Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

Сайт посвящен Таро, оракулам, картам Ленорман. Галереи Таро, обзоры колод, магазины, где купить

Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро

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Тароман — карты Таро
Tarot-of-Prague-set Tarot of Prague Deck — second edition
Tarot of Prague Deck (second edition)

Характеристика Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро

Оригинальное название: The Tarot of Prague 
 Karen Mahony, Alex Ukolov (Алексей Уколов и Карен Махони)
Художник: Алексей Уколов
Издательство: Magic Realist Press 
Производство: Чехия
Состав: 1е издание: 79 карт (вторая карта Смерть) + книга на англ. языке; 2е издание: 79 карт (доп. карта Благоразумие) + буклет на англ. языке
3е издание: 79 карт
Книга к колоде:  Karen Mahony. The Tarot of Prague.-Prague, XYMBIO, 2003.-302 с.  ISBN 0-9545007-0-9
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 74 х 124 мм
Год: 2003, 2004, 2016
ISBN: 0-9545007-0-9

Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: коллаж; фотография; город
Другие колоды Karen Mahony, Alex UkolovТаро Алисы — Alice TarotBaroque Bohemian Cats’ Tarot — Таро Барочные Богемские Коты, Bohemian Gothic Tarot — Богемское Готическое таро, Fairytale Tarot — Сказочное Таро (таро Сказок), Fantastic Menagerie Tarot — Таро Фантастический Зверинец, Victorian Flower OracleТаро Романтическая Викториана — Victorian Romantic Taro


Эта колода Таро основана на искусстве и архитектуре «Города Магии» (г. Праги). Все, что изображено на картах, можно воочию увидеть в Праге. Это реальные виды города, памятники архитектуры, фрагменты произведений искусства, хранящихся в пражских музеях, и иллюстраций из старинных рукописей, хранящихся в пражских библиотеках. Иконография некоторых карт совершенно уникальна, поскольку компоненты коллажей брались все же из произведений искусства и архитектуры, не имеющих прямого отношения к Таро. Колода в целом следует уэйтовской образной традиции.

Отличительной особенностью колоды является наличие 2-х карт САТ «Смерть» и титульная карта. Тираж колоды — 3500 экз., каждый экземпляр вручную пронумерован на внутренней стороне переплета.

Где купить Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро

*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.

Тароман — карты Таро

Обзор с зарубежных сайтов

Обзор Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро

Пражское Таро — первая профессиональная колода baba studio. Она создана по канону Райдера-Уэйта и на мотивы достопримечательностей «магического города».

Выполненная в коллажной технике, она оказывается очень красивым, эстетским инструментом работы. Кроме того, она реально очень рабочая. По своему фокусу внимания я бы сравнила с колодой Тота (Кроули); здесь также упор делается на экзистенциальный опыт и смысл происходящего. Хотя она способна в большей степени замечать реальность, в отличие от колоды Кроули.

По характеру — ясная, прозрачная, очень четкая и вместе с тем мистическая колода. В нее не вложено никакой натужной эзотерики, но присутствует множество ассоциаций и аллюзий, особенно культурных и исторических. Хороша в диагностике, способна дать адекватную прогностику (хотя и не так буквально как оракулы, но мы про это и так знаем).

Из особенностей колоды: в первом издании (в книжечке с золотыми завязочками) две карты «Смерть». (Это лимитированное издание в 3500 экз.) В остальных изданиях 79 карта — Prudence (Благоразумие). Та самая потерянная в Старших арканах Таро четвертая античная добродетель (остальные — Сила, Справедливость и Умеренность присутствуют).

Галина Бедненко

Пражское таро — Tarot of Prague

Очень интересное Таро, созданное англичанкой (родом из Белфаста) Карен Махони и русским (родом из Ялты) Александром Уколовым. Они встретились в Праге и основали компанию, выпускающую авторские колоды Таро с книгами. 
«Пражское Таро» — колода коллажная. Все, что изображено на картах, можно воочию увидеть в Праге. Это реальные виды города, памятники архитектуры, фрагменты произведений искусства, хранящихся в пражских музеях, и иллюстраций из старинных рукописей, хранящихся в пражских библиотеках. Коллажи, на мой взгляд, составлены с хорошим художественным вкусом. 
Колода в целом следует уэйтовской образной традиции, а не марсельской (то есть, например на карте «Солнце» изображены юноша и конь, а не юноша и девушка; на карте «Влюбленные» — мужчина, женщина и ангел, а не мужчина, две женщины и купидон с луком, и т. д.). Но иконография некоторых карт совершенно уникальна (поскольку компоненты коллажей брались все же из произведений искусства и архитектуры, не имеющих прямого отношения к Таро). 
Карты Старших Арканов не нумерованы, лишь подписаны (по-английски). Нумерация указывается лишь в буклетет и книге (см. ниже). Карты Младших Арканов не имеют никаких подписей — только угловые индексы по общей схеме: в верхнем левом углу — индекс достоинства карты (K, Q, Kn, P, 10…2, А), в нижнем правом — знак масти в такой форме:


