Tarot The Kingdom Within — Королевство в Таро
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Характеристика Tarot The Kingdom Within — Королевство в Таро
Оригинальное название: Tarot The Kingdom Within
Авторы: Juno Lucina, Shannon ThornFeather
Художник: Shannon ThornFeather
Издательство: Schiffer Books
Производство: США
Состав: 79 карт + 176 стр. книга на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер набора: 29.72 x 15.49 x 3.81 см
Год: 2011
ISBN: 978-0764337116
Традиция: Смешанная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Принц, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: астрология, каббала, окультная.
Королевство В Таро в 78 картах сочетает астрологию, каббалу, мифологические архетипы, элементы, и циклическую природу космоса. Колода предназначена для практического гадания, а также самопознания. Набор 79 карт с весьма подробной книгой-руководством был опубликован Шиффер Букс.
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Обзор Tarot The Kingdom Within — Королевство в Таро
«Королевство В Таро» был создано для того, чтобы облегчить визуальное путешествие через архетипы таро, основанные на древних системах астрологии и Каббалы, во введении, мы сказали, что, работая с этой колодой мы удаляем наши собственные духовные привязки, которые удерживают нас от видения правды. Все, что нужно в чтении этой колоды, входит в комплект книги-компаньона. Для желающих провести более углубленное исследование, автор написал более полную книгу «Алхимия Таро: Практическое Просвещение через астрологию, каббалу и архетипы Таро».
Вероятно, было бы хорошо отметить здесь, что пути Древа Жизни, как сказано в этой книге, не соответствуют традиционному пути так, как они представлены в большинстве метафизических текстов. Система, прослеживаемая здесь, основана на представленной в «Возрожденном Древе Жизни» Карлом Стэнфилд Джонс, инициированного Алистером Кроули. Этот материал можно найти в «QBL» (также известный как «прием невесты») и «Египетское Возрождение» (или «второе пришествие Сына Света Таро»).
Эта колода работает как инструмент гадания, но это также инструмент для изучения жизни и воссоединения Искателя со своим «Царством внутри». Колода имеет традиционные названия для Старших Арканов, сила VIII и правосудие XI. Малые Арканы масти — Жезлы, Кубки, Мечи и Пентакли. Карты двора имеют название король, королева, принц и паж.
Как мы здесь видим, это современный подход к Таро, и его тайнам. Отмечена в этой книге астрология, архетипы, «Путешествие героя», корреляция между Картами Двора и шестнадцати типами личности Майерс-Бриггс (Я люблю это!), и Каббалы, как видно по Возрожденному Дереву Жизни Ахада.
Колоду и 176 страничную книгу издает в настоящее время Шиффер в фирменных жестких картонных коробках, открывающаяся сверху, на магнитной застежке и с лентами с обеих сторон для предотвращения открытия слишком далеко (что бы не сломать крышку). Текст и графика на верхней части окна повторяется на передней обложке книги-спутника. Это очень качественная презентация!
Старшие Арканы представлены с большим черно-белым сканом, далее идет название карты и путь, описание рисунка, астрологический смысл, ключевые фразы, и в прямом положении и обратные гадательные значения.
Карты двора представлены с большим черно-белым сканом, описанием рисунка, связанного с архетипом, значение архетипа, прямой смысл гадания (через уровень мощности, астрологические ассоциации, и реальных людей), и обратный гадательный смысл.
Малые Арканы (нумерованые) представлены с большим черно-белым сканом, астрологической ассоциацией, дается путь, описание рисунка, ключевая фраза, прямой и обратный смысл.
В конце каждого раздела (Старших Арканов, карты двора и младшие) есть страницы для заметок. В конце книги представлены расклады: Треугольник, Кельтский Крест, Да / Нет расклад, синхронизация через сезон и синхронизация через астрологические знаки.
Сами карты 3 ½ «5». На рубашке карт — солнце с улыбкой перед деревом с зелеными ветвями. Звезды, показанные в темном небе, и планеты в дереве и на земле.
Изображения карт нарисованы без рамок. Иллюстрации яркие, за счет использования интенсивных цветов и компьютерной графики.
Старшие Арканы содержат название, номер карты (римскими цифрами) в верхней части карты. В верхнем левом и правом нижнем углу цветные сферы, которые коррелируют с путями карты на Древе Жизни. Упором для Старших Арканов является 22 пути на Древе Жизни. Существует дополнительная карта в этой колоде под номером 23, названная как Все в Королевстве. Она не содержит пути, буквы иврита, или планетарных атрибуций.
Карты Двора показывают цветные сферы в каждом из четырех углов: Короли серые, коррелирующие с Хокма (Отцом). Королевы черные, коррелирующие с Бина (Мать). Принцы золотые, коррелирующие с Тиферет (сын), а Пажи оттенка красновато-коричневый, темно-синий, цитрин, и оливковое, коррелирующие с Малкут (дочь). Название и масть находятся в верхней части каждой карты двора, подсказаны с помощью ключевых слов внизу.
В центре нижней части каждой из карт Малых Арканов — половина цветной сферы, представляющий одну из Сефир на Древе Жизни. В верхней части каждой номерной карты показаны номер карты (в тексте) и масть с помощью ключевых слов внизу.
Некоторые из изображений в этой колоде традиционны, некоторые нет. Дурак — очень интересная фигура, окруженная молниями энергии, его лук валяется внизу. Дурак сходит с планеты, и лебедь, пронзенный стрелой дурака, падает вниз перед ним.
Императрица показана прекрасной гейшей в японском саду, в то время как колесница — это как современный минивэн, в котором мать везет своих детей, в то время как ее приветствующий муж стоит в двери.
Паж Пентаклей (новорожденный король) показан пухлым младенцем в колыбели. Маг показывает строгое лицо планеты Меркурий, окруженный восемью голубями и на возвышении с восторженной толпой перед ним.
Эта колода может быть использована читателем таро с любым уровнем знаний, и я хотела бы обратиться к читателям юным особенно, потому что это обновит ваши представления. Что нужно учитывать при чтении этой колоды — включенные основы (пересмотренного Древа Жизни), а также три уровня интерпретации карт двора. (Автором настоятельно рекомендуется интерпретация уровней в определенном порядке — уровень мощности, Знак соответствия, и реальные люди. обзор Bonnie Cehovet, перевод rozamira
МБК значения: Tarot The Kingdom Within — Королевство в Таро
Kingdom Within Tarot by Juno Lucina and Shannon Thornfeather
0 The Fool
Upright Interpretation
The Fool always warns us to BE CAREFUL! It warns of something unexpected and uncontrollable entering our lives, possibly on a worldwide scale. Something will be dissolving or disintegrating—to know what, look at the surrounding cards. (For example, if The Fool ends up next to Justice or Cancer, it can show the disintegration of a relationship, marriage, or home.) The Fool can also represent a child in the querent’s life, places or things beyond the querent’s reach, and natural disasters. If well aspected, these catastrophic changes will ultimately be for the benefit of the querent; if poorly aspected, they will be to the querent’s detriment.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent may be fearful of things out of his or her control, or else the querent IS out of control. Sometimes this may warn the reader to be cautious of the querent, especially if surrounded by dangerous cards (like the Hanged Man or Judgement). The inner life of the querent is chaotic, wild, and volatile. The querent wants drastic change. Conversely, the querent may be concerned about a child or world events that are out of his/her control.
1 The Magician
Upright Interpretation
At its most basic level, this card warns that the querent needs to listen carefully to the message of the reading, for it contains crucial information to the querent’s life. If well placed, it suggests that the querent should continue to be logical, rational, and objective in the situation—the energy of the Magician will aid the querent in seeing the truth and making the necessary connections to attain his or her goal. However, if poorly placed, this card signifies that the querent is lost in his or her illusions of justification and rationalization, using the artificial constructs of intellect to avoid seeing the truth of the matter.
At a more advanced divinatory level, the upright Magician can signify that the energy of the planet Mercury is surrounding the querent, affecting his or her life (see Key Phrases above). If poorly placed, then the difficulties or illnesses associated with the planet Mercury are manifesting. If well placed, then the positive aspects of the energy of Mercury are apparent. It can warn of a trickster in the querent’s life. The Magician can also emphasize an important message or communication, as well as herald an upcoming trip.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is seeking wisdom, and education, perhaps even a teacher; the querent needs knowledge and realizes it. A reversed card can also show that the energy of the Magician is originating within the querent…either trapped and attempting to get out, or else on its way out but not yet manifesting in the external world. The querent may be confused, wishy-washy, and waffling back and forth with regards to the subject at hand. A reversed Magician also says that the querent’s actions are a result of deliberate craft and cunning on his or her part, even though they may seem unintentional to the outside observer.
2 The High Priestess
Upright Interpretation
The High Priestess reveals the querent’s powers of manifestation and regeneration. She is always a powerful influence in a reading and never to be taken lightly, for she reveals the ‘verb’, the action, the direction of the querent at this present moment. At its most basic level, an upright High Priestess says that the querent is in his or her prime or at the height of his or her powers (a full moon) with regards to the subject under consideration. The Priestess reveals the emotional world of the querent, and always points towards the most significant portion of the reading—to help determine this area of significance, look at the the surrounding cards. If well aspected, the High Priestess communicates that now is the time to act; if poorly aspected, she warns the querent that now is not the time. The High Priestess portends an upcoming birth—whether the literal birth of a child or the figurative birth of a goal of the querent’s depends upon the surrounding cards; the High Priestess may even portend the ‘birth’ of an upcoming move.
