Tarot Deck of Heroes — Таро Героев
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Характеристика Tarot Deck of Heroes — Таро Героев
Автор: Richard ShadowFox
Художник: Richard ShadowFox
Издательство: Schiffer Books
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + 108 стр. книга на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 72 х 123 мм
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-0764340246
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: компьютерная графика; приключения
Другие колоды Richard ShadowFox: ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро, Tarot of the Night
Аннотация: Рыцари и пираты и разбойники, мечта каждой прекрасной фантазирующей девушки, как герои из любовного романа оживают в этой захватывающей 78-карты колоды Таро. Каждая карта пышно иллюстрирована насыщенными оттенками и традиционной символикой. Эксперты и начинающие читатели будут использовать образы горцев и разбойников, негодяев и матросов, обеспечивая освященный веками опыт Таро, как никто другой. Руководство-спутник включает в себя подробные ключевые слова (в вертикальном положении / в обратном порядке) и оригинальные расклады. Добавьте остроты в вашу жизнь с помощью колоды Таро Героев!
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Обзор Tarot Deck of Heroes — Таро Героев
Таро Героев — вторая колода, нарисованная Ричардом ShadowFox, который создал Таро ShadowFox. Его 78-карточная колода героев, созданная с помощью компьютерной графики, представляет различных героев: рыцарей, пиратов, моряков, мерзавцев и негодяев. Вышла в начале 2012 года в издательстве Шиффер Букс.
МБК значения: Tarot Deck of Heroes — Таро Героев
Tarot Deck of Heroes by Richard ShadowFox
0. Fool
Upright Interpretation
This is always the beginning of something, plain and simple. Although the variants of the new journey are limitless, it should be easy to determine to what it refers. Whether it is an adventure, a relationship, a business endeavor, a career, academic effort, it starts here. Interestingly, when this card appears, one is already aware of its meaning in their life and is likely to have asked about it specifically.
Reversed Interpretation
Being tentative, maybe even afraid, about the new beginning, the journey that lies ahead, but it is quite possibly unavoidable. If it is a representation of opportunity, then one is altering the path by not taking the first step; regret will line the new path. Thus knowing the beginning is there, but reluctant to take that first step, most likely fictionalizing or rationalizing reasons for not getting started.
1. Magician
Upright Interpretation
This is often a mentor, an idol, or an iconic historical figure who can do what needs to be done. Overall it represents a mastery of a craft, or many crafts, whether it be an ideal one has created within one’s dreams, an ability personified in an individual, or a conglomeration of people who have reached the pinnacle of their abilities. It can also potentially represent that it is time for one to bring their abilities to bear on a situation.
Reversed Interpretation
On one hand, the poser, fraud, or trickster, perhaps even to the extent that the person posing is a master at posing, as a master of another separate craft as a basis of a con. Then, on the other hand, this might indicate one trapped within the fear of failure; wasting natural talents or living a life of ‘I could have been!’
2. High Priestess
Upright Interpretation
Here we have great wisdom with the ability to guide and assist without spouting and pontificating. This is a person or situation that prompts thinking through to the solution by oneself instead of having it provided for them. It is also frequently associated with intuition and psychic acuity. It may possibly represent the answer right before one’s eyes in which the true value has yet to be realized.
Reversed Interpretation
To proclaim oneself as wise only for the purpose of being viewed that way; a self-serving contention, and this is an obvious symptom of conceit. True wisdom includes being aware of what one does not know, and readily admitting it, but here we have quite the opposite. This may also represent dogmatic skepticism on matters of the occult.
3. Empress
Upright Interpretation
This is the mother as the giver of life, provider, and nurturer. Everything that exists has a mother in one form or another. There are many elements to motherhood, and nothing is limited or excluded by the absence of one or several aspects as long as one is present. From fertility, through conception, gestation, to birth and nurturing, and these are only the primary aspects that make up the Empress. And any one are more is represented by this card when it is found in a reading.
Reversed Interpretation
The abandonment of the responsibility that completes the mother, be it unable or unwilling. A choice made in the pretext of being a mother for a self-serving purpose with consequences for others that are wholly unnecessary. This may also be a reference to barrenness, but that needs to be specifically defined in context within the rest of the reading because there are alternatives to all the aspects of motherhood that leave the mother the ability to still be such in some aspect.
4. Emperor
Upright Interpretation
One might perhaps be dominate for the purpose of instilling strength, both physical and inner, in others. Providing a seed is necessary in our anthropological system of procreation, but just as the mother, the Empress, has many more aspects to her, so does the Emperor. Be aware that Tarot cards can be metaphorical as well. For example; a single mother with a financial nest egg might consider that money to be her Emperor.
Reversed Interpretation
It is common for reversed interpretations of cards to have opposite meanings of their upright counterparts. However, to what aspect does it apply can often be a dilemma, since some cards can sweep broad in meaning. Generally, the blatant abuse of a position of authority to serve oneself or the simple need to control others in the fashion of dominating for want over need is a consistency for the reversed Emperor; however the possibility that a man without children, perhaps impotent even, might be present here.
5. Hierophant
Upright Interpretation
A traditional or orthodox representation, be it of religion, philosophical, or academic. Usually familiar as a dogmatic person or philosophy, inflexible and staunch in their purported purpose, easily identified by their recurring sentiment, ‘since it was, it is, and forever will be.’ A card that does not always have to be indicative of a person of this nature and may represent an institution, or even a concept built upon mores.