На очковых картах от туза до 10 всегда присутствуют символы масти в соответствующем количестве. 
Уникальная особенность Пражского Таро — наличие двух карт «Смерть»:


У колоды очень интересная упаковка: как бы книжный переплет, завязывающийся на золотые тесемки. Внутри в этот переплет вклеен буклет (на английском) с кратким объяснением значений карт и нескольких раскладов. Тираж колоды — 3500 экз., каждый экземпляр вручную пронумерован на внутренней стороне переплета (у меня — номер 1807).


Кроме того, по Пражскому Таро написана полновесная книга (тоже на английском, автор — Карен Махони). В книге даются общие сведения о Таро, коротко рассказывается о живших в Праге алхимиках, каббалистах и прочих оккультистах, которыми этот город всегда славился. (Не забыт и Петр Когоут, конечно.) Далее очень подробно описывается каждая из 78 карт по следующей схеме: 

·    Черно-белая иллюстрация карты

·    Название карты

·    Краткое описание картинки

·    Краткое толкование

·    Расширенное толкование

·    Источники (здесь объясняется, какой фрагмент картинки откуда взят)

Никакой астрологии, каббалистики и прочего оккультизма в толкованиях карт практически нет. Алхимии и нумерологии — самый минимум (например, масти соотносятся со стихиями), и в целом чувствуется, что колода создана именно художниками с интересами в области психологии и символизма европейского изобразительного искусства. Основное содержание карт Пражского Таро — это картинки (коллажи), а не толкования; насколько я понимаю замысел авторов, картинки должны говорить сами за себя (но, конечно, они гораздо больше скажут человеку, имеющему опыт работы с Таро).

Около пятнадцати страниц занимает раздел о гадании на Таро (если точно, то о чтении Таро — Tarot readings), начинающийся следующим пассажем (в моем переводе): 

Чтение Таро действительно работает для многих людей. Если вы попробуете, то, вероятно, вас удивит, как много полезного можно узнать из хорошего чтения. Означает ли это, что Таро — магический или мистический способ предсказания будущего? Некоторые верят в это, но гораздо больше таких людей, которые полагают, что Таро — это просто очень яркий и убедительный способ взглянуть на то, где ты в данный момент находишься, и представить себе возможные варианты дальнейших действий. Понимаемое так, Таро не столько предсказывает будущее, сколько помогает вам получить некое свежее видение, которое, в свою очередь, позволит вам с большей ответственностью и уверенностью строить свою собственную судьбу.
Далее идут общие правила работы с картами, рассуждение о перевернутых картах, несколько раскладов, пример толкования расклада, библиография (в которой из авторитетов по Таро фигурируют Уэйт, Кроули, Рэйчел Поллак, Стюарт Каплан, Декер и компания), глоссарий и указатель. Книга написана простым, доступным английским языком. 
Желающие могут приобрести книгу вместе с колодой в одной (довольно большой) упаковке: 

В целом я оцениваю Пражское Таро как очень интересную авторскую работу. Это Таро как произведение искусства, и оценят его в первую очередь коллекционеры, но… То, что сделали Махони и Уколов, — это ведь на самом деле очень интересная вещь. Они искали и нашли все символы своего Таро в окружающей среде (в данном случае — в магической старой Праге). Если кто-то из нас захочет это повторить в своей среде, в своем городе или доме (а это ведь, если подумать, замечательный магический квест!), Пражское Таро (и колода, и книга) могут послужить очень полезным руководством о том, как это делать. Рецензия: Андрей Костенко, апрель 2007  

Рецензия Антона Самсонова

Колоды от Baba Studio всегда славились своим положением «вне всякой критики». Свежий выпуск Пражского Таро лично меня поначалу очень сильно оттолкнул своей ценой (80 долларов за колоду при заказе на сайте), хотя их же лимитированный тираж Таро Алисы в стране чудес, стоящий почти 120 доказывает что предела совершенству стяжательства доходов трудящихся нет. В общем данный агрессивный пафос владел автором этих строк ровно до того момента, когда случилось чудо и колода попала ко мне в руки. О да, это была любовь с первого взгляда и прикосновения.

Колода поставляется в стандартной для Баба Студио удобной коробочке с голограммой, сопровождается МБК из 32 страниц (так как к колоде есть полноценная книга, но ее следует покупать отдельно за 20 долларов с чем-то там). Рубашка симметричная (на самом деле нет, но для того чтобы распознать переворот надо здорово потрудиться), есть рекламная карта, стабильно заменяющая пустую (Фанатки Папюса, закидывайте трусиками), Старшие Арканы не нумеруются, так что можете считать Силу 8-й, Справедливость 11-й либо наоборот, в зависимости от эзотерических предпочтений хозяина.