Reversed Interpretation
If this card is reversed, the querent has lots of potential growth before him or her (a new moon) with regards to the subject at hand. It also reveals moodiness and emotionalism on the part of the querent. The querent longs to give birth to something (whether to a goal or an actual child depends upon surrounding cards) but is struggling to manifest the creation. A reversed High Priestess tells the querent to look deeply within him- or herself; it suggests that this is a time of introspection, a time to prepare and regenerate, rather than to act.
3 The Empress
Upright Interpretation
The Empress is a beautiful card, literally; she beautifies and sweetens the surrounding cards and situation whenever she shows up in a reading. In a man’s reading, she can represent his mother or lover, as well as suggest a potential lover entering his life. In a woman’s reading she suggests that the querent is a wonderful woman and mother; she may also indicate that the woman is fertile and able to become pregnant (or perhaps is already so). As a significator, she points towards locations and professions dealing with fertility, beauty, or aesthetics; perhaps the querent is an artist, or loves jewelry, or is a stay-at-home mom. Because Venus rules Taurus, she may also appear in a reading to ‘sweeten up’ the querent’s money matters. In a reading regarding love, The Empress brings feminine romance and seduction in contrast to the more masculine raw, animal passion. If very poorly aspected, The Empress suggests loss and dissipation in the areas that Venus normally ‘sweetens’.
Reversed Interpretation
When the Empress is reversed in a woman’s reading, the querent is longing to experience the full blessings of womanhood, but feels thwarted in some way. Perhaps she is looking for love, feels she lacks beauty or attractiveness, longs to become a mother, or feels as though her current partner does not satisfy her needs as a woman. She may even feel stifled by her own mother. In a man’s reading, the Empress reversed suggests a seeking for feminine energy to complete his life—longing for a lover or love affair, or else he may be concerned about his wife or mother. In this position the Empress may also reveal the querent’s financial concerns and longing for greater resources—a wishing for the nurturing abundance and security of Mother Earth. If very poorly aspected, the Empress can suggest that the querent is lazy, extravagant, and inclined to wanton and lascivious behavior.
4 The Emperor
Upright Interpretation
The Emperor heralds something beginning in the querent’s life, as well as anything immediate in the querent’s life. The Emperor suggests a powerful, aggressive authority figure, whether it is the querent himself or a person in the querent’s life depends upon the Emperor’s position and surrounding cards in the spread. It often signifies the querent’s father; in a man’s reading it may discuss the querent himself as a father, or in a woman’s reading it may discuss the father of her children. In questions of health the Emperor discusses the head and the length of the querent’s life, as well as any questions of conflict, war, or competition, wherein the querent is generally victorious if the Emperor is well aspected. If poorly aspected, this card can warn of an angry, potentially violent man in the querent’s life, as well as problems with any of the areas governed by Aries.
Reversed Interpretation
The reversed Emperor addresses who and what the querent really is, once all the facades and actions are stripped away; the surrounding cards may reveal what the querent needs to focus upon in order to return to himself. Perhaps the querent wishes to become a father, or has worries about his children; conversely, the querent may be worried by or about his or her father or the father of her children. The querent may desire to start something new, to take up a position of leadership, or may be concerned about how long s/he will live. When well aspected, the Emperor reversed suggests that the querent is seeking power and wishes to be an effective leader. When poorly aspected, the Emperor reversed warns that the querent is power-hungry, conflictive, and possibly inclined towards violence and rage.
5 The Hierophant
Upright Interpretation
At the basic level, the Hierophant speaks of security and those things that serve as our foundation—physical, financial, and emotional resources. The Hierophant points towards the control societal standards exert over us. When well placed, it suggests successful financial endeavors and an increase in resources and prosperity; however, when poorly placed, there will be problems with resources or the financial difficulties will continue in the querent’s life. An upright Hierophant may also tell the querent that it’s time to seek an expert’s advice (such as a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, or financial consultant) in the area under consideration. As the querent’s significator, this indicates that the querent is at the top of his field and has a worthy professional reputation; s/he is highly successful in his or her career. When well aspected, this card can indicate winning a lawsuit. If poorly aspected, this card often reveals a querent to be stuck in the monotony of day-to-day survival, weighed down by the obligations of pleasing those in authority.
Reversed Interpretation
In order to establish stability, the querent is turning towards external authority figures (teachers, clergy, experts, politicians) to prescribe how s/he must live rather than trusting him or herself, willingly abiding by the standards and restrictions of culture, education, religion, economics, and patriotism in order to be ‘right’ or ‘good’. The Hierophant reversed also often shows that the querent is worried about resources and is trying to make more money; perhaps s/he is even considering consulting a professional about a particular area of concern. The querent might be resisting a change in his or life that seems imminent or necessary. Additionally, s/he may be worried about his or her reputation, or else seeking to become a professional and begin a career in one of the areas associated with Taurus.
6 The Lovers
Upright Interpretation
At the initial level, the Lovers discusses the appearance of the matter, the querent’s image, or the world’s surface perception of him or her. It can refer to a communication that has occurred or needs to occur. In a question of romance, the Lovers indicates a passionate, all-consuming infatuation that will not last long—for each is in love with the image of the beloved and the beauty felt in their union, rather than an awareness of the true self of the other. The Lovers generally indicates a short duration of the matter at hand, no longer than 12 to 18 months. The Lovers can signify any area governed by Gemini. If poorly aspected, this card can suggest a problem with paperwork, communication, contracts, or proper credentials.
Reversed Interpretation
The Lovers reversed indicates that the querent is concerned about a message, his brother or sister, a contract, his or her image or looks, a lover, or something else that Gemini rules. This may also suggest that the querent is lost in infatuation. It can also indicate that, quite honestly, the querent lacks depth or perceptive insight in some crucial way. A poorly aspected Lovers can even suggest that the querent is concerned about his or her acne or wrinkles (the skin—the surface).
7 The Chariot
Upright Interpretation
When The Chariot is upright in a reading, it reveals the foundation of the matter under consideration—what’s really beneath it as well as its natural and unavoidable conclusion. This card also reveals the way to get control of a situation. The Chariot speaks of the querent’s roots, home, children, and foundation; it may also refer to the querent’s more nurturing parent. The Chariot may also discuss a place, problem, or occupation that is ruled by Cancer.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is concerned about home, mother, children, or family; s/he may also be struggling with the way things are or the ending of a cycle. Perhaps the querent feels out of control and wishes to regain control, or else s/he may be struggling with moodiness, the need to be babied, and over-sensitivity.
8 Strength
Upright Interpretation
An upright Strength card discusses the querent’s general health, vitality, and love of life. It often reveals that the querent is involved in a love affair or else portends the opportunity for one. Strength discusses a place, problem, or occupation that is ruled by Leo. If poorly aspected, Strength reveals the querent’s poor health, low self-esteem, and general lack of passion and life force.
Reversed Interpretation
Strength reversed reveals the querent’s desire for a potential love affair, worries about health, energy and exhaustion, or else his or her longing for fun, passion, and happiness. Perhaps the querent wants to be an entertainer. This card may also reveal what the querent lusts after. The querent may be struggling with the harsher realities of existence, and feels that s/he simply does not have the strength to withstand.
9 The Hermit
Upright Interpretation
The Hermit warns us to pay attention to the particulars. Analyze the situation. Work out the details. The Hermit may also discuss illness. As the querent’s significator, this card may say that the querent has a solitary nature or else suggest that the querent is in the medical profession; if poorly aspected it may suggest that the querent is lonely, of a critical nature, or sick. The Hermit may signify someone the querent has consulted (or will consult) for advice, or else discuss the value of the advice that the querent received, whether for good or ill depends upon surrounding cards. If well aspected, the Hermit suggests that the querent is denying the physical pleasures of life and ascetically ‘going within’ to progress spiritually.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is stuck in a fixation. When the Hermit is reversed it often reveals the querent’s worries about illness or the details of a situation; perhaps the querent feels alone and isolated when s/he doesn’t want to be. There is also a longing to be perfect or complete emanating from the querent that may manifest in higher mental pursuits. The querent may also be concerned about how he makes his money.
10 The Wheel of Fortune
Upright Interpretation
The Wheel of Fortune returns us to our divine source, to our destiny, to truth. It always speaks of expansion, growth, progression, blessings, and spirituality; perhaps the querent is entering a phase of growth, learning, and focusing on spiritual pursuits; the querent’s concerns will be alleviated and a period of prosperity is at hand. When well aspected, the Wheel signifies vast expansion of blessings in the querent’s life; when poorly aspected, however, it warns of excess and its painful consequences. The querent may have problems with the excesses of prosperity—obesity, intoxication, pride, material obsession. The Wheel, as the card of Jupiter, can also discuss divine judgment in the querent’s life, whether in the courtroom, by the clergy, or through life’s circumstances depends upon surrounding cards. If well aspected, it signifies the winner in the subject under discussion.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is filled with a longing for prosperity, blessings, and spiritual growth; perhaps s/he is concerned about an upcoming judgment, either in court or by a religious organization. The Wheel reversed can also reveal the querent’s obsession with his or her weight or addictions.
