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Мудрость Золотого Пути
БЛАГОСЛОВЕНИЕ, Мудрость Золотого Пути, Тони Кармин Салерно

Обстоятельства вашей жизни, которые кажутся вам несправедливыми, на деле могут оказаться скрытым благословением. В нашем мире существует естественное состояние баланса и справедливости. Универсальный принцип взаимно дополняющих противоположностей, известных как инь и ян, в сочетании с мировым законом причинно-следственной связи обеспечивает идеальное равновесие всего сущего. Имеющиеся обстоятельства, какими бы огорчительными они ни казались, направляют вас к высшей цели, достижение которой принесет вам чувство удовлетворения и счастья. В настоящий момент вы не способны увидеть позитивную сторону существующих обстоятельств, поэтому проявите терпение. Скоро произойдет что-то очень хорошее. Отрешитесь от чувств негодования, обиды и поверьте, что все происходящее наилучшим образом служит вам и окружающим. Посейте сегодня семена любви и веры и через несколько месяцев пожнете богатый урожай.
Все происходит наилучшим для меня и других людей образом. Все происходит в самое подходящее время.
Я благословлен вечной любовью и изобилием.
Love: “Music in the soul can be heard by the Universe.” – Lao Tzu
“An angel surrounds you with her wings of light. She is here to remind you that there is more to life than your achievements, degrees and possessions. She would like to help reconnect you with your true nature and rediscover a healthier, more sensitive and loving you. Your soul is full of infinite light, beauty, and creative energy. Through being aware of your spiritual nature you connect to your true and infinite nature and experience a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose. Connecting with your true essence is a profound and sacred experience. You may feel overwhelmed by joy at times. Let every feeling surface and express all you feel in some way. Through the process of reconnecting and rediscovering the real you, life and all around you transforms in a most positive way.
I reconnect with my true nature.
My true nature is to be full of joy and love.
My true nature is infinitely beautiful and infinitely creative.”*
– Toni Carmine Salerno
Inner Conflict: “We have been conditioned to label everything as either good or bad and automatically label every aspect of ourselves as good or bad also. This way of thinking creates inner conflict because it contradicts the laws of nature. You show others the parts of you that you like and try to hide the parts you think are unlikable. You do this because you fail to see how every quality you possess is valuable and worthy of your love. Everything about you is equally valuable and even equally beautiful. You have chosen this card today because you are ready to move to a higher level of awareness. It is time to embrace all of who you are; time to accept and love every part of you. Rather than try to change the things you do not like about yourself why not try just loving them instead? Start to question some of your long held beliefs and you will realize that many of these beliefs are false and serve no worthwhile purpose in your life. This card reflects the start of a new beginning. You empower yourself and feel whole. Inner harmony, success and happiness await you. All you need to do is to love and accept every part of you, just love yourself unconditionally as you are.
I accept and love every part of me. I AM beautiful just the way I AM.
Every trait I possess serves a purpose.
I AM worthy of unconditional love.”*
Flame Of Inspiration: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein
“Your imagination is fertile at present and you soon feel inspired to create. As you tap into the infinite power of creativity you hold within you, new possibilities unfold. Keep an open heart and mind and be open to new ideas. Think outside of the square but do not take things too seriously. Make this a time of fun and exploration. Be in touch with your inner child, the true artist within you. An idea will come to you that will lead to an abundant and fulfilling future. Try to relax over the coming days. The more you relax, the easier it will be. Spend some time in nature and feel her fertile and healing energies. This can be a time of exploration and romance, and enchanted and magical time.
I hold infinite creative power.
I am inspired by life.
I keep an open mind and heart.
I am open to new ideas.
I am in touch with my inner artist.”*
Listen To Your Heart: “Butterflies and ladybirds bring good fortune. They signify the deep transformation taking place in your life as your true nature emerges. You embark on a journey of self discovery, signified by the lizard. You will realize that you have much to offer the world by just being your. For within your heart there is great love and wisdom, the kind of love and wisdom which have the power to transform all things. As you listen to and follow your heart, you have a positive effect on those around you also. Surround yourself with nature for she embodies the healing power of love, and will awaken the same power within you. Your spiritual awareness deepens and all you experience in the coming months will have a magical effect on your life and those around you. Butterflies are a powerful symbol for you at present; representative of the transformation that you are going through. From now on, take notice every time a butterfly flutters into your field of vision, for it is positive reinforcement that you are on the right track.
I am on a journey of self discovery, which leads to self mastery.
I listen to the love and wisdom within my heart.
