order, so if chaos has ruled recently, know that order and balance will soon be restored. If any boundaries have been crossed, you will be able to reassert your territory, and for this reason, he reveals an end to disputes. At home, you’ll soon be getting more organized and at work, good leadership and management reign. As a person, The King is the ideal partner, or he stands for a father, or father figure.
It’s time to get your work, finances, or home in order, and take control to protect your assets. You have the power!
5The High Priest
Keywords: Education, traditional beliefs, ceremonies, unity, marriage, values, authority
The High Priest is the spiritual leader of the Oceanic realm. The crook in his left hand shows his role within the church; he is the shepherd of his flock, or congregation. Like his spiritual partner, The High Priestess (see page xx), he stands at a portal between the realm of the divine and the world of mankind. His right hand is open, offering wisdom and knowledge.
Meaning: Wisdom
Orthodox religion, marriage and ceremonies, wisdom and powerful leadership are the gifts of the High Priest. A man of learning, The High Priest also suggests that education may be an option for you now. He also predicts unity, in two ways: in body, mind and soul, so you feel connected to your intuition and close to your guides; and secondly, he represents the unity of two people as they come together as one. An additional meaning of the card is convention and tradition, but if this isn’t for you, you may feel restricted by other’s traditional beliefs.
Listen to your inner wisdom, which will guide you toward a new educational path, belief, or teacher.
6The Lovers
Keywords: Love, commitment, future plans, maturity, dedication, emotions, separation
A mermaid and merman embrace, their tails entwined. The couple seems perfect for one another, but look closely, and their relationship is not yet resolved. While the merman appears absorbed in his beloved, the mermaid is distracted: her color is blue, for coldness, and she looks away from his gaze. This symbolizes the dilemma of The Lovers. There is great potential here for love, but a decision, or commitment, needs to be made.
Meaning: Choices
There’s a mature decision to make as you reach a turning point. You may need to make an investment in the future (a financial plan, buying a home, or moving for work, for example) and the choice isn’t straightforward. In relationships, you bond and commit, or walk away. An additional meaning of the card for those who are single is being ready for a new, serious love relationship — love is coming.
Make your choice based on your long-term future rather than short-term gains. In love, wait for the right person rather than distract yourself with flirtations.
7The Chariot
Keywords: Journeys, determination, willpower, progress, friction, guidance, protection
The charioteer is the travelling warrior of the tarot. He holds a trident to guide him on his journey, and two sea horses carry him forward. He needs only one hand on the reins to control their direction — his willpower and determination power him onward and keep his chariot moving in the right direction. In his chariot of sea shells, he is protected; the shell also symbolizes his personality, or the outer persona he shows to the world.
Meaning: Movement
It’s time to make serious progress. Travel is favored now, as are moves connected with work; the card is also a general sign that every aspect of your life will surge forward. However, balance is needed, and you may need to treat people around you with care, as this is a card of energy rather than sensitivity. The card reveals that good timing and being aware of your ego will be essential if you’re to keep your show on the road. An additional meaning of the card is acquiring a new car or other vehicle.
It’s time to actively move forward with your plans. Keep that ego in check when you need to, and enjoy this time of power and motivation.
Keywords: Calm, decisions, integrity, truth, legal issues, support, vindication
Justice holds the traditional scales of mercy and the sword of retribution, symbolizing fair judgment. Justice brings strength, healing past hurts or wrongdoing, restoring balance.
Meaning: Balance
A decision will be made and, provided you have acted fairly in the past, it will go in your favor. This can relate to a legal claim, a decision at work, or a relationship or family matter. When Justice appears, you can expect to find out the truth of a situation; through this, you find healing and closure.
Today you may need to make a decision, weighing up your options to find a fair and balanced way forward. True justice is restorative, so the card also suggests you will feel vindicated and stronger within yourself. An additional meaning of the card is that your spirit guides and angels are supporting you on your life’s path.
Take a practical approach; if you need to make a decision, go with what is realistic rather than idealistic; the solution doesn’t need to be perfect, just workable. If a decision is made by others that affects you, accept it is the best they can do at this time.
9The Hermit
Keywords: Thought, retreat, travel, inner journeys, solitude, seclusion, protection
The Hermit is the tarot’s wise man. His arms folded, he sits in seclusion from the world, content in his thoughts and the wisdom he has gained through his many experiences. He is content within his inner self, and protected in his own world. A thinker, the jellyfish around him are symbols of his enlightened mind. He travels inwardly, intellectually or spiritually, to find the answers he seeks, which give him peace and understanding.
Meaning: Contemplation
Reflection and quiet time are important now. You may need to study, contemplate, or simply spend time alone to process all that has happened recently. This may be a welcome retreat or you may feel lonely, depending on your circumstances. However you experience The Hermit’s solitary influence, know that you are guided by your inner light; you won’t get lost in your thoughts, or be alone forever. An additional meaning of the card is distancing yourself from certain relationships that may be overwhelming you.
Try not to resist aloneness. It gives you time for contemplation and healing, to find the answers you need, and know yourself more deeply.
10The Wheel of Fortune
Keywords: Fate, luck, the unexpected, movement, change, crossroads, clairvoyance
The Wheel of Fortune shows a whirlpool of flowing energy; eight fish swim around its centre in continual motion. The number eight stands for change, and it is also the shape of the figure-eight, which signifies infinity — life and its renewal. The fishes’ clockwise motion represents a turn toward the future, as fate steps in and puts us on a new, and perhaps unexpected, path.
Meaning: Destiny
All aspects of your life are boosted with the Wheel as you move forward and allow fate to take you in your destined life direction. The card also shows you will be feeling generally optimistic, and able to make the most of your luck, turning unexpected opportunities into great decisions that change everything for the better. An additional meaning of the card is clairvoyance, so your intuition is heightened, or that the person you are reading for is developing spiritually, too.
The Wheel is not so much a ‘doing’ card as a ‘receiving’ card — so enjoy and appreciate the good fortune that comes to you now. Go with the flow.
Keywords: Courage, patience, endurance, risk, balance, opposition, vitality
A merman holds open a fishing net, full of thrashing fish. Rather than rip the net apart to free them immediately, he holds his position, which takes strength. He controls the creatures’ release into the ocean, understanding their need for freedom while protecting himself, so he is not overpowered or harmed by them.
Meaning: Stability
This card shows patience in the face of conflict; you standing your ground rather than being overwhelmed. What opposes you is lower than you — this may be your own fear, guilt or other emotions that shake your confidence, or a person who is acting in an unreasonable way by projecting these emotions on to you. Showing compassion while keeping your personal boundaries strong, and refusing to be taken advantage of, is the strength of your character. An additional meaning of the card is literally, physical strength — a return to vitality.
Stand firm, be calm, and take the higher moral ground. This situation is a test of your character, and you are resilient and patient enough to withstand ongoing challenges without panic or a compromise that doesn’t feel right.
12The Hanged Man
Keywords: Waiting, time, frustration, sacrifice, insight, purpose, viewpoints
A merman is entwined in a kelp forest. He is suspended upside down, but rather than struggle, his arms are outstretched; he seems to have found balance in his body and peace within. Regardless of his strange predicament, his is comfortable in his position. Rays of light are cast upon him from above, a symbol of light and protection.
