Intuitive Tarot — Интуитивное Таро

Характеристика Intuitive Tarot — Интуитивное Таро
Оригинальное название: The Intuitive Tarot
Автор: Cilla Conway
Художник: Cilla Conway
Издательство: St Martin’s Press; Connections
Производство: США; Англия
Состав: 78 карт + книга на английском языке (240 стр.)
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 7.62 x 10.79 см
Год: 2004
ISBN: 978-0312329723 St Martin’s Press
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, диски
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: медитации; абстрактная
Интуитивное Таро — это 78 оригинальных карт для развития своей интуиции, творческого подсознания и самосовершенствования. Изображения карт в основном абстрактные и имеют небольшое сходство с Таро Тота, хотя следует Rider-Waite традиции.
Интуитивное Таро — очень интересный продукт Циллы Конвэй и издательства Сент-Мартин Пресс. Графичная колода с образами, заключенными в овальную рамку «мандорлы» (формы миндального семечка), созданными с очевидным влиянием иконографии колоды Тота Кроули от Фриды Харрис. Хорошее дополнение к колодам пост-кроулианской традиции в Таро. Схожая по стилистике, но более ясная по смыслу замена сказочно-иллюзорных колод об эльфах. (магазин Пряхи)
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Обзор Intuitive Tarot — Интуитивное Таро
Используя мощные изображения в этой весьма оригинальной колоде Интуитивное таро (The Intuitive Tarot), Сцилла Конвей показывает, как можно общаться со своим подсознанием, чтобы развивать свое воображение и стать более интуитивным.
Эта мистическая колода развивает воображение, интуицию, вскрывает в вас потаённые силы. Образы отображены наилучшим способом для медитационного погружения, они буквально вовлекают вас в свой танец цвета, раскрашивая мир вокруг вас. Проработка колоды на уровне мантики будет развивать у вас дар предвидения лучше любой другой колоды.
Интуитивное Таро проявит все самые лучшие стороны вашей натуры и души, позволит увидеть мир третьим, внутренним, оком, откроет новые горизонты вашего подсознания.
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Intuitive Tarot
Старшие арканы
0 — The Fool
The Fool is a strange, otherworldly figure: his eyes compelling and intent, a quizzical half-smile on his mouth. Traditionally, he is shown about to wander heedlessly over the edge of a cliff, while a small dog bites frantically at his heels in warning. Here he pauses in mid-stride, perhaps inviting us to join him in his leap into the unknown.
The blazing sun behind him and the birds flying past, framed by its blinding light, bring with them enchantment: the warmth, scents and sounds of another world.
The Fool can also be seen as the holy madman, the Wise Fool who knows everything – and nothing.
Preparing to leap into the unknown; taking risks. Unexpected and inexplicable occurrences. A new path of destiny. Possibly a warning to take care; pitfalls lie ahead. Time to make major decisions. Paradox, apparent contradictions. Someone who embodies the Fool.
Take a leap into the unknown! The Fool is about taking risks. He may indeed be seen as a fool by those around him.It indicates that you need to think outside the box. The Fool also can be a warning to take care — that pitfalls lie ahead.
1 — The Magician
The Magician represents the emergence of self-awareness. He is the child who finds mastery and wonder in his world, the initiate who has passed the first test of control of his universe. He stands firmly, directing the flow of the elements — earth, fire, air, and water — as they swirl around him. However, his dark eyes are not focused on this feat, difficult as it may be; they glance out, towards us. Perhaps, like a child, he is showing off to his audience. Or perhaps he is checking the results of his actions on the world around.
Male active force; creativity, spontaneity, practicality, skill, inventiveness; self-reliance, willpower, self-confidence. The ability to imagine, create, and see ideas through to completion. The art of A sudden conscious awareness of one’s personal path in life; new initiatives, creative ideas. The directed application of will to manifest an idea or a dream. The ability to tread a difficult path with confidence. Awareness of personal values so that ethical choices can be made. The interrelationship of many different dimensions, and how these can be made to work for rather than against the individual. Skill with words, self-confidence, creative action of all kinds.
Conscious awareness of yourself and your world. New initiatives, new dreams and creative ideas. Very much a card of manifestation. Skill with communication, self-confidence. You need to get out there to make things happen!
II — The High Priestess
Her intent eyes looking through to the soul, the High Priestess stands before the veil between the worlds, and the twin pillars of positive and negative energy that form the basis of creation. Bridging conscious and unconscious, light and dark, positive and negative, if and when she draws back the veil, she reveals the path to divine radiance, inspiration … and dread. Her arms outstretched, she gathers in the energising forces of the universe. Before her are her emblems: the Python, whose breath wafted up from the depths of the caves at Delphi to grant the gift of prophecy and inspiration; the ankh, symbol of life and rebirth; and the moon, the irrational, mysterious, unknown aspects of nature.
Intuitive insights and wisdom, arcane knowledge, and the ability to act with empathy and understanding. A new source of inspiration. For a man, his anima, muse, soul-mate. Great feminine strength, in either sex. Can indicates that creativity, intuition and spirituality need more emphasis in your life.
Intuitive insights and wisdom. The ability to act with empathy and understanding. For a man, his anima (muse and soulmate). For a woman: dreams. Can indicate creative blocks and loss of spiritual connection; creativity, intuition and spirituality probably need to be given more emphasis in your life.
III — The Empress
The Empress is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, symbolised by her crescent crown and lotus sceptre. Before all other deities, she was: bountiful, ever-loving, ever-giving, suckling her child: the feminine aspect of Divinity. Behind her the land gives forth its gifts, nourished and cared for down to the smallest blade of grass, her children all.
Early humans propitiated her as the Mother, the life-giver — and as the destructive, essential power of Chaos. We forget this, in our towering cities, and remember only when the hurricane hits, or when we disrupt the natural order once too often.
Abundance. Motherhood. Great prosperity and the self-awareness that nourishes as well as receives. Bountiful fate, the weaving of destinies one with another. Sensuality, fecundity, receptivity; the welcome harvest of love and joy. A firm foundation for growth. Birthing new projects, reaping the benefits of hard work.
Abundance, womanhood. Great prosperity and self-awareness. The Empress nourishes as well as receives. Bountiful fate, the weaving of destinies. Sensuality, fecundity, receptivity. Harvest. May indicate you need to take care of yourself.
IV — The Emperor
The Emperor represents the masculine energy of the universe: virile, active, focused -the archetypal King. His potency is suggested by the phallic winged amulet, rearing above the rising sun, while the surrounding sculpted reliefs illustrate different manifestations of the masculine, both positive and negative. The diamond on his helmet symbolises his focus, breadth of vision, ingenuity, and constancy. The golden sceptre with the world as its orb shows his dominion over the world. He represents power, order, structure, and control.