Reversed Interpretation
This is a complex one as this can by an opposite, ‘thinking outside the box,’ ‘try new things,’ interpretation, but it could also be a situation where something of traditional or orthodox value is being used to further someone’s individual desires. This would be personified in the familiar behavior of saying anything to get what one wants.
6. Lovers
Upright Interpretation
As the name of this card will attest, there certainly can be a connection to such things as love and romance; a union of the nature described by marriage even if the formality of the ceremony and legal documentation is absent. Stronger here though is the presence of a choice where the decider must be married to their decision. Some choices can be remade, or abandoned and made again if the results aren’t gratifying, or successful based on a preconceived ideal, while some deserve a commitment to the choice.
Reversed Interpretation
Quite often littered with empty promises, with more promises to follow, for the sole purpose of achieving something not contained within the promise, and primarily self-gratifying. This could also be a depiction of the failure to make the correct choice, as in wrong choice for the right reason, but more commonly making a choice, or commitment, purposefully for the wrong reasons.
7. Chariot
Upright Interpretation
This is pretty straightforward, as this card most often defines progress toward the objective, even if it isn’t clearly apparent. It can be either an affirmation of the current efforts, as in ‘on the right track,’ or in some cases, pointing out a need to take matters into one’s own hands and getting things started. Either way, it is almost always a signpost indicating the correct path, and it should not be a mystery in regards to which it is.
Reversed Interpretation
Potentially pushing forward without a compass and not verifiably on course toward the goal. Embodied as an action for actions sake, without a realistic likelihood that things will move forward, or at the very least won’t result in a setback. Although in this situation it also could be an inappropriate push, albeit in the right direction, when a more patient approach is the correct tact.
8. Strength
Upright Interpretation
Although this card can sweep broadly in a reading, a quite common meaning is pointing out the difference between that which a person can do and what a person should do. Seldom reflective of aggressive behavior, because that often depicts a lack of strength since this has nothing to do with size or muscle mass, but one cannot rule out aggressive protective strength. However, it takes resolve, or great inner strength, to suffer one’s pride or accept setbacks for the interest of those other than oneself.
Reversed Interpretation
When a potential loss of face is driving an aggressive behavior it is sure to end badly for someone and this is a common interpretation here. This situation, with the Strength card reversed, is more often than not indicative of false strength. Aggressive and dangerous action resulting from one’s fear regarding self-worth and humiliation, and pride is often the starting point for bullying and domination; an actual weakness.
9. Hermit
Upright Interpretation
An often successful but seldom practiced act of distancing oneself from the problem at hand is the true essence of this card. This is a straightforward indication to take a step back and look again, as exploring what you feel on specific matters in a broader scope is better done from a distance, and with limited or no distractions. This may also reflect a need for one to be introspective, perhaps through meditation, because the only real signposts upon one’s journey are found within.
Reversed Interpretation
Here is an obstinate force quite likely to create an impasse, or at the very least negate progress towards a goal, and usually based solely on the sentiment that introspection and meditation or nonsense. This could be either an external force rooted in dogmatic thinking, or an outside influence, regardless of where in a reading this card might fall.
10. Wheel of Fortune
Upright Interpretation
Often associated with serendipitous events or exceeding normal expectations of outcome, it can also be described in a word; luck. If the current situation seems less than ideal, or even untenable, this is a harbinger of better times ahead. If, however, things seem to be going quite well, this could be a sign or a reminder that Lady Luck, if you will, demands gratitude. Were it to be that one is prone to taking good fortune for granted, this may very well be a wake-up call, and a time to discard any feelings that good luck or fortune is you forever companion, regardless.
Reversed Interpretation
Luck, or good fortune is often something that evolves from a positive approach, preparation, and a total lack of dependency upon it. Lady Luck can be kind of funny that way, and here we have the basis of a person who proclaims that they always get the bad deal, and never catch a break. It can manifest as anger or hopelessness, either is possible. If Lady Luck comes around when you are dependent, she will abandon you, perhaps at a tragic moment.
11. Justice
Upright Interpretation
Sometimes associated with matters of a legal nature, this is not synonymous with a structural system created by a human community. Humans cannot escape their perspective and life experience leading to their personal subjectivity. This is balance on a much broader scale and sees well past singular events. To be fair, this card is known to represent matters of a human-based legal nature, but that is just one aspect and might be considered a terrestrial expectation when somebody feels wronged. The actual appropriate description in most circles of Tarot aficionados is simply Karma. Quick it is not, sure it always is.
Reversed Interpretation
This is more about perceptions than reality because Karma may be patient; it is not blind and it knows no favorites. For example, you might have a person who has managed to get over on somebody in the past and really made a great deal for themselves at the expense of another. Then, at some point in time in the future, Karma turns the tables on them, as in gives them a bad deal. It then becomes unfair because it happened to them. This specifically represents a person who believes that fair means getting over on others, but never having to suffer unfairness as the victim of another or Karma.
12. Hanged Man
Upright Interpretation
Putting another or others before oneself, or the need to do so, is the most common interpretation of this card. However, it can vary between helping a friend move when you had better plans, or giving years, even decades, as the primary care giver of an ailing relative. There isn’t any certainty in whether this represents only self-sacrifice, although it could, as it can even reflect an ultimate means to something beneficial in return. It is, however, not an act or behavior that is entirely disingenuous.