Meaning: Limbo
When The Hanged Man arrives in your reading, you cannot move forward. Stuck in limbo, you may be waiting for a decision to be made, or generally feel that some aspects of your life are on hold as relationships and projects remain static. This lack of control can leave you frustrated, and you may decide to reach a compromise rather than hang around much longer. However, The Hanged Man asks you to stay calm and think through your options rather than rush to find an instant way out of a bind. This need not be time wasted after all.
Use this waiting time to see your situation in a new light, and find alternative perspectives. You may find an ingenious solution, or gain a valuable insight.
Keywords: Rebirth, endings, change, beginnings, release, relief, conclusions
This scene may look dismal at first glance — a shipwreck complete with predatory sharks, which symbolise there’s no going back to our ship, or our old ways of living. The sinking of the ship in a tempest shows the power of the elements over our human lives. The wreck, though holds treasure — a treasury of knowledge — and the little fish swimming in the foreground show that life goes on. Endings bring new beginnings and insights.
Meaning: Transformation
Death does not reveal physical death. It expresses a great change in your life, a transformation that is essential if you’re to begin a new phase. Whatever you no longer need is taken from you; death is necessary for something new to be born. This may be unsatisfying work, a stuck relationship, or anything that constitutes old ways of being — including habits that no longer serve you. For this reason, Death clears away confusion, and brings a situation to a natural conclusion. From this point onwards, new people, ideas, and opportunities enter your life; a new era beckons.
Let what will be will be. Rather than resist the change that needs to happen, embrace it.
14The Angel of the Ocean
Keywords: Balance, reconciliation, patience, flow, compassion, finances, angels
The mermaid is of the ocean, but her lilac wings reveal she is also an angel of heaven: she lives in water but breathes air. The infinity symbol, the figure-eight, flows around her, showing that her purpose is to harmonize the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of life. Holding a cup firmly in each hand, she symbolizes strength and balance.
Meaning: Healing
This is the card of the healer, negotiator, manager, or parent, who must soothe a tempest of demands to keep the peace. To do this, you may need the patience of a saint — or an angel. To support you, The Angel of the Ocean asks you to look to your spiritual side to see the lesson your situation offers you, rather than become overwhelmed by others’ emotions or stressed out by their complaints or needs. An additional meaning is healing past trauma, balancing mind and body, or balancing your finances, so budgeting and financial planning may take priority now. Also, The Angel of the Ocean can be a sign of angelic guidance; know that your angels are here to protect you through this demanding time.
You’ll need to work a little magic now to reconcile opposites. Be patient and compassionate, and you will get everything done.
15The Vortex
Keywords: Choices, contracts, control, power, affairs, restriction, addiction
Caught in a vortex spinning out of control, a mermaid reaches for the ocean’s surface, while a merman is trapped towards the vortex’s tail. They cannot see the source of the vortex; it may be a storm at sea, a hurricane or cyclone, but its power over them feels absolute. Yet the waters outside the funnel of the vortex — a symbol of emotional turmoil — appear calm and unaffected by their struggle.
Meaning: Temptation
The Vortex reveals that you have become trapped. You may be enslaved by a job, a financial contract, or love and lust; a common meaning of The Vortex is affairs. This situation means you feel you have little power, and that another person, or other parties, have control over you. You may be feeling attracted to a person or situation that will do you no good. For this reason, an additional meaning of The Vortex is addiction — to substances or to love itself. However, your bondage is an illusion. You can decide to break free whenever you choose.
If you decide it’s time to break an agreement or habit, do it; it will be easier than you think. Don’t let your circumstances dictate who you are; take back your power.
16The Tower
Keywords: Breakdown, endings, chaos, surrender, breakthrough, beginnings, enlightenment
During a tempest at night, a ship is struck by lightning, and bursts into flames. The castle-like battlements on top of the deck are no protection from this force of destruction from the heavens. The lightning illuminates the sky, heavy with storm-clouds, showing how precarious the vessel appears as it struggles to stay afloat in an ocean that is sure to swallow it whole.
Meaning: Destruction
When The Tower falls, you feel your world collapsing around you. Lightning strikes, and there is little you can do other than accept the chaos and change that it brings — this disaster is not your fault. You may be in shock at first, but this event is also a breakthrough; you are given a chance to see the world in a very different way. An additional meaning of the card is issues with property, and challenges to your security; you may be feeling vulnerable financially and in relationships, too.
Surrender to the universe, give up control, and begin to construct a new way of working, thinking, relating or living. You now have the freedom to start over, and a strong foundation on which to rebuild whatever has fallen.
17The Star
Keywords: Creativity, dreams, intuition, healing, spiritual path, rebirth, trust
A ethereal mermaid reaches for a shining star on the horizon of the ocean, a symbol of hope, healing, and renewal. The mermaid’s scales are purple, which symbolize intuition; he seaweed and water represent old emotions and the past, and their green color signifies healing and the heart chakra. The pentagram beside her signifies spiritual protection.
Meaning: Hope
You have worked through heartache and conflict, understood the lessons of these difficult experiences, and are now beginning to feel hope again. As you place your trust in the universe to protect you, the more the star guides you toward happier times. The card therefore reveals personal growth; through healing past issues you can be free from old patterns of relating, and feel more whole and fulfilled in the future. The Star is also a card of creativity, and offers great reassurance that you’re on the right path — so if you have been conflicted, suffering, or doubting your abilities, the Star in your reading is a sure sign that everything will be fine.
Follow your heart, and respect your inner knowing. Trust that the universe will bring you whatever you need.
18The Moon
Keywords: The unconscious, doubt, decisions, dilemmas, crises, the past, fear
Two sea lions emerge from their ocean home, a full moon above them reflecting onto the dark waters of the ocean. Between them is a crayfish, symbol of the soul, reaching out toward the magical moonlight. The sea lions symbolize fear and the unknown, and the crayfish must overcome this fear in order to make progress. Will he stay in his comfort zone, or venture into the moonlight?
Meaning: Illusion
The Moon sees you questioning what you see: can you see beyond and illusion when doubt and confusion threaten to overwhelm you? A situation or relationship may seem appealing under the romantic light of the moon, but will it stand the test of time? Your intuition may be telling you that everything is not as it seems. An additional meaning of the card is that hidden fears and old memories surface as you work through an emotional block.
Give yourself time to work out the best way forward. Your intuition holds the answer — pay attention to its messages through feelings and dreams, rather than rely on a logical approach to a problem.
19The Sun
Keywords: Growth, children, joy, protection, holidays, success, contentment
Two mermaid children, a boy and girl, play together in an underwater garden as sunlight illuminates their beautiful world. They reach toward the sun as if acknowledging its healing light and power to regenerate. No predators threaten the children’s peace; the ocean fish around them swim without fear, comfortable and protected in their idyllic surroundings.
Meaning: Happiness
This is a joyful, positive card that predicts happiness and time for well-deserved relaxation. If life has been stressful lately, The Sun is a welcome sign that the pressure will end, and you’ll finally be able to unwind. You may be spending time with children, or finding your inner child, doing whatever pleases you and brings you fulfillment. The Sun also predicts holidays and trips, and you find peace and contentment in a place that nurtures and inspires you. The Sun favors creative pursuits, too, so you may turn your attention to hobbies and creative projects now, which flourish.