11 Justice
Upright Interpretation
The Justice card reveals the truth about the querent’s partnerships; to know whether it refers to a business or personal partner, look at the surrounding cards. Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus always afflict Libra: if any of these planets surround the Justice card, there will be serious troubles with partnerships and open enemies. When poorly aspected, Justice can discuss the dissolution of a partnership; conversely, when well aspected it can show a blessing in an existing partnership or even a new partnership on the horizon. Justice upright can also discuss contracts or lawsuits in which the querent is involved. Occasionally, this card can indicate ending, completion, or death, but only with the appropriate surrounding cards.
Reversed Interpretation
There is a need for balance in the querent’s life. Justice reversed reveals the querent’s worries or longings about partnerships; perhaps s/he is worried about a partner or else desires to begin a new partnership. The reversed Justice also discusses the querent’s concerns with regards to any of the topics ruled by Libra.
12 The Hanged Man
Upright Interpretation
If well aspected, this card signifies the power of redeeming love over self-sacrifice: choosing to enter the darkness of the unknown in order to find the light of awareness. When the Hanged Man is upright, the querent is generally lost in a fog, caught in delusion. The Hanged Man warns that the querent’s head is in the clouds; they are either hiding or missing something. It can also suggest that someone is going to trick or ‘pull the wool’ over the querent’s eyes. If poorly aspected, it may warn the reader that the querent is not to be trusted, as s/he is manifesting the negative energy of Neptune. Conversely, a positive placement could suggest that the querent is a poet or a science fiction writer.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is deluding either himself or another, or else is worried about the unknown, deception, or lost ideals. If poorly aspected, the querent is untrustworthy and manifests all the negative attributes of Neptune. If well aspected, the querent is idealistic, dreamy, psychic, and imaginative; the reversed Hanged Man can show that the querent is actively seeking an artistic or imaginative goal. Perhaps the querent is sacrificing himself or herself for another person, or for an ideal.
13 Death
Upright Interpretation
Change of a life-altering nature is imminent in the querent’s life; something is ending, so that something else may begin. If poorly aspected, the Death card warns of problems with bills, taxes, and debt…perhaps even a bankruptcy. If well aspected, it can speak of an inheritance or successfully overcoming credit problems. Death upright may even warn of poisoning, whether literal or figurative depends upon surrounding cards. Only very rarely does the Death card predict an ending as final as physical death, so interpret the surrounding cards very carefully before choosing this conclusion.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent wants to change or destroy something; s/he longs for transformation. Perhaps the querent is struggling with deep safety and survival issues, or else seeks power and control. Or, maybe he’s just horny. If poorly aspected, he may be worried about the money he owes or about his spouse’s finances. If very poorly aspected, the querent may be worried about death or be suicidal.
14 Temperance
Upright Interpretation
Many people wonder why the card associated with Sagittarius, a sign that is so far out and extreme, would be called ‘Temperance’. To begin with, Temperance upright often tells querents that they are going too far and need to chill out or ‘temper’ their current actions, or else they will crash and burn. It also speaks of the querent’s goals and ambitions; to discover precisely what it is that they are aiming towards, look at the surrounding cards. The querent may be about to embark upon a long trip, or else s/he might be a foreigner. Temperance may suggest that the querent will be pursuing further education, higher philosophies, or deeper spirituality. It can even warn that the querent will get a speeding ticket.
Reversed Interpretation
Temperance reversed reveals the querent’s longing to accomplish a goal. Perhaps he wants to go on a long journey to a foreign land, return to college, or run a marathon. If poorly aspected, there might be immigration problems or the querent may simply be experiencing a state of ‘burn out’.
15 The Devil
Upright Interpretation
Physicality exalted to the detriment of spirituality. Just consequences (even if undesired) of a particular action or decision of the querent’s. The Devil commands the querent to get control of the situation, for a great material force or temptation is propelling the querent out of control and into chaos. It may also discuss the querent’s career or reputation. Upright, it often represents a boss or authority in the querent’s life; with regards to a court case, it represents the judge and the judge’s decision. If well aspected, it says that the querent is focused, climbing to the top of the situation at hand with hard work, or that his or her life is settled and under control. If poorly aspected, the Devil may suggest trouble with career or reputation, painful consequences as a result of poor choices, or even knee problems.
Reversed Interpretation
Materiality and HAVING matter much more to the querent than truth or BEING. When reversed, the Devil says that the querent is worried about his or her career or standing in the world. Perhaps s/he is actively working to progress up the corporate ladder, or else is concerned about problems with an authority figure. It may also suggest that the querent is unhappy about paying the consequences for past actions.
16 The Tower
Upright Interpretation
The Tower upright brings some sort of purifying destruction into the querent’s life. Look to the surrounding cards to determine which area of the querent’s life that Mars is focusing his attack. For example, coupled with Justice it might portend relational separation or divorce. If the Tower is in the sixth house or next to the Hermit, it can suggest an acute illness that is ruled by Mars, an accident, or a surgery. Surrounded by the Devil and the Hermit (or both), the Tower can warn of a soldier going to war. If well placed, it might reveal that the querent is a surgeon, or else has the ability to succeed when s/he takes action. Poorly placed, the Tower warns of ruin and possible danger in the matter under consideration. The Tower upright may also speak of an older woman in the querent’s life.
Reversed Interpretation
Look to the cards that surround the Tower reversed to discover where the querent invests his or her energy and action, what impassions and angers the querent, as well as the direction of the querent’s lust and drive and zeal: it reveals that for which the querent burns. It may also discuss the querent’s concern with an issue of survival. Perhaps the querent wants to enter the military or become a professional boxer or a surgeon. If poorly placed, the Tower reversed reveals the querent to be angry, uncontrollable, and dangerous. This card may also reveal the querent’s worry about destruction, in general or else a specific ending.
17 The Star
Upright Interpretation
In a reading, the Star tells us of our future, our dreams, and that which can free us from our current situation. Look to the surrounding cards to determine exactly WHAT we need to know about these topics. Aquarius generally portends a favorable future for the querent and may point to unexpected help from a friend or large people group. However, if poorly aspected, the Star can sometimes points towards dreaminess and deceived hope. Because things fall in Aquarius, the Star may also warn about an impending fall (literal or figurative) in the querent’s life, and as the significator in a reading this card speaks of the querent’s current fall.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is actively seeking a dream or ideal, something to free him or her. A reversed card can also show that the querent’s dreams are trapped and unable to manifest in the external world. Poorly aspected, this card can suggest self-deception as a person values his or her ideals to the detriment of others and the facts.
18 The Moon
Upright Interpretation
The Moon upright warns the querent that s/he is not seeing something important; some truth is hidden in the matter under consideration. Something is restricting the querent. To know what is hidden or restrictive, look to the surrounding cards. Perhaps the querent is caught up in a religion of limiting beliefs, has an enemy of which s/he is unaware, or else is unaware of a family scandal or love affair that has been hidden from him or her. If well aspected, the Moon upright could suggest that the querent has considerable psychic abilities.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is facing a crisis of faith or a ‘dark night of the soul’. S/he fears facing the truth, wants to avoid confronting the darkness, has suppressed negative memories or moments in order to avoid experiencing the pain associated with them. Perhaps the querent is plagued with nightmares, psychically perceiving frightening energies, or else worried that his or her spouse is involved in a secret love affair. The querent may even be anxious about being trapped, arrested, or imprisoned in some way.
19 The Sun
Upright Interpretation
The Sun is always beneficial if well placed. Usually, this card suggests glory, gain, riches, and general health and vitality for the querent. The Sun shines light on the matter under consideration, illuminating the way through. When representing the querent, the Sun suggests that the querent embodies the positive, life-giving attributes of this card. It may represent a benevolent leader in the querent’s life, the father, or a person whom the querent idolizes or admires; on the other hand, it may reveal information about the querent’s level of bodily health, vitality, and any illnesses of the heart or spine.
Reversed Interpretation
When reversed, the Sun suggests that the querent is ‘seeking the light’, whether it is through immersion in enlightenment and illumination, happiness and passion, or self-esteem and self-understanding depends upon the surrounding cards. When well placed, the Sun says that the querent is either generally healthy, or else concerned with improivng his or her health. If very poorly aspected, the Sun can suggest arrogance, melodramatic display, and vanity on the part of the querent, as well as worry about a subject that is ruled by the Sun.
20 The Judgment
Upright Interpretation
The querent has been placed within the crucible of fire—will s/he be consumed, or will the trial transform the canvas of his/her life into the precious gem or priceless art s/he has the potential to be? This card cautions that this is a serious situation: the querent may be about to make a large blunder. Pay attention, this is critical. An enormous change is imminent; it will be painful, but it will destroy the querent’s self-made rubbish. This card reveals the final judgment or determination of a matter, without appeal in the material plane. The Judgment card may also warn us that someone is ‘playing with the dark’ or hiding something in the situation and can’t be trusted; be careful, if poorly aspected it may be warning the reader that the querent is not trustworthy and may even be dangerous.
