Faerie Tarot — Таро Фей (Таро Фэйри)


Характеристика Faerie Tarot — Таро Фей (Таро Фэйри)
Автор: Натали Герц (Natalie Hertz)
Художник: Натали Герц (Natalie Hertz)
Издательство: US Games
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция на англ. языке + лист для расклада
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 76 х 100 мм
Год: 2008, 2012, 2018
ISBN: 978-1572816008. 978-1-57281-818-7 (2018 год)
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: волшебные существа; феи
Другие колоды Natalie Hertz: Фантастическое таро — Fantastical tarot, Таро Вампиров — The Vampire Tarot
Таро Фей французской художницы Натали Герц — особенная колода Таро, прежде всего потому, что у нее во время создания этой колоды родились две дочери. Когда Натали создавала карту «Мир» для этой колоды, она была беременна своим первым ребенком. Абсолютно убежденная, что это должна быть девочка, она нарисовала крошечную фею женского пола посреди тонкой орхидеи в качестве центрального изображения этой благоприятной карты. Великолепные и яркие, эманации Таро Фей очень успокаивают своим нежным присутствием, но в то же самое время не устраняются от превратностей и решения проблем, касающихся мира людей и фей. От озорного, игривого и гордого Дьявола до нестареющей волшебной Жрицы, коронованной сверкающей диадемой, карты Старших Арканов поведают Вам о мудрости и безумии, о надеждах и разочарованиях, о возможных успехах и неудачах. Младшие Арканы этого Таро нашли себя среди сезонов (времен года): Чаши — Весна, Пентакли — Лето, Жезлы — Осень и Мечи — Зима. Хотя яркие границы карт недостаточно хорошо категоризированы с помощью цветов, карты в пределах каждой масти Младших Арканов содержат характерные признаки своего времени года. Масть Мечей — это заснеженные пейзажи, в то время как сосновые шишки и опавшие осенние листья изображают Жезлы. Цветущие цветы и пышные колосья пшеницы изображают Пентакли, а весенние Чаши искрятся новизной и обещаниями… Таро Фей французской художницы Натали Герц со своими превосходными и красочными образами идеально подходит для решения эмоциональных и духовных проблем.
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Обзор Faerie Tarot — Таро Фей (Таро Фэйри)
Если в ваши руки попала колода карт Таро Фей, значит, вы становитесь участником увлекательного путешествия в сказочный мир, где вас ожидают встречи с феями из волшебного царства с розовыми легкими крылышками. Эти игривые создания изображены на всех картах этой удивительной колоды. Шелковистые гладкие карты с воздушными изображениями на них приглашают вас принять участие в таинстве гадания. Эту колоду карт связывают с визуальным переходом с сад фей, где дружелюбные существа проведут нас в самые тайные уголки и помогут противостоять темным силам, которых хватает в этом саду.
В книге толкования карт Барбары Мур, которая продается, вместе с колодой карт Таро Фей звучат слова о том, что вы не уверены в правильности своих действий, однако это не мешает вам двигаться в правильном направлении. Что может помешать вам, действовать? Страх, логические размышления или мнение других людей о ваших действиях. Только с помощью Таро Фей вам откроется дорога к вашему сердцу. Чтобы найти ответы на поставленные вопросы, вам необходимо соорудить мост, который соединит ваше сердце с подсознанием. Таким мостом для вас может оказаться эта колода карт. Барбара Мур напоминает, что хотя вы и полны решимости, вступить на землю, полную волшебства и пыли с крылышек фей, это не мешает вам твердо стоять на ногах и двигаться к намеченной цели. Ответы, которые вы получите, не будут навеянными, нашептанными таинственными феями, они будут просты и понятны, такими, что соответствуют истине.
Каждая карта колоды это произведение искусства. Богатая и изящная картинка находится в обрамлении оригинального золотого края. В этой колоде, как и практически во всех Таро, четыре масти, только названия мастей несколько отличаются друг от дружки. В колоде карт Таро Фей живут масти Посохи, Цветы, в других колодах это Кубки, Шипы – Мечи, Пентакли. Каждая масть отвечает за свой участок работы. А все вместе они представляют неповторимый микс из приключений, путешествий, любви, отчаяния, ненависти, работы и удачи. Талантливая Барбара Мур к каждой карте сложила увлекательный рассказ, который используют в качестве толкования. Её рассказы можно легко понять и представить.
В картах Старших Арканов произошли традиционные изменения, и только Верховная Жрица на карте полна печали и задумчивости. В рассказе об этом персонаже говорится, как о шамане, который действует более приземлено, чем это можно было ожидать т него. Её мудрость в единении с Природой.
Таро Фей стало творением рук французской художницы Натали Герц. Она и сама считает эту колоду особенной, потому что во время работы над колодой у неё родилось две дочери. При работе с картой Мир Натали была уверена в том, что у неё родится девочка и создала крошечную фею на тонкой орхидее в центре этой благоприятной карты. Яркие и великолепные изображения Таро Фей успокаивают своим присутствием, но одновременно не устраняют от решения проблем, которые касаются фей и людей.
Озорной, игривый и в то же время гордый Дьявол, не стареющая волшебница Жрица, коронованная искрящейся диадемой, все карты Старших Арканов расскажут вам о безумии и мудрости, разочарованиях и надеждах, успехах и падениях.
В картах Младших Арканов нашли свое отображение времена года. Чаши стали Весною. Пентакли – Летом. Мечи – Зимой. Кубки – Осенью. И на картинках Младших Арканов можно увидеть заснеженные поля и склоны в Мечах. Сосновые шишки и опавшую листву в Жезлах. Пентакли в цветущих цветах и пышных колосьях. А весенние Чаши располагают к новизне и обещаниям.
Превосходные и красочные изображения француженки Натальи Герц на картах Таро Фей идеально подходят молодым девушкам, желающим решить свои эмоциональные и духовные проблемы. gadanieonlinetaro.ru
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Major Arcana
The 22 Major Arcana cards portray, though symbols, significant experiences of our existence.
Usually designated with the numeral 0, The Fool card represents both the beginning and the end. A small impish fairy, full of innocence and joy, walks among the branches on an eternal journey toward the truth. With the heart of a child and great sensitivity, the Fool’s companions are small animals like this garden dormouse. This imp is free of all ties with others. To some, the Fool seems insane; to others he is the master of his own destiny. In the tarot, the Fool speaks neither about failure, nor of success. Divinatory meaning: A sudden departure, unforeseen events, chance. Unconcern, inner personal evolution, new experiments, the unknown, adventure, spontaneity, intuition, genius. Reversed meaning: Uncertainty, immaturity, escaping responsibilities, imprudence, negligence, madness, shallow promises, fraud.
This magician fairy incarnates initial energy, the craft, personification of the will, intuition, and creativity. He is surrounded by the four symbols of the Minor Arcana: the cup, the sword, the wand, and the pentacle. He is a skillful and creative alchemist who fuses the divine and the earthly elements with eternal truth and knowledge. Gifted with power, this magician carries in him the elements of success. He uses his potential for lofty purposes, linking intelligence and spiritual life to positive action. He is the creator of his own destiny.
Divinatory meaning: A new action, new directions, opportunity. Optimism, presence of mind, spontaneity, audacity, imagination, ability, independence, happiness, generosity, attraction. Beginning of a relationship, new chances of success. Reversed meaning: Shyness, lack of will, hazardous destination, impatience, boastfulness. Poor self-image, obstacles, frustration, distress, fading love.
