The Sakki-Sakki Tarot — Таро Сакки-Сакки

Характеристика The Sakki-Sakki Tarot — Таро Сакки-Сакки
Автор: Monicka Clio Sakki
Художник: Monicka Clio Sakki
Издательство: MPress
Производство: Израиль
Состав: 79 карт + 48 стр. буклет. Есть Книга-компаньон по этой колоде: PLAYING WITH SYMBOLS (222 стр. на англ. языке)
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ (9х6 см)
Год: 2004
ISBN: 978-9659068104, книга 9789659068135
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: мультяшная, сюрреализм
Аннотация: Таро Сакки-Сакки включает в себя структуру и гадательные значения традиционной колоды Райдер-Уэйт-Смит, вместе с астрологией, каббалой и авторской символикой. В колоде есть дополнительная карта Художник, созданная для наших индивидуальных и коллективных творческих путешествий. Лимитированное издание в 3000 копий.
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Обзор The Sakki-Sakki Tarot — Таро Сакки-Сакки
Девиз Sakki-Sakki Tarot: «Для художника в каждом из нас». Предназначение этой колоды, пожалуй, даже более важное, чем предсказания: помочь человеку развить творческий потенциал, вдохновить и направить его на пути искусства.
На Арканах Sakki-Sakki Tarot — как символика традиционной колоды Райдера — Уэйта, так и астрологические, каббалистические и авторские символы художника.
Автор дополнила колоду картой «Художник». Эта карта означает поиск в жизни своего места и предназначена для развития творческого начала. Эта карта может участвовать в гадании вместе с остальными или использоваться как Сигнификатор. Колоду сопровождает книга. Она знакомит с картой «Художник» и содержит пояснения к Таро.
Карты ламинированы, но не скользкие на ощупь. Напротив, текстура приятная и «атласная». Sakki-Sakki длиннее стандартных карт, и некоторые тарологи отмечают, что работа с колодой напоминает игру на фортепиано с тонкими длинными клавишами.
Sakki-Sakki Tarot заряжает не только позитивом, но и творческой искрой, желанием действовать. Она помогает в жизненных ситуациях, когда вы чувствуете, что «застряли» на одном месте.
Sakki-Sakki может подойти и начинающему, и опытному тарологу. Колода издана ограниченным тиражом, второе издание не планируется. В 2004 году попала в десятку лучших колод на крупном зарубежном онлайн-портале о Таро (магазин Тароман)
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МБК значения: The Sakki-Sakki Tarot — Таро Сакки-Сакки
Фрагмент из книги:
18. The Moon
Author: Monicka Clio Sakki & Carol Anne Buckley
Interpretation: dreams, unconscious, inner-self, confusion, deception, mystery
«The landscape that the Moon’s light reveals is a complex one. Along with its power to fascinate, the Moon arouses disturbing feelings, even madness…. The Moon provokes a psychic awakening, and lights our escape into the domain of our imagination.»
I am driving to Syracuse today. It usually takes me about six hours because I drive 55-60 mph, take the occasional accidental detour, have to pee a few times, and maybe nap. My goal is to leave before noon. Despite my love of the moon, I hope not to drive by its light, lest I succumb to shadows one after another. Confusion leads to deception, letting me be overcome by the mystery of what I see as I drift into the land of the unconscious dreamer where there is nothing left but inner-self.
I will not deceive myself: these blog entries often take quite long to write. I have yet to pack. The truth is, I must leave by the light of day if I am to sleep in my parents’ house tonight. My inner-self is not licensed to drive a car without the full awareness of my outer-self. I would like to arrive at my destination intact.
Queen of Cups
Five of Coins
Artist: Monicka Clio Sakki
Author: Monicka Clio Sakki & Carol Anne Buckley
Like all fives, the Five of Coins indicates a situation of conflict. The difficulty here is with money, wealth, or possessions. Times are hard. Life sometimes seems meaningless. What is the purpose of such material things as we surround ourselves with? If we open our minds and accept life without the comforts we are used to, what new things do we find? All things material are impermanent.