Reversed Interpretation
The Judgment card reversed reveals the querent’s inner compulsions with which s/he is struggling. If very well aspected, it reveals the querent’s struggle to transform; it shows the ‘hell’ that he is willing to endure to achieve ‘heaven’. If poorly aspected, it suggests that the querent is acting outside of morality or ethics; what is happening inside of the querent is so consuming that they can’t trust themselves…and neither can anyone else.
21 The World
Upright Interpretation
The World card represents world events, the Kingdom of Earth, and the physical universe: this card points to the crux of the matter under consideration and the synthesis of all the elements involved. If very well aspected, this card suggests that the querent has reached enlightenment in a particular realm, and so it is time to return to the rest of the world and share his or her gift(s) with the less aware. When well aspected, the World upright in a reading suggests that the querent is doing his duty—whatever the querent is doing, it will all come together. The World can also suggest that external events or world events are going to have a large impact in the querent’s life. If poorly aspected, there may be a conflict with an older man or a government agency, or may indicate that the querent is avoiding doing what is appropriate in the situation. The World points the reader towards the weight of the matter.
Reversed Interpretation
The World reversed admonishes the querent that s/he needs to be more dutiful. Perhaps the querent fears aging or is resisting some limit that has been placed upon him or her. This card can also suggest that the querent is ‘set in his ways’, inflexible, and unwilling to bend in the situation. It can also indicate that the particular subject under discussion holds great weight for the client—the greater the weight or mass, the more significance the person has attached to the matter, and the less free s/he is to act objectively/ reasonably in response. If poorly aspected, the querent may be rebelling against society, tradition, or the establishment—or may be refusing to separate his or her own significances from the truth of the matter. If very well aspected, this card can suggest that the querent desires to share his or her gifts with the world.
Kingdom Within All
Upright Interpretation
The Kingdom Within All beckons to the querent to focus upon progression of the spirit and eternity rather than matters of the flesh and material world with which he/she is currently transfixed. If well aspected, the querent needs to confront the issue in the spirit of play, open to the lessons to be learned in the situation, regardless of outcome. If poorly apsected, the querent is lost and adrift in the mundane problems of life and missing the infinite, focusing on ends rather than on growth. It is time to cease fixating on matters of security, relationship, family, reputation, or pleasure. Expand beyond the confines of tradition and habit. Perhaps a different game beyond that of human concerns, worldly pleasures, or redemption/enlightenment engages the querent.
Reversed Interpretation
It is time for the querent to seek the ‘teacher who does not teach'; seek space in solitude and time to journey within. This ‘teacher’ may not necessarily be in human form, but may well be found in nature, works of art and beauty, or even within the silence of one’s own breath. If well aspected, this card cheers the querent onward, praising him/her for creating precisely the experience that is needed to attain what is wished, relishing the journey rather than the destination. If poorly aspected, it is time for the querent to release any persisting conclusions about oneself and the situation, approaching life without preconception, with innocence and wisdom. If very poorly aspected, the querent may erroneously believe that he or she has already attained this clarity of vision.
Ace of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The Fire element is developing in the querent’s life right now, bringing desire, creativity, and ample power. Now is the time for potent, forceful action in order to grasp what the querent wants. S/he is strengthened by serenity of beingness.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent possesses the capacity to succeed in the endeavor(s) under consideration; if poorly aspected, the querent believes that s/he will succeed, but there are obstacles that must first be acknowledged and faced. To know the obstacles, look to the surrounding cards.
Two of Wands
Upright Interpretation
It’s time to ‘take the bull by the horns’. Lead the others into the new enterprise with gusto! What the situation needs is dominating, aggressive force: if the querent takes control and faces the unknown head-on, then s/he will succeed. Mars can sometime represent an assertive older woman in the querent’s life, depending upon surrounding cards. This card may also forecast a sudden situation or accident coming that will demand impulsive, forceful action on the part of the querent. Exhilaration sustains the querent’s efforts.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is competitive, needs to be in the lead, and wants to do more, more quickly than anyone else; s/he tends towards belligerence, and mows down others in the overwhelming drive to get his or her own way. Some kind of physical or competitive action is necessary for the well-being of the person asking the question.
Three of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The querent’s status in the situation is one of assertive, regal, accomplished power with a hint of arrogance. In a woman’s reading, this card may suggest a new love encounter with a sincere, younger man. If poorly aspected, there may be a problem with divergent viewpoints within the family, or else a situation that will call for decisive, assertive action on the part of the querent in defense of his or her position. Be careful of monotony.
Reversed Interpretation
This querent is a strong willed leader, who hates daily tedium and loves initiating new change. If well aspected, the querent has a lucid vision of what needs to be done and how to do it. If poorly aspected, s/he needs to beware of quick action without careful planning, as well as act shrewdly in handling opposing viewpoints that may challenge his or her leadership.
Four of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The situation(s) has the appearance of perfection, without the substance. Nothing is working in its current form: the querent is at odds with and making poor decisions about his or her lover, any current business deals or partnerships have a feeble foundation, the home is a ‘house of cards’. There are probably even problems with the mother-in-law. Unexpressed resentment obscures everything.
Reversed Interpretation
Like the director of his own play, this person is responding to other people as the roles that s/he has assigned to them and critiquing their performance, rather than seeing them for who they actually are. If well aspected, the querent may be a late bloomer in love, is finished with the current relationship, or else has entirely lost the desire to marry. If poorly aspected, the querent is unstable, impetuous, and determined to get what s/he wants…at all costs.
Five of Wands
Upright Interpretation
This card promises conflict between the parties involved. There will be problems with bosses or authority figures. The querent is generally burned out, run down, and struggling with accumulative, degenerative health problems (such as chronic fatigue syndrome or male impotence) resulting from insecurity issues, blocked vitality, and sexual troubles. There will be impassioned differences between older and younger generations. If very well aspected, this card may bring a much older romantic love interest into the querent’s life, but be careful—the dissimilarities may overshadow the desirability of the match.
Reversed Interpretation
If very well aspected, the querent is intensely concerned and even depressed about the conflict(s) that consume him or her. Otherwise, the querent is bold, rash, insistent that his or her way is right, and unable or unwilling to see the other’s point of view. In a man’s reading, this card reversed always expresses his basic dissatisfaction with his life, as though in mourning for the lost chances of youth. Hostility lies beneath everything.
Six of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Even if poorly aspected, this card promises victory, success, and good luck: no worries. The querent will succeed in overcoming all dilemmas, as well as probably attract some kind of fame, attention, or leadership opportunity. Everything is buoyed by strong interest.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is optimistic, loves a good gamble, and enjoys children, and takes great pride and satisfaction in his or her own life’s circumstances…even if a tad excessively. If very poorly aspected, warn the querent to curtail his or her tendency to gamble and beware of ‘blowing one’s own horn’.
Seven of Wands
Upright Interpretation
At face value, we have a person who has great strength and will to accomplish a goal, but equally strong external forces are working against him/her. There may be trouble with credit or love affairs; this card can even discuss a job loss of job or lover because of cross purposes. Attend to a moderate illness or infection resulting from a recent unexpected event, loss, or trauma: it is potentially serious as it affects the basic life force of the body’s entire system. Beware of contracting a sexual disease due to reckless seeking of distraction in pleasant sensation. If very well aspected, this card commends the querent for Herculean effort but still encourages him or her to give up the lost cause and choose a more reasonable course of action.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent is displaying considerable valor in the face of mounting opposition. If not, s/he is behaving as a bully, controlled by his or her impulse for personal gratification, and forcing him or herself into an inappropriate relationship or position. Anxiety makes everything seem even worse than it already is.
Eight of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The querent is missing the vital details of the current situation because of his or her focus on distant goals and desires. This card advises the querent to slow down because s/he is rushing much too rapidly in all matters. Watch out for speeding tickets, as well as potential problems with paperwork or credentials as a result of not completing the requirements. There may be a temporary visit by a foreigner, a guru, or someone who has been traveling abroad.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is acting with an impulsive swiftness that will not endure. S/he may be planning a long trip, investigating a spiritual philosophy, or even considering studying a foreign language: no matter what it is, s/he is rushing into it and will not follow through. Underneath this sudden drive is a desire for propitiation.
Nine of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Boundless potential exists for the querent to accomplish his or her goals. A long journey, going overseas, or a major move is in the future. Now is the perfect time to pursue a college degree or follow a spiritual aspiration. Because the Moon often signifies a child, this card can show that the querent’s children will attain their goals. This card brings a cause for optimism no matter how negative the surrounding cards.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, this card describes the querent as an imaginative optimist who believes that honesty and ideals are more important than any relationship. If very poorly aspected, it suggests that the querent tends to be dogmatic about his or her extreme and unorthodox ideas. An unspoken goal of making amends is behind the far-reaching aims of the querent.