Appreciate your deserved success and this special time of rest and recuperation. Enjoy feeling safe, and appreciate the harmony that is around you.
Keywords: The past, self-judgement, review, second chances, guilt, spirituality, memories
The conch shell is the earliest horn trumpet, sounded to declare war and to herald royalty. In the Old Testament, seven angels blow their trumpets to mark Judgement Day, on which God judged our past deeds. The mermaid-angel, calling on her conch shell, raises memories from the deep, asking us to review our past actions before moving on.
Meaning: Self-reflection
It’s time to revisit the past to take stock before you move on. You may muse on happy memories, or discover that there’s unfinished business, so you may find yourself being in touch with someone from the past, or revisiting an old situation to find answers. At this time, you’ll also be judging yourself on your past actions: did you do the right thing? An additional meaning of the card is spiritual connection, linking with those in spirit — guides, angels and loved ones.
If you feel you need to give a person a second chance, or return to an old situation, now is the time to decide. If you’re reassessing the past in other ways, don’t be too hard on yourself.
21The World
Keywords: Success, completion, celebration, beginnings, travel, motivation, renewal
Ocean fish, symbols of the soul, swim in a circle; their flashing bodies could be the leaves of a laurel wreath, an emblem of success, reward, and celebration. Yet this wreath is alive, and the fish continually swim in their circle, signifying the cycle of life, death and rebirth. In the centre is a merman, who his master of his ocean home, and of his destiny. He smiles at us, radiating bliss and contentment.
Meaning: Regeneration
The World shows that your life is regenerated and renewed as you finally find the success you seek and celebrate your achievement. You may also receive a particular reward for your efforts. The card also shows the completion of a phase, such as meeting a target or goal, or finalizing a house move or other major project. The World often comes up in readings to signify a relationship landmark, such as a wedding anniversary or renewing vows. There are opportunities to travel now and, if you are single, have romantic adventures, too.
Celebrate what you have achieved and embrace new opportunities; you will be full of energy and motivation. The world is your oyster.
The minor arcana cards reveal everyday events. The 56 cards are divided into four suits of 14 cards, numbered Ace through Ten, plus a Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The four suits have an associated Oceanic symbol, or creature, element and energy. The elements are earth, air, water, and fire, which guide us toward the suit’s energy, or overall meaning.
The minor arcana cards reveal everyday events. The 56 cards are divided into four suits of 14 cards, numbered Ace through Ten, plus a Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The four suits have an associated Oceanic symbol, or creature, element and energy. The elements are earth, air, water, and fire, which guide us toward the suit’s energy, or overall meaning.
Oceanic symbol
Cups Dolphin Water Emotions, relationships
Pentacles Sea turtle, Earth Finances, home, security
Swords Shark Air Thoughts, decisions, conflict
Wands Sea horse: Fire Passion, movement, creativity
We can also understand the numbered suit cards, Ace through Ten, by their numbers:
Ace: Beginnings
Twos: Partnership
Threes: Activity
Fours: Stillness
Five: Imbalance
Six: Harmony
Seven: Potential
Eight: Change
Nine: Intensity
Ten: Completion and endings
The number meaning is modified according to the suit — so the Four, which stands for stillness, is interpreted as quietness and recovery in the usually antagonistic suit of Swords, while the Four of the loving suit of Cups can reveal boredom and stagnation.
The Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings are known as the Court Cards of the Tarot, originating from the cards’ beginnings in the royal courts of Italy; some of the earliest decks were commissioned by Duke of Milan to commemorate royal occasions. Pages are seen as young people, or people who are young at heart; Knights are influences or people, while Queens and Kings are generally seen as people in your life.
The Aces are the beginning and represent new and fresh starts for any ideas or challenges. With any Ace you will go into any project clear headed and knowing exactly what you want from it. Aces help you stay focused and clear headed so it is now time a time to take control of your own destiny and put all your new plans into action. If you stay in control then you will achieve all your inner goals and desires.
The minor arcana cards reveal everyday events. The 56 cards are divided into four suits of 14 cards, numbered Ace through Ten, plus a Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The four suits have an associated Oceanic symbol, or creature, element and energy. The elements are earth, air, water, and fire, which guide us toward the suit’s energy, or overall meaning:
Oceanic symbol
Cups Dolphin Water Emotions, relationships
Pentacles Sea turtle, Earth Finances, home, security
Swords Shark Air Thoughts, decisions, conflict
Wands Sea horse: Fire Passion, movement, creativity
We can also understand the numbered suit cards, Ace through Ten, by their numbers:
Ace: Beginnings
The number meaning is modified according to the suit — so the Four, which stands for stillness, is interpreted as quietness and recovery in the usually antagonistic suit of Swords, while the Four of the loving suit of Cups can reveal boredom and stagnation.
The Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings are known as the Court Cards of the Tarot, originating from the cards’ beginnings in the royal courts of Italy; some of the earliest decks were commissioned by Duke of Milan to commemorate royal occasions. Pages are seen as young people, or people who are young at heart; Knights are influences or people, while Queens and Kings are generally seen as people in your life.
Each Ace represents the qualities of its suits, in their purest form. An Ace always adds something special to a reading. It stands out from the other cards as if in a circle of its own light. The images on the Aces are all similar. A strong hand, glowing with energy, comes out of a cloud grasping the token of its suit. An Ace «hands» you a gift that comes from some unknown source hidden in the clouds. The nature of the gift is symbolized by the suit token.
Ace of Cups
We know Aces are the start of something, so the Ace of Cups is the element of water. Cups represent the emotions. It is a card of love, so being an ace brings you emotional happiness and stability, it is a card full of warmth and emotional fulfillment, but be careful as the cup may overflow, it is time to look at everything exciting and new, such as fertility, news of a birth, new relationships, engagement, etc. It also indicates strong family and friendship ties. This is a card of achievement and empowerment to the heart.
Keywords: Beginnings, passion, pregnancy, creativity, fulfillment, overflow of emotions, intensity
Meaning: Love This Ace brings you your heart’s desire as you find fulfillment through an artistic pursuit or a new relationship. You may create a ‘baby’ that is your project – a new business, a book, planting a garden or decorating your home. This card, along with The Queen of the Ocean (see page xx) also reveals pregnancy, motherhood and joy. The Ace, while being a positive card, can also bring emotions that feel overwhelming.
Advice Open your heart and trust; you need not be overwhelmed by emotion. Just be open to what comes to you.
Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles is the element of Earth representing Money and materialism. This is a card that will bring you success in any new business idea; that will bring you new luck in any money situation. It is a great time to look for fresh starts in any new work project, promotions or when looking for new employment, it can also mean a new business acknowledgment. So look out for new doorways that will open and take on any challenges that you may not necessarily consider money will starting to flow as long as hard work is involved.
