One World Tarot — Таро Единого Мира | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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One World Tarot One World Tarot book
Книга к колоде: One World Tarot: Astrology, Tarot and the New Age

Характеристика One World Tarot — Таро Единого Мира

Оригинальное название: The One World Tarot

Автор: Crystal Love, Michael Hobbs
Художник: Michael Hobbs
Издательство: U.S. Games, 1999; AGM Muller, 2002
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 80 x 104 мм
Год: 1999, 2002
ISBN: 978-1572812505 U.S. Games; 

Традиция: Уникальная
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Принцесса, Принц, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: астрология

Эта колода отличается ультра современным художественным оформлением с применением компьютерного дизайна. Она фокусируется на Астрологических аспектах Таро, а также включает нумерологию, теорию цвета и эзотерические символы. 

Книга к колоде: One World Tarot: Astrology, Tarot and the New Age 
Crystal Love, Michael Hobbs
290 стр.
U.S. Games, 2003 ISBN: 978-1572813366

Где купить One World Tarot — Таро Единого Мира

*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.

Тароман — карты Таро

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Обзор One World Tarot — Таро Единого Мира

Лаконичный 3D-кубизм, восходящий к янтрам.

Собираясь писать обзор, задумалась, чем именно эта колода оказалась для меня привлекательной. Ответ пришел любопытный: отсутствием навязчивой антропоморфности, свойственной «классическим» образцам. Людей почти нет, глаз отдыхает. Нет и вычурных изображений мифологических существ. Есть тригонометрическая строгость и одухотворенность «простых вещей».

Особенно показательны в этом отношении используемые обозначения мастей Младших Арканов, в частности, кубков (морские звезды) и пентаклей (листья). На редкость тщательно выдержаны цветовые соответствия. Изображения Карт Двора одинаковы для каждой из мастей и различаются только стихийными обозначениями. Почти полное отсутствие привычных сюжетов способствует нужной отстраненности, разрушая устойчивые ассоциации. В колоде действительно ощущается некое первозданное, вневременное и надпространственное единство, заявленное самим названием.

Сочетание простоты и яркости дает какую-то первобытную живость: карты приятно брать, перекладывать, рассматривать. Говорят охотно, только тихо и кратко: сложно толкуемая простота.

Колода отлично подходит для оттачивания восприятия и работы со стихиями, хороша для больших описательных раскладов: делает совершенно отчетливыми напряженные точки в обстановке. Карты годятся для плетения, если события перевести на язык простых стихийных взаимодействий.

В Старших Арканах ощущается связность и преемственность, часто нарушаемая в современных колодах. Стоит поискать иносказательных глубин. В цепочке хорошо просматриваются переходы. Подразумеваемые в других колодах изменения силы Арканов здесь стали видимыми. Простота сообщает изображениям огромную мощь. Некоторые просто потрясающи:

  • «Дурак» – мерцающая звезда, одна из многих, но наиболее близкая;
  • «Влюбленные» — спираль взаимопроникающих токов Инь/Ян;
  • «Отшельник» — скудно освещенная дальняя планета, кажущаяся безжизненной;
  • «Повешенный» — перевернутая «Сила»;
  • «Звезда» — янтра, объединяющая все стихийные цвета в упорядоченное единство;
  • «Мир» — просто Земля.

В целом, колода и для других, и для себя: помогает собраться, осмыслить, взглянуть со стороны. Это часто нужно и трудно достижимо. Gelwedd  

Рецензия Антона Самсонова

Бросая взгляд на последние рецензии заметил тенденцию – слишком много откровенно позитивных обзоров и до сих пор ни разу не проскочила итоговая оценка 1 или моя любимая – 0. Видимо, слишком везло на колоды. В связи с этим, 31 мая объявляется днем Яда. Потому что сегодня на растерзание я выволок из кованых сундуков колоду, которую и подарить то стыдно. Шедевр, который получил 2 балла на эклектике (кроме шуток, у их рандомайзера иногда включается нечто под названием «мозг»). Колода, которая была так успешна у известных создателей жанра трэш-таро от AGM-Muller, что ее додумалось переиздать US Games (это шутка из разряда – я не выдам ее, она очень просила). Итак, колода, у которой самое красивое изображение – заглавное, на коробочке (я про глобусик). П.С. Простите, все было с точностью до наоборот – Мюллеры переиздали данный трэшак у ЮСГеймсов.

