PetraK Tarot — Таро ПетраК

Характеристика PetraK Tarot — Таро ПетраК
Автор: Petra Köck-Reiter / PetraK
Художник: Petra Köck-Reiter
Издательство: Piatnik
Производство: Австрия
Состав: 79 карт (2 версии Мага) + инструкция
Язык карт: английский, немецкий, французский
Размер карт: 7 х 12,5 см
Год: 2009, 2011
ISBN: B003KRQVIK, 9-001890-194719
Традиция: аналог таро Тота
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, диски
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Баланс 8 Желание 11
Категория: сюрреализм, оккультная
От автора:
Дорогие друзья Таро,
В 2003 — 2008 годы Я посвятила себя теме Таро.
Я моделировала каждую карту в соответствии с числовой системой каббалы и приняла во внимание значение рун, карт ангелов, силы животных и символику цвета. Результатами этих 5 летних исследований являются 80 художественных произведений, написанных маслом на холсте.
Моей целью было и остается насколько это возможно, наполнение людьми положительной энергией этих карт, художественно воспроизведенных. Я нарисовала каждую из них с большой любовью и терпением, которые должны увлечь зрителя в необычайный мир фантазии, полный позитивных вибраций.
Желаю Вам радостных и счастливых моментов!
Ваша Петра Рейтер / ПетраК
Где купить PetraK Tarot — Таро ПетраК
*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.
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Обзор PetraK Tarot — Таро ПетраК
Петрак Таро — великолепно окрашенное в мягкие взаимопроникающие цвета австрийской художницы Петры Райтер. Оно издается Paitnik. Интересны некоторые творческие идеи, которых мы раньше не видели. Повешенный, например, показан вниз головой в виде куколки, свисающей с дерева, так же, как куколка будущей бабочки. Не просто найти это Таро, но вы можете найти у Roderick Somerville. Петра Райтер имеет веб-сайт , где вы можете увидеть некоторые из ее картин. (описание от 6 July 2010)
После пяти лет упорной творческой работы австрийской художницы мир увидела колода Petrak Tarot — 80 художественных произведений (78 карт + 1 дополнительная + рубашка), выполненных маслом на холсте.
Стиль иллюстраций неоднозначен: это смесь импрессионизма с элементами кубизма. Некоторые тарологи отмечают, что иллюстрации не лишены сюрреалистических ноток. Цветовое решение близко к работам Николая Рериха… магазин Тароман
МБК значения: PetraK Tarot — Таро ПетраК
0 the Fool
Interaction of the four elements – roses symbolizing Cups (Water), broken sticks – Wands (Fire), thorn rings – Discs (Earth), three spikes – Swords (Air).
The parrot teaches the rogue diplomacy, the power of the light and colours as well as unconditional love and freedom. Have faith in guidance from above and go your own way.
I the light Magician
He moves along the narrow path between illusion and reality.
The magician serves as a channel and acts as ambassador between the worlds;
he leads us to the essential – to the truth.
Create your own destiny and take charge of your own life.
I the Dark Magician
Take off your coat of darkness and the power of the light is waiting to shed its light on you and your surroundings.
II the High Priestess
Connection to the illimitable – unification of opposites in order to reach a goal; guardian of the arcane temples and mistress of the light.
Bethink yourself to your strengths and you will overcome the irresolvable.
II the Empress
Ascend the throne of aboriginal motherhood and let the all —
embracing flux of energy seep through your entire self.
IV the Emperor
The Emperor governs the energy of the light in all four dimensions;
he calls upon us to act and be creative.
The ram horn stands for a new beginning.
V the Hierophant
The Hierophant holds the inner core of our being as a sprouting plant in his hand. Your religion or clanship is secondary.
It is important for you to have faith in the inner core of yourself. Only this way can you find your own path.
VI the Lovers
The white ray of light seeps through the blossom of the Lovers and makes the birds’ of paradise wings beat. The golden circle closes within the melting of the duality of men and women. The dolphins unite breath and sound;
they nourish the lotus petal with the aboriginal energies of the water and love. Love and recognize; find your complement to a common, higher ensemble in your partner.
VII the Chariot
The horse stands for the journey, for taking on a new direction, and the discovery of freedom – strong and powerful movements.
The falcon – inspiration for a creative life, ambassador of the skies – knows the right point in time – has the strongest sight.
The seven stars of the Big Dipper. Dark and bright vigours lay deep inside us. Join them, for it will make you move forward with ease and you will encounter strength and courage.
VIII balance
The scale stands for order and harmony in balance. The 8 is a symbol of eternal wholeness, together with the Sword of Justice.