Love has the power to transform all things.”*
Change: “The lady pictured on this card looks threatening but in actual fact she is not. She holds a dagger in her hand and is ready to sever her emotional ties with an outmoded way of thinking or pattern that no longer serves her. Freeing herself from these negative ties clears the way for a positive new beginning. The same goes for you. You must let go of the old thought patterns and beliefs that are preventing you from experiencing greater joy and success. What you gain will be a more prosperous and inspiring future Changing your thought patterns and behaviour is not easy and will take patience and conscious effort. But it will be well worth your while. Be aware and open to new possibilities, let go and trust in the natural cycle of change that is occurring. What you surrender will be replaced by something far better. You may feel a little unsettled over the coming days but this will soon pass and all moves forward with ease. This card is a blessing. This change has the power to transform you. Embrace this most positive time with the knowing that you are making way for something new.
I invite this most blessed change into my life,
knowing that it leads to a positive transformation.
I surrender all the thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me,
and replace these with love.”*
Goddess of Oneness: “Someone is thinking of you this very moment and sending you their loving thoughts and wishes. Everything we think and feel is broadcast like radio waves without us realizing it. Whether we intend to broadcast our feelings and thoughts does not matter, it happens automatically. Human consciousness is like the World Wide Web. We transmit and receive information through our natural impulses, thoughts and feelings and this information circulates forever on the world wide web of human consciousness. To put it plainly, our thoughts and feelings transcend both time and space and can be intuitively felt by others. All in life is energetically (spiritually) interconnected but the strongest connection is between us and those we love and care for. You may be missing someone who is a long way away. Or alternately, you may be saddened by a loved one’s passing. Through this card someone wants to make to make their presence felt. They want you to know that they have not left you and will never leave you, for you are forever connected by invisible threads of love. No amount of distance or time will ever change that which is united in love.
My love transcends all time and space.
I am forever spiritually connected to those I love.
Time and space does not exist within my soul.”*
Creativity: “All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso
“The artist within you wants to emerge and you will soon feel a strong urge to express yourself creatively. Your inner artist will lead you to explore new and exciting projects and ideas. Expressing yourself creatively will also help balance your emotions and improve your general well-being. This is a time to be authentic, a time to discover the real you and to connect to the little child within you. You may discover that there is so much more to life than you were previously conditioned to believe. Honour your feelings and emotions and allow your imagination to journey through the infinite space that is at the heart of the creative universe. Try to express all you feel without reservation, censorship or judgment. You are doing this for you and no-one else. Amazing ideas and inspirations will filter through into your mind and heart; ideas and impulses that stem from your core essence or soul.It is possible for you to manifest what your heart has long desired. You are restricted only by what you think is possible! You will develop greater trust in yourself, and have confidence in yourown thoughts and feelings. This will in turn make you more receptive to the feelings of others also. Allow your imagination to travel to the far reaches of the universe but at the same time keep your feet on the ground and feel your connection to the earth. Know that you have a solid foundation to rely upon for Mother Earth will always support you.
I connect with my inner artist,
the inner child that holds my true essence.
Through my heart and imagination I channel infinite creativity.
I am one with the universal heart of creation.”*
Positive Future: “Your present situation is determined by your past actions. To change your future requires you to make different decisions today. Live life as though every moment is a miracle and remember that if one door closes, another opens. Your time is limited, so do not wast it living someone else’s life. Follow your heart and intuition and know that everything in your life unfolds at the best possible time and in the most beneficial way. You are a radiant being full of light, be inspired by love and have confidence in your ability to create the life that you dream of. Put your ideas into action, for they have the ability to manifest endless blessings through the endless light of love and creativity you hold within you. Everything around you is made up of energy. So if you want to attract positive things into your life, start by giving off some positive energy. Remember that everything is first created in the mind. Have a vision of what it is you would like to create. Set clear goals for all you would like to accomplish for in doing this, you will achieve more in a shorter period of time. As Napoleon Hill said many years ago, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.”
The decisions I make now result in a positive future. The loving thoughts I generate now create greater love. I stand in the light of love and know that all unfolds at the most perfect time.”*
I AM Balance
“Negative thoughts and self-criticism are diminishing your sense of worth and as such you do not see the beautiful and unique qualities you possess. At the core of your being you hold endless love and creative possibility. Love and creativity are you r true nature. The thinks you do not like about yourself, believe to be bad, or are ashamed of, are as good and valuable as the thinks you do like about yourself. Everything in our world consists of complimentary opposites. Yin and Yang or positive and negative charges are a necessary part of life and exist in every one and in everything. Without this nothing in our world would exist. In rejecting aspects of yourself you are in a way rejecting the whole nature of existence. It is only through embracing and loving yourself totally that the balance can be restored. You do not need to improve in order to be successful and happy. You just need to improve perceptions you have of yourself. Love and accept yourself as you are and your life will automatically transform. You do not need to change who you are, you just need to love yourself.