Старшие Арканы не пострадали от переименований, зато есть два Солнца, разница которых только в возрасте изображаемого персонажа – в первом варианте это младенец, во втором – взрослый мужчина. Так что можно приспособить два Солнца для своих нужд без проблем.  Смертей тоже две штучки – одна каноническая, вторая, по своей логике производит впечатление приквела к канонической. Всего лишь три карты отличаются от канона, но очень осторожно – на Луне нет волков, есть дрыхнущая собачка и Карлов мост, ну и Голубая роза. Повешенный запутался в растительном орнаменте и к нему прилагается нимб в стиле солнца, напоминающего живопись американских индейцев. Правосудие вроде вполне себе было по канону, если бы дама с мечом и весами не была зрячей и не стояла верхом на миниатюрном слоне.

Младшим Арканам повезло еще меньше – в них крайне сложно найти расхождения с традицией. И вот тут и возникнет у всех читающих этот текст вопрос – а за что собственно выставлена такая оценка? Отвечу – данная колода убила наповал не просто качеством исполнения (картон традиционно тонкий как и у всех пражских колод), а изысканнейшим исполнением карт. Те, кто знают что такое золотые скарабейные колоды – Климт, Боттичелли, Флорентийское – возможно радовались позолоте. Так вот, на фоне того, как эта позолота нанесена на эти карты поделки скарабеев выглядят так, словно их рисовали соплями феечек, заставляя их чихать. Чтобы увидеть все эти тонкости приготовьтесь к интенсивному рассматриванию каждой карты под разными углами и направлением света. Приготовьтесь к массе неожиданных открытий после таких изучений. Все эти вещи сделаны настолько утонченно, осторожно, изысканно и в то же время роскошно, что колода в руках кажется маленьким шедевром искусства. Если бы не тираж (пусть и лимитированный) – можно было подумать, что все это счастье вообще вручную рисовали. Потому я хочу поддержать эту колоду и заявить, что это тот случай, когда колода делается не ради денег (ну да, тут я, конечно, кривлю душой по полной программе, так как колода за 80 баксов конечно, такое обалденное искусство и крафт ради крафта), а ради творчества. В любом случае, хоть это и не первое издание, но вариант 2016 года шедеврален со всех сторон.

Общая оценка(по пятибалльной шкале):

Качество исполнения

Восхитительнейшее исполнение, удобная коробка, Баба Студио в своем репертуаре.


Текстовое сопровождение(МБК)

Скромный 32-х страничный компаньон умудряется вместить в себя не только описание Арканов, но и несколько раскладов. Скромно и со вкусом. К колоде есть книга за отдельную плату… (Да, сделанная не ради денег, так как не за авторством Мур-Мур или Вирче… Ладно, баблорубилово то еще, но книгу хочется).


Художественная ценность

Шедевр Тароварения от основателей жанра архитектурно-скульптурного коллажа.


Простота (с позиции первого знакомства)

На раз-два. Колода каноничная и привлекающая внимание.


Простота (с позиции дальнейшей работы)

Разумеется по вкусу таролога, но такие штучки обожают в цеху и потому все отлично пойдет.



Хм. Это уже третий edition, так что придется снижать. Так как надо сочинять новое, а не ездить на старом. (О, Алиса… Где найти тебя и заняться с тобой… Кельтским крестом).


Соотношение цены и качества

Если цена для Вас главный аргумент – до свидания, милая. Если же хотите получить за сносные деньги рабочий шедевр (на который скорее всего будете бояться дышать лишний раз). В любом случае 80 долларов за такой комплект много – даже книга отдельно. Бабабловары….


Коллекторская ценность

Если вы эстет мечтающий о всех версиях пражских колод и следите за их изменениями – удачи. Если Таро Праги у вас нет – хватайте пока стоит 80-100 баксов, так как их старые издания сейчас стоят на порядок выше.


Суммарная оценка

До пятерки не дотянула несмотря на потрясающие эмоции от карт. Блестящее исполнение, хилый МБК, книга за дополнительную плату, и главный недостаток – цена. (О АЛИСААААААААА!!!!!).



Проработка / Обсуждение Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро

tarotangel.ru — Пражское таро

форум Эклектик Tarot of Prague (англ)

МБК значения: Tarot of Prague — Пражское Таро

The Fool
There are times when foolishly trusting in fate and being willing to take a step into the unknown can actually be the wisest move. We can all be too careful and restrained at times, and sometimes we need to be brave enough to act with the innocence of fools and children. A naive faith that life is sunny and full of good things is now and again the right approach, even if it may look foolish to others. So let your thoughts roam free and take a chance. The next step into the unknown may result in something wonderful.