Reversed Interpretation
It is frequently believed that this depicts an inability, or more likely an unwillingness to sacrifice oneself for others, but there is actually more to it than that. What matters to a person in need is that somebody is willing to fulfill that need so that the interpretation that somebody does care is actually accurate. If somebody is unwilling from the start, alternatives could be established, however if someone were to make the commitment with no intention of seeing it through than that poses the risk of greater damage.
13. Death
Upright Interpretation
Often a dramatic change, but it is more a reference to the actual point in time when change occurs than it is to the aftereffects regarding the difference between before and after. An event which may or may not happen immediately, but nonetheless will alter one’s life, and is also certain to cause fear or resistance because it is perceived as the gateway to a devastating or painful new life. Whether it is actually for the worse in the larger picture, it will bring about feelings of dread as the inevitable moment comes to light.
Reversed Interpretation
Here is the prolonged effect of resistance to an inevitable change, and represents the inability or unwillingness to accept that change of circumstances that cannot be avoided. It has been said that the one constant in life is change, but in many cases there is a complete resistance that blocks one’s inability to accept that change, resulting in a perpetual state of misery and unhappiness, when it is only the change that is absolute, not the aftereffects.
14. Temperance
Upright Interpretation
In a word; balance. There are many turns of this card that can lead one to believe such things like spreading oneself too thin or elements of neglect, among other things. One interpretation that should be considered is the realization that we must be multidimensional and that requires a part of us that is less spread out by the other parts, but kept completely in check by the whole.
Reversed Interpretation
Extrapolating from the aforementioned in the upright interpretation of the Temperance card we now find imbalance in behavior and primarily a matter of living on the dark side, to borrow a phrase. This also can define a hiding within a portion of one’s life to avoid another, perhaps not intentionally disrupting the balance, but disrupting it nonetheless.
15. Devil
Upright Interpretation
A somewhat broad sweeping card that, among other things, is common to a representation of the embodiment of a detrimental habit that has consumed one’s life into at the very least stagnation, and probably inevitably soon to be much worse. To exist within a prison of one’s own making believing that there is no escape and being contained by something beyond one’s control. There is, however, the great power of selfgratification or hedonism, and is often considered to be the primary force behind one’s behavior represented here, as the Devil does not always depict a weakness.
Reversed Interpretation
This card reversed is somewhat of an anomaly being more of a positive when reversed than upright. It can be an epiphany of change, as when one realizes that the difference maker is within oneself or perhaps finding hope in someone that seems to be there when they need them the most. In any case, this is the way out, and it behooves someone to heed the opportunity that has befallen them.
16. Tower
Upright Interpretation
Here we have that which one believes in and has built and now is collapsing around them, and not for an unapparent reason. Often found in the ruins are remnants of hubris and the ultimate results of a failure to consider the thoughts, opinions, and concerns of others. There is a lesson found in the ruins too, and as bad as things are they most certainly can be much worse. One can find the ancient adage that one’s ability to do something must be thoughtfully weighed against the wisdom of whether one should actually do it as a useful lesson.
Reversed Interpretation
There is a clear diversity when this card is found reversed in a reading. There are those situations that allow it to define a positive, as in a near certain catastrophe avoided. While there are circumstances where the negative of the card remains and the horrific event was intentional; self-sabotage would be a primary interpretation. This is often a matter of context and certain things should be clear if one is actually looking. Did one avoid a tragic event or did one suffer a catastrophic collapse when they could see it coming.
17. Star
Upright Interpretation
This is renewed hope and replenished belief, and not by coincidence the card sequentially following the Tower. The point where calm after the storm has cleansed the mind bringing both relief and optimism. Here it can be tied to having lost something quite dear, but understanding the lesson found within the calamity. This brings about the wisdom to prevent a repeat of the mistake that brought it all down. To cling tightly to the belief that there are better days ahead even if the present still seems bleak.
Reversed Interpretation
A tragic denial of the futility in one’s persistence is often the meaning depicted here. One often will not let go of something even when it has left. Beyond that and also viable is living with pessimism at every turn of events. Unwavering in the belief that no matter how much better the future looks it is nothing but an illusion. To be living in the self imposed world of ‘What’s the point?!’
18. Moon
Upright Interpretation
The answer lurks below the surface; seemingly just out of reach. To continue one must see through the caliginous surroundings; trusting instinct or that which might be considered emanating from a psychic source. A need to put faith into something that did not enter consciousness through the five senses. The possibility exists that there is deception leading the way, but cautious optimism that something important, an answer to an important question perhaps, is lurking in the shadows just beyond one’s reach.
Reversed Interpretation
Another one of the few positive reverses is the essence of the Moon reversed. Sometimes described as a mystery revealed or that there were never any secrets or true mystery at all can be depicted here. There is also the possibility that a discovery that something is not what it has seemed to be is nearby. This could arrive as a revelation, perhaps even previously blocked by an inner desire to believe something, either based on fear or hopefulness.
19. Sun
Upright Interpretation
A time before the accomplishment of a goal when coming to terms with the true value of life. A clear and simple matter of someone feeling as if all is right within the confinements of their world, whether they find gratefulness with what they have, or in knowing that the objective they have chased relentlessly is a short distance away. It is also possible that one has come to realize that they damn well can succeed in the face of the doubters, and a rapturous feeling that completes one’s feeling of existence.