Колода поставляется в коробке нетипичного размера – карты очень широкие, но при этом короткие и довольно тонкие.  Есть 2 рекламных карты с рубашкой. Сама рубашка симметрична и значительно более красива, нежели то, что вам предстоит увидеть на Арканах, которые даже и с большой буквы тут писать не хочется. Поехали. На Шуте некое сияние (кстати, все экстремальные изыски на картах в МБК не разъясняются, просто тупо значение и всё). Большинство Старших Арканов производят впечатление сошедшего с ума третьеклассника, которому показали две кнопки в ЗДМаксе и он по ним колбасит. Маг, к примеру – шарик в виде Инь-Янь. Жрица – некое подобие женского тела в которое вживили спираль с кристаллами. Императрица – Пирамида из-за которой торчат две пальмы (тут в комментах в Фейсбуке появляется кто-то кто практикует на данном шедевре и начинает знаками показывать, что его зовут Хуан доказывать, что пальма изначально в учении древних шумеров символизировала материнское начало, а пирамида у древних майя (только они об этом не знают) – символ домашнего очага). Откровенно говоря, я теряюсь в догадках, в каком магазине продуктов без ГМО были в 1999-м году куплены грибочки, после которых Императрица превращается в Пирамиду и две косые пальмы. (И тут тот же самый Хуан предлагает адрес этого адского заведения). Император. В общем поменяли фон, выкорчевали пальмы и засунули внутрь пирамиды Мага. На Жреце есть радуга, подобие фото райского уголка во время цунами и падающий на пирамиду ядовито фиолетовый шар. Влюбленные – фиолетово-розовый инь-янь. Колесница – Дерево Сефирот в 3Д. ГОМу бы понравилось, но уж жутко отполированое оно. Правосудие – глаз, веки которого – красно-зеленая змея жрущая сама себя. Отшельник – просто золотой шарик на черном фоне. Колесо Фортуны – шарик, Будда и двенадцатигранник с астрологическими символами. Сила – интересный символ в виде глаза.  Повешенный (я не шучу) – то же самое вверх тормашками. Перерождение – Арабский символ в окружении орнамента, нарисованного в Пэйнте. Умеренность – фотография трех камней собирающих букву П. Избавление – Сатурн (да, просто, тупо, Сатурн). Башня – Шарик, Башенка и кривая белая линия имитирующая молнию.  Луна… Вы не поверите – ЛУНА! Звезда – аналогично, но снова нарисованная в Пэйнте. Солнце – флаг Македонии в 3Д. Суд – Флаг Македонии после цветового ребрендинга. Мир – Глобус с коробки.

Вы будете смеяться, но на Старших Арканах все эксперименты с ЗДМаксом прекращаются и авторы целиком отдают себя Пэйнту. И тут они тоже умудрились начудить. Начнем с того, что числовые Арканы они даже не утруждались прорисовать. А на фигурных картах – в звезду сияния вписано ЛИЦО. Рисунки символов расположены в однотипных последовательностях, на десятках собирают дерево Сефирот. На жезлах основной цвет Красный (к счастью, а лица принадлежат представителям негроидной и монголоидной рас). Пажей и Рыцарей нет – Принцы и Принцессы. На Масти Монет оранжевый цвет, символ масти – листья конопли фатсхедеры, а на фигурных картах… внимание… те же лица что и на жезлах!!! Воздух голубого цвета, символы напоминают круглые жемчужины. А сейчас, внимание. Кубки. Они ЗЕЛЕНОГО цвета. То есть вода в представлении авторов находится в состоянии ВЕЧНОГО цветения. И символы там – морские звезды…

Наличие на всех картах астрологических символов не добавляет загадочности всему происходящему беспределу. Разве что только расстраивает по полной. Данная колода, даже в условиях 1998-1999-го года при минимальных навыках работы с пейнтом и 3ДМаксом должна была занять один вечер работы. Если не меньше. А все обманчивая коробочка с глобусом, намекающая на лучшие образцы жанра…

Общая оценка(по пятибалльной шкале):

Качество исполнения

Карты тонкие, но обрез нормальный и несмотря на то, что колоде 18 лет она особо не пострадала. Особых усилий в цветопередаче эти примитивные изображения не требовали.