Ten of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Beware! This is a time of stress, oppression, and suppression from unexpected sources. There may be a challenging encounter with suppressive philosophies coming, or else a confrontation with an older person who fiercely objects to the querent’s current purposes. The querent is assuming responsibility for situations that are out of his/her reach.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is overwhelmed, going in too many directions at once, and could suffer a nervous breakdown from sheer overloading of him or herself. Hopelessness confuses the situation.
Page of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Any matter involving creativity, passion, or power will fail at this time; the querent currently lacks what it takes to succeed. It is not yet the querent’s time. The Page of Wands strongly outflows energy from himself or herself, only to be met with an equally strong outflow from the other or others; whether this ridge manifests as attention or opposition, this makes the Page more solid. (ridge of having combined with the fire element). Charismatic, creative, proud, and craving to be the center of attention; also known for their personal panache and their love of entertainment.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a person who exhibits the qualities of the Page of Wands, or else is struggling with problems similar to those of the Page of Wands. If poorly aspected, the querent is fixated on seeking pleasure or else feels creatively stagnant or powerless. On the other hand, the querent may simply need attention and want to be noticed. Is the querent enacting the Prostitute, Seductive Muse, or Seeker in this situation?
Prince of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The querent has the passion and power to achieve his or her goals, but the resources and support are lacking. Even if immediate action is taken, it will be a struggle for any success to endure.Energy of Sign: The Prince of Wands is the purest expression of a spirit incarnated in matter; he creatively outbursts his energy in all directions from himself without consideration, order, or worry. (dispersal of being combined with the fire element) Carefree, playful, confident, trusting, risk-takers, and eternal optimists. Attracted to new experiences, travel, higher education, and philosophy, as well as amazingly lucky.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a young man who exhibits the qualities of the Prince of Wands, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Prince of Wands excels: optimism, confidence, and personal growth. If poorly aspected, the querent’s happy-go-lucky and devil-may-care attitude is getting him or her into trouble. Is the querent enacting the Philosopher, Rebel, or Player in this situation?
Queen of Wands
Upright Interpretation
More time is necessary before the querent pursues any areas of creativity, desire, or power; the energy is considerable, but lies dormant within the querent in some crucial way. Remain passive at this time. The Queen of Wands receives the direct energy flow from another person or viewpoint, simple and straight. (inflow of doing combined with fire element) Daring, active, impulsive, direct, courageous, and forceful. Enjoys the rush of danger, adventure, and the unknown; loves being conquered.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a woman who exhibits the qualities of the Queen of Wands, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Queen of Wands excels: creativity, passion, and accomplishment. Perhaps he or she is longing for passion and spark. If poorly aspected, the querent is being too passive or too careful in the matter under consideration. Is the querent enacting the Goddess, the Creator, or Artist in this situation?
King of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The querent will be victorious in any matter regarding creativity, desire, or power.The King of Wands directly outflows energy from himself or his own viewpoint to another or a different viewpoint, simple and straight. (outflow of doing combined with fire element) Daring, active, impulsive, direct, courageous, and forceful. Enjoys the rush of danger, adventure, and the unknown; loves conquering anything new.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a man who exhibits the qualities of the King of Wands, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the King of Wands excels: creativity, passion, and power. Perhaps the querent desires to start something new; if poorly aspected, s/he may wrestle with a nasty temper. Is the querent enacting the Hero, the Wounded Healer, or the God in this situation?
Ace of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Within the querent the Water element is churning and broiling, broadening the querent’s intuition and emotions. A new relationship (possibly, but not necessarily, romantic) is on the horizon. Perhaps the querent is artistic. Now is the time to embark upon a spiritual quest. If poorly aspected and the querent has asked about a partner, this card suggests that the other is a lazy, pleasure-seeking opportunist (all the worst aspects of the water element). Use postulates to expand the possibilities.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent will either be seeking a new relationship or else focusing his or her energies upon plumbing the emotional depths within. If well aspected, the querent would do well to follow his or her instincts right now. If poorly aspected, the querent could be caught up in the quagmire of his or her raging emotions, or else dissipated and full of pretense (the worst aspects of the water element).
Two of Cups
Upright Interpretation
In matters of love, this is the real thing. There will be harmonious love and family relationships, possibly a family inheritance or reunion. This card may predict an addition to the family, either by marriage or birth. Enthusiasm uplifts everything.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is either searching for love or else wonders if s/he has found it. The querent may desire reconciliation with his or her spouse, mother, or family.
Three of Cups
Upright Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent is experiencing a period of abundance and operating from an attitude of ‘the more the merrier’ right now; s/he is probably either finding pleasure in multiple relationships rather than in commitment to one person, or else is surrounded by multiple romantic opportunities. If poorly aspected, this card suggests that the querent (or someone in the querent’s life) is having an affair.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is either being tempted to cheat on his or her significant other or else suspects another of cheating. Conversely, s/he may be consumed with an all-pervasive desire for more. If very well aspected, this card can indicate remarkable ingenuity in the realms of speaking and writing on the part of the querent. Boredom feeds the drive for excess.
Four of Cups
Upright Interpretation
It is a time of blended pleasure for the querent; s/he will remain in the present situation, yet won’t be completely satisfied. If poorly aspected, there may be troubles with hormones, menstruation, menopause, or children. Because of the basic dominance of the feminine inherent in this card, in a man’s reading it may show bisexuality, effeminacy, a lack of sexual balance, or a strong attachment to the mother. Things tend to last at least four years (seeming far too long to the querent) in Cancer.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent demonstrates a high level of emotional maturity, nurturing, self-sacrifice, and awareness of the needs and feelings of others, especially with regards to his or her children; if poorly aspected, this card can show that the querent is suffering from too much feminine influence and is overly sensitive to the reactions of others. There is an unwillingness to leave home or make any change that might adversely affect another. Resentment underlies his or her lack of action.
Five of Cups
Upright Interpretation
This card portends sadness, depression, bankruptcy, financial disaster, personal failures, and emotional distress in an ever-increasing downward spiral. Even if well aspected, the querent is currently or will soon experience a profound loss in pleasure. This calls for severe, controlled action in order to cope with these mounting tribulations.
Reversed Interpretation
If very well aspected, this card reveals the querent’s inner strength to transform or change a seemingly impossible situation. Normally, however, this card reversed reveals the querent to be internally awash in anger, depression, pain, and loss. It often suggests that s/he may be over-reacting to a perceived hurt, rather than a real one. The querent must find a healthy release to his or her pain by recognizing its true source. Pain is not the problem, it is the avoidance of pain and blaming others and outside circumstances that is the problem. The message of this card is to cease avoiding the discomfort of pain, and instead seek its cause, for it is only in facing the cause of our pain that we can discover its cure.
Six of Cups
Upright Interpretation
This is an exaggerated time of sensual excess for the querent—with lots of changes and high moments immediately followed by low ones. There may also be extreme changes in handling other people’s money, especially in the realms of debt and taxes, often of a legal nature. This card warns the querent not to prematurely quit: finish what has been started. Often heralds a drastic life-change.
Reversed Interpretation
Instead of facing his/her pain, the querent is seeking pleasure in sensation to compensate. The querent exhibits an extreme black and white mentality and has trouble setting healthy boundaries or accepting the boundaries set by others. If poorly aspected, there may be extremes in sexual behavior, control issues, and power struggles. If well aspected, the querent may be single-mindedly curious about the deeper mysteries of life and seeking self-improvement. The truth of mild interest is being overcompensated for with excessive passion.
Seven of Cups
Upright Interpretation
This card portends losing oneself in illusion to escape internal emptiness, for as the sensations and interactions of the physical universe cease to satisfy the individual, s/he begins attributing significance to the dream of satisfaction itself, thereby attempting to artificially craft the emptiness of experience to mean something more. There will be extreme energy imbalances; a poison is invading the querent’s life. This card may caution the querent of a serious infection to be attended to immediately, or else counsel against the overspending of money for frivolity and comfort (perhaps even using another person’s credit). There may be heated fights and secrets kept between partners. Watch out for a purely sexual affair of the ‘fatal attraction’ variety. This card may warn of an abusive or suppressive person in the querent’s life. If very well aspected, this card could indicate an inheritance from a female relative or else financial gain because of some else’s money, probably through a marriage or partnership.
Reversed Interpretation
Often this card in the reversed position indicates that the querent is keeping a deep secret that is literally poisoning him or her internally. Poorly aspected, this card may suggest that the querent is abusive or suppressive. In a man’s reading, it can reveal a negative connection with his mother which has ‘poisoned’ his relationships with women ever since. The querent may be hiding a secret love affair, secretly jealous of another, or else lost in the illusion of beauty and the ideal woman in a hopeless attempt to escape hungering emptiness. This card may also indicate extreme confusion and trauma regarding sexuality, to which the querent has responded with extremes: s/he could be a nymphomaniac or else a forty-five year old virgin. Terror underlies the compulsive need to keep everything hidden.
