Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем

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Тароман — карты Таро

Характеристика Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем

Немецкое издание: Zukunfts Tarot
Французское издание: Tarot de l’Eden
 Alika Lindbergh, Maud Kristen
Художник:  Alika Lindbergh
Издательство: U.S. Games Systems; Königsfurt Urania
Производство: США; Швейцария
Состав: 78 арканов (80 карт) в комплекте с книгой
Язык карт: мульти
Размер карт: 8.89 x 13.97см
Год: 2001, 2005, 2006
ISBN: набор с книгой 978-1572815339 U.S. Games Systems; 978-1572815322 карты с буклетом U.S. Games; 978-3908646907  Königsfurt Urania

Традиция: Марсель
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: природа


Карты Таро Эдем (Tarot of Eden)  является переизданием немецкой колоды Zukunfts Tarot. Они имеют больший размер изображения, чем оригинал, и без огромных белых границ. Надписи на английском и французском языках, также как и на немецких картах, и на английском языке сопроводительный текст. Особенность колоды — каждая масть имеет свой цвет и в работе четко видна направленность расклада по масти! Край карты матово позолочен. Примечание: Шут 0, Справедливость 8, Сила 11. Подходит для поклонников системы Папюса — есть 2 рекламные карты, всего карт в колоде 80. 

 Eden Tarot — классическая колода, выполненная в соответствии с каноническими традициями. Очень инфомативна. Подходит не только для профессионалов, но и для начинающих тарологов. 

В немецком издании карты подписаны только на немецком языке. 78 карт в комплекте с книгой на нем. языке  

Где купить Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем

*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.

Тароман — карты Таро

Обзор с зарубежных сайтов

Обзор Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем

Карты Таро Эдем не имеет аналогов в мире. Представлены все царства природы: минералы, растения, животные и человек. Символ универсальной гармонии — Эдем предполагает плодотворное сотрудничество между различными формами жизни на Земле. Расшифровка, распознавание и интерпретация  символов Таро Эдем просветит вас о вашей личности, вашем прошлом, настоящем и будущем. Совместно известный художник Алика Линдберг и знаменитый ясновидец Мод Кристен создали это совершенно новое Таро с универсальными символизмом как дань уважения традиций.

Проработка / Обсуждение Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем

Магия Безвременья Eden Tarot

МБК значения: Tarot of Eden — Таро Эдем

Tarot of Eden

0 The Fool
A phase of confusion may be ahead or several surprises will follow upon one another in quick succession without always being negative.  The Fool advises you to rediscover your adaptability and to use his energy to let go.

I. The Magician
He wants to turn your attention to the true potential of your hopes so that you can start a new cycle.  Take advantage of his dynamism.

II. The Popess
The Popess is asking you to think more deeply and be patient.  She announces the gradual realisation of a plan, which must still remain secret for the moment.

III. The Empress
The difficulties you are going through now will soon be over and you will understand the obstacles better.  Use all your intelligence to reach your goal.  You begin to be able to dissociate yourself from your emotions and impulses.

IV. The Emperor
Your plans will work out successfully.  Confidently rely on your logic and your sense of realism to get your enterprises going.

V. The Pope
You can reach an ideal you are striving for.  Use your inspiration, your desire for peace and your intellectual and emotional distance to overcome your present difficulties.

VI. The Lover
He announces a period of creativity, an artistic awakening, good luck, sometimes love at first sight (not necessarily lasting).  But first and foremost his presence wants to remind you to always use your free will at the right moment and with inspiration.

VII. The Chariot
A phase of success, of self-assertive action and of overcoming all obstacles is ahead.  You will be happily surprised and find new energy.

VIII. Justice
The current situation will soon take a turn (for the better or the worse).  You need not wait much longer, because Justice will answer your questions. Be prepared to let go of all that is unimportant in your life.

IX. The Hermit
He announces the necessity to re-collect your scattered energies, but also a period of loneliness.  You will have to exercise a tremendous amount of patience before you will see your objectives take concrete shape.

X. Wheel of Fortune
Nothing is decided yet; you have to be imaginative to overcome your present difficulties.

XI. Strength
A phase of productive emotional tension is ahead.  She tells you to learn how you can make use of the energy and the pressure that suddenly flood you.  She announces a great re-awakening of your vitality and asks you to better understand the principle of your incarnation.