Reversed Interpretation
A pseudo success story, and a poser of happiness perhaps, and although it certainly can be a defense mechanism, leaving someone a sympathetic entity, it is nothing more than an illusion. Creating the happiness and life that is a pseudo grand persona which is masking something; tragically fooling only the one who lives it. What marks this card reversed more than any other aspect is that lost in the façade is that they could succeed if they weren’t more focused on convincing others that they accomplished something, and actually worked toward accomplishing it.
20. Judgment
Upright Interpretation
If ever there were a consummate depiction of certainty, this is it hands down. To come to terms with the loss of one’s terrestrial presence, this is the truth in why it matters. Being judged for what you have left in your wake is not defined by a chosen belief structure. It is an all-encompassing aspect of life, whether you choose to believe in that concept or not. As well, there is no forewarning to shape up just in time, nor is one able to make amends if the malice remains.
Reversed Interpretation
A personal philosophy that judgment isn’t anything more than weighing what a tragic belief that the end justifies the means, and one’s actions have been misunderstood, resulting in a perceived unfair assessment. This is about a denial of the obvious and perhaps the feeling that there is a rationale for a misguided belief that one must take justice into their own hands.
21. World
Upright Interpretation
The accomplishment of a goal or a significant milestone reached, and a time to celebrate an accomplishment is at hand. This could also be the moment of victory in regards to a competitive endeavor. Although it may represent a happy ending, it does not necessarily preclude the need for further goal setting and continued efforts. It is paramount to never forget that a perceived end, be it a success or failure, is in truth the step that come before a beginning, and a true end is really non-existent.
Reversed Interpretation
This is often the result of misplaced belief that one has achieved successes when they have in fact not. Living within the delusion that accomplishment has been realized and that not only is it time to coast, but one is clearly entitled to do so. Also, it may as well represent what could be considered failure; it is important to consider what might be out of reach, out of your control, or even futility. There are some things that just cannot be done.
Ace of Wands
Upright Interpretation
A passionate beginning as one might be described as driven to action or effort. This is a burning desire that finally consumes one or an epiphany perhaps, but nonetheless the beginning of something borne of great desire.
Reversed Interpretation
Defined in a word, procrastination. There is something important burning within one, but it is talk without action. Perhaps fear has created an apparent obstacle, however the blockage isn’t the true problem; it is only the rationale for inaction.
Two of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Here is the need to be patient in the moment, waiting for when one’s preparation will meet one’s opportunity. This may also represent a need to explore alternatives while a perceived opportunity is yet to yield the desired results.
Reversed Interpretation
This is most often an undesired outcome resulting from an inability to allow circumstances to align properly in their own time frame; defined as lack of patience. Could also be a missed opportunity due to poor preparation, or inexperience with the mechanisms of the endeavor.
Three of Wands
Upright Interpretation
An ability to expand upon success reaching new and promising opportunities. This also may very often be reflective of good anticipation and foresight, allowing the proper preparation to meet the perfect opportunity in a manner that seems reflective of Midas.
Reversed Interpretation
Stubbornness manifested from arrogance that is certain to lead to failure, and often having originated from a prior success. The loss of the drive, or hunger that once brought success due to an overwhelming overconfidence, and often an inability to listen when others might be offering genuine advice.
Four of Wands
Upright Interpretation
This is most commonly perceived to be a time for celebration; a time to revel in success and good fortune. However, it can easily represent an unwillingness to enjoy the moment out of fear that to stop now would steal the momentum that brought one this far.
Reversed Interpretation
The strong potential for a decline in progress when the line of work and play, diligence and celebration, become blurred. In some cases a simple matter of something akin to morning after regret when appropriate celebratory activities have been exceeded leading to impaired, thusly poorly conceived decisions having been made.
Five of Wands
Upright Interpretation
A need to release aggressions in a productive manner, or the human spirit of competition that pushes one to greater heights. They are not mutually exclusive and can be either or both when considered in context. Regardless, there is one significant element always to consider, and that is the spirit of fair play.
Reversed Interpretation
Quite often associated with an ‘anything goes’ or ‘the means justify the ends’mentality, where winning is more important than winning fairly. This also can be representative of misplaced and unnecessary aggressions.
Six of Wands
Upright Interpretation
This is a victorious return in its simplest consideration, but may as well serve as a reminder to be genuinely humble and gracious in triumph. No matter the endeavor there is always a thank you to be shared, and nothing is truer for a leader of others.
Reversed Interpretation
A division in the ranks is a certainty without camaraderie, and the earned respect that comes from the appreciation of those that have stood with you. Also depending on context this may potentially be the return of a conquering effort that has failed.
Seven of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Here we find an overwhelming strength of conviction, often found in a willingness to face unlikely odds in defense of honor, nobility, or even just the belief that it is the right thing to do. Elements of stubbornness may be present but they undeniably emanate from one’s principles; the essence of what they see as fair or just.
Reversed Interpretation
Confrontational for the personal gratification of being right whether one deserves to be or not is a common interpretation here. The contention that one is right is often a matter of perspective, but here we find an unwillingness to consider the perspectives of another.
Eight of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Often events once set in motion take time to be realized, and the time of their occurrence is imprecisely predictable, perhaps even forgotten. And here we have that once anticipated moment arriving. Messages, packages, acknowledgments, and many such arrivals including guests are now upon the horizon and soon to happen.