The Magician
Often called the card of artists, The Magician is about great creative potential. You can work brilliantly in many areas if you focus and really use your knowledge and your abilities. Creativity can be magic — you can achieve almost anything if you believe in your own artistic abilities.

The High Priestess
The High Priestess is about the inner mysteries of life. She may indicate clairvoyance and other ‘occult’ powers, or she may simply be about the power of intuition. But whenever she appears it will be a time of insight and inspiration. Even if this feels profoundly visionary, don’t look too hard or too long. Life is also about action and about everyday events. Search within, but stay in touch with the world, too.

The Empress
Mother Earth, Mother Nature — the Empress is all natural things in abundance. She is a powerful figure, though not a frightening one unless you cross her. Show respect for the natural world and all it can offer, and the Empress will repay you with the fruits of the earth.

The Emperor
The ultimate rationalist. Don’t ask the Emperor if he is in touch with his emotions — the answer is definitely No! However, there are times when using the cold logic of the Emperor is the best approach. Some things just need to be thought through lucidly and without getting drawn into sentiment. However, once you know the rational choice, don’t forget to ask yourself if it also feels right. 

The Hierophant
The card of established authority and received knowledge. This can mean religious authority, or simply formal or structured education, systems of government, or the organisation of games or of business. When The Hierophant appears you may need to look at the role that orthodoxy and conformity play in your life. There are times when following the accepted rules are necessary and satisfying, but are you getting the balance right? Is there too much or too little conformity in your life? Are you looking for an authority figure, or simply trying to buck the rules? It’s time to think carefully about these questions. 

The Lovers
The Lovers represents not only passion, but also strong emotional relationships and values, or beliefs that are based on emotions rather than rationality. Desire can take many forms. It can be powerfully sexual or about other, less sensual loves. Unlike The Devil card, The Lovers signifies that giving yourself up to passion, when it is truly based on love, can be an act of generosity that can lead to both happiness and spiritual calm. 

The Chariot
You are absolutely determined to reach your goal and succeed, even if it means sacrificing everything else in your life. You have tremendous faith and confidence in yourself and in your abilities. This is a great thing, but try to temper this tremendous focus with some less forceful attitudes. You know you will get there. Push towards your goal by any means necessary, but not so ruthlessly that you hurt yourself or someone else. 

Confidence and serenity are at the core of real strength. Strength isn’t about force, but comes from the knowledge that you really can achieve what needs to be done — calmly, quietly, but in a way that overcomes all resistance. 

The Hermit
There are periods when you need to withdraw a little from the everyday business of the world and look inside yourself. The Hermit reminds us that life is short, and we need to find time in our hectic lives to meditate on who we are and why we are here. It may sound too introspective and even a little frightening, but if you take some time out for contemplation you’ll find it makes your life richer and your mind more active. 

The Wheel
A turning point in your life. Wherever you are on the Wheel of Fortune right now, things may soon change. You need to realise that there are always going to be ups and downs, and things aren’t entirely in our control. But we aren’t at the mercy of Fate. What matters is how we deal with our fortunes. When you are up, don’t be complacent — enjoy it but remember that this good luck won’t last forever. If you are down, then remember this is only a phase. Don’t give up, the wheel is about to turn again and things should get better. 

Justice has been done. You have got what you deserve, whether this is good or bad, and there is real satisfaction in knowing this and in taking responsibility for it. If times are not so good, then be honest with yourself and think about whether this is in any way because of your own past actions. However, if times are great, enjoy it even more because you know you worked hard to make this happen. 

The Hanged Man
A strange moment of enlightenment. You may need to let go of your usual sense of your own identity and relinquish control in order to gain the insights that are now possible. Don’t be afraid to allow your worldview to be turned upside down. The state of trance-like clarity that you are experiencing is a rare thing in life and can lead to great peace and understanding. 

The Death card isn’t often about a physical death. It just means that one part of your life is about to finish, and though this may be traumatic, in the long run it can be a good thing. There may be something that you need to finally finish so that you can go on to new things. It’s a time of renewal and change. Don’t be afraid. Let your old self die away so that you can become a new, and stronger, person. 

In spite of the name, this card is more about balance than temperance. It’s a time for looking at your life and making sure that all aspects are in equilibrium. This doesn’t necessarily mean abstinence, but it does mean following the old adage of «all things in moderation». 

The Devil
Don’t let yourself be controlled by destructive behaviour or influences, whether these are unhealthy addictions or obsessions, or simply overly materialistic and greedy behaviour. You may be finding yourself surrendering to anger or ignorance, when deep down you know that this is only making you feel depressed and disgusted. You can overcome this by focusing more on what you know to be the real good things in life. Faith, hope and charity are always there — you just need to rediscover them. 