Текстовое сопровождение(МБК)

Есть описание значений. Много символики из астрологии без особо подробных объяснений зачем они вам вообще.


Художественная ценность

Это даже по меркам 1997-го года откровеннейшая халтура.


Простота (с позиции первого знакомства)

Возможна только если найти тот волшебный магазин с грибочками.


Простота (с позиции дальнейшей работы)

Я себе не могу даже в кошмарном сне представить таролога, который будет с этим работать.



Плюс балл Мюллерам за то что умудрились в 2002-м переиздать (и видимо, даже продать тираж).


Соотношение цены и качества

Здравствуйте, я знаменитая актриса. Вы должны купить эту колоду, потому что я – знаменитая актриса.


Коллекционная ценность

Лично мне стыдно, что у меня ЭТО есть в коллекции.


Суммарная оценка

Я долго метался между нулем и единицей и в конце концов выдал таки ноль. Потому что эта колода – самый огромный розыгрыш и обман в жанре Таро, с которым я сталкивался до сих пор. Я предвкушаю бурление возмущений тех, у кого это работает, но это НЕ Таро. Это набор картинок для лечения македонских детей от дальтонизма. И да — одна из авторов этого носит имя Кристалл Любви. Ну вы поняли масштабы разрушений…



МБК значения: One World Tarot — Таро Единого Мира

Contemporary designs and astrological associations characterize this 78 card deck from U.S. Games Systems. The pip cards use appropriate but non-standard representations, and are named after their associated elements (fire = wands/sun, water = cups/starfish, air = swords/orbs, earth = pentacles/leaves). The suit symbol is superimposed the appropriate number of times on geometric-shape backgrounds.
The One World Tarot is a deck of computer-generated images that are a «fusion of traditional tarot and modern design» according to the deck creators Crystal Love and Michael Hobbs. This deck also incorporates elements of astrology, numerology and color symbolism. The four suits represent the four elements air, water, earth and fire, and the colors and suit tokens reflect those elements. For example, the suit token for cups (water) is a starfish. The court cards show faces instead of full figures. The same face is repeated for each court card type with only the color changing for each suit. The faces on the prince and princesses are those of smiling faces of children. 

The one world tarot deck is a fusion of traditional tarot and modern design, and incorporates astrological, numerological, esoteric, and color symbolism.
Although the exact origins of the tarot still remain a mystery, one thing is certain — that the roots of tarot are astrological in nature, and the cards themselves are pictorial representations of universal energies to which we are all subject.
These universal archetypes are present in all systems of divination and are ultimately the prime factors which compose life as we know it.
Although one need have no prior knowledge of astrology to use this deck, the meanings of the cards are expanded when linked correctly to their astrological counterparts.
As we approach the The Age of Aquarius, I believe it is time for tarot to be refreshed and invigorated with color symbolism and modern design appropriate to The New Age. Yet it must remain linked to the astrological origins of our unwritten past. The essence of tarot remains untouched by time, and its wisdom still reaches us from its symbolic images.
Tarot will guide us, inspire us, and inform us. The mysteries of the psyche will be illuminated when we consult its intuitive wisdom and allow tarot to share the secrets of our souls.
Our paths in this life are determined by our Karma and our fate awaits us like an unknown guest.
To overcome the ego, the separateness of self, and to realize that we are all indeed integral parts of One World and, as such, are equal and interdependent, we may find knowledge and wisdom that will lead us from Matter to Spirit.
Our destinies await us like strangers. Only with awareness can we aspire to find our way in this vast and mysterious universe we call home.
With tarot as our guide and teacher, we can learn to grow and to evolve, for I believe it is our shared destiny to reach enlightenment.
I wish you love and luck on your journey
Crystal Love