Keywords: Beginnings, finances, new job, success, property, security, creativity
Meaning: Prosperity Money is coming: you receive a reward or gift, or you see an opportunity to generate more income through new work or personal projects. In relationships, this Ace shows stability. An additional meaning of the card is moving to a new home, or using money wisely to invest in a property. Overall, the Ace of Pentacles reveals a happy, stable, successful time.
Advice Maximize your good fortune and make your money work for you; you deserve it. It’s time to make a wise financial decision.
Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords is the element of Air, representing the mind. This is a card that will help you to cut through any issues or problems concerning the mind. It will help you to take stock of what it is you want from life and too help you look more deeply at ways to make significant ways to change you pathway. It also helps you overcome upset within family or friends. You will start to feel strong learning how to stand on your own two feet. You will become more spiritually strong and pioneering. But don’t let your stubbornness stand in your way see through any situation. This is a good time to push forward any new ideas, contract negotiations or legal problems, as you will be clear headed and ready to battle.
Keywords: Beginnings, decisions, action, clarity, determination, solutions, ideas
Meaning: Victory This Ace reveals you benefit from a smart decision that leads to immediate victory. If you’ve been beset by uncertainty or delays to your plans, this Ace shows a breakthrough as you cut through confusion to win power and success; in relationships, you make a positive new beginning. The card is also a sign of mental clarity, so you are sharp-witted; there may also be a legal victory, or a triumph in an argument or debate.
Advice: Use your intelligence and victory is yours.
Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is the element of Fire representing Career. Stop blocking your true feelings and learn how to trust in yourself once again. Start to feel your inner strength grow and learn how to deal with people more easily. Communication is important at this time so try opening up a little more. Meditation may help with Self-discovery and self-growth be reflecting on one’s self it helps us to have a clearer understanding of our pathways. You have enormous potential to achieve all your goals and the Ace of wands gives you that power to make your mark. If you are looking at new business ideas or retraining this is a good time to start.
Keywords: Beginnings, intuition, adventures, ideas, creativity, success, fertility
Meaning: Growth You’re crowned with success under the influence of this creative Ace as new projects, work, ideas, and travel plans take off. You’re able to communicate well now, to share your vision and persuade others to get onside. If you’ve been wondering if your plans will succeed, this card tells you ‘yes’. Listening to your intuition will also strengthen your spiritual beliefs. An additional meaning is fertility and pregnancy, and beginning a new journey or adventure.
Advice Step into your power – invent, talk and create. Whatever you say now will be well received.
Twos: Partnership
Pick out the twos from the deck and start to feel the energy of the twos working. The number two vibration should make you feel balanced, unexpressed creativity, or cooperation. Place the cards in your hands, feeling the energy; get a sense for the number 2 cards.
Two of Cups
Remove the 2 of Cups. The 2 of Cups would bring a great start to a new love or friendship. Could mean good communication between two people. Also the bringing together of kindness or thoughtfulness binding two hearts together. Expect a gift, a surprise or joyous event.
Keywords: Soul mates, karma, love, intimacy, connection, healing, union
Meaning: Partnership This card predicts love, equality, and a meeting of hearts and minds, which benefits all your relationships, from friendships to romance. It also reveals a commitment or promise, such as an engagement or marriage, or an emotional investment in a shared project. This is also a healing card, so if your relationship has tested you recently, it reveals that all will be well. You can also expect someone close to you to show their love – know that they are trustworthy and dependable.
Advice: Appreciate love and trust in your relationships.
Two of Pentacles
Remove the 2 of Pentacles. The 2 of Pentacles means you are trying to cope with two situations. You must make a decision. Means you have stamina and strong characteristics. Don’t let change disturb you. You may receive acknowledgement, a small amount of money or a gift.
Keywords: Choices, property, finances, balance, judgment, contracts, detail
Meaning: Options This Two shows a decision is underway. You’re considering your options, rehearsing all the possible outcomes, rather than taking action. The choice may concern jobs, places to study, potential homes, or where to travel. In personal finances, there are demands on your resources, so you may find yourself juggling income and expenditure in order to balance the books.
Advice: Pay attention to the detail of any financial agreements or offers. Look for the long-term benefits, rather than go for short-term gain.
Two of Cups of Swords
Remove the 2 of Swords. The 2 of Swords brings you to a cross roads that only you can change. This may bring confusion to your life; there will be many new choices to make. It could mean you need a new approach to a problem or situation. There will be emotions tied in with this decision. Also could designate a success in some venture and unsureness about the next step. Try to stay focused, as the problems will lift.
Keywords: Doubt, uncertainty, stalemate, indecision, stuckness, disconnection, blocks
Meaning: Crossroads
You are at a crossroads, and there is a decision to be made. The two sharks signify tension and indecision; locked in conflict, neither can win, as their power appears to be equal. This situation may, or may not be of your own making; your perspective is blocked, or there’s an obvious clue that you are not seeing.
Advice: Look again; take a fresh angle. Any action or decision is better than none. This is a great opportunity for a breakthrough in your thinking.
Two of Wands
Remove the 2 of Wands. The 2 of Wands would designate a sign of achievement in business or in plans made. It would also denote ability and foresight, with a future looking good. Could be a possible business partnership. There could be an important paper, like a contract or letter.
Keywords: Partnership, creativity, communication, travel, planning, education, inspiration
Meaning: Vision The Two highlights romance and partnerships, so you may meet a new partner, or hook up with another like-minded soul to pursue new projects in or out of the workplace. This meeting of minds will bring you rewards as you broaden your horizons and see just what you could achieve. In education, you find the right course or teacher to inspire you to hone your skills or nurture your interests.
Advice: Look for those around you who share your vision. Work together for great results.
Threes: Activity
Three of Cups
The 3 of Cups brings happiness, success and the beginning of a new lifestyle. Something good is on its way, celebrations such as bridal showers, celebrations, or parties. Also an indication of metaphysical interests.
Keywords: Celebration, friendship, healing, fun, flirtation, indulgence, creativity
Meaning: Reunion
You gather together with friends and family to celebrate, so this three predicts weddings, parties, reunions, and precious time with the people you love who make you feel like your true self; their company is uplifting, fun, and replenishing. If you’re single and looking for love, there may also be an opportunity for a flirtation, and if you’re working on a creative project, now is the time to get into the zone.
Advice: Be carefree; enjoy the company of those who make you laugh.
Three of Pentacles
Remove the 3 of Pentacles. The 3 of Pentacles shows you have great skill and ability. It may show a special talent. Also a reward of recognition for a talent. Efforts will be finally rewarded in money and recognition.
Keywords: Reputation, learning, skill, performance, reward, security, completion
Meaning: Recognition It’s time for acknowledgement as your work gets positive attention. From making a speech, organizing an event, or demonstrating your skill to others, your success is public rather than private. On the home front, this Three can show you making your home presentable so you can sell it, or you renovate or redecorate your property. Whatever you do now you take pride in, and you work has a lasting effect.
Advice: Show off your work and be proud of your achievements. Further success is on the cards.
Three of Swords
Remove the 3 of Swords. This designates a deep pain, or deep sorrow. Try to stay away from an argument and battles; family situations could bring upset and tears. Could indicate a miscarriage. Misfortune separates loved ones, causing sadness and corruption from a third party.