The Tower
An earthquake in your life. You are going through a huge upheaval and change. It may feel cataclysmic, or even catastrophic, but it’s important to realise that it isn’t all negative. Sometimes dramatic disruptions have to happen and, difficult as they are, they can lead to a release, or eventually the opportunity to start anew. Even if it’s an uncomfortable time, don’t despair. When the dust settles there may be something positive that results, and useful lessons to learn. 

The Star
You are experiencing encouragement, faith, hope, good health and general well-being — and it’s a wonderful feeling. The Star means all of these good things, together with the ability to remain tranquil and optimistic in both good times and bad. It’s a card that signifies openness and an ability to see the truth behind the surface. So use this time to accomplish your dreams, because the hope and inspiration that you feel right now will make many things possible. 

The Moon
The Moon is the card of the sub-conscious, about a time of strange dreams and desires. It may all feel a bit weird, but it can also be wonderful. At these times you will be fired by your imagination, you will be able to get in touch with the more mystical and magical side of life. Don’t let it bewilder you, instead learn from your dreams and let yourself see and feel things more intuitively. 

The Sun
You can see things clearly, and the world looks wonderful. Everything seems much clearer than before and you can move ahead with confidence and energy. When you feel this much energy and well-placed confidence in yourself it gives a brilliance to all you do. So let your talents and abilities shine forth, you are sure to achieve success. 

A time of rebirth and renewal. It’s a good moment to look back on your life, forgive yourself (or be forgiven) for past faults, and take the first steps towards a life that is fulfilling and meaningful existence. Your new life is just beginning… 

The World
A strong sense of completion and fulfilment that makes you feel so exhilarated that your feet don’t touch the ground. This card indicates a real sense of achievement and happiness that goes beyond words. You feel at one with the world, and at this moment your place in the Dance of Life is perfect. 

King of Wands
Authority combined with action. The King of Wands is charismatic, energetic and often has a good deal of charm and showmanship. He is good at communicating with people, and the strength of his willpower often means that people follow him easily. However, this King needs to remember that not everyone can attain his level of action and ability. Sometimes he needs to show more tolerance for lesser mortals! 

The Queen of Wands
Warm and approachable, this Queen is very self-assured and deals with people in a confident and straightforward manner. She is full of energy and radiates her enjoyment of life. Sometimes it seems as though she leads a charmed life, but this is probably less about luck and more due to the people around her responding wholeheartedly to such positive and passionate vigour. 

Knight of Wands
This person represents someone in your life who is very attractive and full of energy. It is hard to say no to this person, and this person has a tendency to always want to ‘go for it’, especially if it’s something new. However, they can also be too sure of themselves, and too certain of their own attractions. This Knight is magnetic, but often thoughtless, and definitely not one to make a commitment. Enjoy his company, but don’t get too carried away by his restless charms. 

Page of Wands
This card is about opportunity, fresh studies and starting projects. As in all the Page cards, it may also indicate some news or announcements about the exciting phase of life that is about to begin. Maybe you will get a message about something that can be enjoyed just for itself, without scepticism. You have tremendous natural enthusiasm and now is the time to put this to good use. 

The Ten of Wands
You are feeling terribly burdened by all the tasks you have taken on. You feel controlled and stressed by this. Try to lighten your load (mentally as well as in practical terms). If you let some of your burdens drop you will feel much lighter and happier, and you’ll work better and with greater satisfaction as a result. 

The Nine of Wands
Like all the wands, the Nine shows great strength, alertness, and the power to fight through problems. These are great qualities, but from time to time you can be too ready to do battle. Yes, you have successfully tussled with opposition and oppression and this has made you stronger, but don’t exhaust yourself. Maybe it’s better to relax and let down your guard for a while? 

The Eight of Wands
So many things happening all at once! It’s tremendously exciting and all this action gives you vast amounts of energy. You are in the thick of things so enjoy it, but remember to slow down once in a while and give yourself some time to make decisions. Even with so much going on in your life, and so many thrilling possibilities, you don’t have to rush things. 

The Seven of Wands
You are winning, but it continues to be a struggle. In times like this you may feel like you are on your own, one against the world, yet maybe in a way this is exhilarating. However, while you have the strength to win this fight, even on your own, consider how long you want to maintain this position. Perhaps you should consider asking for some help, or at least asking yourself if everyone around you should really be treated as an opponent? 

The Six of Wands
This is sometimes called the «Victory» card. You have been able to accomplish what you set out to do (and more) because of your belief in yourself and in what you are doing. Your optimism and all your hard work have been rewarded. Enjoy this time and celebrate. 

The Five of Wands
Sometimes it’s the petty irritations in life that can get you down. You may be in for hassles, silly mishaps and perhaps some avoidable misunderstandings and quarrels. Be warned, take things lightly and don’t let them get to you. Some days are like this, but see things for what they are: trivial and not worth worrying about. 