Eight of Cups
Upright Interpretation
This is a situation of abandoned success: if the querent will only persevere, things will work out. Lethargy and lassitude are the paths of least resistance, but don’t be fooled. S/he is missing or giving up too soon on an important opportunity. There may be hidden trouble at work, as well as things going on behind the querent’s back. This card assures the querent that s/he is not too old to succeed.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent feels as though s/he has lost what’s important and is ‘over the hill’, wanting to give up and not seeing beyond the present apparent hopelessness of the situation. Perhaps s/he is over-empathizing with someone else’s loss, finding it difficult to refrain from helping and therefore losing self-identity in the instinct to not ‘abandon’ another. If well aspected, this card reversed may indicate that the querent is beginning to separate from the external world and focus inwards. Grief often underlies these longings.
Nine of Cups
Upright Interpretation
If well aspected, gladness and festivity. Generally, intoxicating immersion in material happiness to the point of gluttony. If poorly aspected, there may be hidden alcoholism, drug problems, codependency, or seduction. Be wary of superfluous spending, gratuitous sex, getting fat, and the negative affects of too much celebration. If very poorly aspected, everything may not be as wonderful as it seems—watch out for ulterior motives.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent is seeking happiness and bliss—either through celebration and indulgence or else through religion and seclusion. If poorly aspected, s/he is easily deceived and exploited. There is a level of distraction as the querent throws him- or herself into enjoyable experiences to avoid confrontation of self.
Ten of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Attainment of emotional ideals, often to the detriment of the individual. The querent will soon (or already has) successfully arrange his/her emotive and relational life to be truly happy, but hidden underneath this satisfaction lays the warning of incapacitating complacency. The 10 of Cups cautions us that when we are too focused on happiness, we lose the will to change; it lulls us into contented inaction and acceptance of the status quo, shielding our eyes from the facts of the evils and injustices of this world, for it is discomfort and distress that motivate us to improve and grow. The panacea of our modern age is the lie of the pursuit of happiness as an end unto itself. This card may also warn the querent to beware of an aggressive, hidden enemy or some sort of spiritual manipulation: someone is not being up front with the querent or else is taking advantage of him or her. The querent’s ideals have created a risky relationship or situation from which it will be difficult to breakout. If very well aspected, the querent may be called to an important spiritual quest, but doesn’t see it yet.
Reversed Interpretation
When well aspected, this card suggests that the querent is a devoted, imaginative idealist who doesn’t see the darker sides of existence. Otherwise, the querent may want to escape the situation that s/he has created, for s/he is blinded by ideals to the reality of the situation. Perhaps the querent is dedicated to the pursuit of happiness to the exclusion of all else. If poorly aspected, the querent is untrustworthy, has a hidden agenda, and enforces his or her rigid view of ‘what is’ on everyone. Heady idealism conceals a feeling of uselessness.
Page of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Any plans or desires in the areas of emotions, intuition, love, or spirituality will not work out: the essential elements are lacking. The Page of Cups creates his or her own ridge, for while trying to communicate, s/he simultaneously holds something back; the Page shields his or her thoughts, desires, and intentions from others. (ridge of having combined with water element) Willful, passionate, probing, secretive, and sexual by nature, often repressing their strong feelings until they explode.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a person who exhibits the qualities of the Page of Cups, or else is struggling with problems similar to those of the Page of Cups: the querent may be repressing strong feelings, or might feel helpless in attaining a love relationship. If poorly aspected, the querent wishes to avoid pain at all costs, instead choosing to hide in secrets; the querent may also be worried about debt. This card sometimes indicates a basic immature (even fanatical) spiritual tendency in the querent. This person has no problem pointing out the limitations of another, but desperately hides the truth of his or her own lack. Is the querent enacting the Trickster, Shape shifter, or Spy in this situation?
Prince of Cups
Upright Interpretation
The querent has the ability to succeed in the realms of emotions, intuition, love, and spirituality, but lacks the support or resources. Immediate, decisive action is needed, but if the matter is not conquered quickly then the possibility for success will dissipate.The Prince of Cups receives energy into himself from all directions; he identifies with everyone and everything to the point of losing himself. (dispersal of being combined with water element) Dreamily mysterious, indecisively impressionable, incredibly receptive, and eerily intuitive; adaptable and particularly sensitive to the environment, empathetic and often psychic.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a young man who exhibits the qualities of the Prince of Cups, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Prince of Cups excels: romance, imagination, and empathy. Perhaps the querent desires to woo a new love, or else wants to take up a spiritual pursuit. Is the querent enacting the Mystic, Innocent, or Romantic in this situation?
Queen of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Growing within the querent are potent emotions, intuition, love, and spirituality, but it is not yet time to release them upon the matter at hand. Be passive. The Queen of Cups passively allows herself to be pulled towards another with the rest of the universe; this ability makes her incredibly reflective and empathetic (as well as often psychic) in response to the energies of others. (inflow combined with water element) Emotional and changeable by nature, protective, romantic, nurturing, and sentimental. Fiercely maternal and responsive to others.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a woman who exhibits the qualities of the Queen of Cups, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Queen of Cups excels: emotion, intuition, love, and spirituality. If poorly aspected, querent may be too passive or too careful in the matter under consideration; on the other hand, the querent might have latent psychic abilities that are starting to surface. Is the querent enacting the Mother, Healer, or Avenger in this situation?
King of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Success is imminent in the areas of emotion, intuition, love, and spirituality. The King of Cups has the unique skill of pulling the whole universe towards himself, affording him remarkable emotive and intuitive abilities when dealing with others. (outflow of doing combined with water element) Emotional and changeable by nature, protective, romantic, nurturing, and sentimental; a wonderful counselor or confidant.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a man who exhibits the qualities of the King of Cups, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the King of Cups excels: emotion, intuition, love, and spirituality. Perhaps the querent wants to see a psychologist, longs for a family, or desires to purchase a new home. Is the querent enacting the Counselor, Father, or Protector in this situation?
Ace of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The Ace of Swords can often herald a new message, contact, or discussion. This card usually portends a powerful beginning in the realm of Air, involving intellect, conflict, or communication. Sometimes this card announces a new relationship (because of its association with Libra). Generally, this card promises the querent a powerful position with regards to these matters. S/he is strengthened by an objective games condition.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent possesses the capacity to succeed in the endeavor(s) under consideration; if poorly aspected, the querent may be seeking a conflict or communication, but there are obstacles that must first be acknowledged and faced. To know the obstacles, look to the surrounding cards. If very poorly aspected, the querent may be trying to prove that s/he is right or justify his/her actions rather than confront the facts.
Two of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Peace will be restored, but the truce will not be permanent because the issues are not truly resolved. The querent will handle his or her opponents effectively and his or her relational problems will improve. There will be a positive settlement of any legal disputes. If well aspected and the querent does not have a partner, then a new partnership may be coming. If s/he does have a current partner, this card suggests that the relationship will reach a new level of contractual commitment.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is seeking harmony, regardless of the costs to self or others. If well aspected, the querent has the common sense necessary to successfully handle his or her opponents. This card may also suggest that the querent wants to get married. Cheerfulness underlies the querent’s objective for amity.
Three of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Loss and separations. Sorrow resulting from the loss of a partnership, a job, or a court case. This card may signify a lost item or circumstance that will never be regained. This card can also herald the separation or ending of a relationship, either through break up, divorce, or even physical death. The arrangements of prior agreements or partnerships need to be renegotiated: their structure has altered to such a degree that they are obsolete, so it is time to either let go of them or else create a new foundation. If poorly aspected, this card may warn of serious illness. If well aspected, these losses will ultimately benefit the querent; conversely, the positive influence of Saturn may suggest that the querent will marry late in life, or else choose a significantly older, career-oriented spouse.
Reversed Interpretation
Generally, this card reversed suggests that the querent is either afraid that his or her current partnership is ending, or else wants out of it badly. If well aspected, this desire is justified. If poorly aspected, the querent’s reasons for leaving (or not leaving) are inadequate—s/he may be promising more to a partner than can possibly be given, or else unable to make the painful but necessary decisions about the current partnership. Sometimes, if very well aspected, this card suggests that the querent is willing to work hard and determined to make a flawed partnership last. Antagonism is complicating the problems.
Four of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The querent will expand his or her life through interactions with others; s/he is entering a period of rest from stress in which the current problems will be solved. There may be a like-minded, spiritually progressive ‘soul mate’ relationship entering the querent’s life. Any professional consulted for assistance (from lawyer to marriage counselor) will bring success. The querent will succeed in helping conflicting parties to resolve their differences as well as in negotiating a business deal to the benefit of all involved. If poorly aspected, this card calls for the querent to meditate and contemplate on the issue before making a decision: there may be a tendency to jump into grand speculations without thoroughly weighing all sides.
Reversed Interpretation
If poorly aspected, the querent may be trying to satisfy all involved, and therefore satisfying none. Perhaps s/he is looking for his or her ‘soul mate’ or desires a new business partnership. If well aspected, the querent knows that s/he is blessed in his or her partnership(s) and is benefiting financially, emotionally, and spiritually. The querent may be a powerful negotiator and diplomat, or even a professional judge or lawyer. There is a lack of sympathy that strengthens the ability to be objective.