With patience and courage, the feeling of impoverishment can be overcome. The tools to do the dirty work are with us all the time. It is easy to look in the accustomed places for comfort and a sense of belonging; it is difficult to see a whole new world of riches that lies just beneath our feet.
The Santa Fe tarot
0 The Fool Rainboy
Rainboy dances with snakes coming from his feet, showing he travels to many unusual places. He holds crooked lightning in one hand and a wand in the other to give him power and vision. From the wand hand dangle rattles which grant him joy and dreams. Guardian bats protect him, having saved him once from his parents’ wrath, and they flank a barred rainbow headdress with many small corn people showing Rainboy’s ability to please and entertain, and yet, because the headdress does not actually touch Rainboy, his dreams may be distant.
Divinatory Meanings: Thoughtlessness. Folly. Extravagance. Lack of discipline. Immaturity. Irrationality. Insecurity. Frivolity. Delirium. Frenzy. Enthusiasm. Naivety.
Reverse Meanings: Bad decision. Indecision. Apathy. Hesitation. Negligence.
1 The Magician Orangewind Yei
One of the Wind People Yeis, Orangewind wears a tremendous eagle or thunderbird headdress denoting his lofty aspirations and creative magic. His headdress is so large, offering so much protection, he doesn’t require guardians. He relies on the magic he carries, crooked lightning from one hand, a bull-roarer in the other. Rattles dangle from both arms while a medicine stick and medicine pouch extend from his left hand. Feathers shoot from his feet, carrying him far and high.
Divinatory Meanings: Originality. Creativity. Imagination. Spontaneity. Self-confidence. Ingenuity. Flexibility. Masterfulness. Self-control. Deception. Sleight of hand.
Reverse Meanings: Weakness of will. Ineptitude. Insecurity. Disquiet. Delay. The use of one’s skills for destructive ends.
2 The High Priestess Corn-Cloud Woman
Butterflies serve as guardians to Corn-Cloud Woman, signifying her beauty and her transformation. In her right hand, she carries a weasel pouch to indicate her wisdom and perception. In her left, she holds yet another medicine pouch, this one adorned with feathers, signifying intuition and far-reaching thought. She wears a feathered headdress as well, and the rainbow border surrounding her is also capped and underscored with feathers.
Divinatory Meanings: Wisdom. Sound judgment. Common sense. Serenity. Objectivity. Penetration. Foresight. Intuition. Perception. Self-reliance. Emotionless-ness. Platonic relationships.
Reverse Meanings: Ignorance. Shortsightedness. Selfishness. Passion. Physical ardor. Acceptance of superficial knowledge. Bad judgment.
3 The Empress Mother Earth
Mother Earth wears a horned headdress and a rainbow mask. In her hands she carries the earth, divided into elements, and her body is filled with the four sacred plants, corn, tobacco, beans, and squash. Feathers lift her legs and adorn the rainbow border protecting her. Her guardian is the arrow, granting her the ability to protect others.
Divinatory Meanings: Feminine progress. Fruit-fulness. Accomplishment. Mother. Sister. Wife. Marriage. Children. Feminine influence. Ability to motivate others. Practicality. Intuition.
Reverse Meanings: Vacillation. Inaction. Lack of interest. Lack of concentration. Indecision. Delay. Anxiety. Infertility. Infidelity.
4 The Emperor Father Sky
Father Sky is one of the few male Yeis to have the square head normally assigned to female deities. Like his mate, Mother Earth, Father Sky wears a horned headdress, but his mask is the yellow-and-black of the warrior. Inside him, the sun, moon, and stars are seen, depicting his influence overall he sees. Like his mate, his hands hold the earth and all its elements, and his rainbow border is adorned by the feathers of intuition, although his are colored with war colors. Sun and Moon guardians offer him protection both day and night.