The Four of Wands
You feel like breaking out of the old routine and doing something much more adventurous. This is an ebullient and exciting time and promises an exhilarating sense of freedom. The Four of Wands should encourage you to step boldly towards new opportunities. 

The Three of Wands
This is a time to be far-sighted and exploratory. The projects you have worked on are about to be launched on the world and now it’s time to be a leader and look outwards. You are bursting with self-assurance and your «mission and vision» are very clear right now. Survey what’s been achieved and be confident about making ambitious plans for the future. 

The Two of Wands
This is a moment of success and you now have an opportunity to launch your projects on the world. It ought to be a time of great happiness, and in a way it is. But somehow there is a lurking sense of restlessness, perhaps even a little depression. You find yourself looking at what you’ve done and wondering if the achievement doesn’t seem rather small. Don’t give into this feeling of flatness. Look again, and see your work only as the start of something that will get bigger and better. It is just the beginning. 

The Ace of Wands
Express yourself creatively and with enthusiasm. Be confident and courageous, and don’t be afraid to trust your own abilities. If you put all the energy you now have into a new project, you can be sure you’ll succeed. 

King of Cups
You are responsible, mature and sensible, but perhaps you’re not entirely comfortable with your responsibilities? Maybe you’d like to break out, throw caution to the winds for a while and be a bit more creative? However, at heart, you’ll always put responsibility before self-expression, and this is no bad thing. Just don’t forget to pursue your own dreams from time to time. In the end, not everything depends on you. 

The Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups signifies a rare and wonderful balance between intellect, creativity and the emotions. When this Queen is in your life she can bring tremendous gifts of imagination and vision that can actually be put to productive use. Perhaps she is sometimes a little too dreamy, but her poetic and creative abilities are so strong that she is in no danger of being lost in her reveries and she will always be able to turn dreams into reality. 

Knight of Cups
You are a dreamer, but a happy dreamer. Perhaps that’s enough, but remember that it’s easy to dream your life away, riding high above everything without ever really connecting. Maybe it’s time to come down to earth for a while and put those dreams into practice? 

Page of Cups
This is a good time to channel your emotions and creativity in a light-hearted way, especially if you are at the beginning of a project or relationship. What you are starting may not be profound or earth shattering, but it will feel poetic or romantic and very sweet. Taking a rather carefree approach to new things can be enjoyable sometimes and it may let you use your strong imagination and sense of humour to the full. So by all means be reflective and thoughtful in what you are doing, but also be a little playful. The results will be none the worse for it. 

The Ten of Cups
There is tremendous joy in your home and family life and you feel well off and content. The happiness that comes from things close to home, like close family and long-term relationships, can often be more fulfilling than new or spectacular pleasures. Recognise the deep joy of your domestic tranquillity; its value can’t be overestimated. 

The Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups is often called the ‘wish card’ because it is about having all our wishes fulfilled, even if in the end these are quite simple. It is a reminder that just having ‘ordinary’ things like good company, great food and drink, and a comfortable place to live can be a wonderful blessing. 

The Eight of Cups
Time to move on. You now need to make a physical or psychological move away from a situation that’s been going on for far too long. While this can be positive, it may initially be tiring and dispiriting to actually take this step. However, the weariness you feel is actually a sign that you need to change things and get away from what has now become a routine or a fruitless habit. Don’t be afraid to take that first step. It will get easier, and one day you will look back and be glad you had the courage to make this change. 

The Seven of Cups
There are so many choices laid out before you right now that it may feel bewildering. But look carefully: are some of these really just daydreams or fantasies? It may sound a little unromantic, but you may need to work out which of these tantalising possibilities are practical propositions, and which are just tempting illusions. 

The Six of Cups
A card about simple goodness, trust and innocence. To some people this simplicity might seem childish or naive, and of course in a cynical world trusting too much can be dangerous. But don’t be afraid to remember what it was to be a child, or even to behave like that once again. If you share openly, whether it is emotional help, a good turn or more material assistance, the rewards can be immense. 

The Five of Cups
This is a time of loss, but there are still some good things left. Like all the Fives in the Tarot, the Five of Cups is about struggle. This doesn’t mean disaster, but simply indicates a time when there will be difficulties and a sense of defeat. However, while three cups have been shattered, it’s important to see that others remain intact. This means that you should acknowledge the reality of your situation, but also take up what you still have and get on with life. With acceptance and determination, good times will soon come again. 

The Four of Cups
You’ve had it all and now you’re sick of it. There are moments in life when we look around at everything we have and it all appears indulgent and too materialistic. Suddenly our possessions look like so much clutter, the fabulous food and drink we once enjoyed seems too rich and unhealthy, and the opportunities surrounding us now feel like traps.