This ageless fairy priestess, with her frank yet soft gaze, draws out our hidden feelings and forces. She possesses reason, patience, level-headedness, and inspiration. The scroll she holds reveals esoteric knowledge. Its spangled diadem represents her mystical skills. The High Priestess embodies the female principle. She acts with reserve and inspires with prudence. She teaches the art of listening to oneself. The High Priestess is the guardian of the truth. Divinatory meaning: Wisdom, maturity, concentration, reflection, perseverance, patience, studies, knowledge, objectivity, divination. Wise counsel, maternal love.
Reversed meaning: Indolence and impatience. Misguided intentions, incomplete knowledge, indecision, pride, selfishness. Plotting and conniving.
This fairy empress, gracious and dignified, incarnates beauty, charm, love, and generosity. She symbolizes emotion and embodies feminine attraction. Surrounded by barn owls, she represents Mother Earth and fertility. The scepter she holds is a sign of her inner power. She controls situations and dissipates doubts. Her authority is effortless.
Divinatory meaning: Changeable ideas, intelligence, creativity, harmony, serenity, stability, arts, poetry, maternal advice. In love, an enriching new relationship.
Reversed meaning: Shallow intelligence, lack of communication, vanity, arrogance, subterfuge, weariness, apathy. Indecisions, canceled plans, coldness. A false friend.
This fairy king, with his confident and determined stance, is a self-assured man, with great interior strength. He is a leader and a builder, who works with control and authority. His assured attitude reflects stability. He exudes virile and constructive energy. He inspires rigor, order and honesty, with no tolerance of weakness. He is accompanied by an eagle, the symbol of force and power. His scepter channels his power and practical intelligence to the outside world. He has an independent but ordered existence. Divinatory meaning: Masculinity, maturity, achievement, stability, determination, reason. The father, the brother. Faithful, strong, positive, solid and secure. Achieves goals through will, and paternal love.
Reversed meaning: Immaturity, denial of power, weakness, forthcoming failures, obstacles, lack of motivation and action. Impatient, selfish, arrogant, and violent.
This elderly fairy pope has the role of bringing the sky and the earth closer together. He holds great spiritual power and authority. The Hierophant is a card of protection in the tarot. He blesses the fairies, who recognize his wisdom and authority. Tolerant but strict, he is the master of the wise. He is synonymous with enlightenment and respect for traditional values. The keys of illumination symbolize his esoteric knowledge. The staff decorated with a scintillating crystal ball confers supreme powers on the mind and soul.
Divinatory meaning: Knowledge, benevolence, understanding, indulgence, compassion, kindness, determination, and harmony. Forgiveness, leniency, reconciliation, guidance. Reversed meaning: Incomprehension, disagreements, gossip, revenge, narrow-mindedness, vulnerability, inflexibility. Lack of self-confidence; inability to combat difficulties.
These two fairy lovers symbolize the divine energy of beauty, attraction of the senses, seduction, youth, vice and virtue. In each other’s arms, they embody passion, union and harmony. The hearts surrounding them speak to us about their affection and innocence. In their search for true love, they must undergo a test, a sacrifice, and a difficult choice.
Divinatory meaning: Harmony, affinity, beauty, youth, soul mate. An important decision which will determine the future. Prudence, trust in one’s intuition, free will.
Reversed meaning: Temptation, treason, jealousy, duality, disorder, slander. Emotional dependence and instability, unsatisfied desires, conflicting choices.
This radiant young water fairy, full of energy, passion, and courage, is determined and impetuous. Her hair floating behind her, she advances toward a direction, as her choices are free and independent. The reins she holds symbolize action and movement. She guides her hippocampus with self-confidence and goes straight to her target. She has managed her instincts and emotions, to reconcile her body, heart and spirit. Her brave temperament ensures her glory and victory. The Chariot is the card of vitality and achievement. From her chariot, this water fairy controls her own destiny. Divinatory meaning: Self-confidence, triumph, dynamism, chance, sheer will, great vitality. Multitude of projects, diplomas, contracts, valuable professional work, success, victory, adventures, journeys. Balance in a relationship.
Reversed meaning: Defeats, obstacles, conflicts. Lack of self-confidence, lack of courage, professional troubles, debts. Tiredness, arrogance, and dissatisfaction in relationships.
This young fairy lying next to a lion cub is the image of grace and purity. With her hand, she effortlessly tames the lion cub, an emblem of ardor and devouring force. Once tamed, this force becomes an instrument of transformation for the young fairy. She is mistress of her own fate because of her inner quiet force and her power of attraction. The lion cub, calmed and placated, seems to subject itself without aggression. Together they face any danger, allowing intelligence to override brute force. This magnetic and radiant fairy incarnates the triumph of man over primary instincts. She teaches us how to find this force and use it to control the animal within us.
Divinatory meaning: Courage, self-control, faith in oneself, ambitions, energy, achievements. Strong passion, fidelity, sincerity, intense love. A solid situation, profits, easy victories. Reversed meaning: Weakness, failures, regression, but also excess, violence, egocentric attitudes, pride, impulsiveness, abuse of power. In love, possessiveness and selfishness.
This elderly fairy, with his mystical expression, symbolizes meditation, humility, and knowledge. In the quiet forest, he lives in solitude and perfect harmony with nature. In search of himself and for the path of wisdom, time has become his ally. The light he holds reflects his spiritual clarity, illuminates the truth, and allows him to penetrate the secrets of the arcana. The stars surrounding his head symbolize the strength of the higher spirits and the knowledge lighting his way. The hermit avoids contact with others to live in perfect communion with his ideals. His mental power and intuition will allow him to reach his goal-the divine light. Divinatory meaning: Wisdom, patience, isolation, reserve, prudence, discretion, moderation. A great sensitivity, spirituality, secrecy, telepathy, and occult protection.
Reversed meaning: Timidity, obstacles, regression, inertia. Mental confusion, avarice, pessimism, delay, and bad luck.
This card of transformation depicts the cyclical nature of life. The wheel is the symbol of becoming, of existence and destiny: life and death, the positive and the negative. The plants, flowers, and fabric draped on the wheel are offerings one would find on a «wish tree» to find out one’s future. The wheel turns these offerings, spinning them up, then down, in perpetual movement. At the ground they represent the terrestrial world, at the sky they indicate the divine world. Along with the wheel, everything moves, changes, and becomes renewed. The Wheel of Fortune teaches us to master our own existence.
Divinatory meaning: Chance, a sudden and happy change, a wealth of possibilities, a fast but short evolution, displacements. Success, surprises, accomplishment, overcoming obstacles. A new love, a promotion, profits, opportunities.
Reversed meaning: Bad luck, negative external influences, unexpected obstacles, unpleasant surprises. Dispersion, a delay, missed occasions, game losses.
With her cold, fixed, and severe face, this fairy symbolizes the triumph of truth, reason, and conscience. She enforces the rigor of the law and maintains order. The scale in her left hand symbolizes equity and uprightness. The two dragons represent the balance between good and evil. Justice holds in her right hand the double-edged sword of fate, which can bestow either reward or punishment. This keeper of morality encourages us to judge ourselves and live by our principles.
Divinatory meaning: Logic, righteousness, order, honesty, virtue, propriety, stability. Control over situations, strength in thoughts, important decisions, a favorable outcome. Administration, laws, obligations, a contract. A union, balance.
Reversed meaning: Intolerance, miscalculation, wrongful accusations, excessive severity. A choice, great conflicts, corruption, ill deed and its consequences, a brutal sanction.