Five of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The querent is caught in circumstances that were originally beautiful, but have now turned ugly; the dreams and ideals of the querent’s that should have been sweet have turned into nightmares—relationship(s) have gone sour, there has been betrayal, there is poor public opinion, and activities that at first seemed important are now a complete waste of time. Watch out for health problems from eating too many sweets, like diabetes. Venus may bring love into the querent’s life, but ultimately it won’t work. If the querent is currently in a relationship, they are living separate lives. If very well aspected, a current friendship may develop into romance, or else the querent may actually benefit from another’s losses.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent feels defeated and hopeless because of his or her failure to accomplish his or her dreams. S/he is probably mourning or refusing to let go of a lost love. If currently involved with someone, the querent is emotionally distancing from the partner. Sometimes this card suggests that the querent may be seeking an open relationship or else has a romantic interest in a friend. If very well aspected, this card can suggest that the querent doesn’t think that his or her lover is ‘the One’—but s/he is mistaken, for this is the Real Thing. Often people with this card reversed are projecting their own romantic notions and past history with women (especially their mothers) upon the other, failing to see their partner as s/he truly is. If poorly aspected and in a woman’s reading, she may be an old, lonely spinster who needs to get out into the world more. There is unexpressed anger at the root of the querent’s grief.
Six of Swords
Upright Interpretation
There’s good news coming! This card encourages the querent that s/he is leaving an inferior situation for a superior one. There will be well-earned successes as well as good advice from friends. The querent will soon realize his or her dreams of travel, education, and philanthropy. Even if poorly aspected, the querent will ultimately benefit from a radical change.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is actively seeking an innovative solution to the current situation. S/he is intelligent, impartial, honest, open, and may be a teacher or humanitarian. Even if poorly aspected, this card portrays the querent in a positive light. S/he is ultimately contented.
Seven of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Unstable effort arising from impossible dreams and good intentions. There may be broken promises, lies, or misinformation of the public. Watch for thievery; the querent may lose his or her resources by trusting the wrong person(s). Avoid joining losing causes. If there is suspicion of betrayal or deceit, the querent is correct—the person can’t be trusted. If the querent is expecting financial resources of some sort, s/he had better check up on it, because it is not what was promised.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent is a hopeless idealist who is easily fooled. Generally, the querent over-thinks and rationalizes everything and is deceiving him or herself. If poorly aspected, the querent is a liar and is possibly lying to the reader. In addition, Moon in Aquarius is the classical combination to denote an Astrologer. Fear of ultimate failure lies underneath the querent’s futile devotion.
Eight of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The querent is not seeing the situation(s) clearly right now. There will be unfounded speculation, misapplied ideas, and snap decisions based upon little substance. This card can even suggest that the querent needs new glasses or a new hearing aid to help him or her perceive things more accurately. On the positive side, the querent might be a gifted actor, beautician, or some other profession adept at image and appearance. There may be a spiritual or religious teacher in the querent’s life who is much more concerned with how things look, rather than what things actually are.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is blind to the truth but is excellent at bluffing his or her way through life, having quick wits with little substance; it is important to the querent that others are impressed by his or her ‘knowledge’. This card reversed may also suggest that the querent’s focus upon image and appearance, such as fashion, movies, or beauty; if poorly aspected, the querent may be claiming a guru status that s/he doesn’t deserve. Sympathy is blinding the querent to the truth of the matter.
Nine of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The 9 of Swords admonishes that when we believe ourselves to be victims of cruelty, we use this to justify our own cruel victimization of others. When our life seems a nightmare, we drag the nightmare around with us to disturb the lives of those around us. Watch out for suffering as a result of arguments—in the neighborhood, with brothers and sisters, or with an older woman. There will be loud noises and jarring energy surrounding the querent, resulting in troubled dreams and lack of rest or sleep. It is time to take decisive action to put an end to the discord, for neither party will ever see eye to eye as long as each is stuck in his or her own viewpoint. There may be a lack of proper credentials or paperwork, as well as possible fights over contracts. The querent may be heatedly questioned by a hostile source. Beware malicious gossip or any news stories about oneself right now.
Reversed Interpretation
Generally, this card reveals the querent to be actively involved in heated arguments based upon a dogmatic viewpoint. If poorly aspected, the querent is being deliberately malicious and cruel in the process of attempting to win. If well aspected, this card reversed indicates that the querent is concerned about the dissention surrounding him or her right now and wants it to end; s/he wants to get to the bottom of the matter, cutting through the appearances. This card can also signify an investigative reporter who cuts through the mystery to build a news breaking story. The querent justifies his or her behavior by the belief that s/he is a victim.
Ten of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The damage in the current situation(s) is already done. Words will (or have) cause ruin in some way; the querent should watch his or her reputation, for people are gossiping and backstabbing. If very well aspected, there may be a critical upcoming communication with brothers or sisters, many short trips, an important conversation, or some sort of image-based contact—possibly with the media.
Reversed Interpretation
Normally, this card reversed suggests that the querent is struggling with feelings of failure and ruin. If poorly aspected, the querent is intellectually arrogant, image-driven, two-faced, superficial, and damages others with his or her thoughtless words. This may be a message to the querent to avoid gossiping, for his or her own cruel words will bring ruin. The querent may be seeking to move on to the next new and exciting experience rather than face the failure of the current situation. Underlying the fear of failure is the ultimate fear of dying
Page of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The situation contains too many conflictive elements that work against each other; the matter will come to little. The Princess of Swords watches as she induces others to ridge against themselves in reaction to her own dynamic expressions of freedom; when others ridge around her, the Princess successfully gains more space to be creative and original. (ridge of having combined with air element) Intellectual, artistic, and the epitome of individuality. Experimental, rational, and idealistic by nature: the quintessential humanitarian who is passionately dedicated to the progress of society, all the while having trouble relating to normal people on an interpersonal level.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a person who exhibits the qualities of the Page of Swords, or else is struggling with problems similar to those of the Page of Swords: perhaps the querent feels lost and without purpose. The querent may be upset over feelings of not fitting in while at the same time not feeling free. Perhaps she is waiting for someone to save her from the current situation or herself. Is the querent enacting the Victim, Damsel, or Ingénue in this situation?
Prince of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The querent has substantial abilities in matters of the mind, communication, or a conflict, but little or no support to succeed. Immediate action garners the only possibility of success; the longer it takes, the greater the chance of failure. The Prince of Swords may also bring an important message or communication into the querent’s life. The Prince of Swords maintains a comfortable, detached distance from everyone and everything, rationally emphasizing all the similarities and generalities of experience; he never dirties himself with the depths of specifics or contradiction. (dispersal of being combined with air element) Astute, clever, witty, adaptable, and quick. Uncanny understanding of the relationships between things and have many interests; however, full of contradictions and constantly changing.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a young man who exhibits the qualities of the Prince of Swords, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Prince of Swords excels: cleverness, adaptability, and the ability to see the similarities and relationships between things. Perhaps the querent wants to return to school or is concerned about the proper credentials or paperwork to accomplish his or her goals. If poorly aspected, this card in the reversed position also suggests that the querent is only looking at the superficial, surface details of the issue. Is the querent enacting the Story-teller, Clown, or Thinker in this situation?
Queen of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The Queen of Swords slashes with her mighty sword to sway the scales and upset the current balance of things: something is about to end in the querent’s life. To identify what is ending, look to the surrounding cards. The querent contains considerable mental resources to succeed in the realms of a communication or a conflict, but the external circumstances are such that now is not the time to act. Wait until things settle down a bit.
The Queen of Swords allows the other to fully see her own perspective, immersing the other in the ‘logical correctness’ of the Queen’s experience. (inflow of doing combined with the air element) Harmonizes all around her; appreciates that sometimes one must “harm” in order to achieve harmony. Able to look at all sides of a situation, with an uncanny ability to use logic to influence others towards her own point of view.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a woman who exhibits the qualities of the Queen of Swords, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Queen of Swords excels: intelligence, communication, and conflict. Perhaps the querent wants something to end or fears something ending, like a marriage or a job. To know what the querent wishes to end, look to the surrounding cards. Is the querent enacting the Witch, Crone, or Scapegoat in this situation?
King of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The querent will win in matters pertaining to the mind, communication, or conflict. The King of Swords mentally reaches out to perceive both sides of any directly opposing issue; his agile mind perceives far more because of his awareness of multiple viewpoints. (outflow of doing combined with the air element) Social and seeks harmonious human relationships above all else. Uncanny ability to look at all sides of a situation, easily accepting other’s points of view over own.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a man who exhibits the qualities of the King of Swords, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the King of Swords excels: knowledge, wisdom, and winning conflicts. The querent may be worried about matters of partnership. Is the querent enacting the Mentor, Sage, or Advocate in this situation?
Ace of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
The promise of success in any material endeavor is at hand, whether in finances, career, or physical happiness: now is the time to begin. This card can also warn the querent to protect him- or herself in the physical realm.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent contains all the desire, possibilities, and power necessary for success, but they lie dormant within the querent, unable or unwilling to manifest as of yet. The querent’s attention is captured by the possibility of solid accomplishment.
Two of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Successful change in the material realm, but to the detriment of spiritual progression. Career and finances will improve; the querent will win the court case or the promotion—even though s/he may not deserve it. If poorly aspected, forceful control is required in order to resolve a difficult situation. A sensitive consideration of the aesthetics of the situation is needed.