Reversed Interpretation
There are various ways to read this, but among the most common is the anxiety that one has been truly forgotten or even ignored. Although it isn’t always conducive with bad news or even rejection, it might be likely that one is coming to believe that hearing nothing is worse than hearing something bad.
Nine of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Thought to reflect a diligence of awareness; an on guard and ready stance, yet it may as well speak of paranoia. Looking over one’s shoulder is awareness and can be prudent, but in the context of one’s situation, one must consider why what is, or more likely might be, behind them is cause for concern.
Reversed Interpretation
To be caught off guard is often nothing more than being startled or surprised, but if one is charged with awareness, then one may have a greater price to pay. In simple terms, this is missing something that should be considered important to circumstance.
Ten of Wands
Upright Interpretation
The burden of an existence, perhaps even perpetuating resentment is a common interpretation here. However, there is the one’s purpose to consider as well. It is not uncommon to work hard for distraction from pain or things one would prefer not to deal with. Whether to feel obligated or a matter of avoidance it is too much effort for the wrong reason.
Reversed Interpretation
A positive acceptance of an obligation and fulfilling the purpose with renewed spirit, or coming to terms with that which has been held at bay by one’s relentless efforts. This is overcoming the burden with understanding and reason.
Page of Wands
Upright Interpretation
This often reflects a tremendous passion and zest to experience life. They are almost always gracious and friendly, good listeners, and have a magnetism to their personality that extends to and fulfills others around them; drawing others willingly into their world. Often daring, they push to feel more, and are often known to be addicted to the adrenaline rush found with risk; leading to even greater risk without noble purpose.
Reversed Interpretation
Here we have the seeds of manipulation and control, often found in subtle and rationally explained ways. Marked by a tendency to brood for the purpose of prompting an inquiry such as “what is the matter”, drawing someone into their drama. May also be short tempered or quick to pass judgment, always in a negative light, in an attempt to give power to their perspective and increase their low self esteem.
Knight of Wands
Upright Interpretation
This situation can be a bit of a dilemma depending on what perspective you choose. On one hand you have a magnification of the Page of Wands where the passion grows, but on the other hand there is often the contention that this is the blustering need for somebody to do something, yet the words are not accompaniedby action from the speaker. Their message is undeniably passionate, and may very well be a just and an accurate assertion, but it may seem definable as mere words with no actual progress.
Reversed Interpretation
Here we find a situation that is quite relative to the aforementioned blustering as a need to dictate action, but in this case without consideration for whether it is truly just or right, whether it is defined as such or not. In other words, and quite succinctly, a passionate need to have one’s way regardless of any other considerations.
Queen of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Sometimes complex if you choose it to be, this is really more of an evolution from the aforementioned Page and Knight of Wands. As I view it, we genetically and environmentally define our characteristics in our youth, and over time we either come to embrace and utilize them appropriately, or we abuse them. Here we have tremendous restrained passion, embodied in the occasional ‘high drama’ episode, but the point is never malicious and is always heartfelt. Things like animal rights, civil rights, and such causes are very common here, and even if there is calmness on the surface there is always great passion within.
Reversed Interpretation
This is a matter of self-gratifying passion, and feelings of disdain borne of grudges may live an entire lifetime. This is introverted passion, and in the light of ‘high drama’ is almost always centered upon how badly and unfairly they have been treated. This is a ‘thumb on the scale’ view of fair, and one of the strongest representations of “me first,” with no hesitancy in proclaiming it.
King of Wands
Upright Interpretation
A presence that is true passion and the ability to describe what is right correctly is depicted here. The trappings of authority serve the purpose, not the inverse, as this is an individual that has carefully considered what can be done with well placed action. Much like the Queen of Wands the King is prone to ‘high drama,’ but make no mistake this is perceived to be an effected tool of change; not a self-serving action.
Reversed Interpretation
This can sometimes be reflected in behaviors that represent the ‘I am and you are not’ mentality. Here we would find the cliché ‘not held enough as a child!’ The passion and drama are attention getting devices. To sum up one’s actions in this situation it could be equated to ‘So, you didn’t notice me? See if you can ignore this!’
Ace of Cups
Upright Interpretation
An emotional beginning; often related to love or friendship that is happy and fulfilling. Commonly an action on one’s part rather than a passive approach, as opening up and taking a chance are quite often found to be at the heart of a new relationship.
Reversed Interpretation
Clearly regretful of a missed opportunity, this is the basis of despair. That one feels that they might have altered events and did not isn’t conducive to the strong self-esteem and self-confidence needed to launch a relationship, it is counterproductive.
Two of Cups
Upright Interpretation
In actuality, this is more the lovers than the Lovers card itself. Whereas one represents the strength of commitment in a relationship, it is not exclusive to love. Here we find the emotional bond of newfound love, and the feelings of kindred spirits and such powerful romantic forces that both seem to be one in thought and action.
Reversed Interpretation
Often primarily driven by one’s infatuation perhaps even obsession with another, and that taints the perspective, creating within the mind a belief that something exists that does not. It may, as well, carry the hopeful yet unrequited love mindset even in the face of full knowledge of unreciprocated feelings; with or without the presence of denial.
Three of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Believed to represent celebration in many cases it is more a representation of the feminine bond; sisterhood if you will. Associated with the celebration of the harvest, which parallels the process of childbirth, and is exclusive to women, it is a clear connection to the celebration of any aspect of the efforts of a mother, or Mother Nature if you prefer as well.