Keywords: Heartbreak, sorrow, betrayal, loss, affairs of the heart, break-ups, tears
Meaning: Heartache
This Three is the heartbreak card of the tarot, but thankfully it is a minor arcana card — a transient event that you will process and heal from. It often arises to reveal relationship breakups, affairs, and disappointment. The positive of this card is that at least you know exactly where you stand; you see the truth. This three can also signify stress symptoms, such as anxiety and fear.
Advice: Feel the pain and see the truth of the matter; this situation has happened for a reason.
Remove the 3 of Wands. The 3 of Wands designate a willingness of someone to give assistance, or cooperation. The right person could enhance a project. Someone with the knowledge of things can give you help. Seeds planted for business venture can prosper.
Keywords: Travel, relationships, weddings, originality, success, the arts, sport
Meaning: Motivation This Three brings energy and enthusiasm to all your activities, and in love, predicts a new relationship and celebrations, such as weddings and engagements. This Three is also a brilliant card for travel, and for the arts and sport, too, showing a dynamic attitude that gets results. You may find yourself taking an unusual approach to a dilemma or situation, finding ingenious ways to problem-solve and get your message across.
Advice: Think laterally; try new ways to fire your communication and creativity.
Fours: Stillness
I want you to remove the 4’s from the deck. Number 4’s vibration is one of foundation, solidity, and discipline. Place the cards in your hands and repeat the energy, feel the energy, get a sense of the number 4.
Four of Cups
Remove the 4 of Cups. The 4 of Cups shows discontent, and boredom. No motivation or you don’t really care. This could mean too much of a good thing; you don’t need to make an effort. Looking for Spirituality. No one understands.
Keywords: Stagnation, despondency, disillusion, self-protection, need for change, stubbornness, rigidity
Meaning: Boredom When this Four arrives in a reading, it’s often because you’re feeling dissatisfied with some aspect of your life, but don’t know what you need to bring in to feel happier. In relationships, it can reveal a boredom phase; if you’re looking for love or work, you may believe that there’s nothing or no one out there for you. You may be retreating into yourself rather than reaching out for what you need.
Advice: Look for inspiration; renew your faith that life can bring you what you need again.
Four of Pentacles
Remove the 4 of Pentacles. The 4 of Pentacles shows a strong attachment to materialistic things. Fondness of power and being in charge. Good judgement in business, having well-rounded goals. Possible receipt of gift or inheritance.
Keywords: Stability, finances, property, protection, balance, order, foundations
Meaning: Security This is the ‘security’ card of the tarot, when your finances are on track, and work and relationships are happy and stable. You are able to provide for, and care for others; overall, you’ve reached at point at which you can sit back awhile and appreciate the strong foundation you have built. However, because this security has been hard-won, you may resist positive change.
Advice: Enjoy this period of calm and order, but stay open to new possibilities too; keep looking for new ways to expand your empire.
Four of Swords
Remove the 4 of Swords. The 4 of Swords designates a feeling of being out of touch. Take this time to make new plans. There are changes taking place, be prepared. Don’t rush things they are getting better. The shadow over your life is moving away.
Keywords: Inaction, time away, taking a relationship break, healing, peace, stillness, rest
Meaning: Recovery
Now is the time for a break — which may be your choice or be imposed upon you — as you take time away from work, a relationship, or a stressful commitment. This quiet time is necessary, and an opportunity to look after yourself, giving you time to rest, recuperate, and enjoy a gentler pace of life. The four also shows that some plans go on hold.
Advice: Accept that this is how things need to be just now. You will make progress when the time is right.
Four of Wands
Remove the 4 of Wands. The 4 of Wands brings us harmony, peace and satisfaction. It’s a job done well. Now is the time to enjoy results of your hard work. There could be a foundation here for a marriage.
Keywords: Balance, love, contentment, freedom, openness, travel, new home
Meaning: Reward
When you’ve achieved a goal — such as finding a new home, completing a project, or passing a test — it’s time for rewards. Holidays, socializing, love, and trips away all feature in this happy Four, which brings you leisure, fun, and freedom. It’s also time to get back in touch with your inner child, and celebrate the joy of life. As you find contentment within, you’ll also sense the closeness of your spirit guides. An additional meaning is reflecting on happy memories.
Advice: Be carefree while you can, and replenish your mind, body, and soul — you deserve it.
I want you to remove the fives. Feel the energy of the fives. Number 5 vibrations should be one of change, uncertainty, or freedom. Place the cards in your hands and repeat the energy, feel the energy, get a sense for the number 5 cards.
Fives of Cups
Remove the 5 of Cups. The 5 of Cups designates turmoil inside. Could be a break-up of a relationship or marriage. Before you make a major decision gather all the facts. This card could mean the loss of a loved one. The damage is done. Let go and release it.
Keywords: Unhappiness, dejection, negative thoughts, confusion, hurt, disruption, abandonment
Meaning: Sadness
This Five reveals sadness due to the loss of a relationship, work, friendship, or due to bereavement. Unlike the Eight of Cups, which shows a natural moving on, this card often reveals an unexpected break – from a person or job, leaving you bereft and confused. An additional meaning is being unable to let go of the past, being haunted by guilt or regret.
Advice: Look for, and accept support. The situation is not hopeless, and you will heal.
Fives of Pentacles
Remove the 5 of Pentacles. The 5 of Pentacles designates a time to review what is going on in your life. You may feel like quitting, but you could be on the verge of an accomplishment. Legal situations could mean loss. More health care needed.
Keywords: Isolation, money problems, rejection, bias, fear, risk, relationships
Meaning: Abandonment This appears to be a sad card, but all is not lost, because this Five often reveals a fear of poverty and isolation, rather than the reality. You may feel at risk of losing a job or relationship, or you distance yourself from others due to self-doubt. An additional meaning is feeling alone after the end of a relationship, along with a financial change that a break-up can bring.
Advice: You do have support, but you may be looking in the wrong places, or to the wrong people. Go beyond you usual networks, and you’ll find the help and support you need.
Fives of Swords
Remove the 5 of Swords. The 5 of Swords shows a lack of sensitivity. Shows an interest in self-gain. Shows a break-up or severing of ties. Major battles. A chance of losing something by theft or unfair dealings.
Keywords: Opposition, arguments, shame, bullying, unfairness, loss, resilience
Meaning: Conflict
An argument or other conflict leaves you battle-worn and feeling small. This may be because someone you trusted has been cruel, unkind, or even devious, wounding your friendship, business relationship, or romance out of jealousy or a need for power. This card can also reveal communication problems in families, hurtful opposition, or being unfairly over-ruled and ignored. On a more positive note, the situation is now out in the open.
Advice: Stand your ground. You don’t need to respond aggressively, but do be assertive rather than retreat.
Fives of Wands
Remove the 5 of Wands. The 5 of Wands sees you feeling stress from completion. Situations call for clarity and firmness. Give the facts and you will receive the cooperation you need.
Keywords: Posturing, ego, pride, debate, tests, opinions, communication overload
Meaning: Competition
This is the card of competitions and tests; you may also be feeling overwhelmed by other people’s opinions. In families, this Five can show demanding children, and at work, colleagues who talk first — usually over you — so it’s a fight to get heard. An additional meaning is dealing with a deluge of emails, phone calls, and meetings that threaten to pull you in one too many directions.