This small fairy imp, symbol of purity and innocence, is hung by the left heel to a branch. He is held in the balance, between need and freedom. He would like to seize this strawberry, but he can’t reach it. To succeed, he would have to free himself from his bonds. Giving up and letting the bird get the strawberry would mean a sacrifice for the sake of harmony. Thus, with a clear mind, he would become receptive to the vibrations of nature surrounding him. Dtvinatory meaning: Period of waiting and prudence, transition, adaptation, tests, acceptance of events. Great sensitivity, moral values, spirituality, meditation, receptivity to cosmic forces. Internalized love, devotion.
Reversed meaning: Illusions, uncertainties, troubles, remorse, sadness, depression, self-destruction. Renouncements, escape from daily life, sacrifices, defeats, painful tests. Detachment, separation, traps and lies.
This veiled woman with skeletal wings is half-fairy, half-death. Though she appears terrifying, she must be accepted, for she is fate. The ball surrounded by a scintillating halo symbolizes transforming tests, metamorphosis, and rebirth. It shows us that nothing really dies, but instead is transformed, from one state to another. It is the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. The feathers of the fairy’s wings flying towards the sky indicate release from the past. It is necessary to throw away old habits in order to open a way to the future. This card teaches us to die in order to be reborn, for future enrichments. Here lies an inner truth: the hope for a new life. The stars show us that eternity triumphs over the ephemeral.
Divinatory meaning: Radical but necessary transformation, releasing the past. Letting go of bonds for personal evolution. New desires, new life, melancholy, self-questioning, rebirth. Reversed meaning: Slowness, stagnation, attachment to old habits, refusal to change, passivity. Sorrow, despair, pessimism, distress. A difficult price to pay, a dismissal. End of a relationship.
This young, attentive, fairy calmly decants water, the element of purification and inspiration. Water, a vital fluid providing fertile energy, follows its course, like the flow of life. This card indicates regeneration, continuity, creative genius, spontaneity, and the capacity to connect the various aspects of existence. The temperance card represents the spread of knowledge, and the fusion of the earthly with the spiritual. It guides all beings towards benevolence and a happy balance.
Divinatory meaning: Harmony, serenity, peace, sweetness, devotion. Positive influences and change, hopes realized. Sympathies, communication, friendship. Good surprises, a birth. Reversed meaning: Dispersal, impatience, lack of reserve, whims. Absence of communication, discord, incomprehension. Unstable situations.
Though for many people he has come to be associated with pain and temptation, in tarot, the Devil is not a card of evil. Surrounded by creatures of the night, this proud imp, with his tongue sticking out, reveals himself as a rascal and a joker demon. He enjoys the good things in life such as food, material goods, parties, and pleasures of the flesh. The Devil is also a generator of creative and life-producing forces. This imp attacks life with intensity and passion. The twisted stick anchored in the ground symbolizes his thirst for power, and shows us that he is the prince of matter, the structure of all things. The Devil acts on instinct and disorder. His influence is manifested in unbridled sexuality, ambition, and excess.
Divinatory meaning: Power and psychic energy. Magnetism, charisma, eloquence, audacity. Successes on the material and carnal levels, fulfilled desires. Impetuous, explosive and passionate relationship, unbridled and boundless sexuality, sensuality. Luxury, wealth, occult powers, and an untamed will.
Reversed meaning: Lack of energy, idleness, fear of the unknown. Breach of trust and power, dangerous temptations, vices, perversions, lies. Upheavals, selfishness, greed, tyranny, violence, ruin, dark period.
This agaric mushroom is also called «prince of the forest» due to the splendor of its colors. It used to point straight up towards the sky, as a symbol of the search for perfection. The mushroom tower that was formerly used as residence to the imps has collapsed under the weight of the rain. The card warns us that nothing can last forever. There is no use locking ourselves up in rigid ideas since change is inevitable and essential for our evolution. The three proud imps who had settled in this mushroom, desired to live in the most beautiful residence of the forest. Their fall means that they will have to look for another shelter, perhaps less beautiful, but certainly more solid.
Divinatory meanina: Card of warning, unexpected events, radical changes, painful but necessary overthrow, collapse, warning, self-criticism. Crisis in a relationship, or falling in love. Explosive situations. A relocation.
Reversed meaning: Despair, irrevocability, an atrocious defeat, destructive events. Catastrophes, dangers, wounds, excess. Lack of support, hostility, crises, rupture.
This charming young fairy, with her gentle face, is dressed in white as a symbol of purity, perfection, light, and wisdom. She provides hope, guidance, and inspiration as she shows us how to be become confident and virtuous. She helps us to be receptive to spirituality. The large shooting star above her is the symbol of our lucky star; she inspires our nights and guides us. The stars she holds tell us that life is filled with hope and joy. This card also symbolizes the unconsciousness, the balance between the material (her feet standing on the ground) and the spiritual, the celestial elements (her crown and the spangled firmament which surrounds it). Divinatory meaning: Protection, positive influences, spiritual rebirth, divination, intuition, hope. Joy, communion with nature, peace, satisfaction. Tender and sincere feelings, sensuality. Accomplishment, creativity, a reward, prosperity. Beauty and refinement.
Reversed meaning: Uncertainties, pipe dreams, idle daydreams, mistrust. Obstinacy, frustrated hopes. Coldness, insensitivity, lies, reciprocal disinterest. Bad luck.
This intriguing full moon with its enigmatic smile is the symbol of mystery, sensitivity, dreams, and unconsciousness. It also represents the female passages of life related to fertility. Wrapped in a starlit night, the moon reigns over the world of darkness, protecting all the fairies. It reveals to us our hidden forces and invites us to communicate with our inner self. This card of the night lights up the world of imagination and leads to the whimsical illusions. The water running below symbolizes the Moon’s power upon the water, which reflects it. But appearances can be misleading, since its light is merely a reflection of the sun.
Divinatory meaning: The unconscious, imagination, intuition, dreams, clairvoyance. The night, sensitivity, secret desires, childhood memories. Family, pregnancy, voyages on water. Withdrawal into oneself, and idleness.
Reversed meaning: Illusions, hallucinations, obsessions, depression. Concern, susceptibility, hypocrisy, lies, confusion.
By its divine presence, this radiant sun reflects the active male principles; vitality, evolution, and integrity. It is a source of energy, light, life, and power. This immense and brilliant sun dispels darkness. Promising and luminous, it is by nature a symbol of warmth, pride, joy, vitality, and nobility. This is the card of innate ability and instinct. The Sun symbolizes the triumph of truth, and purity. It invites us to grow through our own individuality, to find the child within us, with trustful happiness. It celebrates the divine union between the spiritual and the material, with perfect harmony.
Divinatory meaning: One of the most positive tarot cards. Achievement, optimism, satisfaction, joy, serenity. Charisma, generosity, communication, conquests, complete success. An exceptional occurrence, professional rewards, deserved profits and wealth. An exciting, harmonious, and enduring relationship. Good health. Glory and happiness.
Reversed meaning: Negative events, cancelled projects, failures, waste. Insincerity, selfishness, concerns. Unrequited love, lies, loneliness.
This angel-fairy is the intermediary between God and men. Holding her trumpet with both hands, she is the messenger. Her flowing dress and translucent skin are symbols of purity, and victory of the spirit over matter. The angel of judgment shows us the way to renewal by accepting the truth, breaking from the past, and awakening our conscience. This card portrays spiritual triumph
and inspiration. It teaches us to believe in ourselves, listen to our inner voice, and aspire to a loftier existence.