Trust the third eye in order to find your inner balance.
IX the Hermit
Travel to your inner self, to the central core of your being.
The outer casing has the form of a back tooth. The Hermit, who is situated at the nourishing channel, is exercising himself in reflection and disengages himself from old scoriae. Listen to yourself. Only within yourself can you find the knowledge that is important for you at this moment.
The insight will enlighten your path in life.
X Fortune
The door to happiness stands open, the path is predetermined and the steps are ready to be taken. The bird of fortune will follow you into the new beginning.
XI desire
Fleshy plants for the eye, sensual lips for the touch, berries for the taste and the flacon for the fragrance, colours for sensuality and the elementary power of fire — pleasures of life.
XII the HangedMan
The cocoon is open and ready to let go. Dive with faith into the water and you will find purification. The flowers of the tree will accompany you –
the tree also has to let go of its last flower and leaf for a new beginning (changing of the seasons). The hidden will unveil; be open for a new beginning.
XIII Death
The butterfly stands for transformation (metamorphosis). Stages of life – die and grow. The scorpion is a symbol of death and the plant stands for transience and the sowing of new seeds. Metempsychosis takes place on different levels in the colour of magic (purple).
There is no light without darkness. Acceptance and fearlessness are the preconditions for a new beginning.
XIV the Art
The hummingbird, as a sign for making the impossible possible – bird of the rainbow. The art of leading a joyful life is making opposites swing in a new harmony.
XV the Devil
Admonishing eyes urge to withstand the temptation to enter the maze. It is also our own choice to pick the sweet or the sour fruit. The freedom to stay true to ourselves is the key choice. Do not suppress your feelings and senses or you might end up in dependence. Deal with them and use them as a source of power and energy.
XVI the Tower
The Tower is being split by a powerful flux of energy and at the same time its core is being loaded by it. Only this way can he develop his own dynamics and power. It is your carination. Old structures have not survived.
Follow the new path.
XVII the Star
So deeply connected with the earth through its roots and yet so free and open to receive pure energy. There are no insurmountable opposites.
The knowledge of the universe shines in us. Purity and clarity are in demand.
XVIII the Moon
You are about to rise up to another level. It is time to free yourself from the past and your dark mantle. The luminance of the moon reveals a beautiful new path to you. You become aware of your empathy and your abilities which take you beyond your own humanness.
XIX the Sun
The body of the sun glows in all its grandeur. The solar plexus is the central point of energy. Loaded and gleaming in such ways, its light quickens our souls. Opposites have cancelled each other out.
Have faith and recognize the light; take courage, hope and joy from it.
XX the judgement
The wheel with the central core of our being shows us the path of comprehension. Activate your third eye and convince your mind – trust your heart. The sinuous line symbolizes the ups and downs we have to overcome in all our relationships.
XXI the Universe
The peacock stands for the harmony of the universe; the lion allegorizes the sun, and the butterfly stands for transformation. The flowers at the upper part of the picture are guideposts to the Kingdom of Heavens. The stone circle stands for the golden middle way and our connection with the earth.
queen of cups
The queen enlightens her cup full of love and awe and generously imparts her energy. Not only humans take joy from her but plants and animals too.
Prince of Cups
Illimitable fantasy and secret desires let a two faced woman appear before the Prince’s eyes. Fiery and passionate like a flower ready to bloom she presents herself as source of lust.
Princess of Cups
The Princess heeds the call of the rose. Love resolves all entanglements of the old net. Freedom means a new ray of hope for her and openness to new experience.
Knight of Cups
The rays of light around the Knight are symbols for his openness and readiness, and stand for growth as well as new contacts. His gaze is scrutinizing, thoughtful and appealing – who is good for me?
1 Ace of Cups
The flower in full bloom, as well as the crystals, stands for energy and the readiness to pass it on. The small flowers are carriers of the light which is supposed to reach us. The cup, the central core of our being, is now open.
2 two of cups
The two cups are connected by the flame of love and build a stable and well balanced entity. The slim handles of the cups symbolize their delicateness and vulnerability which we should be aware of. Only if handled with care and attention can the cups shine in all their glory.
3 three of cups
Deep down, from the bottom of the cups, rises and spreads a powerful energy. The spectrum presents itself in its whole beauty and disperses into all directions.
4 four of cups
The big, bright bowl symbolizes absolute openness and simultaneous devotion towards the other cups. It easily holds the balance between giving and taking.
5 five of cups
The big cup, buried deep inside the greatest darkness, in our subconscious mind, keeps passing on the ever same topics of unsolved problems to the next, higher and brighter cup. Pain and negative feelings dissolve through close consideration, sensation and acceptance.
