Tarot Lukumi — Таро Лукуми

Характеристика Tarot Lukumi — Таро Лукуми
Автор: Caelum Rainieri, Ivory Andersen, Raphael Montoliu
Художник: Luigi Scapini (Луиджи Скапини)
Издательство: Dal Negro
Производство: Италия
Состав: 78 карт c инструкцией на англ.языке.
Язык карт: итальянский
Размер карт: 65 х 120 мм
Год: 2003
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: афро-кубинская религия Сантерия; Боги/Богини
Другие колоды Raphael Montoliu, Ivory Andersen, Caelum Rainieri: Nahualli Animal Oracle,
Luigi Scapini: Средневековое Таро Скапини, Tarocco delle Vetrate (Таро витражей)
Таро Лукуми посвящено Santeria, афро-кубинской Духовной системе Ориша, известной своей практикой, как Лукуми.
Антрополог и писатель Tata Emanuele Coltro Guidi создал иллюстрированную 78-карточную колоду, стремясь связать воедино божеств, веру, духовность, практику кубинской Сантерии в рамках современного Таро. Увлекательные иллюстрации были сделаны Луиджи Скапини, который создал и проиллюстрировал несколько других популярных колод, в том числе Средневековое Таро Скапини и Tarocco delle Vetrate (Таро витражей). Колода интересна для практиков ВУДУ.
Где купить Tarot Lukumi — Таро Лукуми
*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.
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Обзор Tarot Lukumi — Таро Лукуми
Таро Лукуми нарисовано культовоым художником Таро-культуры, Луиджи Скапини, в его неповторимом стиле. Колода посвящена традиции афро-латиноамериканской религиозной магии «Сантерия» (или Лукуми). Будет крайне интересна практикам, работающим со Средневековым Таро Скапини.
И раньше существовали попытки привнести контекст сантерии в Таро-системы, так были созданы Orisha Tarot (слабое издание и слабая колода), New Orleans Voodoo Tarot (неприличная, с точки зрения приверженцев культа, попытка спутать вуду и сантерию), однако же Lucumi Tarot — наиболее удачный вариант тематической колоды, как с точки зрения приверженцев этой религии, так и для тарологов. Колода настолько правдивая и точная применительно к этому культу, что, мягко говоря, достаточно негуманна (присутствуют темы человеческих жертвоприношений, да).
Формат колоды немного необычный, но характерный для Даль Негро — она немного длиннее и уже обычного стандарта. — 12х6,5 см Узкие колоды дают возможность тасовать большие (длинные) карты даже людям с небольшими ладошками. (Пряхи)
Проработка / Обсуждение Tarot Lukumi — Таро Лукуми
Блог Barefoot Fool — Tarot Lukumi (англ)
Тематический русскоязычный сайт (по культу Лукуми — Шепот Каури)
Форум Эклектик Lukumi Tarot (англ)
МБК значения: Tarot Lukumi — Таро Лукуми
Фрагмент МБК:
Eleggua ( El Loco 0 The Fool )
Eleggua, is one of the youngest and one of the most important Orishas in the Lukumi pantheon. It is Eleggua whom all followers of the Orishas call first before any other Orisha; he is the linguist of the Orishas, the messenger as well as the Lord who holds all the keys to open every doorway in the Universe.
Ancient Pataki tell the tale of how God “Olodumare” was very ill, to the point where his children the ancient Irunmole and their children the Orishas, where worried that Olodumare would face death. One by one the Ancient Irunmole and the Orisha went out into the cosmos hoping to find a medicine that would cure Olodumare of his strange illness. But sadly each Orisha failed in doing so.
It was the youngest amongst them, Eleggua who said he would find the medicine that would heel Olodumare. Each of the Orisha laughed. “If we the most ancient of Irunmole and the Ancient of Orishas can not find a medicine to heel Olodumare, surely, Eleggua who is so young will not find it.” They said.
But soon Eleggua did come back with an Ebbo of sacred Ewe “herbs” that he had prepared, and made into an Omiero, ‘Sacred Elixir.” Soon Olodumare was feeling good as new, as Eleggua’s Omiero did heel him of the mysterious
disease that could have taken his life. Olodumare was grateful, and declared that Eleggua would not be viewed as the youngest of Orishas any longer. From that day forward he became the Eldest, and all offering to any Orisha was to be made to Eleggua first. Eleggua was also given the knowledge over every language in the Cosmos, he was also given the keys to open the doors to every door and realm in the Universe.
Eleggua is the Fool of the Major Arcana, he is the
Divine messenger, Lord of the Crossroads. The Yoruba Deity who opens and closes the paths of prosperity. Eleggua is known by various other names. In Yorubaland he is known as Esu, in Brazil he is Eshu. In Cuba he is also known as Elegbara, and the Ancient Rites of Kongo, he is known as Lucero Mundo. In Haitian Voudou he is known as Papa Legba. He is also synchronized with The Holy Child of Atocha. Eleggua’s sacred colors are red, and black, his favorite number are 3, and 21. This card is in
dedication of Master Manuel C.
Description of Card
Eleggua balances as if in a dance, on the cliff in total folly, unnoticed of
the dangers before him. To the bottom of the cliff is an alligator ready
for the feast, while behind Eleggua, is a large rat, pouncing for the
attack. “The street rat, is Elegguas totem, the rat lives in the streets,
and feeds of human garbage. This is why garbage is also sacred to Eleggua.
The aligator and the rat are symbolic to Eleggua as the ultimate trickster,
and symbolizes that a careless attitude in life, is sure to sooner or later
get you into trouble. Over his right shoulder is Eleggua’s staff, the
garabatto, and dangling from it is a bottle of Eleggua’s favorite drinks,
rum or gin. On his other hand he holds his cigar, which is one of his
staple offerings. Over his left shoulder is his open weaved straw satchel
bag, and from it tumble it contents. The contents of the satchel are a
symbol of the treasures of life, true happiness, being neglected and
loosed. Corn cornels, three coins, and fours cowrie shells is the pattern of
Alafia, indicating unforeseen blessings.
Prayer to Eleggua
Cool Fresh Water, refreshes the Spirit of my Head.
Cool Fresh Water, refreshes the home.
Cool Fresh Water, refreshes the Road.
Cool Fresh Water, refreshes Eshu Laroye.
Three times I knock on the floor efore you.
Great Father Eleggua, Lord of the crossroads.
Open the doors of prosperity, give me peace of mind,
give me health, and protect me from those that wish me harm.
Keep the Spirit of Death, at bay.
Keep the Spirit of Loss at bay.
Keep the Spirit of Ill Fate, at bay.
Keep the Spirit of Sorrow, at bay.
Keep the Spirit of Hate, at bay.
I entrust in your divine influence.
May you bless me in the name of the holy Trinity.
Olorun, Olofin, and Olodumare.
Iboru, May my prayers be heard.
Iroye, May my sacrifice be excepted.
Iboshishe. May my Prayers manifest.
Modopue baba Eleggua.
Upright = Moving through life without a care in the world. Acting
careless, and not being responsible. Individual is not considering the
seriousness of the situation he/she is or will be facing in the near future.
Depending on cards that surround it, it could mean new opportunities, pay
attention or they can pass you by.
Backwards = Doors closing, loosing opportunities, careless behavior will
get you in trouble. Danger up ahead, accidents, because of carelessness.
lack of diesoline, immaturity, and negligence