Advice: Become the observer; you’ll soon know who needs your help. However, try not to heal everybody — focus on yourself, too.
Six of Cups
Remove the 6 of Cups. The 6 of Cups shows happiness from the past. Maybe the meeting of an old friend. Old friend may have a gift or special news. You may see a new job offer or business relocation. Possibly you will make a new friend with common interests. Inheritance may bring surprises.
Keywords: Friendship, visitors, happiness, comfort, childhood memories, protection, play
Meaning: Reflection
The past comes to life as someone from your past returns; this may be an old friend or an old flame. Equally, you may find other ways to slip back into the safe haven of your former years – through reminiscing over old times, enjoying the company of children, creativity and play, or returning to a favorite childhood place. In relationships, you find a sense of peace, security, and comfort.
Advice: Enjoy reconnecting with the happiest aspects of your past, which energize, entertain and inspire you for the future.
Six of Pentacles
Remove the 6 of Pentacles. The 6 of Pentacles shows a happy time. Good things are happening. This could be a promotion, or a bonus. You now will enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Keywords: Finances, gifts, balance, help, compassion, humility, protection
Meaning: Generosity You receive a gift, which may be money, or another token of love, friendship, or support. This is feel-good money; if you’re the recipient, you will feel genuinely grateful. Equally, you may be the one donating their time, effort, or money, and you do this with thought and sensitivity – whether you are giving to an individual, such as a friend who is struggling, or to an organization, such as a favorite charity.
Advice: Receive any gift with thanks and grace, and if you are giving to others, enjoy it. Giving is its own reward.
Six of Swords
Remove the 6 of Swords. The 6 of Swords designates the ending of a difficult cycle. The future looks good. Could be a severance of a relationship. Peace of mind is shown. Could be a long journey. Also some frustration at work.
Keywords: Journeys, moving on, emigration, a safe haven, finding peace, resolution, protection
Meaning: Calm
It’s time to glide into more peaceful, calm waters, so this is a reassuring card if you have suffered upheaval, conflict, or uncertainty recently. The Six also predicts physical journeys over water and, in general, sees you moving on in positive ways; new work may also be on the horizon. An additional meaning is protection, in that you prioritize what’s important to you, and leave behind the people or situations that no longer serve you.
Advice: Go with the flow of life; there’s no need to resist change.
Six of Wands
Remove the 6 of Wands. The 6 of Wands tells you to have faith and you can win. Keep trying and you will succeed. Relationships will get better. You could be taking a trip as a leader or representative. Activities directed at the arts or science will be successful.
Keywords: Victory, education, awards, love proposals, promotion, strength, ceremony
Meaning: Success
This Six brings brilliant success as a result of hard work and resilience. Others will appreciate your shining light, and you may receive special acknowledgement for your work, attending a presentation, graduation ceremony, or prize-giving, for example. You may also receive a financial reward to help you celebrate. An additional meaning of the card is an offer of love, from a new romance to a proposal of marriage.
Advice: This is your time to shine, so don’t hold back; you deserve every success.
Now pull out all the 7’s. Feel the energy of the number 7. Number 7’s vibration shows soul development, wisdom, and inner self. Place the cards in your hands and repeat the energy, feel the energy, get a sense of the number 7.
Sevens of Cups
Remove the 7 of Cups. The 7 of Cups designates that you will have trouble making a decision. Narrow your choices using common sense. Do what you must do. An unexpected event will be beneficial to your attitude. A definite change for the better.
Keywords: Fantasy, confusion, choices, dreams, imagination, vision, passion
Meaning: Possibility There are many choices available to you now, but which do you focus on? At this point, there are few facts to help you decide – only a raft of impressions. The danger is you fall for a fantasy, as you have no sense, yet, of what is real, and what you’re idealizing because it fires your imagination. In creative projects, you may be awash with ideas. An additional meaning is dreams and visions.
Advice: Rather than rush toward one option, stand back awhile; wait to see what manifests.
Sevens of Pentacles
Remove the 7 of Pentacles. The 7 of Pentacles shows a cycle of change that will affect your income for the better. It shows growth through hard work. In the process of making a major decision, there will be a good change in your financial situation.
Keywords: Money, perseverance, dedication, work, investment, time, success
Meaning: Potential There’s much to be gained when this Seven appears. It shows that your dedication is beginning to pay off, bringing you a glimpse of the rewards you seek. While you’re not seeing the riches or acknowledgement you dream of yet – you’re just getting by – there is potential for success. This may mean more hard work, sacrifice, time and attention to detail, but the effort will be worthwhile.
Advice: Don’t doubt your abilities or the path you have chosen. Keep going; you’re on track for success.
Sevens of Swords
Remove the 7 of Swords. The 7 of Swords tell us that our plans may not work out the way we planned. One thing after another seems to be going wrong. Bad luck.
Keywords: Theft, negative people, insecurity, intuition, mistrust, decisions, protection
Meaning: Loss
This Seven is known as the ‘thief’ card of the tarot as it reveals something being taken from you. Often, it validates your suspicions; if your intuition is telling you not to trust, follow it. Investigate the detail rather than agree to an offer until you have evidence that it’s genuine. Also, this card asks you to take extra care of your possessions, and to protect yourself from negative people who drain your energy.
Advice: Protect your assets and examine others’ motives carefully — be on your guard.
Sevens of Wands
Remove the 7 of Wands. The 7 of Wands shows you are blessed with inner strength. Shows strong character. You could be under pressure at work or in a situation. You will see things more clearly.
Keywords: Defence, resilience, protection, opposition, territory, force, resistance
Meaning: Endurance
Now, you need to fight for a certain relationship, or protect your integrity on another level as you encounter direct resistance to your plans. Equally, you may find that you need to defend another person who cannot easily protect themselves, or you find yourself speaking up on behalf of a group. An additional meaning is a dispute over territory.
Advice: Say your words loud and clear, then be prepared to negotiate. You have the higher moral ground; with endurance and courage, you will get the result you need.
Eight of Cups
Keywords: An ending, departure, journeys, movement, transition, travel, vacations
Meaning: Change
It’s time to take your leave, and this is exactly the right time to move on. You may have already left a relationship, home, job or other commitment at an emotional level, so there’s little drama or moral struggle to contend with as you say a quiet goodbye: you are ready for change. The card can also reveal a journey or change of scene, such as going on vacation or taking short trips away.
Advice: Follow your heart and go forward.
Eight of Pentacles
Keywords: Analysis, dedication, detailed work, commitment, money, education, perfectionism
Meaning: Achievement
This eight shows achievement in your profession or field of study. It is the card of the perfectionist, who knows that small details can be important; you take pride in your work and set high standards. This attitude now pays off: your finances improve as a result of hard work and a commitment to succeed. An additional meaning is exam success, or a return to education, as you decide to deepen your expertise.