6 six of cups
Be fully aware of the pleasure within yourself and around you. Feel the joy in life in every second and with all your senses. Open and free to all sides, the wheel of the Six of Cups is turning. Green stands for the inner peace and harmony which are created by joy.
7 seven of cups
The dark patches stand for the loss of energy we experience by lack of dissociation. The cup in the middle is full of light, warmth, love and positive feelings – this is our goal.
8 eight of cups
The tumbled cups are blockades which have made us sheer out of course. The red plain symbolizes fight and transformation.The only way to reach the standing cup with the burning flame is to overcome your fears and face up to your challenges with joy.
9 nine of cups
Fill the inner core of your being with true love and you will shine like the Nine of Cups, openly and in all directions. The blaze of colour shall reach the whole spectrum; only this way can it be reflected by your surroundings.
10 ten of cups
The close connection of the ten Cups shows us the manifold possibilities we encounter when love is being exchanged.
Full energy in all areas of life nourishes and sates us thoroughly.
queen of discs
The purple whirl in the background allegorises an exhausting past. Now the Queen is taking a rest in a green oasis, underneath an olive tree, which symbolizes the energy she needs now. She relaxes peacefully between the flowers and oak leaves, which help her gain new strength. Like the praying mantis she collects her powers only to restart once again.
prince of discs
The Prince’s big disc surrenders expectantly to gravity.
He is ready for the earthly pleasures of life.
princess of discs
The flux of light seeps through every part of the Princess’ being and spreads until it has touched the smallest grain of the earth. This connection gives birth to new energy.
knight of discs
Patiently and without haste the Knight takes the last hurdle. He is now ready to reap and enjoy the fruit of his sowing. The selfless love and devotion for your work have been worth while.
1 ace of discs
The disc gauges around its centre. As soon as the four seasons are in balance, each of them invites us to dance.
2 two of discs
This picture is to show the connection between the energies; the good and the bad. The reclined disc appears heavy and immobile, but with patience, faith and a little drive the bright disc changes all negative perceptions.
3 three of discs
The foot is placed with full determination and strength and takes up to its challenges.
The disc above the foot allegorises the work yet to be done. The second disc symbolizes the steps to be taken and the third one the fruit of your efforts. The lovely flowers stand for the crop.
4 four of discs
The two lower discs sit firmly in their frames and hardly got space.
However, by loosening the layers, the upper discs develop their own self-dynamics. They surge towards the light and freedom. The bright structures symbolize evolvement.
5 five of discs
The mountain of sand/worry seems to inexorably grow higher and higher. Like an hourglass we are running out of time and are tortured by fear. The three top discs are starting to unfold in order to turn the tide.
6 six of discs
The ladder of discs – as if success was lifted up by the energy from disc to disc with growing intensity and strength. The blue disc symbolizes the goal to be achieved and represents the connection to higher levels.
7 seven of discs
The wedged and stuck discs stand for the problems and hurdles we are facing. The powerful red is to be compared to the fiery energy of the earth, which allows the loosening of the disc.
Freely and dynamically it is floating into the light.
8 eight of discs
Calmly the key awaits the moment it will be allowed to enter the lock of the Pearly Gates.
Like the seed needs to sprout, time needs to pass before the little plant will grow roots and later on carry big fruit. Hanging leaves are growing from the protective and nourishing centre.
9 nine of discs
The aliment of the tree of life is non-restrictive love, represented by the big disc in its centre. The other discs are waiting like ripe fruit to be picked and are symbols of gain in all areas of life. The outer energies strengthen and protect the strong bole.
10 ten of discs
The bright as well as the dark hand breaks trough the band in order to freely indulge in the uninhibited exchange of giving and taking. Enrichment is taking place on all levels.
queen of swords
Like a snake the Queen moults and sheds her past. Openly and honestly she presents the inner core of her being.
Her mantle falls down and she begins to glow from the inside, for herself and her surroundings. She stands for introspection and a new beginning.
prince of swords
The Swords’ handle stands for renewal – for the change of old patterns and habits.
The blade cuts through negative energies in all areas and calls for action in order to bring about change. Only this way can the fog be lifted and clarity emerge.
princess of swords
A liberating fight to dispose of old ballast. Explosively the light spreads out and makes us recognize the truth in our hearts.
knight of swords
His gaze is focused on the goal without deviance; visualisation accelerates success. Straightforward and true to himself the Knight of the Swords is looking forward to the fulfilment of his tasks. He has a strong will for realization.
1 ace of swords
The clouds are lifting; the Sword separates illusion from reality. It leads us to inner truth and new perspectives unveil.