The Major Arcana planets and signs
The 22 Major Arcana are linked with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the Kaballistic Tree of Life. There is also an alignment with the ten planets and the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Aleph 1 Mercury The Magician
Beth 2 Virgo The High Priestess
Gimel 3 Libra The Empress
Daleth 4 Scorpio The Emperor
He 5 Jupiter The High Priest
Vau 6 Venus The Lovers
Zain 7 Sagittarius The Chariot
Cheth 8 Capricorn The Justice
Teth 9 Aquarius The Hermit
Jod 10 Uranus The Wheel of Fortune
Caph 11 Neptune Strength
Lamed 12 Pisces The Hanging Man
Mem 13 Aries The Rebirth
Nun 14 Taurus Temperance
Samek 15 Saturn The Deliverance
Ay in 16 Mars The Tower
Fe 17 Gemini The Star
Tzaddi 18 Cancer The Moon
Quoph 19 Leo The Sun
Resh 20 The Moon The Judgement
Shin 21 The Sun The World
Tau 0 The Earth The Fool

the Minor  Arcana the four elements
The four suits and the four elements are divided by the decantes of each sign, and by their numero-logical powers 1-9.
fire earth air water
1. The Element The Element The Element The Element
2. 1st Dec Aries 1st DecTaurus 1st Dec Gemini 1st Dec Cancer
3. 2nd Dec Aries 2nd DecTaurus 2nd Dec Gemini 2nd Dec Cancer
4. 3rd Dec Aries 3rd DecTaurus 3rd Dec Gemini 3rd Dec Cancer
5, 1st Dec Leo 1st Dec Virgo 1st Dec Libra 1st Dec Scorp
6. 2nd Dec Leo 2nd Dec Virgo 2nd Dec Libra 2nd Dec Scorp
7. 3rd Dec Leo 3rd Dec Virgo 3rd Dec Libra 3rd Dec Scorp
8. 1st Dec Sag 1st Dec Capricorn 1st Dec Aquarius 1st Dec Pisces
9. 2nd Dec Sag 2nd Dec Capricorn 2nd Dec Aquarius 2nd Dec Pisces
10. 3rd Dec Sag 3rd Dec Capricorn 3rd Dec Aquarius 3rd Dec Pisces

The  court  cards
The court cards are representative of the elemental archetypes and denote male (Kings/Princes) and female (Queens/Princesses).
FIRE: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. 
EARTH: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn 
AIR: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius 
WATER: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

The Major Arcana

The Magician
This card symbolizes communication, knowledge, and skill. It denotes mental, intellectual, and analytical processes as well as the voice and the power of speech. The Magician rules singers, lecturers, secretaries, phones, mail, and communications in general.
Reversed: Nervous, critical, and analytical. Delays in communications.

The  High  Priestess
This card symbolizes The Earth Goddess, Isis, or Ishtar Critical, practical, evaluating life by facts and logic. Shrewd, discerning, refined, intelligent, and practical.
Reversed: Over-analytical, unfeeling, lacking in foresight and imagination.

The Empress
This card stands for beauty harmony, balance, partnership marriage, and wealth. Also linked to legal affairs, the law, and justice. Denotes fertility intellectual creativity, and the ability to relate to others.
Reversed: Indecisive, fickle, superficial, vain. May indicate legal loss and slander.

The  Emperor
This card stands for strength of will, magnetism, power, emotional energy, intuition, and secrets. Also symbolizes penetrating thought, keen perception, sexual power and passion. May indicate inheritances or legacies.
Reversed: Jealous, cruel, and controlling. Negative use of will, cruelty, and violence.

The High Priest
This card denotes travel, growth, expansion, wisdom, and inspiration. It governs religious and spiritual thought and systems. Intuitive, progressive, and far-reaching, it brings luck and good fortune. Confers great insight and progressive thinking.
Reversed: Extravagant, boastful, unreliable, inflated ideas, lack of practicality.

The Lovers
This card symbolizes love, beauty and the power of emotions. Associated with the feminine qualities of gentleness and compassion, as well as judgment, harmony and unity Indicates a receptive, soft, and passive nature. Denote purposeful, artistic and aesthetic qualities.
Reversed: Discord, lack of purpose or direction. Failure to reach agreement.

The  Chariot
This card symbolizes wisdom, spiritual awareness, and growth. Denotes choice, variety freedom, and versatility Governs foreign places, travel, and expansion, as well as spiritual law and higher education.
Reversed: Confused. Irresponsible. Boastful. Restless. Over-expansive.