Authority, integrity, focus, will power. Benevolence, compassion, stability. Someone with real temporal influence. Vigorous, potent, the ability to command wisely. A keen grasp of practical matters — business, money, family. Patriarchal issues: obedience, duty, rights and wrongs; competition, control.
Authority, integrity, focus, vigour, willpower. The Emperor indicates a strong masculine energy, someone with real influence and power. Patriarchal issues — obedience, duty, family, control. It can also show a tendency to tyranny and workaholism.
V — The Hierophant
The Hierophant is the mediator between Heaven and Earth, the gods and the people. His mitre contains composite emblems of the five established religious philosophies: Christianity (the fish), Hinduism (the cow), Islam (the crescent moon), Judaism (the five-pointed star), and Buddhism, the oval surrounding them. This more cerebral approach of dogma and organised religion contrasts with the High Priestess’s inner, gnostic connection to the divine. The crossed keys on his garments, and his staff reflect his access to both temporal and spiritual power.
An impartial adviser, elder, priest or minister. Mediation, bridge building, peace making. Firm, deep, traditions on which to build. Morality, integrity, understanding. Compassion, spiritual connection and certainty. Reassurance, a bulwark against the dark.
An impartial adviser, elder, priest, teacher. Meditation, bridge-building, peace-making. Firm, deep traditions upon which to build. Morality, integrity, understanding, compassion, spiritual connection. May indicate a slight rigidity and close-mindedness.
VI — The Lovers
Some of the oldest packs called this card ‘Choice’, and it is the element of choice that is shown here. The lovers are joined at the chest and shoulder in a somewhat uncomfortable duality. The choice is whether to stay in this symbiotic relationship, or to pull apart. Behind the Lovers the moon rises over a barren mountain landscape. Merging into its shadow stands a mysterious cloaked figure — perhaps the crone aspect of the Triple Goddess, the goad of conscience, or the call of the soul to reach its full potential.
Choice — between symbiosis and autonomy, old and new, fear and love. Necessary separation from aspects of the past and present in order to let in the future. Honesty — to oneself, or to another, about some fundamental truth. The ability to see one’s own blocks. Dismantling outworn ties to people, places, possessions. The dawn of sexual awareness.
A choice to be made — whether to grow or stay the same. Necessary growth. Separation from aspects of the past. Honesty — to yourself or others — about who you are. The dawn of sexual awareness, or sometimes of maturity.
VII — The Chariot
The Chariot is the vehicle that takes us through life: two-wheeled, light, fast, responding to its driver’s every wish. Narrow rays of light radiate out from the wheels as its driver harnesses the morning sun. The Charioteer himself, wearing a silver mask emblazoned with a radiant sun, could be Apollo or Helios, the old Titanic Sun god, controlling the passage of the sun across the sky. His mace also links him to Ares, god of war, and the sky god Indra in his fiery chariot, wielding a thunderbolt. He grips the reins of the wild sun horses, one white and one black, symbolising his conscious ego and unconscious instincts. The reins seem loose — is he fully in control or, as in the story of Phaethon, Helios’s son, are the horses plunging unchecked to disaster?
Successful control of one’s life. Order imposed over conflict. Ability and ambition in tandem, focused will. Conflicting influences in life, possibly between emotion and intellect, needing resolution before progress can be made. Determination, healthy assertiveness.
Successful control of your life. Will, ability and ambition. Presenting yourself in the outside world. Sometimes shows that your unconscious is going in a different direction to your conscious will. Determination, healthy assertiveness.
VIII — Justice
The traditional image of Justice is blindfolded to show that the law does not discriminate between poor and rich. Today, however, it too often indicates that Justice is blind. The Tarot shows archetypal Justice, sacred and true, the natural outcome of the balancing forces of the universe. Her intent eyes view the world with a clear, dispassionate gaze, and the large amethyst on her forehead symbolises her inner vision. Her right hand rests on the two-edged sword of retribution, her left holds the scales to weigh each case.
Clarity of vision, ability to act with integrity and sense of justice. Fair play. Righting wrongs. Sense of balance. Cutting through the dross to the truth within. Weighing a particular issue and our own behaviour to ensure we are acting from the highest principles. Possibility of legal issues — check the small print!
Clarity of vision. Ability to act with integrity and a sense of justice. Balance. Justice. Can be a legal matter pending: if the card is reversed, check the small print or ensure that you’ve done everything you can. Ridding yourself of old injustices.
IX — The Hermit
Hooded and caped, the Hermit walks slowly down a dark, stony road, his only illumination a small lantern. Instead of the Magician, manipulating the world and the elements, we now see ourselves as the Pilgrim, uncertainly embarked upon a journey into the unconscious. Surrounding us are images from along the way: a frail ghostly figure sailing into the maw of the underworld; a sea monster, fanged mouth wide to destroy; a deadly serpent; and the dire guardian of the underworld, three-headed Cerberus.
Promptings from deep within that should not be ignored. Deep guidance, the voice of our soul urging us on to fulfil our destiny. The path of the unknown. Fear stabs at us, but we must face it in order to grow. Necessary withdrawal — from the rat race, from a given situation, from the familiar. Waiting for the right time. Inner quiet, silence.
Withdrawal to follow the promptings of your unconscious. Deep guidance — the voice of your soul that whispers or, sometimes, shouts. Fear that must be faced in order to grow. The inner search.
X — The Wheel
The Wheel is a mandala, the slow spinning Tao of the universe, representing yang (the active, outgoing ‘masculine’ energies) and yin (the inner, passive, ‘feminine’ force) and the unity that forms and contains them. The flow of energy moves into and out of this central unity, and within that energy we see souls flowing with, or against the current of existence. Ultimately, the Wheel represents an immutable cosmic law: everything will change, nothing ever remains static. From chaos emerges order; but order inevitably leads back into chaos.
A new cycle of life. Change. The opportunity to change your perception and with that, to improve your life. Feeling part of the cosmic cycle. Rewriting the past, allowing a sense of freedom in how you could be. Apparent chance workings of fate. Good fortune.
A new cycle of life. Change — inevitable and usually beneficial. Feeling part of the cosmic cycle. The workings of fate or karma. Good fortune.
Reversed: a negative trend. Battling against the current. Fate, seen as malevolent. The inability to learn from mistakes.
XI — Strength
As the seeker, we have chosen to confront our own unconscious. Strength depicts the outcome of that first encounter with that dark shadow. A young woman sits astride a lion, her fingers lightly touching his mane and rump. The lion, a fully-mature golden-maned male, rears up on its hind legs and roars in protest, but seems to accept the figure on his back. Shadow energies surge behind them. Eyes closed, face lifted to the light, the woman seems serene in the knowledge of her own inner victory, gained not by force but by resolution.