Advrice: You have the ability to earn more and learn more; wherever you focus your energy, success will follow
Eight of Swords
Keywords: Separation, fear, burdens, lack of vision, stuckness, responsibility, change
Meaning: Restriction
Eights mean change, and this eight sees you on the brink of that change as you realize the way you’re being restricted by your circumstances — at work, in a relationship, or a project. The card often shows a relationship is on lockdown because one of you is not free to make a commitment. An additional meaning is being bound by too much responsibility.
Advice: Get practical and see that you are in control of your own future — regardless of what others think. You can free yourself by being less tolerant of others’ demands.
Eight of Wands
Keywords: Communication, speed, news, motivation, action, excitement, movement
Meaning: Travel
All aspects of your life, from love to family, work to creative projects, speed up under the influence of this Eight: delays are done with as decisions are made, words turn into actions, projects and travel plans fire up, and you find yourself fielding more calls, emails, socials, and meetings than ever before. This is an exciting, if bewildering time, when everything happens at once; you’ll be in constant demand.
Advice: Take a breath before saying yes to all offers — choose carefully, and you won’t waste energy or time running in circles.
Nine of Cups
Keywords: Happiness, support, love, entertaining, harmony at home, relationships, abundance
Meaning: A wish
The Nine of Cups is the magical ‘wish’ card of the tarot. When it appears in your reading, you benefit from love, friendship, support in your projects, and harmony at home; all aspects of your life flourish, and you’re feeling content and fulfilled. The only glitch is being a little smug, so be sensitive in your enthusiasm to share your good fortune. An additional meaning is entertaining and socializing.
Advice: You’re perfectly placed to manifest what you dream of, so make your wish.
Nine of Pentacles
Keywords: Luxury, leisure, relaxation, home, abundance, independence, generosity
Meaning: Gratitude
Now is the time to treat yourself to some leisure and luxury – furnishing your home, tending your garden, indulging in your favorite pursuit, or otherwise spending on yourself – as you’ll be feeling rich in time and money. You will love your home, so you may redecorate, re-arrange, bake, and invite others to share your relaxed, comfortable space.
Devote time and money to your interests and your home. You can be the center of your world, and appreciate all the good things in life just now.
Nine of Swords
Keywords: Panic attack, fear, guilt, insomnia, nightmares, stress, mental overload
Meaning: Anxiety
The Nine of Swords is the anxiety card of the tarot — it reveals trouble beneath the surface that is often expressed through dreams and nightmares. What’s eating you up? You may be anxious due to pressure, overwork, relationship or family issues, or anxiety may be a pattern for you as a ‘worrier.’ On a physical level, it can also show someone not sleeping well due to stress or overthinking.
What ties you in knots at 3 am looks small in the light of day; try to keep perspective when negative thoughts get in the way.
Nine of Wands
Keywords: Determination, challenges, sacrifices, hard work, protection, rigidity, fear
Meaning: Defense
This Nine sees you exerting yourself to the full — protecting your job, your property, or otherwise defending your actions. You may have made sacrifices in the past, and feel that you need to justify these by staying put. However, you may need to ask yourself if you’re holding on too tightly due to fear — is this need for constant vigilance an exhausting habit rather than a free choice?
Protect what is yours by all means, but free up your thinking; create some mental space to plan for the future.
Ten of Cups
Keywords: Family, love, weddings, home, security, children, celebration
Meaning: Completion
Love grows and bonds deepen in romance, while your social and family connections grow and thrive; anything you do with others is favored now, from celebrations to team sports. Any old disagreements are overcome in the spirit of togetherness. Children thrive and your home is a hive of activity; equally, you enjoy prosperity and work success. An additional meaning of this Ten is finding your dream home, and having children.
You can feel blessed for the life you have; it’s time to celebrate.
Ten of Pentacles
Keywords: Family, celebrations, generosity, money, luck, completeness, love
Meaning: Luck
Good luck is coming, and you celebrate a windfall or other unexpected financial bonus, appreciating the stability this brings. A family gathering is on the cards, too: the usual irritations disappear, and you feel the love and support of relatives or the close friends you treat as family. In relationships, the card predicts families being joined by love; feelings are declared, and commitment follows; a couple moves in together, or/and announces their wedding.
Appreciate the special bonds you share as a group, and the love that comes with commitment.
Ten of Swords
Keywords: Completion, release, drama, transformation, victimhood, truth, shock
Meaning: Endings
The Ten as the final ‘number’ card of the Swords is the summing up; an ending, usually involving some degree of drama. This can come as a shock or as a relief, as you see the situation or relationship for what it is, or was; it cannot develop and grow. However unwanted this card may be when it arrives in reading, it does tell the truth, and helps you see what needs to be released.
Walk away, and let go. Focus on the present rather than dwell on the past.
Ten of Wands
Keywords: Burdens, overload, confusion, exhaustion, priorities, pressure, blocks
Meaning: Responsibility
This Ten is the ‘overwhelm’ card of the tarot. You have far too much to do and to think about; there may be pressure at work or on the home front. You’re so absorbed in the detail you can’t see the bigger picture and discern what’s essential. An additional meaning is that one person or situation is taking all your mental energy, so you have little time to focus on your own needs.
Set some boundaries to reduce the stress. You may need to say no to certain people.
Court Cards
Pages represents a young boy or girl, or child of either sex.
Cups represent light to medium brown hair, hazel eyes, and medium skin.
Pentacles represent white hair. Any colour eyes and fair skin.
Swords represent dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin.
Wands represent fair hair or red hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Cups love and happiness.
Pentacles money interests.
Swords struggle and animosity.
Wands enterprise and distinction.
Page of Cups
Keywords: Companionship, outings, fun, playfulness, imagination, love news, finances
Meaning: Imagination
A young person, or someone who is young at heart, has much to offer you and others: good company, fun, and friendship. He or she also brings you the message that love is coming your way in the future. When this Page arrives in a reading, your creative projects will also flourish – and so will your finances. An additional meaning is a young psychic.
Advice: Enjoy the lighter side of life, and allow yourself time to play and let your imagination run free
Page of Pentacles
Keywords: Money, messages, communication, work, luck, confidence, optimism
Meaning: Opportunity
The page is a young person or person who is young at heart; they bring you good news about finances, work and education. While the Page does not represent this money alone, he brings you hope that your wish will be granted. An additional meaning of the Page is a pending job offer or, if you are trying to sell a property or move, that this will happen soon – provided you pay attention to the paperwork.
Advice: Look out for offers regarding property and work – there’s a good opportunity on the horizon, but be diligent. Check all contracts carefully.
Page of Swords
Keywords: Complaints, bitchiness, backchat, cutting words, politicking, legal issues, paperwork
Meaning: Gossip
A young person, or person who is young at heart, has a secret agenda. This may take the form of gossip or slander against you; although this Page often appears witty and charming, s/he thrives on attention, and is self-interested and underhand. The card can also show a legal matter, a complaint at work, or the need to sign a contract or other documents.
Advice: Be precise in all your verbal and written communication so that you can’t be misunderstood.
Page of Wands
Keywords: Messages, travel news, communication, new work, expression, transition, entertainment
Meaning: Creativity
This Page is a young person, or someone who is young at heart. Charming and chatty, he brings great news about creative projects, travel plans, and new work. In relationships, he or she reveals a fun flirtation. An additional meaning of the card is the influence of a creative person — a writer, actor, artist, dancer, or musician — or you discovering your creative potential.