I love and accept all of me.
I love and accept the world as it is.
There is nothing to change, there is only love.”*
Prosperity ~ Freedom
“You soon free yourself from the financial concerns that have troubled you of late. A steady stream of abundance flows into your life and this has a positive effect on many levels. Love, wealth, creativity and healing all increase and grow stronger. But in order to keep the flow of abundance there must be gratitude. Do not take things for granted. Be grateful. Love, share and put your abundance to good use. Know that you truly deserve all the blessings that come to you each day. You deserve to be happy. And know that at the core of your being there exists a pure golden essence which gives you an infinite capacity to create and draw abundance into your life. Remember always to look within; go beyond the superficial personality and connect with the true essence of everyone and everything around you. Know also that money is simply energy and energy must always flow. Stagnant energy creates blockages so keep giving and receiving.
My love, wealth and certainty grow stronger each day.
I give and receive willingly and freely.
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.
I am blessed.”*
“You have a habit of undervaluing your talents and capabilities. This is due to a general sense of low self-worth. And yet there is so much that is wonderful about you. Many around you can see this but somehow, you do not. It is time to dissolve the distorted view you have of yourself, time to see your unique beauty and appreciate and value the real you. The following exercise will help increase your sense if self-worth. It will help you connect with and feel the light of infinite creativity and love that you hold within you.
Place your hands over your heart, close your eyes and relax. Take a deep breath, inhale, hold the breath for a moment and gently release the breath. Continue breathing this way and feel a soft, golden light within the centre of your heart. This soft golden light is the true and Divine you. It is the unchanging light of unconditional live, a light which existed before the dawn of time and will continue to glow forevermore. Feel this Divine light flowing into your body, your mind, thoughts and emotions. Allow it to illuminate your heart and mind. Allow it to embrace you.
Repeat the following affirmations as often as you can every day either out loud or in the silence of your heart. Feel each word. When you are able to see your true worth everyone will see it.
I am golden light.
I am Divine love.
I am infinite worth.
I am a channel through which the gold river of live flows.
I am an ocean of pure gold.
I am worthy of love.
I am love.”*
I Am Blessed
“A circumstance or situation in your life that seems unfair to you may actually be a blessing in disguise. A natural state of balance and justice exists in our world. The universal principle of complimentary opposites known as Yin and Yang, interwoven with the universal law of cause and effect, keep all in life in perfect balance. Though frustrating, the present circumstance is steering you towards a higher purpose and what unfolds from this is a feeling of fulfillment and happiness. At present you cannot see the blessing, so you must be patient. Something beautiful will soon manifest. Surrender any feeling of resentment or frustration and trust. All is unfolding in the most perfect way for you and those around you. Plant little seeds of love and faith now and you will reap a blessed harvest in the months to come.
All is unfolding in the most perfect way for me and others.
All unfolds at the most perfect time.
I am blessed with eternal love and abundance.”*
Resolution: “A battle soon rages. There is conflict and much heated debate but there is also resolution. A situation that is causing stress and worry may soon erupt and come to a head. You are advised to remain calm during this emotionally charged time. Say what you feel but do not be drawn into battle or say things that you might regret later. Keep your calm, let everyone have their say, and try not to blame anyone. Instead, listen to each point of view. This event will clear the air and you and everyone involved will each know where you stand and how everyone truly feels. You will emerge from this situation feeling lighter and brighter and eventually realize that the whole event was a blessing. You will learn to trust yourself and others more and the loving connections you have will strengthen and give you a feeling of emotional safety. This will make you feel more comfortable in all of your relationships and give you the courage to get closer to others without fear of being hurt.
I express my feelings honestly and lovingly.
I respect the feelings and opinions of others
My loving connection with others grows stronger each day.”*
Spontaneous and Intuitive Creation
“You have drawn this card today to remind you that the life force within you is the most creative force on earth. At the heart of every living thing the same creative force and potential exists. You are part of one universal soul and are energetically connected to the eternal light of creation. Close our eyes for a moment and feel the creative fore within ou. Feel yourself in communion with the entire universe. You hold the potential and power to spontaneously create by tapping into the universal energy field of endless possibility. But you must first feel this power within you and love and trust it. You can create whatever it is you want provided you mind, heart and soul agree and are in alignment. Pay particular attention to impulses and ideas that come to you seemingly from nowhere. Your intention can be your greatest asset. Trust all that you sense and feel and be guided by your instincts. Thoughts and ideas are the seeds of every creation and spontaneous creation begins by the planting of a seed.
I am one with the Universe.
I am one with the power of creation.
I spontaneously and intuitively create what my heart desires.
My thoughts and actions are in alignment with my soul.”*