This card stands for prudence, discipline and caution, as well as ambition, planning and structure. May indicate someone calculating, conservative, constructive, and resourceful. Indicates a need for careful laying of foundations.
Reversed: Mean, cold, calculating. Indicates restrictions and limitations.

The  Hermit
This card indicates solitude, and detachment It also symbolizes originality, intuition, insight. Invention and progressive thinking-the unusual and unexpected. It may also denote purpose, intensity of will, and unique ideas for the benefit of society.
Reversed: Weird, perverse, eccentric, cranky, unfeeling. 

The Wheel of Fortune
This card symbolizes advanced thinking and creativity. — the unusual, unexpected, and unexplained. Also indicates insight, intuition, invention, imagination, and originality.
Reversed: Perverted, fanatical, depraved, violent. May indicate unexpected danger.

This card denotes refinement, subtlety, sensitivity, creativity, imagination, and psychic ability. The power to overcome through transcendence-including contact with higher energies, and detachment from the material world. Also indicates humility and compassion.
Reversed: Fantasy, illusion, deceit, chaos, despair, and lack of practicality.

The Hanging Man
This card symbolizes someone who is sensitive and impressionable. Passive, submissive, tender, compassionate and emotional, though often without direction. Artistic, musical, imaginative, and intuitive.
Reversed: Impractical, indecisive, touchy, confused, chaotic, out of touch.

The Rebirth
This card stands for new beginnings, often preceded by the completion of a cycle. Also courage, initiative, and a pioneering spirit. May denote someone competitive, assertive, brave and adventurous.
Reversed: Insensitive, aggressive, impatient, foolhardy, a need for caution.

This card symbolizes material possessions and wealth. Also indicates one who is stable, secure, steadfast, productive, practical, and patient Denotes art, harmony, food, luxuries, comfort. Someone who is affectionate and sensual.
Reversed: Stubborn, materialistic, and possessive. May indicate a poor use of resources.

This card symbolizes status, career, ambition, achievement, structure, and discipline. May also indicate restrictions, delays, and limitations. A realistic, practical and serious person with the determination and ability to formulate long-term goals.
Reversed: Delays, downfall, bondage, and enslavement to materialism.

The Moon
This card symbolizes the unconscious. It is associated with emotions, home, mother, and family. A changeable, unpredictable person. Can signify deception and trickery-that which is hidden or unseen. Concerns memories, history, and the past.
Reversed: Destructive emotions, obsession with security, defensiveness.

The  Tower
This card symbolizes action, aggression, adrenaline, and raw energy as well as impatience, arrogance, and sexual desire. It indicates a tendency to act impulsively, which may lead to downfall.
Reversed: Danger, downfall, disaster. Extreme caution is necessary.

The  Star
This card symbolizes versatility, variety, ingenious ideas, intelligence, and adaptability, Denotes literary and verbal communication skills. One who is observant, adaptable, perceptive, optimistic, and original.
Reversed: Slander and gossip. One who is superficial, inconsistent, cunning and unreliable.

The  Sun
This card indicates happiness, joy, creativity, self-expression, fertility, and children. Also symbolizes abundance, satisfaction, generosity, wealth, status, achievement, and leadership. May denote entertainment and pleasure.
Reversed: Disappointment, failure, pride, lack of joy, misanthropic.

The Judgement
This card symbolizes sensitivity and intuition, as well as rebirth and rejuvenation. One who is protective, nurturing, kind, and compassionate. Flexible, changeable. The home, emotions, mother^ and family. The ability and desire to conserve.
Reversed: Lack of insight, overly emotional, hidden factors, meanness.

The World
This card symbolizes balance, perfection, attainment, completion, mastery, success, and achievement. Denotes creativity productivity energy and enthusiasm. Also indicates status, rise to power, happiness and satisfaction.
Reversed: Lack of direction, creativity, energy, insight, and enthusiasm.

The Fool
This card symbolizes immaturity and imbalance. Possible extremes include lofty visions with poor management of resources, or heavy reliance on resources without vision. The spiritual or material fanatic who must seek unity. A card of extremes. 
Reversed: Unrealistic, fool-hardy, over-optimistic, lacking in direction,

The  Minor  Arcana

Ace  of  Swords
Success of enterprises and new projects. Thought, progress, and change.
Reversed: Restriction, injustice, failure, negative outcome, and slander.