Reversed Interpretation
This can be an indication of challenges in child birth or nurturing. This may also be indicative of strife between sibling sisters or a motherdaughter relationship, as well as any established or perceived bond of sisterhood involving friends.
Four of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Easily described in the word apathy. An unmistakable detachment from something that once held personal value, be it person, place, or thing. Boredom might possibly be somewhere at the heart of this representation, but it is not due to something that could, should, and even once, held great interest within one no longer present in one’s life.
Reversed Interpretation
A revitalization of interest, perhaps driven by a new perspective, or even the physical loss of something one had come to take for granted. Often the apathetic feelings seep into many aspects of one’s life, and the cure for the detachment or boredom appears, making its presence not always a direct or simple connection to what was at the root of the indifference.
Five of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Trapped in a loss or an emotional setback; blind to what blessings still remain. This has the ability to represent containment from various degrees of drama, whether minor perceived to the extreme all the way up to truly devastating. The key emphasis here is the inability to let go and move on in reasonable due course.
Reversed Interpretation
The passing of the moment and moving on while acknowledging the loss or setback accordingly. More likely to be the beginning of the healing process than a sudden transformation, but recovery is not a standardized behavior and each situation and individual is different.
Six of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Often a nostalgic trigger like the smell of honeysuckle or an old song. This is memory lane in a very straightforward form, whether it is due to a minor occurrence or running into someone you haven’t seen in a very long time. The implications are grand and significant whatever the catalyst may be.
Reversed Interpretation
There are a couple of possibilities here, all of which resonate from one’s past. Most common is often thought to be a failure to let go of previous events, or perhaps an era of one’s past that one has come to prefer over current circumstances. There also is the potential for a poor choice or indiscretion of the past to resurface and have an effect on current events in one’s life.
Seven of Cups
Upright Interpretation
A daydreaming life that is captivating with hope, but at the same time left entirely unfulfilled due to the inability to find and focus upon the path in the real world to realize the dream. Also carrying with it the potential that one has lived within the dream for so long that they have come to believe it is their reality.
Reversed Interpretation
Predominately the moment where one challenges the dream and seeks the real world equivalent. However, letting go of a life of daydreaming for the real world can include the realization of futility, thus finding and pursuing a more realistic goal as well.
Eight of Cups
Upright Interpretation
The act of walking away is what resonates here. It is natural to believe that it is the right thing and the best choice; precisely letting go of useless actions. But that doesn’t have to be the case because it is quite common to abandon things that are good for us out of fear or the everlasting cliché that ‘the grass is always greener.’
Reversed Interpretation
It is quite common for one to exile oneself from something appropriate out of rebelliousness or spite, but then even if comprehension sets in pride comes into play. Here we have the absolute willingness to accept the possibility, even in shame perhaps, and seek an opportunity to return and mend broken bridges.
Nine of Cups
Upright Interpretation
A favorite representation here is the wish card, and that makes this one of the most positive and popular cards of an entire deck. However, there is always a lesson and a balance to consider as expectations rise the more things go one’s way, and the pitfall of entitlement and ego can make good fortune a long-term negative.
Reversed Interpretation
The classic case of denying to oneself that failure is just one step closer with every roll of the dice. Consider that Lady Luck, if you will, never entitles anyone, and clearly must be appreciated. There is also the foreboding and omnipresent reminder to be careful what you wish for as well.
Ten of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Success is nothing without the loving family atmosphere, as much as one needs to share misfortune, good fortune must be shared as well. That leaves the primary objective of a happy family, traveling companions through life if you will. This one is clearly not complicated, it is clear and precise, and whatever ups and downs befall one somebody to stand beside you is paramount.
Reversed Interpretation
As simple as we find things when this card is upright, it is adversely complicated when reversed. Undeniably unhappy, or to be dysfunctional to various degrees, the focus is primarily inward, not outward, and that is the simple part. Who, what, or why is always hidden by symptoms leaving the truth hard to find.
Page of Cups
Upright Interpretation
The Cups are associated with emotional states of mind and it is easy to find romantic idealism in this situation. Often charming, and a tendency to be loving, caring, and thoughtful to all living things is a strong component related to this card. There is often a sincere gentleness and a willingness to trust when most might choose to be skeptical. This also sometimes describes a strong faith in the goodness of people that one might even consider to be naiveté.
Reversed Interpretation
Can often be a misguided or inappropriate view of love, as in domination, obsession, or jealousy. However, it can also represent a charming mask, a lure worn to ensnare others for a more selfgratifying reality underneath. In some situations can be known as an indicator of lovesickness and separation anxiety.
Knight of Cups
Upright Interpretation
It is my belief and contention that the Court is a graduated perspective on the life elements of the suit at hand. Here we find masterful charm, with all the right words, and genuine thoughtfulness. This is often where one might be inclined to think, ‘Too good to be true,’ but make no mistake this is a situation where the truth is not a ploy and kindness is not a ruse. It may represent great strength of sympathy and compassion, perhaps even an addictive emotional force that sooths and comforts to euphoric proportions.
Reversed Interpretation
On the other side of charm and thoughtfulness is a self-serving purpose, and here things are not as they seem. Just as one might come to feel comfortable and drawn in by this situation in this case it is likely to actually be, ‘Too good to be true.’ Tragically if one misreads the kindness and thoughtfulness, challenging it when it is in fact genuine, it may well be lost. Then if one faithfully pursues disingenuous charming acts one may find themselves to be in too deep when the truth is revealed.
