Таро Сериалов TV — TV Series Tarot
![Таро Сериалов TV](https://www.rozamira-tarot.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Taro-Serialov-TV-236x425.jpg)
Характеристика Таро Сериалов TV — TV Series Tarot
Автор: Gero Giglio, Davide Corsi
Художник: Davide Corsi
Издательство: Lo Scarabeo
Производство: Италия
Состав: 78 карт + Инструкция на английском, итальянском, испанском, французском и немецком языках.
Язык карт: -
Размер карт: 65×118 мм
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-0738758763 Llewellyn, 9788865275269 Lo Scarabeo
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: современная, компьютерный коллаж
Другие колоды Davide Corsi: Таро Универсальный Ключ — Pictorial Key Tarot, Таро Драконис — Tarot Draconis, Таро Эльфов — Tarot of the Elves, Таро Вечная Ночь Вампиров — Vampires Tarot of the Eternal Night, Таро 3D — TaroT 3D, Таро Призраков — Ghost Tarot, Двустороннее Таро — Viceversa Тarot, Феи Оракул Ленорман — Fairy Lenormand Oracle
Аннотация: Это Таро подобно телесериалу, дающему простор воображению. В сюжетных линиях сериалов ТВ мы видим много общего со своей жизнью, из них мы черпаем опыт и знания, делаем выводы на будущее. Каждая карта этого Таро, как кадр из фильма, среди героев которого можно найти себя, своих близких или своё окружение. Это Таро, благодаря сценарию знатока телесериалов Джеро Джильо и художнику Дэвиду Корзи, знакомому нам по ряду замечательных колод, само является произведением искусства.
Где купить Таро Сериалов TV — TV Series Tarot
*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.
Обзор Таро Сериалов TV — TV Series Tarot
Как мы можем понять из названия, Таро Сериалов ТВ основано на персонажах известных сериалов, среди которых мы можем узнать подробности и своей жизни.
Таро сериалов TV/ По каким сериалам создана колода? Дары Вселенной
МБК значения: Таро Сериалов TV — TV Series Tarot
TV series Tarot guidebook
object — the card +1) that will help us during difficult moments.
Third Line: this line illustrates the epilogue, the answer to our initial query. Was what we wanted the same as what we needed? The card +1 represents the magic work that opens the door to our wishes: the treasure conquered during our hero’s voyage.
Since their creation, through different reinterpretations, the Tarot all share the same origins, but the meanings of the Arcana are different according to the deck or the period. Here below is a brief list of the “traditional” meanings of the Tarot. This is provided to allow a satisfactory consultation immediately, even for those who are approaching the fascinating world of the Tarot for the first time.
0 — The Fool: Distance from material strife, eccentricity, madness, light-heartedness.
I — The Magician. Initiative, dexterity, inventiveness, ability, autonomy.
Il — The High Priestess: Severity m judgment, wisdom, enlightenment.
Hl — The Empress: Intelligence, comprehension, charitable influence.
IV — The Emperor: Strength, stability, power, I authority, legitimacy.
V — The Hierophant: Modesty, calm, pity, in- I dulgence.
VI — The Lovers: Trial, examination, attempts.
VII — The Chariot: Triumph, success, spiritual or material evolution.
VIII — Strength: Courage, energy. Intelligence that triumphs over brute force.
IX — The Hermit: Wisdom, prudence, spiritual search, material indifference.
X — The Wheel: Undeserved success, serendipitous advantages, unexpected events.
XI — Justice: Law, balance, objectivity, justice, harmony.
XII — The Hanged Man: Indifference, altruism, penance, atonement.
XIII — Death: Sudden changes, decisive transformation.
XIV — Temperance: Moderation, harmony, adaptation, joyful transformation.
XV — The Devil: Sexual attraction, enchantment, seduction, charm.
XVI — The Tower: Arrogance, pride, presumption, problems preceded by omens.
XVII — The Stars: Faith, hope, inspired grace, protection, favourable omens.