Release and resolution of unconscious material — your deepest fears, confusions, desires, anger, sexual urges — transforming them into spiritual energy. Emerging from trials and difficulties with increased inner strength and endurance. Courage, hope. Calm assertion.
Transformation of inner urges into spiritual energy. Strength that comes from understanding and working through your unconscious desires. Often a resolution of fears or anger or other shadow issues.
XII — The Hanged Man
A figure hangs, upside down, in the web of space and time, a voluntary sacrifice to the unknown. His face reflects a profound inner awareness and surrender to the Infinite.
Our confrontation with the Shadow has shown that only by reconciling the apparently antagonistic aspects of ourselves can we become free of conflict. In doing so, we must reverse all convictions, all certainties. So, like Norse god Odin and the Sumerian Attis, we choose the Hanged Man’s way, suspending ourselves within chaos to gain wisdom.
Following one’s intuition, even though it flies in the face of all accepted wisdom. Inner guidance. Voluntary sacrifice of conventional wisdom to gain self-knowledge. Rebirth and freedom. Cutting ties. Peace and resolution after trials. A feeling of oneness with the universe. Healing of ancient wounds. Putting oneself outside normal boundaries.
Turning received wisdom upside down in order to gain your own truth. Voluntary sacrifice, rebirth and freedom. Cutting ties. A feeling of oneness with the universe. Healing of ancient wounds. Putting yourself outside the norm.
XIII — Death
The wisdom gained with the Hanged Man takes us to a still more fearful place: face to face with the red-rimmed eyes of this grim skeletal figure, challenging us to step through him into the white-hot alchemical flames behind. This is the fire of purification, and when — if — we emerge, we will be reborn. Death’s shield shows an egg-like diamond, hovering between an open cocoon and its emerging butterfly, symbol of transformation. Framing both is an arrow pointing downwards, signifying that (if we survive), there is yet further to go on the journey.
Stripping the ego away to allow the birth of a new self. Death of an old life or values. Change, either voluntary or enforced. Necessary endings to allow in the new. Experiencing the sensual power of death. Mortality, time passing, the inexorable approach of death.
Death of an old life or values. Stripping away the ego to allow the birth of a new self. Change, either voluntary or enforced. Necessary endings.
XIV — Temperance
After surviving Death’s purifying fire, we are in a state of limbo. Our past lives stripped away, our minds still shuddering with alternating fear and love, we have reached a state of utter quiescence. Now it is that we encounter Temperance. Feathered wings curl round her, mirroring the waves of sea and air. Carefully, mindfully, she pours liquid from a blue to a pink pitcher, tempering the ingredients to the right proportion — the combination or conjunction of opposites: inner and outer, conscious and unconscious.
Balancing energies in yourself and your life. Replenishment of the conscious through creative interaction with the unconscious. Flowing of the past through the present, into the future. Joy in newly discovered freedom. Openings. Sensing the rhythms of the universe. An angelic helper, manifested in the outer world.
Balance, and being able to temper your emotions and physical well-being. Replenishment of the conscious through creative intreraction with the unconscious. Sometimes can be angelic help. Patience, wisdom.
XV — The Devil
The Devil is another traditional medieval image, shown here as a powerful androgenous figure, with breasts, vagina and a spiked penis. Its arms and clenched fists strain against the enclosing oval. Slit pupils glare out at us. Dark flies buzz around its head, while an aura of white-hot energy surrounds the whole figure. Minute in comparison, a human couple cower in flames by its clawed feet. A morbid green brain behind the Devil reflects the power this figure embodies — our own diabolical aspects, the collective shadow.
Skewed life energy and perception. Expediency, lack of integrity. Justification and denial. Major shadow issues, such as perversion, greed, envy, lies, that need to be owned, not denied. Entrenched old patterns especially to do with anger, fear, sexuality. Old patterns. Enslavement to the material.
Shadow issues — perversion, greed, envy, deceit. Materialism, sexual difficulties. Expediency, lack of integrity. Addiction, denial. Feeling trapped in your head or your life.
XVI The Tower
A cosmic lightning bolt rips through the clouds, bathing the tall building as it strikes with fearsome light. Boulders rain down to earth as the top storeys of the building burst into flame. The blood red of the clouds and oval frame symbolises the spilt blood of sacrifice. The distorting base of the building suggests the destruction of the very structure of our civilisation.
Early titles for this card were either La Maison Dieu (the Tower of God), or Maison Diefel (the devil’s house).
Cosmic illumination. A world-shattering event. Destruction of outer form. Cataclysmic events, either in the world or psychologically. Having to adjust to changed circumstances. Natural or man-made disasters over which we have no control. A new world emerging from the ruins of the old. Purification. Trauma seen as rebirth.
Cosmic illumination. A world-shattering event. Destruction of outdated situations or paradigms. Disasters or cataclysmic events over which we have no control. A new world emerging from the ruins of the old. Purification.
XVII — The Star
A figure is shown rising silently from the depths of the sea into the delicate, coruscating spiral of the Star. Her hair flows around her and a bright, inner light shines in the coronet around her forehead, a sustained connection to the numinous. We have withstood the dark distorting mirror of our shadow, and the divine lightning. We now emerge, ready to unfurl our soul’s wings.
The Star is the first of the heavenly bodies we meet on the path to the centre, and by her light we know that the final stage has been reached.
Sustained connection with the Higher Self. Hope, insight, inspiration. New life, new possibilities. The fluidity of an open mind. Light from within, enabling problems to be resolved with ease. Creative solutions. Manifestation of dreams into physical reality. Miracles.
Connection with the Higher Self. Hope, insight, inspiration. New life, new possibilities. An open mind. Light from within, enabling problems to be resolved with ease. Miracles.
XVIII — The Moon
The Moon has appeared in our myths and stories since mankind first awoke to consciousness. That primal state is depicted here: the full moon, its silver light pulsing with energy, hangs over a deep pool from which emerges a strange, nocturnal sea creature, half crustacean, half trilobite. It could be the dawn of time, as the moon separates from the earth and the seas form; or it could be a waking dream where nightmare and reality merge, and our flesh crawls with some terrible, enchanted, half-remembered touch.
Breakout of the dark forces of the collective unconscious; using the unconscious to transform old terrors into creative work. Ability to loosen psychic control, enabling a connection with enchantment, the realms of the fantastic.
Fears, deceit, terrors of the night. The collective unconscious rising up into everyday reality. Ability to loosen psychic control, enabling a connection with enchantment and the realms of the fantastic.