Divinatory Meanings: Worldly power. Confi-dence. Wealth. Stability. Authority. Indomitable spirit. War-making tendencies. Father. Brother. Husband. Male influence. Domination of intelli-gence and reason over emotion and passion. Patriarchal figure.
Reverse Meanings: Immaturity. Ineffectiveness. Indecision. Inability. Weakness of character. Failure to control petty emotions.
5 The Hierophant Holy Man
As a powerful ha’atathli, Holy Man traveled far and wide to learn the powers of many different peoples, until he, himself, became a Yei. He wears a horned headdress, signifying his wisdom, and a feathered mask to show his adherence to old ways. Curved rainbows extend from his hands and feet, showing his powerful nature and his innate kindness. He carries a crooked spear in his left hand and a bull-roarer and medicine wand in his right. A butterfly and a frog serve as his guardians, lending him both beauty and cunning. His dress is dark and warrior-like, giving him a somber, oppressive air.
Divinatory Meanings: Ritualism. Mercy. Kindness. For-giveness. Inspiration. Compassion. Servitude. Inactivity. Timidity. Captivity to one’s own ideas. Tendency to cling to outmoded ideas and principles. Conformity. A religious or spiritual leader.
Reverse Meanings: Foolish generosity. Susceptibility. Impotence. Vulnerability. Frailty. Unorthodoxy. Renunciation.
6 The Lovers White Corn Man — Yellow Corn Woman
White Corn Man and Yellow Corn Woman seem eternally apart here, and yet are forever linked by Corn-Beetle who interrupts the separation. Depicted here in their yei form, both have many ears of ripe corn waiting to be plucked and both have largefeather headdresses showing their idealism and faith. In the four corners are the tipi, clouds, fish, and hearth representing the four elements.
Divinatory Meanings: Love. Beauty. Perfection. Harmony. Trust. Beginning of a romance. Deep feeling. Optimism. Freedom of emotion. The necessity of testing or of subjecting to trial. Struggle between sacred and profane love. A meaningful affair.
Reverse Meanings: Failure to meet the test. Unreliability. Separation. Frustration in love and marriage. Interference. Fickleness. Unwise plans.
7 The Chariot B’Ganaskiddy
B’Ganaskiddy, also known as the Hump-backed Yei or the Navajo God of Plenty, is on a continual journey and has to face many perils on his travels. In truth, his hump is a deerskin bag carrying seeds. He holds a medicine pouch and a double bull-roarer in his hands. The mountains beneath his feet show the distances he must walk and his headdress are traditional Mountain Sheephorns. A short rainbow barhangsin the sky beneath his hands.
Divinatory Meanings: Adversity, possibly already overcome. Conflicting influences. Turmoil. Vengeance. Success. ossibly a voyage or journey. Escape. Rushing to a decision. Need to pay attention to details. Urgency to gain control of one’s emotions.
Reverse Meanings: Failure. To lose at the last minute something otherwise in your grasp. Sudden collapse of plans. Overwhelmed. Failure to face reality.
8 Strength Monster Slayer
Known as Nayenezgani, Monster Slayer is armed with crooked lightning, given to him by his father, the Sun. His dress is decorated with wide bands of crooked lightning and crooked lightning crosses him, pointing in all directions. His guardians are twin suns, dark and light. He stands upon a double-headed lightning bolt.
Divinatory Meanings: Strength. Courage. Conviction. Energy. Defiance. Action. Confidence. Zeal. Matter over mind or mind over matter. Accomplishment.
Reverse Meanings: Weakness. Pettiness. Impotence. Sickness. Lack of faith. Abuse of power. Succumbing to temptation. Indifference.
9 The Hermit Pollen Boy on the Sun
Pollen Boy, a central figure in the Creation Story, took his place on the sun so that the sun might not be as lonely and take a rest, thus allowing The People to escape the burning heat of The Sun. Depicted here as a single blue character, Pollen Boy stands upon the Sun’s mouth, flanked by two short rainbow bars and his hands seemingly cupping The Sun’s eyes. The Sun is huge and shown here with red-and-black eagle feathers and black, lightning-decorated horns.