Reversed Interpretation
If the querent does what the surrounding cards demand, then the situation will improve. The querent may be rigidly orthodox, moral, austere, and ambitious to a fault, driven by the desire for prominence. This card in the reversed position indicates that there is a need for the querent to accept full responsibility for his or her position and exert control in order for the situation to improve; it may also indicate that the querent is seeking a harmonious change to the circumstances, but what underlies this wish is a desire to further his or her own situation. Querents with this card reversed are using the respect of others to prove their own value to themselves, hence their spirituality rests upon the authority that is granted to them by others.
Three of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Success in the material realm as a result of hard work; opportunities for success are approaching—don’t miss them. The work that the querent is doing or is thinking about having done is worthwhile, but it will not be easy. The querent will not like the judge’s judgment in a court case, but it’s best for everyone.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is driven by the desire for power and authority, but frustrated by the restrictions to his or her success. S/he may be lonely at work and burdened by heavy responsibility, perhaps even working with undependable people. Disinterest complicates the querent’s struggle.
Four of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
When upright and well aspected, this card promises material attainment and power as well as stabilization of finances and career; the querent may receive special recognition or the assistance of an influential person in some way. If poorly aspected, this card suggests that the querent is (greedily) holding on much too tightly to material acquisitions—s/he must RELEASE the grip for prosperity to flow. Covert hostility complicates the matter.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is dissatisfied with his or her current situation, and has designs to find or create material wealth; if poorly aspected, this can suggest that the querent is pretending s/he has more (or is more) than is actual, indicating excessive spending on the querent’s part as though wealthier than s/he actually is. Finally, the querent may be aiming beyond his or her reach, using acquisition of resources to prove personal power and worth.
Five of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
There are serious problems with credit and bills, but it’s still possible to get control of your financial worries…perhaps with the help of a specialist? There may be difficulties with lawsuits; if the querent is currently receiving legal or financial advice, it’s flawed. It’s time to get control of the use of credit, curtail spending habits, and stop living as though consequences will disappear; focus on the future, retirement, and insurance matters.
Reversed Interpretation
This card reversed implies that the querent is attempting the impossible goal of getting what s/he wants without paying the necessary price. The querent is awash in worry and self-pity as a result of his or her material troubles, yet is resisting all change because of possible failures or ‘things’ getting even worse. ‘Deep-seated’ security issues need to be faced or else the querent will create his or her own self-fulfilled prophecies. Hate underlies his or her actions.
Six of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Financial resources are flowing the querent’s way; current investments (especially of an artistic nature) will have great value in the future, and any hunches regarding profitable new ventures will flourish. Because the Moon can represent children, this card also reassures the querent that his or her children are stable and will succeed.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent is seeking material comforts and is aware of his or her good fortune. If very poorly aspected, a reversed card can suggest that the querent is overly attached to physical comforts and worrying about unfounded money problems. Conservatism underlies his or her actions.
7 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Despite considerable hard work, the querent is in the midst of a difficult period: there are insufficient resources on all levels, from improper nutrition to limited cash. There may be contractual dilemmas, labor disputes, cutbacks, and layoffs. The querent is even befuddled in selecting partnerships.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is simply unsatisfied with the results of his or her labors, and bogged down by considerable financial commitment. If poorly aspected, the querent may resort to subterfuge in order to alleviate his or her plight. Despair underlies the querent’s actions, and his/her compensation for personal lack of fulfillment is to compulsively STOP others in their endeavors (especially those who are more content) and make them wrong.
Eight of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
The current matter is not worth pursuing. It’s time for the querent to distance and gain a broader perspective with regards to what’s troubling him or her. Whatever the querent has presently invested his or her energy into—whether a diet, a lawyer, or an investment—will not pay off because s/he has missed the big picture.
Reversed Interpretation
If very well aspected, this card tells the querent that s/he needs to pay more attention to the details. If poorly aspected, s/he is obsessed with aspects of the situation that don’t matter while missing the things that do. Often this card reversed suggests that the querent’s attention is stuck on a particular viewpoint as a result of the desperate attempt to prove his/her own vision of how things should be, rather than seeing what is. There is a general tone of numbness, as though the querent is fixating on the details to avoid seeing the truth.
Nine of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Now is not the time for anything new! A situation or person sweetly entices the querent, who is lost in misperception: the timing is wrong and the essentials of the circumstance(s) don’t add up. The querent needs to be cautious at work, especially with a woman at work; there will be delays and uncertainty on the part of any partners because they’re currently unimpressed with the querent. Wait before making any major decisions or purchases—this is not the time.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent is entangled in his or her feelings regarding issues of health, love, and work and therefore making ill-timed decisions, more consumed with emotions rather than the facts of the matter. In a man’s reading, this card reversed may show an imprudent romantic interest in a woman at work or in a health-related field. If poorly aspected, this card can suggest that the querent is misjudging people at work, being judgmental and selective based upon emotional reactions rather than objectivity. Underlying the querent’s emotions is overcompensation for the belief that s/he is fundamentally undeserving.
Ten of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
This card promises well-deserved job prosperity and wealth. The money that is needed by the querent to pay someone else is coming—either from a settlement or else from another unexpected venue. Because Mercury moves short distances, this card may herald a homecoming or moving to a new and better place. If poorly aspected, this card suggests that the querent needs to plan ahead, as there is an arduous task necessitating patience and attention to detail before taking action; the slow and steady pace is always preferred when this card comes up. Beware the growing apathy that often accompanies having everything one wants in the material plane.
Reversed Interpretation
If well aspected, the querent is experiencing a state of contented fullness in his or her life; if poorly aspected, s/he may be actively seeking (or worrying about the loss of) wealth and success. A reversed 10 of Pentacles may simply indicate the querent’s talents: writing and teaching, a brilliant analytical mind, and a propensity to garner wealth.
Page of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
There is little power, support, or resources available to the querent. The financial, career, or material matter under consideration will not materialize at this time.The Page of Pentacles attempts to pull something towards itself out of the ridges of matter. (ridge of having combined with the earth element). Concerned with having or possessing money, valuable objects, land, and relationships. Adores beauty, sumptuous food and music, and the finer things in life, falling apart at the first sign of financial troubles.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a person who exhibits the qualities of the Page of Pentacles, or else is struggling with problems similar to those of the Page of Pentacles: perhaps the querent feels insecure or else feels little hope for success with money or career. If poorly aspected, the querent may be too child-like or immature and needs to grow up before the harsher realities of life force the issue. Is the querent enacting the Eternal Child, the Rock, or the Epicure in this situation?
Prince of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
There is substantial power available to the querent, but the support and resources are not there. The querent must act quickly with regards to the matter at hand, for the current potential for success in financial, career, or material endeavors will be brief. Odds are that anything undertaken at this time will not last. The Prince of Pentacles differentiates details, discerning the differences between things from all perspectives; he considers all viewpoints as he observes every aspect of something. (dispersal of being combined with earth element). Studious, astute, meticulous, critical, and practical by nature. Talented in analyzing and classifying details, with a strong instinct to prove their worth through service, sacrifice, and hard work.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a young man (or a pet) who exhibits the qualities of the Prince of Pentacles, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Prince of Pentacles excels: attention to details and meticulousness in material matters. If poorly aspected, the querent is being too critical and needs to gain some perspective. Is the querent enacting the Critic, the Martyr, or the Rival in this situation?
Queen of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
The querent has the potential for financial, career, or material success, but for some reason it is not ready to manifest. It is not yet time to give birth to the matter under consideration. Remain passive.The Queen of Pentacles allows others to use her as a device to force themselves to do their duty. (inflow of doing combined with earth element) Hardworking, ambitious, materialistic, and efficient. Demonstrates great discipline to climb ever higher in career and social status to gain power, wealth, and authority. Uses her authority and standing in the world to force others to do their duty
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a woman who exhibits the qualities of the Queen of Pentacles, or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the Queen of Pentacles excels: finances, career, reputation, and success in the material realm. If poorly aspected, the querent may be too passive or too careful in the matter under consideration. Is the querent enacting the Channel, the Queen, or the Pilgrim in this situation?
King of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
The power, the support, and the resources are available for success in any financial, career, or material endeavor. The King of Pentacles actively reaches outwards to the relationships, workplace, or society around him and causes others to compel him to do his duty. (outflow of doing combined with earth element). Hardworking, ambitious, materialistic, and efficient. Demonstrates great discipline to climb ever higher in career and social status to gain power, wealth, and authority. Controls and dominates others, or conversely uses authority to help.
Reversed Interpretation
The querent either is concerned about or seeking a man who exhibits the qualities of the King of Pentacles (such as an expert in a particular profession), or else wishes to grow in the areas in which the King of Pentacles excels: finances, career, reputation, and success in the material realm. If poorly aspected, this placement either suggests that the querent needs to be more dedicated and dutiful in order to achieve his or her goals, or else that the querent considers him- or herself to be considerably more successful than is actual. Is the querent enacting the Capitalist, the Authority, the Destroyer in this situation?
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