XIX — The Sun
Its centre an incandescent ball of white heat, the sun’s rays radiate out in streams of energy. Below, held safe within a circular garden, a magic flowering container, two children play under the effulgent light. Together, the children symbolise the reunited parts of our soul, missing for so long. It is as yet a childlike pairing: we still need an inner refuge, the protective boundaries of the garden (the body-mind), to shield us from the blinding light of full divine illumination that could still destroy us, although our strength is growing daily.
Illumination, transformation, renewal. Psychic growth. Letting the warmth into one’s life, in the form of love, achievement, success, abundance. Clear vision, removal of old blocks. Joyful liberation. The emergence of truth. A holiday in the sun!
XX — Judgement
A traditional medieval view of the Last Judgement depicts the time when an archangel calls home the souls of the faithful (the last trump). The time of deliverance is at hand; the earth opens to release the twin children of the Sun and the product of their union, the Divine Child. Lifting their arms in ecstasy, their souls rise together on a billowing column of light and energy, to unite with the outstretched angelic wings above. Outside the column of light are the shadowy spirits of the dead, still awaiting their call.
Rebirth; a new life. Impetus to change. A call — to make some fundamental change in your life, to let go all constraining considerations and reach for the heights. Rising above adversity. Attainment of some deep, long-held ambition. Surrendering to the divinity within you.
Rebirth; a new life. A call — to make some fundamental change in your life, to let go all constraining considerations and reach for the sky. Attainment of some deep, long-held ambition. Surrendering to the divinity within you.
XXI: The World
Her arms thrown wide in ecstasy, the figure of The World gazes up into the light of the star galaxy above her. The Divine Child is now the centre of the Cosmic Dance, and the energy of creation flows around her. The journey is complete, the treasure attained, and the integrated Soul combines all polarities into the greater Whole. This is the culmination of the quest — total integration of Soul, body and mind with the mystery of Divinity. The oval motif is now seen as the cosmic egg that contains the universe, the unifying totality of creation.
Spiritual fulfilment and awareness. The successful completion of an important project that resonates on many different levels. A feeling of love and connection permeating one’s life. An end and a new beginning.
Spiritual fulfilment and integration. Awareness. The successful completion of an important project that resonates on many different levels. A feeling of love and connection permeating your life. An end and a new beginning.
Младшие арканы
Ace of Cups
The base of this chalice delves down through the sky and sea into the depth of the primordial slime. Vagina-like, this ooze opens up to emit its harvest of eggs and a fountain of life-giving water sprays up through the stem, greeted on both sides by snails. Above, the new moon is flanked by fallopian tubes, embryos and eggs, and out of this multiplicity of feminine possibility emerges a flame. Clouds billow around; higher still is a fiery alchemic sun.
Love, spiritual connection. Opening to the full potential of love, its promise and force. Burgeoning potential. Feelings and emotions that need to be explored and safely expressed (for example through art, writing, song or dance). Unity, love, renewal.
Two of Cups
Two lovers stand, locked in a passionate embrace, in an idyllic landscape. Flowering vines hang from the balcony and a translucent bay curves gently up into rolling purple hills, misty in the distance. Two ornate cups, very different in shape but similar in ornamentation, are beside each figure. This is the flowering of love, passionate, urgent, fulfilling, where the world turns to colour and nothing else but the loved one exists, for a while.
A love affair; falling in love. Union of opposites, needing effort and understanding to maintain. Reconciliation. An idyllic period, give and take of emotions. Sexual (sometimes also spiritual) attraction. Trust, giving and receiving.
Three of Cups
Lifting their cups high in mutual celebration or pledge, three figures — one gold, one bronze and one white — could be the stamen and calix of a flower, standing tall against the vastness of the sky. The figures’ interwoven limbs portray a graceful dance within the heart of the flower, perhaps the growth of friendship and love, or the enclosing garden of tolerance and understanding in which we can grow such relationships.
Friendship, loving support from friends, harmony. A pledge of lasting friendship. Celebration, joy, sharing experiences. Can sometimes indicate a triangular relationship. Networking that has an important result, either in new friendships or new ideas. Dance.
Four of Cups
Oblivious to his surroundings, head in hand, the figure in the foreground stares disconsolately at the overturned goblet of wine lying in front of him. It seems as if he considers this spilt goblet the most important fact in life — even though there are three other goblets brimming over with water in the small waterfall behind him. Birds wheel and call above him, and the clouds reflect a beautiful sunrise or sunset.
Satiety, passivity, energy drain. Dissatisfaction with surface issues (for example, lack of money, difficult relationships) often concealing a more fundamental lack; or, paradoxically, too much of something. Attainment of an ambition, only to discover it means less than expected. May indicate a need to clarify aims and identify what is important in life.
Five of Cups
A shrouded figure, its back to us, stands hunched in sorrow at the mouth of a cave. Closer to stand five cups, drops of water falling like tears into the containers. The atmosphere is cold and miserable, the figure solitary in its misery. However, the water does not overflow; instead, the drops fall very precisely into the bowls: the feelings, though sharp, are not mortal. After a while, the figure will be able to stop grieving and return to life.
Pain, sorrow, loss. The loss is not mortal, however; something remains as consolation, and recovery will take place. Opportunity through loss to alter your life for the better.
Six of Cups
Looking over her shoulder, a white-haired figure looks over her shoulder at the rough pebble path leading back to a wooded garden, and a group of large blue cups by the road. In her right hand she clutches a golden goblet. She seems to have paused mid-stride, as her left arm still swings forward along her path. Her white hair and garment may indicate age, or purity of vision. A lobster-pink sky arches overhead.
Cherished memories, childhood ideals returning in the present. Crossroads. Accepting that some ideal aspect of life is over. Letting go all the emotional problems and difficulties in the past and turning to the future. Gratitude for the present.
Seven of Cups
Two figures, one negative, one positive, stand on either side of a figure-of-eight fountain, its flow also moving through light and dark, opaque and transparent. In the upper curve of the flow is a large golden cup, from which emerges a brilliant white sun. Six smaller cups are placed at the lower sweep. The two figures seem intent on each other, or perhaps on the small cups, apparently unaware of the large one.
Opportunities, choices. Avoiding decisions due to misunderstand needs. The opportunity to review our dreams impartially and to follow the way that speaks most powerfully to us — not necessarily the most practical. Logic is not the best way to decide this question.
Eight of Cups
A solitary figure stands, head bowed, directing his attention across the water towards the lambent light of the full moon and evening star. Behind him stands a dead tree, skeletal branches rising to the sky, with eight cups nestling within its roots. There is a sense of heaviness and reluctance in the figure’s stance, perhaps due to his fears and uncertainty about the future. However, his inner certainty that he must move on permits no further delay.