Queen of Cups
Upright Interpretation
A need fulfilled is often embodied in this situation. This is the better, if not the best solution to a special situation, and in many cases seeming to be the result of an otherworldly intuition. A card with very broad strokes because some problems are obvious while others are yet to be known, and yet here one finds the solution at the ready even before they come to realize it is needed. The Queen of Cups has a strong connection to the psychic world, and clearly knows things, senses things if you like, things that are almost always at the right place, the right time, and the right words; and so on.
Reversed Interpretation
This is the puppet master extraordinaire. Unlike the reversed Page and Knight where someone will woo and fool with their own acts, this marks the ability to move people as chess pawns to further their own ends. The ability to coerce or mislead others into personal sacrifice while the puppet master plays the role of the friend, lover, or trusted confidant is the main thrust here. As an actual straightforward perspective, this is where one’s own love and emotions become a weapon against them to serve the desires of another.
King of Cups
Upright Interpretation
The keeper of the philosophy ‘life is good,’ and they are more than happy to share; the more the merrier. As the Queen of Cups represents the broad sweeping cure for various degrees of negative emotional affliction, the King is the vaccine for those feelings. The embracing and appreciation of things of artistic value, or what one might choose to describe as societies cultural offerings, is a common reference associated with this card. It can also be used in describing a calm demeanor or positive attitude in reference to either one’s current state or general personality.
Reversed Interpretation
Here is the negative side of emotions, either as an impending and/or temporary state, or as an overall life perspective. This situation can run from a simple disappointment up to a life of hypochondria or paranoia. It can potentially have outward aspects of damage, but the most common element is self-inflicted wounds, whether they are real, perceived, or living in constant anticipation of them.
Ace of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The basis of everything begins with knowledge, even as rudimentary as eating, because you have to realize or come to know where to find food. An intellectual beginning, whether it is curiosity, learned, or an epiphany, this is where it starts.
Reversed Interpretation
Proceeding from an inaccurate assessment or evaluation of information that could either be ill conceived by others or misinterpreted by those who need it. This is in any case ultimately knowledge that will not lead to the desired results.
Two of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Often thought to be an indication of an impasse, yet primarily what lies in the heart of this is what lies within one’s heart, fear. This is an unwillingness to proceed or trust, as this is a circumstance that may very well be at impasse due to one’s fear. The inability to move forward can be found hiding within a defense mechanism.
Reversed Interpretation
A new perspective from within, or on the horizon, as something is challenging the plus side of remaining rigid, untrusting, with an unwavering approach. At the same time, let this serve as a reminder that there is still a need for prudence when freeing one’s spirit.
Three of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Here the essence of life must be considered in its entirety and that includes risk. To invest heavily into the emotions that are often defined as love; to find the highs one must risk the lows, and here we have found those very lows. Although sure to be painful it is survivable over time. Yes, betrayal has reared its head, but to let it define the person one is would be a tragic mistake.
Reversed Interpretation
In this case we have moved from actual betrayal to mistrust and the inevitable loss that comes from misplaced jealousy. To be jealous is to be embarrassed; living within the fear of being thought a fool, yet nothing is further from the truth. A betrayal never begins with the victim, always with the one that would lack a sense of loyalty no matter the temptation.
Four of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Being devoted to a cause and fighting for it every day will eventually alter one’s perspective, inevitably draining the energy necessary to push ahead. Whatever the quest or cause, taking time to rest, recharge, or even reevaluate one’s strategy, is prudent, and in some cases becomes necessary to continue.
Reversed Interpretation
Renewed vigor is driving you forward once again. Also things might seem more obvious to you now that you have taken the time to regenerate, as well what once seemed lost or unobtainable has suddenly been found to be right before your eyes all along.
Five of Swords
Upright Interpretation
This is an often debated portrayal as it can be argued that it represents either the one who feels humiliated or the one who has brought shame upon another. It is conceivable that either could be accurate depending on circumstances, which leaves the message within as either ‘get over it’ or ‘stop it.’
Reversed Interpretation
The possibilities can be broad without context, but this is often thought to be an indicator of a level playing field devoid of subterfuge and providing honest competition, no matter the arena.
Six of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Believed by some to indicate a healing process, and that is likely to be so, however, the improvement in one’s life is at the hands of an external force. To place trust in an entity that is truly loyal to one’s recovery, be it family or friend. Overcoming what once tormented one by the grace of the benevolent hands of another.
Reversed Interpretation
Often a refusal to accept an offer by someone to lean on, and standing firm in the belief that dependency in hard times is weakness. As an alternative, it could also refer to impending difficulty, or troubled waters ahead if one chooses to stay the course.
Seven of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Subterfuge is the strongest element here, but malice isn’t necessarily the foundation. Anything from leveling the playing field, or perhaps the only way to survive, and all the way up to holding a grudge might be applicable. There are other possibilities of course, but what matters in this situation is the circumventing of conventional rules.
Reversed Interpretation
Making amends in an attempt to make up for an unfair or unjust action on one’s part. It isn’t always a voluntary correction and can very well reflect having been caught or forced to rectify the prior wrong.
Eight of Swords
Upright Interpretation
What price would one put on life itself? Would it be better to live a miserable and oppressed life then to risk harm seeking emancipation? A prison that one has created for oneself through fear of breaking free, is a resignation built on the comfort of the familiar.