2 two of swords
The Swords are laid down, the fight is over. Inner peace returns. The composition of colours transmits pure love and relaxation; acceptance in the present and in every single moment.
3 three of swords
The Sword in the middle symbolises the way to rehabilitation. Its point is in touch with the deepest pain, hidden and concealed in the inner core. The other two Swords are rising and strive for the light of unison. Inner Peace is in sight.
4 four of swords
The Sword on the dark plain shows that not all issues are resolved. It is time to pour oil on troubled waters and recollect strength. It is a picture of waiting and resting. Be patient – the right time has not come yet.
5 five of swords
The darkness of this card warns us of creating space for negative visualisation and giving in to it. At this moment, it is even more important to spread positive thoughts. Only then can the light triumph over darkness.
6 six of swords
The dark clouds only flare up shortly; they have no chance to spread anymore. The Swords’ points are all in touch with the centre and set a wave of energy free. Bundled strength of mind brings about progress and clarity.
7 seven of swords
The Sword in the middle represents the desired goal. However, it is irritated on its way by the other Swords, and inhibited in its strength of purpose. It becomes a balancing act to find the centre. Only when all doubts are eliminated can the point of the Sword (you) find its way to the opening.
8 eight of swords
Four against four –above against below – light versus dark – mind versus heart. The bright Sword stands in the light and demands the inner core of our being to set free clarity. Only then can the inner conflict be solved.
9 nine of swords
The rose is a delicate and vulnerable flower; however, its thorns make it capable of causing injuries and pain. In case of injuries, reach consciously down to the roots of pain and seep them through with love and forgiveness. The outer Swords stand for the liberating and resolving state of heart and mind you will experience once the transformation has taken place.
10 ten of swords
We have reached the limit; the falling Swords fall into nothingness. Loss of control and apparent forlornness rule the situation. It is the fall into the abyss – one Sword only, representing our instinct of self-preservation, keeps us up. Only insight, change of priorities and comprehension can lead us to new joy in life. The Swords’ point symbolically cuts through the dark spheres and pushes upwards to reach higher levels.
Queen of Wands
The tetrahedron, a powerful sign of fire, brings about change for everything. The transformation is completed. The Queen is now allowed to pass on her knowledge, symbolized by the Wand of knowledge.
prince of wands
The Prince consciously pauses for a moment and listens to the inner prompting of his heart. The glowing warmth of the heart emerges and dissolves blockades. Love, joy and lust for life are spread to all spheres.
princess of wands
The Princess courageously steps out of the tunnel of fear. In the newly gained liberty, the Wand of the flame of life invites her to dance.
knight of wands
A fighter, aglow with activity. His gaze focused on the goal. Fiery action and clustered strength are ready to daff aside all obstacles.
1 ace of wands
The inner light has ignited; darkness yields and we are filled with warmth. The wand with its many details represents the torch of inexhaustible potential of energies we all carry in us.
2 two of wands
Willpower and pure love quicken the inner flame. Activity, strength and faith in ourselves set free the energies we need to open the gateway to truth.
3 three of wands
Playfully and light the three Wands sprout from the core of our being. Like curious children they stretch their heads towards the skies. Joyfully and full of expectation they spread their refreshing energy.
4 four of wands
Unification of the rings and creation of new life; fusion of the elements – Air – Earth – Fire – Water, represented by their respective colours. The four purple chambers symbolize cleavage. The outer ring allegorizes perfection and the symbiosis of energies.
5 five of wands
The four Wands in the foreground seem to be dowels put in our way.
The way leads in sinuous lines from one blockade to another. The fifth Wand represents our centre, because only when we find our inner balance can the positive energy be set free. Only then will our strife lead to success.
6 six of wands
Enlightenment, invincible strength and the consequent feelings of contentment and harmony reflect in this picture. The differently adorned ends of the Wands stand for the different types of victories we can achieve. Also small steps forward can be a victory.
7 seven of wands
The central Wand stands bravely and courageously in the foreground. It has unfolded its fan in order to ingrain itself and its point of view. It demonstrates readiness to fight for rights and limits.
8 eight of wands
Like a flower the plant of Wands opens up. The farina emanates out and symbolises openness and honest readiness for communication.
9 nine of wands
The outer Wands resemble extinguished matches. In vain they burn up and die down at the surface of the energy-loaded ball of fire. The Wand in the centre demonstrates that only conscious and direct confrontation with darkness, pain and fear can make us break through to our inner source of strength.
10 ten of wands
It is a question of perspective: Heavy iron bars or thin wooden sticks? Are you inside or outside? Are they insuperable or breakable? The solution lies within us. Like a game of jackstraws you can win this game too!