Divinatory Meanings: Counsel. Knowledge. Solicitude. Prudence. Discretion. Vigilance. Circumspection. Self-denial. Withdrawal. Regression. Annulment. Tendency to withhold emotion. Fear of discovery.
Reverse Meanings: Imprudence. Hastiness. Rashness. Prematurity. Incorrect advice. Failure caused by dullness. Over prudence causes unnecessary delay.
X. Колесо Фортуны
Wheel of Fortune — Whirling Rainbow
10 Wheel of Fortune Whirling Rainbow
A single, right-sided Rainbow Yei with black-and-white face and blue feathers borders eight Whirling Rainbow Yeis all connected and spinning clockwise. Crooked lightning of different lengths and heights float in between each Whirling Yei and all are just out of grasp.
Divinatory Meanings: Destiny. Fortune. Fate. Outcome. Culmination. Approaching the end of a problem. Good or bad luck, depending on influences of nearby cards. Inevitability. The wheel suggests the course of events from beginning to end. Advancement for better or worse.
Reverse Meanings: Bad luck. Broken sequence. Interruption or inconsistency due to unexpected events. Outside influence not contemplated.
11 Justice Whirling Logs
In the Navajo belief, Justice would be balance. And the Whirling Logs most easily depict the concepts of balance. Two Yeis, male and female, stand upon each of the four logs radiating out from a circle that represents the earth. Two sets of the Yeis are topped with a crooked snake showing the inclination for advancement and travel, and the other two are capped with arrows showing their readiness to fight for their rights. All carry many rattles and feathers. The Whirling Logs are bordered by crossed spears.
Divinatory Meanings: Reasonableness. Justice. Proper balance. Harmony. Equity. Righteousness. Virtue. Honor. Virginity. Just reward. The eventual outcome, whether favorable or unfavorable, will be truly fair to the person concerned. Equilibrium. Poise. Impartiality.
Reverse Meanings: Bias. False accusations. Bigotry. Severity in Judgement. Intolerance. Unfairness. Abuse.
12 The Hanged Man Blue Whirlwind Boy
Blue Whirlwind Boy was rash and inconsiderate, pestering one and all until caught by the Thunders and forced to contemplate his existence. He is shown here as a trapped figure, his whirlwind rattles in warrior colors, his crooked lightning spilling from his hands. Trapped suns serve as his rattles and hang above his head, as though behind him. Snake guardians, which would ordinarily flank his head, run from his feet instead. An unarmed, non-headdressed Rainbow Yei serves as his border.
Divinatory Meanlngs: Life in suspension. Transition. Change. Reversal of the mind and in one’s way of life. Apathy and dullness. Abandonment. Renunciation. The change of life’s forces. The period of respite between significant events. Sacrifice. Repentance. Readjustment. Regeneration. The approach of new life forces.
Reverse Meanings: Lack of sacrifice. Unwillingness to make the necessary effort. Failure to give of oneself. Egotism. False prophecy. Useless sacrifice.
XIII. Смерть
Death — Big Endless Snake
13 Death — Big Endless Snake
In Navajo tradition, Death is counter-productive to balance and harmony. Nowhere in sandpaintings or myth does any Yei represent Death. However, Big Endless Snake represents transformation, the eternal change with no beginnings, no endings. Big Endless Snake curls in the center of the card, as though ready to strike or to transform. It is accompanied by four smaller Endless Snakes, black and yellow on the left, white and green on the right. A large guardian snake borders the painting, and is marked with deer tracks. Two cloud guardians highlight the way to the future.
Divinatory Meanings: Trans-formation. Clearing away the old to make way for the new. Unexpected change. Loss. Alteration. Abrupt change of the old self through not necessarily physical death. The end of a familiar situation or friendship. Financial loss. A new era. Illness, possibly death.