Moving from material stability and certainty to a less definite but more spiritual future. A new situation that promises deeper involvement but could also include real risk. Withdrawal from a current situation due to some compelling inner message.
Nine of Cups
Dancing in ecstasy, arms outstretched to greet the morning sun, the figure here expresses a simple paean of joy. On the right, the water curves smoothly up in a mighty wave, and down into the waiting cups. Behind her, it shivers into a more fractured pattern. On the surface, the sea rocks in small, rhythmic waves, darkly shadowed by the surge of water surrounding the figure, progressively lighter towards the horizon.
Fulfilment, joy, happiness, release; sometimes sexual. Can be the conscious evocation of happiness — ‘acting as if’. (Depending on motivation, this is no bad thing!) A happy time, where everything falls into place and life seems to be a dance of pure joy.
Ten of Cups
A couple gaze at each other, their faces reflecting their mutual absorption. Their arms entwine around their shared creation, which is either a full-term embryo or newly-born baby. Symmetrical waterfalls cascade over ten golden cups, five on his side, five on hers, each cup a different shape and size. The cloud behind the couple hints at their awareness of the trials and difficulties to be overcome in the future — as in the best relationships.
Commitment to a relationship, idea, or personal values. Integrity. Love. Justified trust. The creation of something precious between two people. A satisfying, long-term relationship with a lover, child or friend.
Page of Cups
A young girl stands on a beach, looking pensively at a large goblet which is decorated with entwined fish. A delicate choker encircles her throat, and her hair is braided or contained in a high turban. Her face, fine-boned and a little sad, reflects her indecision as to whether to drink from the cup, tipped as it were in invitation. Behind, limpid waters stretch back through a long bay to the open sea behind.
Someone with a changeling, fitful magic: be aware of the gift it signifies and don’t try to trap or harness it. Sexuality, potent, yet not quite fully formed. The beginnings of love, recovery of hope, or a new idea. The end of an emotional winter.
Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups is closely identified with his element, water. His armour resembles that of a fish, and his gaze is focused on the water droplets spraying out over the goblet he carries. The goblet itself contains a dark liquid, perhaps wine; so the source of the water drops is mysterious. Perhaps it comes from the sea of the unconscious that flows around him, invisible yet potent. And is it mist that obscures his world from us, or his own thoughts?
Quiet, inner strength and harmony. Quest for self-knowledge and inner integrity. Detached, somewhat reserved figure intent on his own process. A man whose shyness keeps him separate; but his inner world is rich indeed: someone well worth getting to know.
Queen of Cups
Cloak open to reveal her unmistakeable invitation, the Queen knows no compromise. She offers the gift of herself — it is up to us to accept or reject it. Her eyes look directly at us, without equivocation; her mouth tips up in understanding, or perhaps in challenge. A cup brimming with life-giving liquid stands before her. In the background the deep sea waves break around her, indicating the emotional depth she requires of us.
A powerful, desirable woman who knows exactly what she wants. Someone with a powerful connection to the body and feelings. Can also indicate a situation where one wishes to offer love fully but is constrained by a particular situation.
King of Cups
Engraved with a large crab or crustacean, a large goblet stands on a table in front of the King who appears as a pensive, even melancholy figure. His crown, made from the same pink-tinged metal as the goblet, contains a large sapphire at its centre. Behind the King, reflecting the colour of his robes, underwater structures and caverns like ossified bones are seen, offering odd glimpses of sharks and deep-water fish.
A tender, mature man, who may sometimes depend on the people around him for stability. Father or father figure, he may be self-effacing to a fault. Self-aware, interested, perhaps too introspective or insecure at times.
Ace of Rods
This is the vital, outpouring, generative energy of the universe, concentrated within the unfurling stem and leaves of the World Tree. Vital, generative, bubbling with energy, unfurling atom by atom from the dark of the void, the Tree is an omphalos, the cosmic axis linking the underworld, middle earth and the over-world. Dynamic with potential, the One of Rods reaches the very core of creation.
Great potential and creative gifts. Originality, vitality, natural potency. Innovation, invention. Powerful intuition. Creative vision that needs to be grounded in reality to bear fruit.
Two of Rods
Standing tall on a rocky hill, musing or soliloquising, a figure holds out a lit globe. He could be an actor, inspirational speaker, or dreamer. The scene has been set; a stage with a fan of curtains sweeping up on either side, framing a bright spotlight where, high above, two rods form part of the proscenium arch. In the background the audience — real or imaginary — stretches out as far as the eye can see.
High achievement or an extraordinary vision. Sharing a dream. Possibilities. Acknowledgement of achievement. A successful launch of an enterprise. Acting or performing may be an important aspect of your life.
Three of Rods
The focus in the Three of Rods is a strange and beautiful egg-shaped object, its shimmering colours pulsing across the surface. The figure holding the egg, caressing it with careful fingers, seems almost awestruck by its qualities. Twin strands of energy, the double helix of life, emerge and interweave through the three interlocked rods above. An oval tunnel of light in the background echoes the egg shape and frame of the card.
Inspired gifts that need expression. The card of the artist, writer, inventor, dreamer, scientist, visionary. Creative possibilities opening up. Connecting in to the different dimensions of existence. A gift, freely given. Talent.
Four of Rods
Supported and held secure at base and top by four strong rods, this is a world within a world. Through the transparent curved walls of the inner globe we see a a well-defined cobbled path, leading through an open gate to a small cottage, with smoke issuing from the chimney. On the right, stick in hand, a solitary figure makes its way slowly along the path to the refuge of the cottage nestling in the trees, its door open in implicit welcome.
Coming home. The end of a long journey, having crossed many bridges and seen many places. The successful conclusion to a long search. Inner harmony after discovering one’s inner refuge. Endurance, inner conviction, finding your path at last.
Five of Rods
Four figures dance or spar together with five long staves. The foremost figure on the left leans back, brandishing two sticks against his sparring partner, who seems to be using the ground as a lever for one stick while her foot rests on the end of another rising obliquely back. Further away, another couple are engaged in a tug-of-war, with one firmly grasping the end of the stave and the other gripping its length.
Assertion, healthy competition. Group dynamics within the family or in business that need to be brought into awareness. Intuitive knowledge of society’s ritual behaviour. The ability to work with groups.
The Six of Rods
Silhouetted against the sun, arms raised in triumph, the figure here has climbed to the summit of achievement, each step laid carefully rung by rung up this constructed mountain. Now the figure looks out at the glowing russet sky with its golden clouds billowing past, savouring every moment. This is a time for rejoicing and unalloyed joy in its success, which is seen as richly deserved and fully appreciated.