XII. The Hanged Man
A necessary break is ahead.  This is the moment to reconsider your complete system of priorities and your way of life.  Unconsciously you may have the tendency to adopt the role of a victim, at least in as much as you hang on to unrealistic projects.  Use the inventiveness of the squirrel, but use its prudence as well to free yourself from your situation.

XIII. The Card with No Name
If this card appears in your reading, the present situation will soon turn to the better.  Major changes will force you to refrain from projects, which may be unrealistic or premature.  Don’t hesitate to use this phase in your life to liberate yourself from everything that hampers or frightens you.

XIV Temperance
It advises you to be open-minded, tolerant, diplomatic and sociable.  It may also announce travels or an encounter with another culture. It recommends you to develop your sense of friendship and lead a simpler life. Temperance invites you to take your need for affective expression for serious.  And it proposes first of all to become conscious of the beauty of the little things in everyday life and to learn to see your environment with the eyes of a child.

XV The Devil
An atmosphere of passion, excitement, and of sensual desire is ahead.  Transgressions of any kind.  You will have to confront your shadow, but also your most archaic desire for power and lust. Don’t be afraid of your dark face.  Now is the time to tame this energy or even to transcend it.

XVI The House of God
Possible failure is ahead or at least a profound change in your favourite project.  Only if you are extremely adaptable and a nearly disgusting nonconformist will you be able to prevent your illusions from destroying you.

XVII The Star
A phase of development, of spiritual and emotional opening is ahead.  She advises you to develop your compassion by a profound ‘letting go’ and at the same time become conscious of your inner powers.  Follow the signs of the universe.  Learn to understand these signs and to live in peace and friendship with the world.  The Star brings you her gentle enlightenment and her luminous energy.  She accompanies and supports you in your everyday life.

XVIII The Moon
You need to become more critical so that you won’t be abused, at least in as much as she asks you to dive deep down to the bottom of your soul to free your creativity at last.  The Moon also advises you to develop your intuition and to learn to understand the signs of the cosmos.

XIX The Sun
A time of happiness and contentment is ahead.  You will watch your plans realise and rediscover this joie de vivre inside.  Use these shining moments to share your happiness with those you love.  You’ve learned the lessons of your past trials without giving in to bitterness or losing confidence in life.  Now you can reap what you sowed — congratulations!

XX Judgement
You may reckon with a situation being clarified by knowledge or inspiration.  You will overcome accumulated tensions, a phase of waiting and blockades.  It won’t take long before you will find the answers to your questions, and the situation will soon be clear.

XXI The World
You have probably reached a certain level of personal or professional development, which will soon enable you to achieve the excellence you’ve been striving for.  You will soon overcome your difficulties and succeed in the realisation of your plans.  Strive for perfection.

Ace of Wands
It promises you an opportunity you shouldn’t miss or announces precious help you shouldn’t turn down.  It may also advise you to stick to your orders or instructions in you job (which is not negative at all, quite the reverse).

Two of Wands
It symbolises rivals or colleagues, who may show hostility or feel envy.  It advises you to give up your indecision and clear any ambiguous professional situations.  The card could also stand for a moment of painful indecision between two choices, none of which seems preferable to you.

Three of Wands
The Three of Wands announces news (letters, fax, e-mail, call).  The news comes from important business partners, whose answer you are already waiting for.  The card also symbolises minor travels, a certain unrest or job offers and interviews if you are looking for a job.

Four of Wands
It wants to tell you that you will soon enter a well-deserved period of test: depending on the context, it could symbolise a beautiful vacation, where you will find the time to hatch new plans or think a certain project over, that will realise at last and yield profits.  You can breath a sigh of relief, because your efforts will prove successful.

Five of Wands
This card announces an oncoming profound change in your way of life including a possible extension of activities.  The work, which is waiting for you, may be a little too stressful.  Use this time of plenty to take the right decisions.

Six of Wands
It announces difficult times in your place of work.  Maybe your company suffers financial problems or creates confusion with some form of restructuring.  There may also be trouble in your everyday life.  If you are self-employed check your management, or seek expert advice if necessary.