Two of Swords
Equilibrium, truth, peace, justice, and balanced force.
Reversed: Arguments, separation, discord, tension. Trickery and deceit.

Three of Swords
Aggression, strife, conflict, and destruction.
Reversed: Impatience, disorder, and bullying. Oppression, violence, and danger.

Four  of  Swords
Peace, order, rest, and recuperation. Relaxation and entertainment.
Reversed: Depression, nervousness, failure. Collapse of plans.

Five of Swords
Defeat, loss, conflict, hidden motives, and weakness. 
Reversed: Loss, failure, and subterfuge.

Six of Swords
Solving of problems. Removal of obstacles. End of sorrow or worry.
Reversed: Obstacles, delays, and restrictions.

Seven  of  Swords
Hope, confidence, intelligence, beauty, and courage.
Reversed: Overconfident, decadent, wasted opportunities.

Eight of Swords
Intelligence and resourcefulness. Intellectual studies. Unique abilities.
Reversed: Unexpected delays. Progress halted. Perversity, eccentricity, and cruelty.

Nine of Swords
Success and gain after persistent struggles and sustained effort.
Reversed: Failure, deceit, cruelty, impracticality, and gossip.

Ten of Swords
A cycle of misfortune is nearly over Improvement is forthcoming. Hope.
Reversed: Danger and discord. False hopes. Suffering and oppression.

Ace  of  Batons
Successful launching of new enterprises and projects.
Creative power.
Reversed: Delays and set-backs. Ill-conceived plans and projects.

Two of Batons
Willpower, strength, and determination. Firm leadership. Courage and success.
Reversed: Pride, arrogance, and aggression. Lack of cooperation. Indecision.

Three of  Batons
Success in creative projects. Originality strength, and conviction.
Reversed: Failure or poorly conceived plans. Pride. Ego. Impractical ideas.
Four of  Batons
Successful ideas, especially in the arts. Skill. Beauty and harmony.
Reversed: Ineffective ideas. Over-indulgence. Lack of refinement Decadence.

Five of  Batons
Conflict and opposition. Delays and setbacks. Tests and struggles.
Reversed: Serious obstacles and possible defeat. Trickery and fraud. Miserly and materialistic.

Six of Batons
Advancement. Good news. Conquest, triumph, and success.
Reversed: Over-confidence. A setback or loss of opportunity.

Seven of Batons
Effort, courage and creativity. Gain, success. Victory and triumph.
Reversed: Misuse of power. Squandered opportunity. Hesitation and defeat.

Eight of  Batons
Initiative and opportunity. Good luck-a change for the better End of delays. Hope. 
Reversed: Delays in communications. Disputes. Confusion, indecision, and impatience.

Nine of  Batons
Strength, stability and courage. Beneficial changes. Imagination. Kindness.
Reversed: Enemies. Lack of vision and balance. Delays and losses. Restlessness and unreliability.

Nine  of  Batons
Good fortune. Completion. Achievement, success, and triumph.
Reversed: Bad luck. Opposition. Lack of freedom and opportunity.

Ace  of  Cups
New beginnings in the sphere of affections. Love, marriage, and birth.
Reversed: Difficulties. Stagnation and delays. Possible failure and disappointment.

Two of Cups 
Friendship, love, unity, and partnership. Engagement and marriage.
Reversed: Problems, discord, and misunderstandings. Separation or divorce.

Three  of  Cups
Happiness, fertility, security and good fortune. Maternal feelings or possibly a birth.
Reversed: Domestic problems. Lack of stability. Emotional problems. Loss.

Four of  Cups
Fondness for home, mother; and family. Gain through marriage. Mysticism.
Reversed: Fear, unhappiness, stagnation, bitterness, and emotional turmoil.

Five  of  Cups
Harmony replaced by worry or loss. Regret and disappointment.
Reversed: Cruelty, revenge, aggression, and domination. Quarrels and conflicts.

Six of Cups
Generosity, confidence, and pleasure. Gain and possible inheritance.
Reversed: Domineering, possessive, and demanding. Loss of legacy. Failure.