The Three of Cups
Other people are at the centre of your life right now, and it’s a very positive thing. You may be enjoying working in a team, or it may be more about experiencing good companionship or mutual trust and support, but one way or another you are in a position where you appreciate how important those around you can be. You should enjoy this sense of harmony and community and let it energise you. 

The Two of Cups
Relationships and partnerships are at the heart of things right now. You are starting a new attachment that may be a friendship or the beginning of a love affair, but it’s still the early days and you are just beginning to know and trust the other person. Enjoy this period and don’t worry about where it takes you. Whether it turns out to be simple friendship, a good working partnership, or a life-changing passion, it’s going to be a relationship that will enrich your life. 

The Ace of Cups
The beginning of wonderful new emotions and creativity. This is a tremendously exciting time, and you feel as though you are bursting with life. Embrace this glorious sense of energy and innovation and use it to begin something you will really love, whether this is a new enterprise, a great relationship, or something creative. The world is your oyster right now. 

King of Swords
The King of Swords shows a keen ability to analyse every situation, and puts this to use in maintaining his authority. If uncontrolled, his realism can slide into materialism and a love of power, but he can also be a strong defender of justice and truth. If this King is in your life, make sure that his intelligence is put to good use and does not become dominating. 

The Queen of Swords
You’ve experienced some sorrows in your life, but you have come through these bad times with your usual great courage and you have acquired a great deal of wisdom. Now you can see the world clearly, and many of the people in your life look to you for your strength and understanding. 

Knight of Swords
Action is a great thing, but first try to think about the effect it will have on other people. Sometimes you can be too impulsive and keen to take risks. Your decisions are rational and often correct, but dashing into things precipitously can have some unpredictable consequences in terms of how others will react. Look before you leap — and try to be a little more compassionate. 

Page of Swords
You are full of energy, enthusiasm and cleverness, but you find it hard to let your guard down, and because of your vigilance you sometimes stand aloof and observe the world instead of taking part. Of course there are times when it’s better to wait and watch, but there are also moments for stepping down from your pillar and getting a hands-on experience of real life. 

The Ten of Swords
Like all the Tens in Tarot, this is the fullest expression of the suit. Thus the Ten of Swords can be about the worst aspects of conflict, and can indicate that the very worst has happened, leaving you in much pain and distress. However, there is a milder interpretation that says that Swords are also about the intellect and mental processes, and the situation may not be as bad as it feels. Perhaps it is partly in the mind? If you assess what has happened rationally rather than emotionally, you may find you can live through this disaster more calmly than you first thought possible. 

The Nine of Swords
This is a time of anxiety, nightmares and many fears, but things often look blackest when you’re actually almost through the worst period. This isn’t to deny what you are feeling, but remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn — and a brighter future may lie just ahead. 

The Eight of Swords
You feel completely hemmed in, unable to see a way out. But in reality the things around you that seem like impassable barriers may not be that hard to get around. Just take off your blindfold, look around you, and work out how to begin to break down the wall. Escape is probably in your own hands, so begin to believe that you have the power to make that break if you want to. 

The Seven of Swords
Sometimes just rushing off on your own and acting without thinking things through is just not effective. It might be momentarily satisfying, but what does it really achieve? Next time, how about asking for some advice and assistance before you race off on some hare-brained scheme? Your friends are actually there to help, if only you’d let them. 

The Six of Swords
One of the strangest cards of the Tarot, the Six of Swords points toward the need for quiet and calm while passing through a time of sorrow, difficulty or transition. Unlike most of the Swords, it is a card of silence and inaction. Any activity at this time should be mental or intellectual, rather than physical. The journey you are taking is very much a passage through a period in your life. You will pass through this and come to your journey’s end safely, but at the moment it’s important to be peaceful and remain serene and unafraid. 

The Five of Swords
Acting out of self-interest is definitely necessary sometimes, but be careful: if it becomes simply selfish and narrow, then it’s time to step back and try to see things in a more communal and co-operative way. If all you can see is your own point of view and interests, you will quickly feel hostile and isolated, and this could even lead to acts of deceit and betrayal. Try to find a ‘win-win’ solution that is good both for you and others. 

The Four of Swords
This is a time to stop fighting and simply withdraw, rest quietly, and recuperate. When the time comes to get involved in things again, you will feel healthier and more energised because you took this quiet period of retreat. 

The Three of Swords
There is only one way to deal with heartbreak, and that’s to accept it and realise that even the most violent emotional storms blow themselves out. It may sound trite, but it really is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. 

The Two of Swords
Right now you just want to keep the world out. You refuse to see what’s around you, or to have anything to do with it. You’d rather put up an emotional block against emotions than have to begin making difficult decisions. This position may feel safe, but you can’t maintain it forever. Maybe it’s time to start getting involved again? If you take off the blindfold and let down your defensive shield you could be having a lot more fun. 

The Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords is the supreme card of new intellectual pursuits. Using your mind incisively and with real clarity is a huge advantage in life. There is a danger, however, of focusing on this as a way of keeping your emotions in check. Try to balance your intellectual power with some focus on feelings. The richest achievements are usually the result of a blend of both. 

King of Pentacles
In many ways, the King of Pentacles is ultimate ‘grownup': successful in business and professional life and a rock to his family. He isn’t the adventurous type, but can be surprisingly courageous when it’s needed, and when it comes to rational or intellectual matters he will always defend what he believes in. He appears cold, and even a little ‘flat’ emotionally, but those close to him know that he can also be in touch with the warmer and more natural sides of life. The heart of gold is there; it’s just buried under a very stiff outer shell. 

The Queen of Pentacles
Practical magic! The Queen of Pentacles makes magic from the most ordinary things: good friendship, a well-cooked meal served with generosity, a beautiful garden produced by years of love and care. Her house is not ‘designer perfect’, but hers is the home that you most enjoy and in which you most want to spend time. This ability to touch other people and to make them feel happier every time is actually very rare, so when we come across it, it’s truly magical. 

Knight of Pentacles
So you dot all the «i»s and you cross all the «t»s and you’ve always made sure that everything is done in exactly the right way — and where has it got you? You’ve been so busy being absolutely correct and sticking to the same old formula that you’re in danger of completely losing any sense of inspiration or sparkle. Maybe this absolutely methodical way of doing things is right for you. But perhaps, just for once, you should let your hair down, let everything go hang, do something wild and have fun! You’ll feel much better for it. 

Page of Pentacles
This Page is studious and serious, and so focused on studies and intellectual pursuits that he can sometimes think of little else. This total involvement and absorption in work can be wonderfully effective, and doing something for its own sake is much more fulfilling than working for money or status. Relish what you are doing, but don’t forget to look up from time to time to see what else is happening in the world. There may be an opportunity at hand for some material advance — don’t miss it! 

The Ten of Pentacles
This is the card of conservative achievement. It is about attaining sensible and down-to-earth goals, probably in business or other material matters. However, it can also imply that there is something more magical ‘outside the walls’ of your immediate business or domestic environment. Make sure that in your well-deserved comfort you are not becoming too self-absorbed to pay attention to the more spiritual sides of life. 

The Nine of Pentacles
The Nine of Pentacles is the card of material prosperity. But it isn’t just about acquiring money or possessions, it’s about reaching some kind of security and maturity. There can be tremendous pleasure in simply knowing that you have finally arrived at a stable and comfortable point in your life, especially when this was the result of your own efforts. So look around at the good things and good times you have built and enjoy every part of it. You deserve it. 

The Eight of Pentacles
Work, work, work. It can be hard going, but once you’ve achieved a high level of skill and knowledge it will be worth it. Keep going, focus on what you’re doing, pay attention to it, and be patient. When you are qualified you’ll be proud that you stuck it out, and you’ll take a real pride and pleasure in realising how much you are capable of. 

The Seven of Pentacles
A man rests on his staff and gazes at the golden fruit on the tree in front of him. At his feet is his flock; behind him the city can be seen through the early morning mist. On the arch above, two figures look down benevolently. One is Temperance and the other is Prudence. 

The Six of Pentacles
A serious young woman is handing bread to two beggars crouching at her feet. She is richly and warmly clothed, while the two recipients are almost naked. The group is in front of a church. If you look closely you can just make out that the carving at the top of one of the pillars shows a devilish figure forcing bread into the mouth of a young man. 

The Five of Pentacles
When you are struggling you can feel very alone. You may be battling an illness, or a downturn in your work or financial situation, and the situation may feel very unfair or even hopeless. However, help is at hand if you look for it. Don’t be too proud or independent to ask for some assistance. You may not need to struggle alone. 

The Four of Pentacles
A rather solid-looking man holds a large stone Pentacle. He gazes at it, very absorbed. Beneath his feet are two more Pentacles, and another is tucked into his robe. The richly-carved door behind him has some threatening faces of devils on it, one of which seems almost about to bite him on the shoulder, but he is oblivious to this. 

The Three of Pentacles
A man in Baroque dress stands outside a theatre. He is, of course, Mozart, and the theatre is the Estates Theatre, where Don Giovanni was first performed. Above is a sign showing three violins and three pentacles. 

The Two of Pentacles
A young man juggles two Pentacles, each with the glowing face of the sun. His pose is awkward but he seems to be enjoying himself. Behind him lies the river, with an old house and tower rearing up on the far bank. 

The Ace of Pentacles
There is a seed or beginning of new opportunities in material or practical matters. Don’t just dream about these, it’s time to keep your feet on the ground and begin projects that will lead to wealth (not just monetary), security and a solid happiness.

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