Divinatory meaning: A change, the unforeseen, the unexpected, a watershed event, rebirth, resurrection. Positive events, a letter, good news. Meetings, love at first sight. Success, independence, and protection.
Reversed meaning: Unconsciousness, uncertainties, disillusions. Difficulty, complications, mediocrity. Bad news, stress.
The World, represented by a small fairy in an orchid flower, is the most favorable card of the tarot. This small fairy represents the unity of life. It signifies total achievement, complete success, perfection, plenitude, and absolute happiness. It reveals a pure conscience and eternal life. Cosmic energies emerging from the fairy’s globe indicate the glorious achievements of all creation and the immutable movements of life. The World card indicates absolute truths, supreme spiritual perception, apotheosis, and the triumph of universal and eternal life. When Man reaches his apex and is harmony with the universe, he will experience glory and complete success.
Divinatory meaning: Chance and divine protection, victory, honor, fulfilled desires, constant evolution, perfection, plenitude, wisdom. Happy and lasting relationship, fruitfulness. Wealth, travels abroad.
Reversed meaning: Delayed success, stagnation, imperfection, troubles. Climate of hostility, jealousy, short tempers, greed. Unsatisfactory relations, reversal of fortune.
I was pregnant with my first child when I was designing this card. This World card has a particular significance to my heart. I dedicated all my love and pleasure drawing it. During the entire design of this card I was convinced my baby would be a girl and so I painted a small female fairy in thefiowers. According to an old French story, girls are born infiowers and boys in cabbages. The World was the perfect card since it is the symbol offruitfitlness. The day I finished it I had a scan to find out if I was going to have a boy or a girl Once done with the scan, the doctor told me that the baby was a girl I still wonder now and then when I painted this card, if it did give me a moment of perspicacity, like a perfect osmosis with myself, which would magnificently match with its significance. This is why, to me, the small fairy of this card represents my first daughter Lola.
There are 56 Minor Arcana cards divided into four suits of fourteen cards each. In each suit, there are ten cards numbered from 1 to 10 and four court cards: the King, Queen, Knight, and the Page.
The Swords symbolize Air, representing difficulties and obstacles, but also intelligence and ideas. They are represented with the winter season, for its cold and harsh nature.
The Wands symbolize Fire, and are associated with activity, work, commitment, and spiritual strength. They are portrayed in this tarot deck with autumn, due to its richness of colors, and abundance of fauna, and great activity during this season.
The Cups symbolize Water and are related to feelings, emotions, intuition, and love. Cups are represented with the spring season, for its gentleness, flora, and new beginnings.
The Pentacles symbolize the Earth. They represent financial and material matters, profits, and security. They are depicted in Faerie Tarot with summer because of its abundance and brilliance.
The sword planted in the ground is the emblem of victory and conquest. The sword defies time, the winds and spirits. The bearer will be able to conclude any project. The sun illuminating its pommel reflects its energy, strength, and power. The snow rabbit posted at its side is a vigilant guard.
Divinatory meaning: Reached goals, resolution, strength, dynamism, initiatives, courage, intelligence, and success. Clarity of judgment. Fruitfulness, passion, excess.
Reversed meaning: A beginning, motivation, initiatives, but also tyranny, confusion, embarrassment, powerlessness, and obstacles. Success through sacrifice. Misuse of power.
This blindfolded fairy holds her two swords, crossed, indicating alliance and competition, attraction and repulsion. The two swords compete and show us different worlds, symbolized by the two banners. They also represent the balance of the spiritual forces.
Divinatory meaning: Harmony, agreement, friendship, partnership. Good results after much effort. A delayed decision, some tensions.
Reversed meaning: Dishonor, falseness, traps and lies, shallow-ness, contempt, treachery. An unsatisfactory relationship.
The three swords planted directly in the ground symbolize rigidity, accentuated by the harsh wintry climate and the leafless trees. Forced to collect wood for warmth, the small fairy has difficulty carrying her heavy basket. The swords create further obstacles, which she must circumvent to go on her way.
Divinatory meaning: Dispersion, absence, oppositions, individualism, contempt. Separation and estrangement.
Reversed meaning: Errors, foolish behavior, anxiety, exhaustion. Contradiction, incompatibility, treason, distress.
This young fairy with the thoughtful air lies alone-the image of voluntary escape, exile, and rest. Her immobility is the symbol of her loneliness, of her retreat from the world. The hand on her heart and the quiet of her face are signals of peace after war. This card also shows the high walls protecting her from the outside world, as well as the barrier of the swords.
Divinatory meaning: Quiet after time of troubles, exile, rest, convalescence, withdrawal.
Reversed meaning: Prudence, perseverance, wise financial decision, but driven by some avarice. Emotional coldness.
This weary young man, bent under snow and wind, painfully clutches his sword with both hands. This card is the symbol of loss and defeat, symbolized by his two cut wings that keep him
from flying. He fights an existential battle. The dark threatening clouds above him announce despairing events.
Divinatory meaning: Time of failure, lost causes, remorse. Shame and humiliation, emotional loss, separation, and betrayal. Business problems. Return of a disease, mourning.
Reversed meaning: Doubtful future, defeats. Dishonor, despair, pain, tears, and weaknesses. Mental confusion.
For the fairy on this card it is a moment of departure and of change. She leaves to visit the world of men. Her richly decorated dress shows that she is confident and certain of her success. The rising sun, whose rays point behind the mountains, symbolizes new horizons for this young fairy. Her boat sails easily on moving waters. This is the card of motion and voyages.
Divinatory meaning: Motion, an invitation, a walk, something new. A new orientation, a choice, success after anxiety.
Reversed meaning: A declaration, explanation, or confessions. Lack of progress, delayed travel, instability. Negligence and troubles.
This male fairy with his arms loaded with swords, represents hope after a long struggle. All depends on his will and determination. His road is still difficult; there are four more heavy swords to be carried. The white clouds banking over the horizon announce brighter prospects.
Divinatory meaning: Perseverance, hope, new plans, tricks and uncertainty. Dedicated effort to obtain victory. A weak and emotional situation, discussions and slanders.
Reversed meaning: Blame, quarrels, treasons and paranoia. Difficulties, but not insurmountable. Great efforts.
This rather negative card shows a wingless fairy woman, who has fallen from the sky. The cold dark night indicates that there is no light for her on the horizon. Her future remains unstable. The eight falling swords pointing downward, like steel grids all around her, symbolize her despair, but also a crucial and decisive moment.
Divinatory meaning: A crucial moment, inability to do things. Slander, conflict, arguments, and explanations. Bad news.
Reversed meaning: This negative card announces fate, weariness, and depression. Jealousy, betrayal, frustration at work. Obsession with one’s own problems. Misfortune and danger.
This fairy of the night incarnates loneliness and mystery. Her emptiness is represented here by this starless deep dark night. The small red flowers hanging over her head are symbols of her indecision and the nightmares that torment her. The swords lined up next to each other refer to all that is closed and secluded. They create bars through which the fairy looks at the outside world.
Divinatory meaning: Inner search, loneliness, devotion, wisdom, destiny. Anxiety, a negative omen, a sacrifice, sadness and tears.
Reversed meaning: An unstable condition, ambiguity, guilt, suspicions, lack of understanding. Timidity, shame, cowardice.
This fairy woman, bent under the weight of her sadness, represents pain and sorrow. The starless night sky and the barren landscape surrounding her are synonymous with desolation and darkness. The eight swords pointed towards her and the two planted in her
wings increase her sorrow.