Seven of Wands
If it appears in a favourable context, the Seven of Wands brings very good news in regard to your career.  It announces the end of your troubles.  Your plans will soon realise, because you’ll meet the appropriate partners, who’ll bring in what was missing. Make good use of this time of plenty.

Eight of Wands
It announces new developments in the professional field.  You are entering a new phase of activity, which will probably restructure your everyday life, too.  The card may also announce a break-up of the present situation, the end of a cycle, the start of a business or the sale of a company.

Nine of Wands
The Nine of Wands announces upcoming business trips, tourist discoveries, which make you think of expanding your business to a foreign country.  The card also warns against unexpected problems with the organisation of your trips or difficulties with everyday plans.  If the card appears in the company of an unfavourable major arcana, an exhausting period, lack of enthusiasm and stagnation maybe ahead.

Ten of Wands
This card promises great professional success.  Your talents are appreciated and you have reason to hope for a promotion.  Maybe you’ll even become a little famous in your field. The time is right to sign a job contract, start the business you always planned for or take further training, that enables you to reach new professional heights.

Page of Wands
This card symbolises a young man, who brings us news, which can clear a situation — a letter, a call, a fax, an e-mail or a reasonable conversation.  And he stands for a dynamic young person who can help us to see clearer in our everyday lives.

Knight of Wands
This Knight symbolises a message, a call or a letter, which takes a positive or negative influence on the course of things.  Changes, surprises and news is what he bring with him. And he symbolises regulating outer interventions like help or advice from people close to you, who can help your understanding by their competence and who do not hesitate to take the situation into their own hands.

Queen of Wands
She symbolises a woman the querent meets in his or her social, professional or love life.  She can help them with the realisation of their plans.  She may be a colleague, a neighbour or a friend.  Sometimes she may also symbolise a woman of foreign origin.

King of Wands
He symbolises a man, who takes decisions and possesses will-power: an employer, the head of a department or company, a man of power who can take decisions and change fate in one way or another by his action.  He is a powerful, realistic man of a comfortable material condition.  But he could be materialistic and unyielding.

Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups promises sentimental sweetness, romantic dreams and all the happiness and tenderness of love. It may indicate an encounter but also the awakening of deep and affectionate feelings in you.  A very favourable card.  In a reading with a generally positive meaning, it indicates a romantic relationship but, depending on the context, also an erotic passion which may soon fill your life.

Two of Cups
Rather blocking than stimulating, this card will slow your love life down.  Sometimes it prevents you from committing yourself too quickly in a love affair.  Sometimes it asks for just a little patience and reflection.  It warns against a rivalry in love or problems between all too different partners.  It advises you to solve an unclear situation or an inner conflict: Where is your desire?

Three of Cups
This card announces news (letter, fax, e-mail, call) from a person you love dearly.  It may also presage an amorous encounter close ahead in your life.  And it can correspond to an amorous exchange of letters with a stranger or with someone you love but who is presently far away from you.

Four of Cups
It brings you promises of stability:  It announces the legalisation of a love affair (a wedding, a common-law marriage, a same sex civil union or moving in together).  Your relationship develops and stabilises.  This card confirms that your partner is faithful and serious in his or her intentions, which he or she will soon put in concrete terms.

Five of Cups
If it appears in a favourable context, the Five of Cups brings very good news in regard to your emotional life:  It announces an amorous encounter or gives reason to hope that your existing relationship will improve nicely.  You want to share, love and laugh again with a partner who understands you and nourishes your most intimate expectations.

Six of Cups
The Six of Cups warns against problems in your love life.  Communication problems with your partner are ahead, if you don’t have the patience to wait for some news that still delays.  Quarrel may lie ahead, so be on your guard and try to face this crisis as calmly as possible.

Seven of Cups
It announces a great and wonderful love, a wedding or a life together in near future.  And it symbolises a partnership based on mutual affection and tenderness.  It predicts that you will soon meet a tender and perfectly balanced partner or successfully intensify and improve an already existing relationship.

Eight of Cups
It announces a crisis or a revolution in your love life.  Violent arguments are ahead, but there is also the chance to start all over again on a more reasonable basis.   It may appear that a end of your relationship is impending.  But isn’t this relationship painful and unsatisfying?  Accept the loss of the one you love — this offers you the opportunity to begin a new life.