Triumph. Success due to vision and hard work. A creative project well completed. Achievement, breakthrough. Can also indicate the opening up of intuitive power and vision. Manifestation of a long-standing ambition.
The Seven of Rods
Six upright stakes could be a palisade or boundary. Balancing carefully on two of the stakes and the oval frame of the card, a figure reaches high for the seventh rod, poised just within his reach. Perhaps he has only a few moments in which to reach grab the rod, before it moves out of reach. In his left hand the figure grips a rope or rein. The lush green vista of the background invites thoughts of sunlit woods or a multicoloured sky.
Striving, achievement. Reaching for a high goal. Upbeat, positive attitude against all odds. New, exciting opportunities will be offered. Life changes through a step outside one’s normal barriers.
The Eight of Rods
A number of stylised figures, legs bent and arms outstretched, move in tandem towards their goal. Above them, eight curved rods, their curved frame and dark interiors giving the impression of arched doorways or windows, recede into the distance. Have the figures just emerged out of these mysterious spaces, joining their fellows in a concerted rush, or are they all moving blindly, driven like lemmings to an unknown destination?
Excitement, start of a journey, hopeful activity. The end of delays. Confidence, optimism, anticipation. Momentum towards a goal — may be useful to step back and check whether the goal is worthwhile.
The Nine of Rods
A man stands, arms outstretched, guarding the way. He may be a gatekeeper, guarding the old roads; or perhaps he is defending his home or even resisting his enemies. Apparently without weapons or shield, his naked body exposed, he may seem terribly vulnerable. However, he shows no weakness; his face is calm and resolute. Behind him, nine slightly phallic rods rear against a deep red background.
Strength, firm resolve, courage, moral certainties. A rock in shifting sands. Firm defence of all one holds dear. Check your own perception here, however, to ensure you are seeing clearly. Ability to show vulnerability.
Ten of Rods
Supporting the weight of two wooden beams, the figure here prepares to drop them into place. The frame construction is well planned, each beam carefully placed, and his chosen location gives clear views of the distant town on the horizon and surrounding countryside. Dark thunderclouds tower into the blue sky, threatening a storm, but bright sunlight still prevails where he stands.
Building a house or refuge. Perseverance against all odds. Time to lay down a heavy load — possibly by asking for help. A pattern of taking too much on: may be useful to look at why.
Page of Rods
A young woman stands, her intent gaze focused on us. She could be a casual wayfarer or alternatively, the guardian of the entrance to the underworld — those strange caves behind her, framed by jagged stalactites and stalagmites. She is alert, even wary, gripping her black stave tightly in her hand. Her flowing head-dress is the only green in an arid land.
A young person, often female, extremely passionate but often quite defensive. Needs appreciation and understanding but often finds it impossible to ask for help. Often a loner. Highly creative, she may still be looking for her authentic means of expression.
The Knight of Rods
His gaze fixed on some absorbing inner vision, carrying a flowering lily as his staff, the Knight could be Parsifal in search of the Grail. Clad in lightweight armour, his cloak providing warmth, he enjoys freedom and solitude. His feathery armoured helmet, with its stylised third eye, softly frames his features, while another emblem adorns his throat. Behind him a glowing landscape leads back to a long, misty range of mountains.
Someone searching for meaning and truth in a disturbing and trivial world. An idealist, sometimes quite impractical or naive. His creative and healing gifts may be evident quite early, but he has yet to find his full power.
The Queen of Rods
The Queen is clothed in the rich body jewellery of a pythoness. Emeralds adorn her crown and choker. Her beautiful face shows compassion and a deep, intuitive understanding of human nature. She seems light as air, her transparent veil flying in the breeze, and her staff, encrusted with golden bubbles or flowers, floats with her. A strange formation on the horizon could be a stylised cloud, a garden, or an entrance to the Underworld.
An intensely feminine woman, highly intuitive, perceptive, creative. Dedication to a spiritual way of life, and a deep engagement with the unconscious, mythic realms. A man’s anima or creative muse. Possibly some hidden sorrow.
The King of Rods
The King stares fixedly into a glowing orb, set in an elaborately carved wooden staff. The land behind him darkens into dusk, but the King, secure in his own world, concentrates on the lit globe. His golden helmet displays a motif of scrolled leaves and antlers, indicating an affinity with the Green Man and Cernunnos, the Horned God. The small motif on his upper arm bears a different motif of stylised helmet and horns.
A mystic sense of connection with both earth and air. Instinctive grasp of human and animal nature. A decision-maker, business or creative person who leads from the front: inspiring, decisive, clear, perceptive. The ability to listen and clarify. A need to connect with one’s wild, intuitive wisdom.
Ace of Swords
The sword is deceptively plain, but it must have been forged in some master craftsman’s fire, the metal folded and refolded time and time again, until the tempered metal is hard enough to thrust through stone, deep into the earth. A few delicate plants take advantage of the sword’s ingress to germinate and flower around the blade. Flames surge in the background, reminding us of the raw power that forged the sword.
Intellectual clarity, focus, applied logic. A high degree of intelligence and brilliant deductive powers. Use of the intellect to solve problems or open up possibilities. Symbol of truth and discrimination. Acute, penetrating power of the mind which, if connected to the Spirit, is a wondrous gift.
Two of Swords
Clad in a flowing robe, his back to us, a figure holds two swords obliquely above his head. Where they meet, light flares and radiates outwards, creating what looks like a turbulent funnel of power and energy. Often it seems as if the swords have a life of their own, vibrating and quivering, like the filaments of an electric light bulb, with the figure needing to exert his will and intention to bring the polarised energies together.
Use of the intellect for growth and transformation. Creation of a powerful idea. Opposing forces that can be harnessed for good — or evil. Convergence. Conflict resolution.
Three of Swords
Through the dark oval frame of the Three of Swords, a figure can be seen, head bowed in pain or reverie. Two swords pierce the figure’s heart, which is shown pulsing externally on her chest, and from which trickle not blood, but white droplets, like snow. Yet another sword runs through her brain, again clearly visible. Behind, bulbous golden clouds rain down on the world. But light shines through the streaming torrent.
A problem that splits you apart. Any attempt to problem-solve using the intellect alone will be counterproductive. Heartbreak. Need to express grief and unhappiness without projecting it onto the outside world, or acting it out.
Four of Swords
Cross-legged, arms resting on his knees, a figure sits quietly in deep thought or meditation. As if from heaven, a narrow shaft of light shines down upon his head. Four swords stand poised behind him. Rapt in contemplation, the figure appears unaware of the light streaming down on him, or the swords surrounding him. Is he the man dreaming of the butterfly, or the butterfly, dreaming the man?