Reverse Meanings: Stagnation. Immobility. Slow changes. Partial change. Inertia. Narrowly avoiding a serious accident.
14 Temperance — Black Yeis
lnside a rainbow Yei border, four Black Yeis in diamond-shaped, fringed medicine pouches hover on all points of the compass. Each carry the earth in one hand, a feather and an elaborately decorated medicine pouch in the other. Rattles hang from both arms. Sacred plants adorn each skirt. The four Black Yeis represent the four sides of the central figure’s nature. The Black Yei in the center is encased in a circle, depicting his place in the world. He carries a bull-roarer in one hand and the other is open palmed, accepting.
Divinatory Meanings: Moderation. Temperance. Patience. Accomplishment through self-control and frugality. Accommodation. Harmony. The mixing orbringing together into perfect union. Management. Fusion. Adjustment. Good influence. Consolidation.
Reverse Meanings: Discord. Conflict of interest. Hostility. Inability to work with others. Difficulty in understanding others. Impatience. Sterility.
15 The Devil — Sand Dune Monster
The Sand Dune Monster lies in wait for those wishing to cross the desert mountains. Wearing Red with a double-headed crooked lightning shirt, Sand Dune Monster wears a cross-horned mask with jagged feathers and painted yellow for war. He is open-palmed and his feet are square with small yellow-white circles on the palms and soles signifying his attempt to hold the world. Trapped in the sandy mountains are Corn-Cloud Yei, Many-Cloud-People Yei, Cactus Yei, and Many-Cactus-People Yei. Over the mountains is a tri-colored rainbow, and having traveled it are the Twin War Gods who are there to battle Sand Dune Monster.
Divinatory Meanings: Ravage. Bondage. Malevolence. Subservience. Downfall. Weird experience. Bad outside influence or advice. Black magic. Unexpected failure. Inability to realize goals. Violence. Shock. Fatality. Self-punishment. Temptation to evil. Self-destruction.
Reverse Meanings: Release from bondage. Throwing off shackles. Divorce. Recognition of one’s needs by another person. Overcoming severe handicaps. The beginning of spiritual understanding.
16 The Tower — Red Thunder Yei
One of the Thunder People, this Red Thunder Yei is depicted headless, with crooked lightning shooting across four feathers. Warlike yellow crooked lightning without points fork from yellow-tipped open hands with small black circles showing the world already taken. Red and yellow crooked lightning shoots from each tier of the Red Thunder Yel’s wings. Two male and female yeis peer fearfully from each level on each side of the wings as they are about to be spilled out. Fanged snakes approach each foot instead of drawing away from them.
Divinatory Meanings: Complete and sudden change. Breakdown of old beliefs. Abandonment of past relationships. Severing of afriendship. Changing one’s opinion. Unexpected events. Bankruptcy. Downfall. Loss of stability. Loss of security.
Reverse Meanings: Continued oppression. Following old ways. Living in a rut. Inability to affect any worthwhile change. Entrapment in an unhappy situation.
17 The Star — Big Star
Big Star, who figures in many Navajo stories and chants, and is central in both the Creation Story and the Nightway Chant, is stationary in the sky but counter-clockwise movement is shown by the arrows between his rainbow rays. He wears a feather and bead headdress hanging in perfect balance from the widest two points of his face, and he has black-and-white crooked lightning aiming downward into his faceband. Twin suns crown him while inverted clouds filled with sand make up his eyes, all of which denote his affinity with the elements. His guardians are bats and he is protected by a crooked rainbow border with lofty feathers and beads.
Divinatory Meanings: Hope. Faith. Inspiration. Bright prospects. Mixing of the past and present. Optimism. Insight. Good omen. Spiritual love. Astrological influence. Fulfillment. Pleasure. The proper balance of desire and work, hope and effort, love and expression.