Nine of Cups
This card announces an unusual encounter sometimes even taking the nature of an initiation, which may expand your consciousness or awaken your interest in other civilisations, cultures, or religions.  And the card symbolises the beginning of a spiritual life or following a religion because of a kind of revelation.  You may also develop the desire to give to others and help them to grow.

Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups promises a love blossoming out and a happy life with a partner who will fulfil all your expectations.  You’ll achieve deep understanding and harmony.  Use this encounter, or rejoice because the problems of your current relationship are over.

Page of Cups
In a reading for a woman the Page of Cups indicates a romantic encounter with a young man, who is sensitive and very poetic.  In a reading for a man he symbolises a fragile friend of a romantic and sentimental nature.

Knight of Cups
It symbolises a new love, a pleasant encounter with lots of tenderness and affection, a loved one or a friend who understands the querent without many words and who can look right through to the bottom of their soul.  If there are emotional difficulties, this card may announce their overcoming, the revival of an old love or the end of a misunderstanding.

Queen of Cups
This fragile, humble figure announces the encounter with a loving woman for a male querent: A partner who knows to listen, feels compassion and promotes her husband.  She can also be a faithful friend who keeps secrets to herself and to whom you can really open up.  She symbolises counsellors (psychologist, social worker, etc.), but also artists, psychics, healers or women with a religious or mystique vocation, provided the meaning of her presence in the reading doesn’t merely indicate a romantic encounter.

King of Cups
He announces the arrival of a mature man, a wise man, a lover.  He inspires you with respect and can give you new strength.  This king symbolises affection, tenderness, compassion, harmony between species, races and nations.  Generous and peaceful, the King of Cups makes all conflicts disappear and offers his shoulder for comfort. He combines wisdom and kindness.

Ace of Swords
This advises you to develop your creativity.  It announces a period of much energy and willpower,  The card recommends to use the potential slumbering within and to exploit your resources.  It may also symbolise an amorous or erotic attraction, or the confrontation with the sexual desire of a man at the peak of his vitality.  It symbolises the beginning of undertakings, the free will be destiny.

Two of Swords
This warns against forthcoming opposition or an inner conflict.  Minor material trouble, obstacles in your everyday life, delays with your cards or legal problems are impending.

Three of Swords
The Three of Swords announces news (letter, fax, e-mail, call), which requires quick action.  And it promises, lively philosophical or intellectual conversations, which you will joyfully take part in.  Maybe you will meet learned or well informed people who offer you a good opportunity.

Four of Swords
Do you feel bruised and battered by the struggles of life?  Now the wind changes, and good times are ahead!  The Four of Swords promises the near end of the troubles and sorrows, that made you suffer for such a long time.  You will put your affairs in order, and with the help of others you’ll be able to bring a difficult period to a close.

Five of Swords
The Five of Swords brings a certain excitement to your life.  Probably you are about to eliminate the obstacles that unnerve you and you’ll succeed in solving your current financial problems.  Now you have all the power you need to allow no one to abuse you any longer. But beware of scattering your energies.

Six of Swords
This card appears to ring the alarm bell:  It warns against health problems, weakness of your immune system.  Check whether your way of life makes sufficient allowances for your physical capacity and needs.  Isn’t there too much stress?  Take good care of yourself and don’t overlook the first signs of a certain exhaustion.

Seven of Swords
This card announces the arrival of powerful allies, who can help you to overcome your current difficulties.  But it also it warns against an increasing rivalry and problems in your relationship.  Yet it gives you the power to eliminate or overcome all these obstacles, too.  A time of vitality is ahead and you’ll be able to make use of your full potential.

Eight of Swords
This card warns against a (not necessarily grave) accident due to your carelessness.  Are you sure, you don’t take on too much and are able to bare the risks?  Are you careful enough?  If the Eight of Swords appears in the company of a major arcana of a rather unfavourable meaning, you should take the warning for serious.  Check if you tend to behave in ways, that are harmful to yourself, and try to stop it once and for all.

Nine of Swords
This card warns against conflicts with the authorities (justice, taxes, etc.).  It may also announce an important ideological conflict you will be drawn into, if you are active in such a field. Another possibility is a lively debate in the press about a subject that is important to you.  A legal judgement to your advantage or disadvantage.

Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords announces good ties.  You are full of energy and able to realise your plans.  You win a lawsuit and know how to defend yourself, if you meet opposition.  If you have been working on a project for a long time, you will soon succeed in bringing it to a successful end and reap the profit you hoped for.  Chances are that you’ll get an important commission.  Make use of this favourable period.

Page of Swords
Page of Swords announces the visit of a bailiff or another law enforcement person.  And he symbolises problems with the authorities or betrayal by a trusted friend.  Sometimes he merely advises you to put your daily lives into a better order.

Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords symbolises a surprise or a fight, a dispute that changes your situation.  He also symbolises a person who can be polemic and impetuous and who either helps with a plan or opposes it.  He is quick, incalculable and allays doubt so that you can start anew.

Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords symbolises a pugnacious woman with no man by her side — she is a widow or divorced.  She announces the arrival of a determined, efficient and mature woman, who may be a little aggressive.  Thanks to her power she can help to pass trials. She symbolises surgeons, business women, activists and revolutionaries.

King of Swords
The King of Swords symbolises the end of a lawsuit.  He interferes to reverse decisions and pass a sentence.  He may symbolise a judge in a lawsuit, a judgement passed by a court or any kind of committee, yet also an inspector and any person, who’s judgement is influential to the querent’s fate.

Ace of Coins
The Ace of Coins promises financial profit, a rise in salary, gambling luck, good business, a profitable investment or an increase in the value of your property.  It symbolises a considerable material advantage.  And it symbolises successful speculation and any major action at the stock exchange or in the field of real estate.

Two of Coins
Of a very ambiguous nature the Two of Coins symbolises a situation of being quits as well as something doubling, depending on the context.  Actually, the Two of Coins may announce unexpected profits as well as uncontrollable losses.  It warns against envy or rivalry in the financial sector.

Three of Coins
The Three of Coins announces news (letter, fax, e-mail, call) which revolves around financial affairs.  Maybe you’ll get the chance for a better financial investment or to obtain a loan.  Or you’ll achieve a new agreement with your bank.

Four of Coins
This card promises the end of your material problems.  You’ll get the loan you’ve filed for or the salary increase you hoped for.  Or you will succeed in selling the house that proved too expensive for you to entertain.  You may also come into an inheritance, or members for your family may decide to help you out.

Five of Coins
The Five of Coins promises a profound renewal in the material field.  Maybe you’ll come into an inheritance or you’ll meet an employer, who offers you a better job or your own business will grow to a considerable extent.

Six of Coins
The Six of Coins warns against a possible financial crisis or risky debts.  Lack of money may force you to give up your plans.  Are you sure you always invest your profits well?  Are you being exploited on your job?  Think about your relationship with money, be careful and don’t underestimate your value.

Seven of Coins
The Seven of Coins promises a favourable material or social development thanks to your talents which you were able to show in the correct light.  You are appreciated, maybe celebrated and you’ll possibly even receive money (a grant, capital for the start of a business, etc.).

Eight of Coins
This card warns against the painful consequences of your financial carelessness. In the company of a rather favourable major arcana it promises unexpected help with your environment.  In any case give your finances a through check. Maybe you will find out which carelessness puts you in trouble.

Nine of Coins
This promises money from afar (of foreign origin).  It may come in the shape of a compensation after a lawsuit you won, as a grant, as a subvention, or as a support for a project by a local group or foundation.

Ten of Coins
You are entering a time in your life when all your efforts in the material field will bear fruit.  The Ten of Coins gives reason to hope for a considerable financial success (successful negotiations, profitable speculation. powerful support).  You can realise your plans.  Be open to every opportunity.  You’ll benefit from a period of great opportunities.

Page of Coins
The Page of Coins in your reading symbolises a young man with the prospect of an enviable social position.  This ‘golden boy’ with his promising future could intervene in your life and render you his help.  If he does not appear in the circle of your friends, he could represent a young banker or an eager (and smart!) assistant.

Knight of Coins
The Knight of Coins announces money, a loan, a gift, gambling luck, a minor inheritance or a promotion, in short a considerable improvement of the financial situation (provided the major arcana confirms this interpretation.)

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