Advice: Now is the time to express yourself — in words, pictures, dance, music, or through any other creative pursuit you enjoy.
Knight represents a young man
Cups represent light to medium brown hair, hazel eyes, and medium skin.
Pentacles represent white hair. Any colour eyes and fair skin.
Swords represent dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin.
Wands represent fair hair or red hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Cups love and happiness.
Pentacles money interests.
Swords struggle and animosity.
Wands enterprise and distinction.
Knight of Cups
Keywords: Offers, dreams, illusion, imagination, fantasy, love, infatuation
Meaning: Proposals
A romantic, idealistic man has a proposal for you. Charming and magnetic, he tells a great story: but will his ideas, schemes, or love offer stand true? He may not seek to deceive you, but he’s not a realist. More comfortable with fantasy than practicality, his words may be captivating, but meaningless in the real world. You cannot trust him to be consistent.
Judge by actions rather than words. It’s worth testing this person’s intentions before you go along with his foibles.
Knight of Pentacles
Keywords: Order, planning, trust, work, property, investments, progress
Meaning: Loyalty
This Knight is not dashing – he’s slow and steady, planning his moves with care. He may not be charming, but he is loyal and trustworthy, so any offer he makes can be taken seriously. He often appears in readings to show businesses, investments, and projects that have good future potential, and in property, choosing the perfect home; this is the right time to make a serious decision about your long-term future.
Hard graft may not be exciting, but the results will bring you great fulfillment.
Knight of Swords
Keywords: Battles, confrontation, stress, unstoppable force, manipulation, immaturity, instability
Meaning: Drama
The action-driven Knight in the troublesome suit of Swords brings a whirlwind of drama – confrontations, unexpected blocks, and disruptions to plans and, in a relationship, insecurity and arguments. You have a fight on your hands, and there’s little you can do to avoid the upheaval it brings. On the plus side, you’ll know exactly what and whom you are dealing with.
Avoid being drawn into drama more than is necessary. Try not to take this setback personally; it’s their fight, not yours.
Knight of Wands
Keywords: Energy, movement, passion, focus, balance, communication, relationships
Meaning: Activity
There’s no more waiting around when this Knight arrives, as every aspect of your life receives a sudden energy-boost: expect a download of emails, messages, calls, decisions, offers, and opportunities. You can now make progress professionally, at home, and in relationships. Personal projects benefit from this dynamic influence, too. An additional meaning of the card is travel, and moving house — you’ll find you are now able to move quickly.
Choose which people, situations, or projects will benefit most from your efforts and attention. Stay grounded, and you’ll make great steps towards success.
Queen represents a woman in her maturity.
Cups represent light to medium brown hair, hazel eyes, and medium skin.
Pentacles represent white hair. Any colour eyes and fair skin.
Swords represent dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin.
Wands represent fair hair or red hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Cups love and happiness.
Pentacles money interests.
Swords struggle and animosity.
Wands enterprise and distinction.
Queen of Wands
Keywords: Enthusiasm, leadership, creativity, intuition, relationships, strength, integrity
Meaning: Passion
This Queen thrives in company, and is passionate, talkative, and dynamic. She leads by example — through her work and beliefs she inspires others to fulfil their potential. In relationships, she speaks from the heart. Communication is vital to her, and she may find it frustrating dealing with people who are closed off from their emotions. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, it’s time to honor your special talents.
Follow your intuition to make the best decisions in relationships, work, and projects.
Queen of Swords
Keywords: Intelligence, independence, leadership, insight, intolerance, determination, justice
Meaning: Resilience
This Queen is highly intelligent and driven. She commands respect, holds her ground, and puts her interests first. She is charming, but does not suffer fools; she can see the truth of any situation in a flash. This card often comes up in a reading to show strong women – business leaders, independent females, and single parents. If she comes up as the ‘you’ card in a reading, it’s time to show your strength of character.
Be prepared to take a strong decision, or to respond to a final decision made by a woman.
Queen of Pentacles
Keywords: Generosity, fertility, money, comfort, love, nature, children and animals
Meaning: Kindness
This affectionate, generous woman is the wise helper we all want in our lives. A lover of nature, home, and her family, she is practical and down to earth. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, this Queen shows you focus on key tasks now, and spend your money wisely. An additional meaning is an influential woman at work who supports your career.
Be hands-on; get involved, give practical help, and share your knowledge with those who need it.
Queen of Cups
Keywords: Love, nurturing, generosity, sympathy, protection, care, emotion
Meaning: Sensitivity
This Queen is the Queen of Hearts: a sensitive, compassionate woman who is gentle toward her friends and openly loving towards her family and partner. She offers loyalty, inspiration, and creativity, so your projects will thrive, too. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, this Queen shows you now focus on relationships, children and sharing with friends; if single, she predicts you are emotionally ready for new love.
Tune in to your nurturing side. In decision-making, your emotional intelligence is your best guide.
King represents a man in his maturity.
Cups represent light to medium brown hair, hazel eyes, and medium skin.
Pentacles represent white hair. Any colour eyes and fair skin.
Swords represent dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin.
Wands represent fair hair or red hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Cups love and happiness.
Pentacles money interests.
Swords struggle and animosity.
Wands enterprise and distinction.
King of Wands
Keywords: Energy, creativity, power, wisdom, passion, freedom, openness
Meaning: Practicality
This king is an action man, which makes him an engaging companion and an inspiring leader. Self-motivated, he is entrepreneurial, dynamic, and open-minded. You will know what he is thinking, as his feelings always show. Travel may be important to him, and he is connected to many people with backgrounds different to his own. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, expect to find practical solutions to problems, and also see your network of friends and professional contacts grow.
Explore your passions and look to unconventional people and new places.
King of Swords
Keywords: Fairness, balance, incisiveness, decisions, strength, justice, support
Meaning: Ambition
This man is clever, and is often a strong leader in a professional career. He’s a great strategist, with charm and ambition, but can exert pressure, too, as he’s impatient to succeed. He can be relied upon to offer calm, logical judgment. An additional meaning is that legal issues need your attention just now. If this King comes up as the ‘you’ card in a reading, take a logical approach; this is the time for mental agility rather than emotion.
Look to the facts before you make a decision.
King of Pentacles
Keywords: Money, protection, power, loyalty, stability, leadership, commitment
Meaning: Trust
This King reveals a man who is ambitious, trustworthy and protective. When he commits to a project or relationship, he is loyal to the last. He can be a powerful business owner or leader; he has a hands-on attitude. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, he represents generosity and love; what you gain, you share with the people who are important to you.
Protect what is yours, while helping those on their way up the ladder. Enjoy the rewards that success brings.
King of Cups
Keywords: Fairness, empathy, sensitivity, loyalty, maturity, commitment, honor
Meaning: Understanding
This King has integrity, honor, and sensitivity, and is devoted to his friends, his family and his career; when he makes a commitment, he is loyal for life. He may be distant at times as he feels everything deeply, but may not show it. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, you balance empathy with others with fairness to yourself. He also represents the ideal male partner.
Follow your emotions, but don’t feel you have to explain your feelings; trust that you are right.