Divinatory meaning: End of all hope. Loneliness, remorse, and tears. Troubles, anguishes, turmoil, disappointments, errors. Heartbreak, exhaustion, misfortune, bankruptcy.
Reversed meaning: Profits and temporary luck and favor. Small improvement, relieved sorrows, but also false hopes. Patience is recommended.
This alert fairy page stands guard as he blows his bagpipes. With his fiercely vigilant eyes he watches the mountains. His soft song of lamentation is carried on the winds far beyond the mountain-tops. His music brings messages from the spirit world.
Divinatory meaning: A curious but discrete and attentive young person. Observation, vigilance, agility, communication. Patience and prudence, a peaceful interlude.
Reversed meaning: Changing situation, unexpected events, confusion, indiscretions. An unstable boy, a spy, traitor, impostor, or a very cunning person skilled at harming others.
This valorous young fairy knight firmly holds his sword, ready to confront the storm. His youthful confidence has never known defeat. His powerful white steed leads him on the most difficult slopes. Full of nobility, this young fairy warrior symbolizes the battle of righteous causes, courage, power, and bravery. Divinatory meaning: Impetuosity, heroic deed, fighting spirit, dexterity, victory over adversity. A man of action and passion. This card also can, in certain cases, mean bad news. Reversed meaning: Errors, impulsiveness, arguments, obstinacy, falseness, and conflicts. A frightening, ruthless, and fanatic opponent. Also stagnancy and unproductiveness.
This fairy queen with her soft and noble face is clothed in a rich dress of cold colors. Holding her sword high, she is the kind of woman who strives to reach her goals with courage and dignity. She meditates on the worldly experiences that have granted her wisdom and insight. With her sword she sweeps away the doubts, fears and confusion. The ermine on her arm embodies her femininity, royalty, and intelligence. It reinforces the idea that she is the queen of winter; the season which can be both harsh and soft.
Divinatory meaning: A single middle-aged woman, perceptive and combative, demanding, but lacking emotional ties: perhaps a widow. Intelligence, will, concentration, and clarity.
Deprivations, loneliness, and a key moment for a decision. Reversed meaning: A malevolent, bitter, petty, calculating and miserly woman, with misleading appearances. Slanders, intrigues, revenges. A false smile.
This determined fairy king embodies power, intelligence, and an untamable will. Austere but elegant, he holds his sword high, symbolizing his power, command and authority. Like the card itself, he represents caution, rigor, obedience to rules and order. The wolf at his side denotes prudence, wisdom, protection, and independence.
Divinatory meaning: An authoritarian but just man. Constancy, decision, safety and experience. An active and determined person. An analytical mind, some coldness in feelings.
Reversed meaning: A cruel and very critical being, unscrupulous but clever and impossible to defy. Conflicts and sorrows.
This decorated wand, pointing up towards the sky, is a symbol of power, success, and fertility. It designates birth, the beginning, and the genesis of great things. It represents the renewable force of nature. The squirrel is ready to gather food for the winter, symbolizing abundance and preparedness. The wand is an emblem of vital forces. Its halo of multicolored points is the divine spark of creation. It shines in the autumnal sky, marking the time to proceed with enthusiasm.
Divinatory meaning: Good period to start something new. Creativity, invention, beginning, action and energy. Promotion, help from outside, profits, legacy. A new venture or birth of a child. Good luck is within reach.
Reversed meaning: Hopes collapsed, plans cancelled. Professional setbacks, ruin, fall, decline. False relationships, sterility.
This fairy, deep in her thoughts, represents moments of stagnation and indecision. Far away, dark clouds announce the coming rain, but there is no reason for alarm. Nature, which surrounds her, is still strong and fertile. Promise of new ideas is in the air, as shown here by the two wands framing the fairy.
Divinatory meaning: Some crises of rivalry and desire, regrets, and sadness. Radical changes and profits obtained thru hard work. Contradictions. The departure of a loved one.
Reversed meaning: Better when reversed, the card announces innovation, hope, and surprises. Great happiness, changes, a possible miracle.
This small imp fairy sitting astride a tree frog displays stability and determination. He contemplates the landscape and is filled with good intentions towards nature. Freshened by the soft autumnal breeze and falling leaves, the imp and his loyal steed symbolize union and mutual respect. In a single jump, the tree frog will take his small companion a long way.
Divinatory meaning: Initiative, negotiation, brilliant ideas, bright intellect, communication. All that is profitable, stimulating acquaintances. Great self-confidence.
Reversed meaning: An arrangement, a consolation, a relief, rest. Delays. Arrogance. Beware a helping hand.
In these woods, where peace and calm emanate, a fairy is lying on a leaf. The four planted wands with their deeply anchored roots symbolize stability, balance, harmony, and patience. Although inactive and drained of energy, this young fairy feels welcome in these lands. Her rest is well-deserved.
Divinatory meaning: Rewards from work, success from an initiative, prosperity obtained through efforts. A harmonious home. Intense social life, satisfactory sentimental bonds, friendship and serenity. Good progress with work and money.
Reversed meaning: Incomplete joy, boredom, a small insecurity. A period of idleness and stagnation, but which can be overcome with perseverance. The flowering of something, which will create well-being thereafter. Frustration over domestic matters, a desire for change, perhaps a renovation or new decoration.
This young imp fairy, tightly holding two of the five wands, symbolizes firmness and ambition. This dynamic card expresses adversities, obstacles and movement, as one can see by the crossing wands. These obstacles are not insurmountable.
Divinatory meaning: Small conflicts and obstacles. Profitable activity, material wealth obtained by working. Taking initiative, accomplished hopes. Luxury, abundance, and success.
Reversed meaning: Complexities, annoyances, doubts and contradictions. A bad choice, a risky situation. Delays.
These funny little imps, peaceful and nonchalant, take their time as they go on their way. They alternate between idleness and work. Yet they hold their wands firmly, with self-confidence and balance. Through their daily efforts, their work will be rewarded. A light breeze blows; the fields are prosperous. Their wishes will be granted with time, and their triumph will be bright and pleasant.
Divinatory meaning: Stagnation and delayed projects, but nothing serious. Results from efforts. An improvement, good news, profits and rewards through work. Home.
Reversed meaning: Apprehension, a short wait. Confidence leads to good results. Hope, financial advantages, a small triumph. This card is favorable, drawn either way.
This fairy represents energy and dynamism. By the triumph of both spirit and intelligence, she has been able to surmount the obstacles facing her. By firmly holding her wand, she provesthat her ideas are constructive. A soft wind brings good news and dispels her inner demons. Accomplished, she flies towards success.
Divinatory meaning: Perfection at work, good contracts, advantages, profits. Exchanges, correspondence, travels and encounters. Good energy to support her desires, victory.
Reversed meaning: Uncertainties, doubts and perplexity. Indecision and disagreements. An unhappy love affair, dismay. Overanalyzing everything.
These two small imps riding a snail symbolize the simple things in life such as a pleasant stroll. Nothing is rushed, everything is done thoughtfully. Something will soon change for them. There are good vibrations in the sky, events take a new course. A new horizon is coming and these two imps are ready to walk that way, slowly but surely. This card also represents rest, and all that refers to nature and the countryside.
Divinatory meaning: Journey, movement, a positive transformation. Promotion, communication, letters. Deep and sincere sharing. Leisure, peace and quiet.
Reversed meaning: Discords, uncertainties, regrets. Deep loneliness, quarrels in the family, false friends, jealousies. Unwanted changes, stagnation. It is time to take initiatives.