Seven  of  Cups
Pleasure and comfort. Imagination and mysticism. 
Reversed: Deception, inaction, and lack of harmony. False hopes. Passion and cruelty.

Eight of  Cups
Progress. Changes in affections. Cutting links with the past, making sacrifices.
Reversed. Loss, isolation, failure, and fear of poverty. Bad moves or changes.

Nine of Cups
Emotional stability. Kindness and goodwill. Contentment, comfort, and luxury.
Reversed: Self-delusion. Weakness, fantasy, and escapism. Possible addiction or compulsive behavior.

Ten of Cups
Great success. Gain through friends. One who is sensitive, peaceful, and secure.
Reversed: Disruption, delays, and setbacks. Loss, failure, and self-pity.

Ace  of  Coins
Great wealth and prosperity. Financial and commercial success.
Reversed: Financial problems. Misuse of wealth. Loss of property. Ruin.

Two of Coins
Change in material circumstances. News and progress. Skill and rewards.
Reversed: Delays or setbacks in money or property matters. Materialism.

Three of Coins
Skill. Artistic ability. Progress in business. Comfort. Rewards.
Reversed: Lack of skill. Overly cautious. Lack of insight. Confused. Stubborn.

Four of Coins
Overcoming obstacles and restrictions. Stability and material wealth.
Reversed: Loss or ruin. Lack of financial support. Miserly and materialistic.

Five of Coins
Material problems. Confusion, error; loss, and failure. 
Reversed: Over-speculation and confusion. Imminent loss. Financial ruin. 

Six of Coins
Generosity and charity. Balance in material matters. Artistic skill.
Reversed: Greed and pettiness. Poor investments and debts. Lack of balance.

Seven  of  Coins
Ingenuity, growth, and hard work. Intellectual prowess. Perfectionism.
Reversed: One’s efforts may be in vain. Possible loss and disappointment.

Eight of Coins
Fortunate change in material circumstances. Effort, energy, and talent.
Reversed: Unfortunate events. Lack of support. Poor planning. Fearful and miserly.

nine of Coins
Accomplishment, material success, and comfort.
Reversed: Competition and quarrels. Collapse and possible failure.

Ten  of  Coins
Ancestry, inheritance, and family wealth. Prosperity and security.
Reversed: Loss of inheritance. Delays. Downfall.

The  court  cards
King  of  Swords
The King of Swords represents the mature Male Air Signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. He is intellectual, intelligent, and independent Objective and logical, he has an affinity for language, ideas, concepts, and inventions. An abstract thinker; he also excels in the realms of literature, the law, and ideas. 
Reversed: Often illogical, cold, and unemotional-the reversed King has trouble with his repressed emotions, and views abstract logic as the sole reality.

Queen of Swords
Intelligent, independent, and strong-willed, the Queen of Swords is an expert communicator Curious, experimental, and well-suited to intellectual pursuits, she is detached and objective. She has a quick, clear, rational mind that is best suited to abstract ideas and concepts. 
Reversed: Cold, calculating, insincere, two-faced, the reversed Queen has no respect for feelings, and may experience emotional loneliness and isolation.

Prince  of  Swords
Full of new ideas, the young Air Sign Male is an excellent student and inventor He enjoys challenges, particularly in drama and literature, and therefore is well-suited to journalism, theater, and writing. His cool, objective views are well-conceived. He lives by logic and thought.
Reversed: Scattered, restless, unenthusiastic, and impersonal, the reversed Prince is often confused and unemotional. He may dismiss feelings as «illogical.»

Princess of Swords
The young Air Sign Female is bright, intelligent, and capable. She may have difficulties fully experiencing her feelings-because she views them as inferior to her intelligence. She is observant, perceptive, astute, and a quick learner.
Reversed: Impersonal, cold, and confused, the reversed Princess is demanding, crafty, and uncaring. She is unreliable, untrustworthy and may be a gossip.

King  of  Batons
The King of Wands describes a Fire Sign Male- Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. He is bold, extroverted, adventurous, sociable, and daring. This man shines with an inner light. He is enthusiastic, humorous, affectionate and passionate. The King of Wands enjoys challenge and adventure and is a highly skilled initiator.
Reversed: Aggressive, bullying, arrogant, and headstrong. Lacking motivation or direction. Egotistical and self-centered, the reversed King is a demanding tyrant.