Conservation of strength to avoid one’s vital forces being depleted. A welcome refuge in the midst of strife. Solitude and meditation. Transition period between phases of one’s life. May indicate a need to change the way one thinks to see problems as opportunities, instead of trials.
Five of Swords
Crouched in a foetal position, protecting her head and body, a woman cowers beneath a dark, foreboding figure with raised sword; it is not certain whether this is a dream or imaginary image, or whether it exists in the physical world. The feeling of foreboding is heightened by four more swords on the low horizon, like crosses in a graveyard, their shadows stretching forwards towards the two figures.
Need to face the fear that governs one’s life. Sometimes a need to accept a situation in humility and grace until it becomes possible to change circumstances. Feelings of shame, resentment, anger, fatalism. Oppression, perceived betrayal, sexual harassment or domination.
Six of Swords
In the chill air of dawn, a ferryman poles his boat towards a narrow strait, the entrance to which is marked by six swords, their glowing pommels acting as beacons. Hills rise steeply on either side of the strait, reflected in the still water. In the prow of the boat sit two passengers, possibly mother and child, both wrapped in a white robe. The adult inclines her head solicitously towards the child who is staring into the water as it slips past.
Travel, bringing release from care, temporary or permanent. While challenges still remain, the main difficulties have been overcome. The ability to give care to oneself and the vulnerable areas of one’s psyche. The beginning of something unknown. Health concerns.
Seven of Swords
A small figure stands alone, dwarfed by the vast alien landscape around him, with its green sky and enormous sun. A sinuous pillar of smoke rises before him, though paradoxically its billowing immensity may be invisible to him. The pillar seems almost sentient, its curving form flowing towards the figure, perhaps in a wordless attempt to communicate. The nearby rocks are riddled with caves full of swords, a secret armoury.
Situation that requires ingenuity, subtlety and firm resolve. Putting curiosity to good use. Intent. Daring. Unseen forces at work which need to be taken into account. Psychological riddle that requires concentration and dedication to solve.
Eight of Swords
Is the figure emerging from the pillar to which she is tied, or has she become part of it? She holds the rope end in her hand; it would unwind if she let go. She is therefore freer than she realises — although she would still have to extricate herself from the containing pillar. The swords that surround her are ornate, expensive, but their placement seems haphazard. A sinuous road or curve of smoke winds up behind her.
Time to let go of ingrained patterns that have become limiting and counter-productive. Choosing to see an impossible situation more positively. Letting go — or cutting through — relationships that bind.
Nine of Swords
Nine interwoven swords stand like prison bars above the bowed figure in the foreground, whose head, hidden in his hands, shows a mute expression of sorrow or fear. A range of abnormally jagged mountains line the horizon, an apparently impassable barrier. The sky, lowering and oppressive, echoes the serrated mountain range. Perhaps this is the mythical land of the fates, or the darkest part of the night, just before the dawn.
Dark night of the soul. Deep despair, heartbreak, the result of some deep self-perceived failure. Passive aggression, hostility. Self-directed anger resulting in depression. Isolation, loss, denial. May reflect one’s perceptions and lack of hope, though not necessarily reality.
Ten of Swords
A bowed figure staggers under the impact of ten swords that have been rammed into his back. Each could be a mortal blow, although no blood issues from the wounds; but while the figure staggers under the pain and weight of the swords, he is still alive. Behind him is the inexpressible beauty of planet earth as seen from space, its reflected light shining in the starless sky. While the world continues to turn, there is still hope.
External events, destruction of a people or the environment. Civil unrest. Personal defeat, self-destructive attitude. Paranoia, illness. Physical or mental pain. An envious colleague or friend. Voluntary sacrifice in order to change and grow. Negative projections souring a relationship.
Page of Swords
A young warrior stares purposefully into the future, her sword at the ready. She wears a delicately-made torc around her neck, and a metal helmet on her head. Her brooch with its emblematic cross suggests spiritual commitment. The scene behind her could be wind-blown flames, or the building energy of a storm. Her conviction and purpose, as well as her concerns and fears, show clearly in her determined eyes.
Ruthless self-awareness. A young person with extreme clarity of vision, and the ability to express it. Real courage and endurance. The inner warrior.
Knight of Swords
A knight in chain-mail stands, visor down, bloodied sword by his side. The armour contains and conceals everything about the knight: his emotions, character, features, even gender. It could even be an empty shell. Grouped around the Knight are a series of strange shapes — ghosts of the people he has killed, or the unseen army of which he is part? Behind him barren mountains fall steeply down to a bay that harbours a fleet of ships.
A man armoured, masked, difficult to get to know. Standing strong, facing unknown challenges. Loneliness. Longing for connection. Someone used to cutting off, or donning different persona at different times.
Queen of Swords
A volcano smokes ominously across the bay behind a strong-faced woman, standing on the seashore. Richly and exotically garbed, she stares in front of her, a hint of sadness in her gaze. Her haughty demeanour and regal presence indicates her keen analytical mind, her determination and sense of purpose, and her ability to see through to the core of an issue.
Highly intelligent, effective, disciplined woman. Subtle and keen mind. Clear thinking, analytical, she cuts to the chase. Intolerant, yet aware of the foibles of others, she often expects more from herself than from others. Needs a purpose, a cause. Often a loner.
King of Swords
His keen eyes scanning the heavens, hereditary sword standing ceremonially before him, the King of Swords stands regally on the heights. His rich embroidered robe keeps the bracing mountain air at bay; his crown rests lightly on his head. His chiselled features reflect his sharp intellect and incisive mind; he enjoys the big picture, leaving the nitty-gritty to lesser mortals. The mountains and forests reflect his lofty approach.
highly intelligent man, with acute vision and incisive mind. Entertaining, cultural, interesting. Prominent professionally, he takes command automatically and relinquishes his starring role only under duress. Someone emotionally distant, incapable of commitment.
Ace of Discs
The One of Discs depicts the awesome power of manifestation and physical energy, symbolised as a black diamond: a mystery that holds the universe together. From that the cosmos forms — the myriad inner-connected dimensions, a spherical layer of burning stars forming the galaxies. Moving inward we come to our own sun and solar system, inward again to the earth, and its four cardinal points. At its heart is the sacred double triangle — the soul.
The ability to manifest ideas into physical reality. Someone with feet firmly on the ground. Abundance, physical well-being. Sensuality, the love of material reality. Need to base ideas on experience, observation and experiment. Seeing what is.
Two of Discs
Like stress in metal, patterns radiate outwards, mirror images along a vertical fault or pressure line. The top pattern looks strangely like a heart. A figure stands quietly, silhouetted against this strangely mesmeric series of lights, trying to decide if he should walk into the blinding, scintillating energy field. In the end, he may well turn and walk away, having realised the path is not for him, at least at present.