This serious fairy is waiting as she gathers her thoughts, which are, at the moment, lost in the void. Dark clouds are banking up and soon darkness will cover the light. The nine planted wands symbolize the determination of this fairy woman, ready With greater clarity and confidence, she will be ready for a new project and will move towards success.
Divinatory meaning: Discipline, order, waiting, wisdom, and anticipation. Patience is necessary for a desired outcome.
Reversed meaning: Deadlines, obstacles, disadvantages, and some problems. A break is necessary. Hidden enemies, subterfuge. A lack of motivation, health problems.
These two face-to-face imps shown shaking hands are symbols of friendly exchanges and helpful arrangements. Their union is sealed by their crossed wands, a sign of achievement and alliance. They will unite to achieve their goal and solve the problems. New prospects and success are in sight.
Divinatory meaning: Problems solved soon, new experiments, realization. Professional success, contracts. A positive renewal, an alliance with a trustful person, a friend, good advice.
Reversed meaning: Unsteady situation, obstacles, failures, difficulties. Lies and hypocrisies, intrigues, treachery, doubts.
This imp looks toward the horizon as he passionately plays his long horn. His melody brings an important message; inviting us to take the road, to analyze the course of life. Playing skillfully, he embodies the potential of know-how. His goals are clarity and objectivity. The soft notes of the imp’s horn can be heard beyond the fog. They make the dead leaves dance and inspire all to live peacefully.
Divinatory meaning: An intellectual, well-disposed person, communication, letters. New ideas, creativity, integrity, reflection. Small journeys, international contracts. A loving and sincere partner. Ability to create beauty.
Reversed meaning: Reserve, instability, cowardice, indecision. Unpleasant news, a warning, sorrow.
This fairy knight, free and independent, symbolizes unexpected change and movement. Without ties to hold him back, he begins his journey. Here he stands at the threshold to an unknown world. His wand provides a guiding light. His proud palomino horse, a trustful partner, will lead him. His passion for adventure has begun.
Divinatory meaning: A sudden departure, a wished-for change, moving. An advantageous position. Honesty, initiative. An energetic friend. Journeys.
Reversed meaning: Cancelled plans, delays. Dissatisfactions and arguments, uncertainties. A break in a relationship, an emotional rupture that will be painful. A hardened rivalry.
This dignified fairy queen with her serene face, incarnates modesty, honesty, understanding and patience. Sure and relaxed, her wand is firmly planted. We are welcome in her woods, where imps and sprites live. The fox, which accompanies her, symbolizes her tact and dynamism.
Divinatory meaning: A sympathetic person, understanding and honorable. A maternal woman whom one can count on. Shining success at work. Protection, economy but generosity, an interest towards the others. Sincere and balanced sentimental relationships, grace and female charm. Trips and strolls.
Reversed meaning: A dishonest, mean and stubborn woman. Jealousies, obstacles, schemes. Lack of professionalism, incapacity to show one’s talent. Unstable emotions, disloyalty and revenge in love, competition and treason. Lacks self-esteem.
This mature fairy king with his authoritative but honest face is a man who enjoys all of life and nature. Fulfilling his authority with accuracy, he commands others’ respect. His wand symbolizes his faith in himself and his self-control. The wild boar at his sides incarnates his quiet force and his self-confidence. Filled with paternal compassion for this forest, this sovereign controls his domain with honesty and strength.
Divinatory meaning: A mature, friendly, educated, honest, and conscientious person. Insight and the ability to bring one’s ideas to others. Professional success, change. Family harmony.
Reversed meaning: An ambitious, pretentious, and intolerant man. A false friend. Severity, austerity, dogmatism, obstacles, and prejudices. A person who ignores you and your ideas.
This finely carved cup crowned with stars represents love, imagination, joy and peace. It stands above the water, the source of life. Surrounded by flowers and luxuriant vegetation, it is a symbol of beauty, emotional development, and plenitude. The dolphin, which honors the cup with its joyful leaping, refers to dreams, merry emotions, and instinct. It also represents the communion of man with the world. A positive card of love and joy.
Divinatory meaning: Perfection, fertility, pleasure and beauty. A deep and true love, family happiness, feasts, and harmony. Professional satisfaction and triumphs. Beauty in art, inspiration and creativity. Travels and good news.
Reversed meaning: A lost love. Desire for self-sufficiency leads to cutting family bonds. Doubts, instability and dissatisfaction. Revolution and internal change.
Standing on a flowered balcony, this young fairy talking to the birds represents osmosis, respect, and harmony with the surroundings. The stars are symbols of bonds and communion. All three figures-the two birds and the fairy-connote the triumph of the heart and deep love.
Divinatory meaning: A lasting love, a wedding. A new relationship, reciprocal attraction and passion. Engagement, union, understanding, and harmony. A sincere friendship. A reconciliation, a found love, and artistic success.
Reversed meaning: Dissatisfaction in love, false and shallow love, strictly physical attraction. Disillusion in love or friendship, betrayal, and opposition. Jealousy and vain hopes.
The fairies have a rendezvous in a verdant flower garden. A baby fairy has just hatched in a flower, symbolizing revival, love and joy. The stars emerging from the three cups offer the newborn baby good fortune and well-being. The sky is mild and blue. The butterflies represent peace and serenity.
Divinatory meaning: Solved problems, satisfaction. A union, a birth, good news, serenity. Good family relations, a celebration, optimism. A plan comes to fruition.
Reversed meaning: Relief after sorrow, unfulfilled plans, a delay. Excessive feasting and pleasures. It is time to get back to serious and constructive matters.
This pensive fairy woman represents weariness and boredom, perhaps because of habits and stagnation. The roses she has dropped symbolize her vanished dreams and discontentment. The time has come for her to re-examine her life.
Divinatory meaning: Concern, lassitude, routine, disappointment and dissatisfaction. Resentment and worries in relationships. A stable situation concerning property. Reversed meaning: A renewal of confidence and optimism, new possibilities. Exciting new situation. A new approach to old problems.
This sentimental young fairy stands at the crossroads of her life. The fire has died out; it is necessary to light a new spark. The curved tree and the flowers swept up by the wind indicate that a storm is coming. On the ground, two cups are knocked over, symbolizing her lost hope. The three other cups still stand, so all is not lost.
Divinatory meaning: A marriage without real love and joy. Regrets, frustration and sacrifices. A painful but essential test. A desire to leave troubles far behind. Financially, the card indicates an inheritance.
Reversed meaning: New alliances, affinities, harmony in relationships. Return of a former friend, the family. Good contacts and meetings.
This pensive fairy gazing wistfully at the flower in her cup represents nostalgia and uncertainties. She would like to find a way to go back and revisit her past, since there is something missing in her present life. The flowers rising from the other cups indicate that we should enjoy the present and not look back. It is time to find a new course. The card also refers to the simple pleasures in life.
Divinatory meaning: Wistfulness, nostalgia, childhood memories. Confusion, anxiety, attachment to old habits. A harmonious home environment.
Reversed meaning: New points of view and new plans, opportunities. Future, a renewal.
The young fairy, encircled by flowers and rich vegetation, holds a cup to her heart, symbolizing plenitude and fulfilled dreams. Her creativity and spirit spill forth, as shown by the scintillating light emerging from the seven cups. The gates of happiness open to her and she is filled with joy. Fate smiles on her but she must be careful with sweet illusions. It is time to wake up and get back to the real world.