Queen  of  Batons
The Fire Sign Female is generous and commanding. She is extroverted, confident, friendly, self-assured, sociable, and outgoing. Proud, determined, and very independent, the Queen of Wands is ambitious and a magnetic leader
Reversed: Bullying, aggressive, pedantic, self-centered, and self-righteous, the reversed Queen often expresses herself too impulsively.

Prince  of  Batons
The Male youth of the Fire Sign trilogy is creative, enthusiastic, eager to please, warm, and innocent. He is full of life and has many ideas and dreams,
Reversed: Reckless, impatient, and headstrong, the reversed Prince is confrontational and competitive. He is often restless, demanding, and hard to control.

Princess of Batons
Optimistic, eager; and enthusiastic, the young Fire Sign Female is intelligent, studious, and ambitious. She is also warm, creative, open, and sincere. 
Reversed: Impulsive, aggressive, self-centered, and egotistical, the reversed Princess is domineering and demanding.

King  of  Cups
The King of Cups represents the three Water Signs of Cancer; Scorpio, and Pisces. The King of Cups is sensitive, emotional, dreamy, intuitive, compassionate, and psychic. He judges everything by his «feelings» and as such is not a particularly intellectual person. He has, however; a profound inner awareness, and is shy, self-protective, and introverted.
Reversed: Suspicious, jealous, insecure, confused, and easily hurt, the reversed King lacks objectivity and is excessively emotional.

Queen of Cups
Sensitive, motherly, kind, and compassionate, the Queen of Cups has strong intuitive and psychic powers. She is shy, sensitive, and introverted — and often mysterious and captivating. She senses clearly how others feel and has an affinity for the healing arts and occupations.
Reversed: Illogical and moody, the reversed Queen may be insensitive, demanding, paranoid, and neurotic. She may repress strong emotions.

Prince  of  Cups
The Young Prince is sensitive, shy, kind, and compassionate. He is imaginative, patient, and understanding, with an emotional nature. He has an affinity for children and animals.
Reversed: Moody, illogical, oversensitive, paranoid, and shy, the reversed Prince is often emotionally repressed, demanding, and self-obsessed.

Princess  of  Cups
Tender; emotional, compassionate, sensitive, and shy, the young Princess is receptive, nurturing, and imaginative. She is a dreamer and may have highly developed psychic powers.
Reversed: A/I eon, moody, self-centered and willful, the reversed Princess is self-pitying, extremely emotional, illogical and vindictive.

King  of  Coins
The King of Coins describes an Earth Sign Male — Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Gentle and shy he is sensible, reliable and practical, though sometimes plodding, introverted, and stubborn. He is skilled in building and planning and is an efficient and exacting perfectionist. Ambitious and materialistic, the King of Coins has an affinity with Nature. 
Reversed: Stubborn, dull, materialistic, lazy, greedy, and lacking in vision, the reversed King is impractical and either has too little or too much regard for money. 

Queen of Coins
The Queen of Coins represents a mature Earth Sign Female. Often cautious and introverted, she is also practical, sensible, and deliberate. She is materialistic, and ambitious with a sensual and earthy appetite. Wealth and status are important to her, as well as order and organization. 
Reversed: Petty and miserly, materialistic, and grasping, the reversed Queen is greedy and lacks vision. Excessive behavior, such as gluttony and promiscuity, may mar her life.

Prince of Coins
The Male youth of the Earth Sign trilogy is capable, practical, ambitious, materialistic, and studious. By nature he may be less intellectual, and more practical and artistic. He admires form and structure, and lives his life by an inner logic and practical set of values.
Reversed: Stubborn, critical, indifferent, the reversed Prince can be lazy. He may squander his resources on sensual gratification or be indifferent to others.

Princess of Coins
The Princess, like her counterpart the Prince, is a practical and capable youth who values material comforts, luxury good food, and sensual gratification. She has an special affinity for animals, and with the Earth and Nature in general. 
Reversed: Stubborn, indifferent, sarcastic, unemotional, and illogical, the reversed Princess is uninspired, dull, and a real stick in the mud!

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