XVIII — The Moon: Visions, eccentricity,* illusions, errors due to fantasy.
XIX — The Sun: Harmony, friendship, serenity, sincere sentiments, love, happiness.
XX — Judgment: Ethical renewal, change in position, reawakening, birth.
XXI — The World: Fulfilment, reward, a crowning achievement.
Although these Arcana are defined as ‘minor’, they encompass precious indications and advice. Generally, the cards from the Ace to the 10 speak of events and situations, while the Court Cards speak of individuals.
I Chalices
| The suit of Chalices has the element of Water as its I focal point. The basic concept is that the soul can- I not be separated from the communion of inferiority, I emotivity, and sentiment
I Ace: Joy, happiness, sustenance, abundance, ■fertility.
I 2: Passion, friendship, affinity, love.
I 3: Unexpected pleasure, spontaneous gratification.
4: Boredom, aversion, oppression, trouble in a I relationship.
5: Loss, justified fears, situations or antagonis- I tic people.
6: Happy memories, valid considerations.
7: Dreams, desires, and imagination.
8: Concreteness, farsightedness, moderation, shyness.
9: Harmony, physical well-being, success, ad- I vantage.
10: The heart at rest, perfection of the current I situation.
Knave: Learn to control emotions, relationships, and art.
Knight: Arrival, approach, advancement, intentions.
Queen: Honesty and loyalty, support in emotions.
King: Support in decisions, professional, relational, or artistic credibility.
The suit of Pentacles has the element Earth as its focal point. The body, in reference to both the human body and any physical matter, intended in a holistic sense.
Ace: prosperity, ecstasy, favourable moment, great success.
2: Happiness, fim, great news, positive messages.
3: Trade, commerce, excellence.
4: Security of property, but attachment to one’s own assets.
5: Material concerns, obstacles, excess ambition.
6: Rewards, gifts.
7: Business, exchanges, satisfactions.
8: Work, commitment, commission, manual skills.
9. Prudence, salvation, success.
10: Family fortune, earnings, wealth.
Knave: Application, study, reflection, knowl- I edge.
Knight: Attention paid to the physical world I and resources.
Queen: Opulence, generosity, magnificence.
King: Value, common sense, business, and intellectual activities.
The suit of Wands has the element of Fire as its I focal point. Its key element is willpower and the I variety of resources belonging to human beings.
Ace: Creation, invention, enterprise: beginning, debut, origin,
2: Malevolence, uncertainty amidst abundance.
3: Affirmation of strength, entrepreneurship, | trade, commerce, discovery.
4: A place of refuge, rest, peace, harmony
5: Imitation, simulation, even strenuous competition.
6: Victory, success; clarity; a dream come true, i public recognition.
7: Discussions, quarrels; the strength of persuasion.
8: Initiative, activities undertaken, a journey.
9: Strength in dealing with adversity and final success.
10: Oppression, over-exertion, falseness, duality, deception, treachery.
Knave: Loyalty, falling in love, message in arrival.
Knight: Travel, departure, absence, flight, movement.
Queen: Chastity, lovability, dignity.
King: Honesty, being conscientious.
The suit of Swords has the element of Air as its focal point. The main key represents the mind and every- thing that has to do with rational thought.
Ace: Triumph, maximum results.
2: Adjustment, balance, courage, friendship.
3: Removal, absence, delay, separation.
4: Vigilance, retreat, solitude, a solitary place.
5: Debasement, destruction, cancellation.
6: A sea voyage, a trip, journey, shipment.
7: Scheme to be implemented, an attempt, desire, hope, trust.
8: Bad news, displeasure, crisis, censure, impediments.
9: Transition, loss, failure.
10: Pity, tears, desolation, unhappiness.
Knave: Authority, attention, secrecy, vigilance.
Knight: Ability, courage, capacity, defence, dexterity.
Queen: Widowhood, sadness, difficult situation (for a woman).
King: Authority, decision, communication.