Certainties and uncertainties. Stress, pressure, choices. Working with body energies. A decision as to whether to take an uncertain path. Embracing the unknown. A compelling, mesmeric urge in one’s life that may well become slightly addictive.
Three of Discs
Deep within a honeycomb of corridors, stairs, domes and partitions are three enormous cogs, the smallest around two metres high, the largest about eight. The function of the machinery is unclear. The building is shown in section, as if to display its construction to the figure who stands, silhouetted against the passageway. Dwarfed by his environment, he is apparently quite at ease, perhaps over-seeing the machines, or taking a break.
Overview of life: seeing how things fit. Satisfactory business or portfolio career; position in society. Could be a hint to take an objective look at one’s life, its objectives and quality.
Four of Discs
The shadowy blocks of city skyscrapers form the background to the Four of Discs. It seems a fairly uninviting place, hedged and bounded by concrete, with few open spaces and no trees. Curled protectively — or possessively — around a large coin, a figure perches rather uncomfortably on three other coins of varying sizes. Staring fixedly at nothing, the figure seems to be focused exclusively on itself and the coins.
Feelings of scarcity that may well manifest in reality. Protectiveness. Changing one’s attitude to money to a more open model, seeing it as a flow of energy and not a finite substance. Looking for a more sustaining way of life.
Five of Discs
A cloaked figure turns slightly to her left as she walks over the low horizon into a sandy desert. Her companion follows in her footsteps, leaning on his staff. The couple’s destination is hidden below the horizon, but they walk on resolutely. Behind them loom five discs, most larger than the man himself; above is a small flock of desert birds. The five discs may symbolise a community or town, or a discordant situation or environment.
Moving house. A change of life and circumstance. Travel. New opportunities appear after a period of strife and adversity. The current route may be hard, but may prove beneficial in the long run.
Six of Discs
A figure holding a coin, the curves of her clothing sweeping out like curtains or wings, holds a coin while two more roll down the edge of the frame. Three more coins appear as decorative patterning on her clothing. In the foreground, apparently on a lower level, are two other figures. Conferring between themselves, they could be beneficiaries, employees, subjects; either way, they apparently await the first figure’s pleasure.
Philanthropy, generosity, giving and receiving. Success combined with generous sharing of proceeds. Gossip, especially among subordinates. Status and changing status, possibly promotion.
Seven of Discs
A somnolent figure lies prone in the foreground. Before him, a dark plain recedes to the horizon where seven transparent seven discs overlay each other, three on the right, five on the left. Above, a multi-coloured sky seems to be buzzing with vibrations. The figure may be resting, or watching the play of coloured light or energy around him, the usually invisible energetic vibrations in the atmosphere.
Need for quiet observation before action, but also a need to check one’s underlying motivation, ensuring you are not sabotaging your plans by lack of action. Becoming aware of the body’s messages, working with it for self-knowledge. Recognising one’s limitations.
Eight of Sacred Circles
Engrossed in the work, a craftsman or woman carves details into an intricate golden wheel, a symbolic reference to the Wheel of Becoming and of all existence. Behind her rises a temple complex and ziggurat, the walls enriched with seven more wheels that seem to be an integral part of the temple. There is an air of quiet serenity about the figure: apprentice or master craftsman, she obviously finds the work satisfying.
Equilibrium between spiritual and financial worlds. Learning a trade or a profession. Enjoyable and fulfilling work. A creative outlet that may become an absorbing interest. Happiness in solitude. Working on basic life situations in order to be secure, or to grow.
Nine of Discs
A richly dressed figure, the high embroidered golden collar and coronet indicating someone of high status, stands in the archway of a garden, selecting some fruit with obvious sensuous enjoyment. He does not choose the largest fruit, but the most succulent. It is a fine, clear day and in the distance, three ships are anchored in a limpid turquoise bay. The impression is that these are his ships.
A marriage of material success and spiritual values. Conscious abundance. Sensuous enjoyment of life. Ability to live in the moment, as well as enjoying a successful career. Being alive.
Ten of Discs
Ten discs, portrayed as diatoms, crowd around a timeline that curves sinuously round from an immeasurable distance, each element symbolising an aeon: amoebas, trilobes and molluscs, large crustaceans, lizards and dinosaurs; birds, mammoths, and finally mankind. The timeline now curves sharply towards us, a bobbing ribbon of heads, marching to the rhythm of time. Finally, the line turns again, towards the future.
Family tradition, the family; inheritance; a bereavement, birth or pregnancy. The human family. Genealogical research; connections; healing a family breach. Universal ideas and situations.
Page of Discs
A young woman with close-fitting headgear stares intently at a coin or mirror with an elaborately decorated back, as if vanity is an essential part of her existence. But she angles the face of the disc at the night sky, through the arched stone window beside her, as if her physical surroundings interest her less than what is reflected there. Perhaps, like the Lady of Shallot, she feels cursed to live life at one remove, watching but never partaking.
A thoughtful, quiet person who reveals herself as unexpectedly earthy, witty and perceptive. May have been badly hurt in the past and tends to ward off superficial contact. Financial issues may be an abiding concern. Humanist.
A young man, an armoured helmet on his head but wearing nothing else that we can see, stands solidly before a strange staircase that begins conventionally, but twists and turns up behind him until it becomes more of a mental puzzle than physical reality. The Knight’s chiselled features reveal little as he stares off to his right, holding his shield in front of him, but his strength is apparent in the strong lines of his neck and shoulders.
A pragmatic, down-to-earth young man, very good in practical matters and making things happen. Often extremely attractive and entertaining. Reliable, grounded, sensual, physically warm.
Queen of Discs
The Queen stands proudly aloof. Her delicate face is framed by an elaborate headdress, its carnelian sun-burst set in a coronet and delicate winged regalia. Behind her a house can be seen, its proportions comfortable rather than imposing, with a high chimney and sloping gable roof. Behind the Queen, supporting her and appearing as part of her attire, is a large disc decorated with an organic cellular or floral motif.
Loves comfort and her home; a natural beautifier. Often very beautiful, she is ambitious, competent, energetic, she is highly skilled in most practical situations, especially to do with the home or business. She makes things happen.
King of Discs
His hand resting lightly on a large golden coin, the King of Discs looks out with calm appreciation at the city nestling under a range of jagged peaks. Mature, grounded, secure, he appears at peace with himself and his world. His wealth and power are evident from the tall jewelled turban and rich decoration on the his velvet clothing, though it is not overly ostentatious.
A powerful, ambitious, worldly-wise man, probably in a position of authority and wealth. Tends to see things in black and white; sometimes lacking in imagination and subtlety. Enjoys traditional values and practical skills. A good friend, and dangerous enemy.