Divinatory meaning: Imagination, dreams, sentiments, and illusions. Castles in the air. Wind in one’s sail. Meetings, reconciliations, a durable and positive union, a marriage. Creativity. Reversed meaning: Dreams, great illusions, false hopes. Adultery. Desires and determination. An intelligent choice and the resolution of small problems.
Showing no emotion, this fairy woman, eyes lowered towards the cups, is the image of decency and shyness. The cup in which she puts her hand symbolizes the spirituality she seeks to rediscover. She is considering giving up her current situation to travel towards the unknown, to find a new life. By doing so, and embracing other points of view, spirituality can be regained.
Divinatory meaning: Modesty, timidity, fear and doubts. Decency. End of one relationship and beginning of another. Attraction and some rivalry. The situation is not as bad as one believes. Reversed meaning: Joy, festivity, entertainment and satisfaction. A reward, success reached through an effort. Romantic stability.
This naked young fairy sitting in the grass is synonymous with carefree joys and pleasures. Her crossed position shows her inner safety. The cups form an arc above her, like a rainbow of hope and joy. The tiny white flowers flying up out of the cups announce victory, festivity, and joy.
Divinatory meaning: Celebrations, pleasures, abundance, success. Solved problems, victory, dreams are realized. Perfect harmony, good family life. Successful career, rewards and advantages. Good health.
Reversed meaning: Impulsiveness, oppositions, and imperfections. Disharmony. Financial problems, small slanders. A false freedom.
A wedding is celebrated between a fairy man and a fairy woman who wish to seal their union. Love, serenity, security and contentment can be seen on their faces. Ten glittering cups crown them, animating their dreams and desires. They symbolize promises, abundance and satisfaction. The straight trees in the background represent a stable accomplishment. All is harmony, peace and joy.
Divinatory meaning: Peace, love, honor, virtue, and good reputation. Positive changes, strong and successful relations with others. Home, harmony within the family, serenity. Happiness and beauty.
Reversed meaning: A lost friendship, abandonment. Family quarrels, contradictions, misunderstandings, anger.
This dreamer fairy, full of innocence, encourages our passion and creativity. Playing his lute, he offers his music to both fauna and flora as a sign of respect. He pays homage to his peaceful and serene surroundings by softly singing its praises.
Divinatory meaning: A blond young man, timid, quiet and studious, a loyal and helpful person. An invitation, an offer, good news. Availability, intuition, mediation. A youthful love.
Reversed meaning: Disillusionment in a friendly relationship, intrigue, susceptibility. Complications, seduction and attraction towards an unknown.
This romantic young fairy knight incarnates independence and maturity. With his noble steed, he unhurriedly follows the sweet path in order to follow his desires. He holds out his cup, inviting us to join and share his way with him. He is ready to face new horizons as he sets out toward his conquests.
Divinatory meaning; Something positive. A visit, surprise, or an invitation. Good professional prospects: an opportunity, a challenge, initiatives. An attractive, but still somewhat immature young man. Love comes before everything else, attraction, love at first sight, joy, new conquests.
Reversed meaning: An ambitious but weak young man. A seductive liar. He is ambiguous yet nevertheless attractive. Superficiality and tricks. Momentary passions, disappointments. Excessive expenses.
This gracious fairy queen is a symbol of femininity in all its tender kindness. All around is sensitivity and poetry-elements of a harmonious life. The sky is blue and the wind caresses the flowers. She holds the cup of feelings, wisdom, and the senses. The swan at her feet represents the maturity, which empowers the fairy queen to rule her kingdom. This card indicates emotional matters like romance and dreams.
Divinatory meaning: A very pleasant woman, perhaps a close friend. A devoted person with a good heart. Tender and deep feelings in love, honesty, fidelity, a happy marriage. Satisfactory professional relations, financial assistance. Art, beauty, a gift.
Reversed meaning: A distinguished, beautiful and tempting woman but vicious, false, lying, dangerous and melodramatic. Ambiguity, plots and scandals. A marriage without love. Hostility in professional environment. Lust and dishonor.
This fairy king’s pleasant face is comforting and calm. Dressed in warm colors, he exudes sympathy, good sense, harmony and honesty. Peace and serenity prevail. By discipline and creative imagination, he has reached his goal. The cup of knowledge he holds dictates the laws of his heart. The gracious stag beside him symbolizes instinctive energy, independence and regeneration. Like the king, he reigns over wild places with an untamed force. Divinatory meaning: Generosity, creativity, beauty and art. Protection, strength. Joy, true feelings, success in love. An esteemed person: a businessman, a talented artist, or a monk. Reversed meaning: A dishonest person, unscrupulous, seductive, and dissolute. A disloyal and selfish partner. It is time to be more focused.
The Ace of Pentacles is a very favorable card. The finely carved pentacle, hanging above a field of poppies, symbolizes the gift of the Earth, a happy life, creation, richness, and material power. It is also the active principle and the culmination of efforts. The bird of paradise with wings spread offers material protection. Divinatory meaning: Happiness, chance, prosperity, achievement. Money, profits, contracts, perfection, generosity. Solid family bonds, fertility. A cure for a disease.
Reversed meaning: Obsession with money, wastefulness, and bad use of money. All that is rare and valuable: antiquities and hidden treasure. A change in a present position.
This pensive young fairy pushing a wheelbarrow filled with flowers personifies the difficulty of making a choice. Which flowers will work best? Those of cool colors, like the blue ones, or of warm colors, like orange? She is caught in indecision and doubt.
Divinatory meaning: A risk to be taken, decisions, hesitations, and confusions. Lack of initiative, obstacles and delays.
Reversed meaning: Unforeseen expenses, evasions, financial problems, unpleasant letters.
This smiling little imp, sitting on a pentacle while juggling two others, symbolizes accomplishments and achievements in the financial sphere. Thanks to his efforts he has reached perfection in this sphere. His skills and know-how turn everything he undertakes into gold.
Divinatory meaning: Ability to use one’s talents to make good deals, constructive projects, achievement in one’s work, improvements, assistance, positive outcomes.
Reversed meaning: Improvements needed. Concerns, disappointments, humiliations, and missed opportunities.
This fairy gathering the four pentacles with her gaze lowered towards them, symbolizes diligence, but also avarice and greed. This fairy surrounds the pentacles with her wings to make certain she won’t lose them. The Four of Pentacles card represents financial abundance, as shown by the orange tree, rich with juicy fruit. The water lily pads on which the fairy stands represent economic stability.
Divinatory meaning: Increase of wealth, favorable business, privileges, inheritance, financial success. Good news, but also ah exaggerated interest in finances.
Reversed meaning: An obstacle in business, financial losses, delays. Professional setbacks or limitations.
This fairy has lost her illusions. The wind carrying the petals, and the clouds on the horizon, signal lost dreams and disappointments during a difficult period. However, the obstacles are not insurmountable. Indeed, the card announces a releasing of the situation, represented here by the five pentacles shining in the sky. Hope will rise again.
Divinatory meaning: Struggle for improvement after a harsh period. Courage is rewarded. Reciprocal attraction, a lover.
Reversed meaning: Chaos, disorder, errors. Misbehavior, bankruptcy, loss. Emotional upheaval, divorce.
This card confirms that the current situation requires a solution, as this contemplative imp reveals, sitting at the edge of the river. This card also represents generosity, symbolized here by the open flowers surrounding the imp who, out of kindness, spares the life of the fish in the river.
Divinatory meaning: Minor financial help, charity, generosity, kindness, and modesty. Vigilance and talks.