Reverse Meanings: Unfulfilled hopes. Disappointment. Pessimism. Bad luck. Lack of opportunity. Stubbornness. Bull-headedness. Imbalance. Conclusion of an unsatisfactory business experience or social friendship.
18 The Moon — The Moon
The Moon, considered a pale twin of The Sun, wears two broad, striped horns with dangling feathers and beads indicating superior status. The Moon also wears dyed eagle feathers as headdress and collar, revealing intuition and sometimes artifice. His cheeks are masked with short rainbow bars while an inverted tipi adorns his forehead and a true tipi, his chin. He is protected by a thick rainbow border with three feathers and his guardians are twin snakes.
Divinatory Meanings: Deception. Twilight. Obscurity. Intuition. Disillusionment. Danger. Bad influence. Ulterior motives. False friends. Selfishness. Deceit. Craftiness. Disgrace. Slander. Libel. Superficiality. Unknown enemies.
Reverse Meanings: A minor deception recognized before damage is done. Trifling mistakes. Overcoming bad temptation. Gain without paying the price. Taking advantage of someone.
19 The Sun — The Sun
Father of the Twin War Gods—represented here by the two inverted and fringed medicine pouches—The Sun is a powerful god who affects most of life. He has a horned headdress with long feathers and beads and wears cloth and bead earrings. His headdress is crowned with tremendous feathersand shafts of spears while his collar is comprised of eagle feathers with sand and seeds painted on them. The central feather of the collar holds the sacred bean plant. He is protected by four rainbow bars.
Divinatory Meanings: Satisfaction. Accomplishment. Contentment. Success. Favorable relationships. Love. Joy. Devotion. Unselfish sentiment. Engagement. A happy marriage. Pleasure in daily existence. A good friend. High spirits. Warmth. Sincerity. Pleasures derived from simple things. Achievement in the arts. Liberation.
Reverse Meanings: Unhappiness. Loneliness. Possibly a broken engagement or marriage. Canceled plans. Triumph delayed although not necessarily completely lost. Clouded future.
20 Judgment — Water Creatures
Balancing the waterways of the world are four Water Creatures, two linked above and two touching hands below. The waterways are twisted and confused. These Yeis are all female in nature and the variation in dress reveals the different nature of balance. A tricolored rainbow border with two feathers protects the Water Creatures in their difficult task. They are additionally protected by the two short rainbow bars inside the border.
Divinatory Meanings: Atonement. Judgment. The need to repent and forgive. The moment to account for the manner in which we have used our opportunities. Rejuvenation. Rebirth. Improvement. Development. Promotion. The desire for immortality. Legal judgment in one’s favor. One should carefully consider how present actions affect other persons.
Reverse Meanings: Delay. Disappointment. Failure to face fact. Indecision. Divorce. Procrastination. Theft. Alienation of affections.
21 The World — Emergence Place
In the creation Story, The People had to pass through several levels before arriving in the present world. The way through to this world is The Emergence Place. A yellow-masked and skirted rainbow Yei borders the world, offering it fierce protection. The world, depicted with sand in it, has corn-cloud rays stretching out from it. Two of the cloud tiers are capped with Buffalo People, the other two with Bird People. Crooked lightning lies in between the tiers but doesn’t follow a particular pattern.
Divinatory Meanings: Attachment. Completion. Perfection. Ultimate change. The end result of all efforts. Success. Synthesis. Fulfillment. Capability. Triumph in undertakings. The rewards that come from hard work. Eternal life. Admiration of others.
Reverse Meanings: Imperfection. Failure to complete the task one starts. Lack of vision. Disappointment.
King of Rainbows Big Rainbow
Divinatory Meanings: An honest and conscientious person. Mature. Wise. Devoted. Friendly. Sympathetic. Educated. A gentleman. Generally married. Fatherly.
Reverse Meanings: Severity. Austerity. Excessive and exaggerated ideas. Dogmatic. Deliberate.