Reversed meaning: Insufficient means, lost opportunities, undefined projects. Desire, avarice, jealousy, ambition.
This is a card of well-being and good fortune. It symbolizes a constructive period as well as bountiful harvests obtained with patience and perseverance. By firmly grasping a pentacle with both hands, this fairy shows us that the time for success and glory has finally come. The expansive cornfield and radiant sun are symbols of abundance. Dreams will come to fruition. Divinatory meaning: Result of hard work, ingenuity, successful ventures, good deals, a raise. A sincere marriage with a wealthy person, inheritance.
Reversed meaning: Distrust and concerns, insecurity, failed projects. Swindles, major money problems.
This young fairy creatively playing her lyre is a symbol of accomplishment, a happy future, and achieved goals. As she plays, the notes fly from her lyre and travel freely, just like the surrounding pentacles. This card confirms her talent.
Divinatory meaning: A quick learner, personal efforts, and achieved goals. Stability, skillfulness, creative initiative. Profits.
Reversed meaning: Lack of ambition, disillusions, greediness, covetousness, vanity and avarice. Financial mistakes, debts.
This young fairy takes in her enchanting and luxurious natural surroundings. She embodies satisfaction and plenitude in her environment. Her earthly triumph is deserved. The nine pentacles surrounding her trace her chosen path, her goals, and her confidence in her destiny.
Divinatory meaning: Achievement and prosperity. Success, inheritance, business travel. Pleasure and sensuality.
Reversed meaning: Failed plans, swindles and financial loss. 39
These three little fairies dancing with the pentacles symbolize prosperity and good fortune. They joyfully celebrate their bountiful harvest.
Divinatory meaning: Prosperity, wealth, financial security. Positive change in one’s home.
Reversed meaning: Unsteady situation, plans which do not materialize, unexpected expenses. Family tensions.
This fairy gazes toward the sunrise. As the messenger, he is prepared, confident, and eager to learn. He is the symbol of a sharp wit. He handles his lyre with skill. Attracted by the soft notes, a bird, the artist’s companion, comes to him. He incarnates the serene environment in which this imp lives.
Divinatory meaning: Application, thinking, studies, the desire to learn, new ideas. Reliable colleague, an honest worker, intellectual work, earning of money.
Reversed meaning: Dissipated ideas, lack of application, unrealistic person. A dishonest person, swindles. Vanity and wasted expenses, unpleasant news.
This gentle young knight riding a proud black steed, chooses his own way for his quiet ride. He carries on his path with determination, his pentacle shield protecting him. This card symbolizes effectiveness and skills in the financial sphere. Divinatory meaning: A mature and responsible person, persevering in business. A cunning and efficient collaborator. Financial advantages. In love, an engagement.
Reversed meaning: Lack of determination. Irresponsible, lazy. Stagnation, apathy, and discouragement. Lost opportunities and wasted money. Possibility of unemployment.
This fairy queen is influential and self-confident. She knows and believes in herself. Her finely sewn dress and the pentacle she holds reveal her opulence. She has the luxury of wisdom as well as wealth. Her red hair indicates this queen’s passionate nature. With her left hand caressing the deer beside her, she proves her generosity. She is also is an expert in the magic of nature. Divinatory meaning: Prosperity, abundance, luxury, fertility. A good and generous person, an ambitious yet trustworthy coworker. Material security, excellent economic situation, bargains. Grace, elegance, good health and gratifying sexuality.
Reversed meaning: Doubts and indecisions, unfulfilled promises, financial losses. A shallow woman, greedy, capricious, frivolous, and untrustworthy.
This patient king with his honest face symbolizes power and wealth. His richly ornamented clothing reveals his refinement. His pentacle shows the results of his efforts, but also his generosity. Having successfully built his life, he is now free to enjoy and share the abundance.
Divinatory meaning: Favorable finances, profits, good bargains, flourishing ventures. Determination, an enviable position, a reliable friend, an intelligent and considerate person. Reversed meaning: Corruption, greed, unreliability. A rich but vicious person, false, a speculator and a gambler.
Though you can read your tarot cards anytime you want, night-time and a full moon provide the most favorable environment. For the best readings, you should be in a relaxed mental state, free of anxiety and stress. Your surroundings should be serene and bathed by a soft, filtered light. During a reading, a candle or incense can be lit. The cards may be spread on a clean cloth, preferably of neutral color.
Questions should be clear and precise. Shuffle the cards well, cut the deck, then proceed with a chosen spread. If a card falls from the deck, it often indicates something of significance for your reading.
For most general readings, start with the Major Arcana. Personally, I prefer drawings solely with the Major Arcana, which seem to me, most complete. If you want precise details, add the Minor Arcana cards.
· For professional questions, only add the Wands.
· For emotional matters, only add the Cups.
· For material issues, only add the Pentacles.
· For daily concerns regarding health, studies, or activities, only add the Swords.
To inquire about all the aspects of life, you can use the entire deck.
For the Minor Arcana, I prefer drawings with the cards only in divi-natory position. They speak enough about themselves without one needing to reverse them. Everyone may do as he/she pleases. It is up to you to decide which cards you want to read with and whether or not you prefer using the reversed meanings.
This is a draw that you can make every morning, just to get a sense of the day to come. Use the 22 Major Arcana to begin with. Shuffle and cut them. Choose three cards, to be placed as follows:
· The first card represents your self: strength, weakness, etc.
· The second card represents the vibrations of the first part of your day; morning, and early afternoon.
· The third card represents the vibrations of the later part of your day; late afternoon and evening.
With this draw, you can make the best choices for your day and avoid conflicts, if necessary.
This is the most common draw. Its purpose is to answer a specific question about love, work, money, or health. Shuffle and cut the 22 Major Arcana cards. Select four cards and place them as follows:
There is a fifth card, called the synthesis, which can be the key to the situation. Should you want to know which card it is, simply add the face value of each card you have drawn. If this totalled number totals is greater than 22, reduce it to a single number by adding the two digits together.
Here’s an example of how to determine the fifth card.
· If the card number 1 is the Fool, its value is 0.
· If the card number 2 is the Hanged Man, its value is 12.
· If the card number 3 is the Star, its value is 17.
· If the card number 4 is the Devil, its value is 15.
· You then add 0 + 12 + 17 + 15 = 44.
· Then add the two digits within that number, so from 44, add 4 + 4 = 8.
· So, the fifth card has the value 8, which is the Justice card.
If the total value of the four cards is 22, consider the fifth card as being the Fool.
If you are not sure about the meaning of one or more cards, you can draw another card from the shuffled Minor Arcana. These cards can further explain the situation and its meaning.
· Card number one represents yourself and your attitude regarding the question.
· Card number two represents the external unfavourable elements; what you should avoid.
· Card number three represents the action to come and your behaviour towards this situation.
· Card number four represents the consequences of your action and the answer to the question.
This spread is for emotional issues. The Questioner shuffles and cuts the cards. Select five cards, which the Diviner will set in the star formation, as shown below.
1. The Questioner’s feelings
2. Influences on the Questioner
3. The Questioner’s emotional block
4. What the Questioner expects
5. What is likely to happen
Tarot doesn’t predict the future; it merely guides us. Don’t be discouraged if you occasionally have a negative reading. Take it as a warning; consider the message, and make the choices that best suit you and your situation. Tarot invites us to follow our intuition; it reminds us that we have free will, and should exercise it accordingly.
If you want to contact me, you can write to me at: nathaliehertz@yahoo.fr