Reversed Interpretation
Nothing other than breaking free, plain and simple. What contained one has been overcome and the need to be free has prevailed whether it is in the face of risk, or just and epiphany that being oppressed is not a good life choice.
Nine of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The worst imaginable thing is a ghost that often haunts when one’s world is dark and silent, and sleep should be forthcoming. Bad and tragic things can and will happen, but sleepless nights in fear of them will not alter or prevent them, only spread misery and sadness into other parts of life.
Reversed Interpretation
The relief after unnecessary worry is the simplest interpretation here, but it would also be wise to weigh the elation of having a debilitating fear not realized against the ability to have concern without a tragic loss of focus.
Ten of Swords
Upright Interpretation
This is actually as bad as it gets, but everything is relative to how one feels about the various aspects and possibilities. Always consider that it does not represent anything that cannot be overcome, only something that one will choose to see that way.
Reversed Interpretation
Finding the strength to realize that an ending, of sorts, is actually nothing more than the step that comes before a new beginning. Something has changed, yes, and perhaps answers are needed, even closure, but you must continue. It’s as simple as that.
Page of Swords
Upright Interpretation
This Page is an unbridled enthusiasm, even in the face of uncertainty and sometimes concealed by false bravado. They are not always hiding fear, or about to act foolishly driven by impatience, although it is possible, they are however three things specifically; young, bold, and willing. The reference is usually not made as a rush to foolhardiness as the Swords are associated with thoughts, ideas, and even great intelligence. This can represent a person who is easily and often underestimated.
Reversed Interpretation
The word machinations is a good way to describe this card when it is reversed, because the intelligence is still present and the plotting and scheming, intrigue perhaps, is always selfserving. This may also describe an affinity for avoidance, and the ability to rationalize the choice, as described by always ready with a reason that leaves them blameless, while not acting, or while staying behind when others act.
Knight of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Easily a person with a determined purpose, that will proclaim, ‘Get out of my way,’ and ‘There is no time to wait.’ In a word, aggressive – and in all matters of life, be it business, leisure, or sexual activity. Doing the wrong thing for the right reason might apply, and whether others perceive them as wrong or right is superfluous for them to consider, as they themselves have no doubt about whether they are right or not. What matters is that they act upon their beliefs and they do not lack the confidence to do so.
Reversed Interpretation
A simple case of defying the reality, and easily summed up in the phrase, ‘Don’t confuse my beliefs with actual facts!’ While equally aggressive what separates the upright and reversed interpretations of this card are that when found upright they believe that they are right and acting accordingly. Yet when reversed, they simply don’t care, and act sans conscience, and concern for potential failure or harm to others, direct or indirect.
Queen of Swords
Upright Interpretation
The gender title a matriarch is plausible, and may be likely. It is my opinion, that it is not necessary to limit this to a female. What we have here is a power, entitlement, and the need to remind others of who possesses it at any opportunity. It isn’t that this person is undeserving, and by no means can you presume this is an egomaniacal, need to dominate behavior. The behavior may easily be warranted and justified by having to work harder than others, and just like the Page of Swords, this person is easily underestimated, both by follower and foe; perhaps leaving them tired of the slight.
Reversed Interpretation
As is primarily the case with cards of the Court, the reverse is an escalated behavior, and often is driven by malice and a cold heartlessness. As the upright interpretation of this card reflects a belief that one needs to prove themselves, the reversed is a perverse enjoyment of the ability to dominate others. When upright one might feel wrath upon being deceitful to this Queen, however, when reversed, the wrong place at the wrong time is all that it might take for one to suffer at their hands.
King of Swords
Upright Interpretation
As all Swords reflect intelligent thought, it should be no surprise that this card represents a highly intellectual person. Unlike the lower cards of the Sword Court, the King has evolved and their power is seldom wielded. This person is quite powerful and yet they have long since learned there is no need to charge ahead or repeatedly prove that power, or a need to demand respect. Their mere presence exudes that power and the respect comes naturally without demand or prodding. In a simplified description, this person can silence the loudest cacophony by just merely walking into the room.
Reversed Interpretation
This is as easy as arrested development, all the way up to malevolent and malicious behavior perpetrated by an intelligent and powerful individual for their own personal gain or enjoyment. As they explored their temper in their youth they found great success and are often quite the expert at bullying and intimidation; it is their primary tactic. In some cases just an abuse of power, whether they do not understand or they do not care, the results of their actions are almost always tragic for others.
Ace of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
The beginning of prosperity is the common depiction here, but it does not represent a suddenness of wealth. This is where the opportunity lies in building financial security, wealth, or even just a chance to open the small business of your dreams can be found. It is only the starting point, and to what degree it represents is always relative.
Reversed Interpretation
Often a reference to avarice, which easily translates into overreaching and moving too fast with the inevitable result financial failure, even ruin. Creating a false promise borne from greed is also a potential meaning in this situation.
Two of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
A position of financial balance that seems to defy financial principles, and is thought by some to be a house of cards just waiting to collapse. However, it is more likely to represent a completely focused and adept ability to keep things financially together in most circumstances, a true equilibrium of wants, needs, and resources.
Reversed Interpretation
A straightforward failure to find any financial balance, and it might be considered by some to be a complete disregard for the significance, or even some missing innate ability to comprehend the significance. Nonetheless, one’s finances are in disarray.
Three of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Here we have recognition for diligent effort and craftsmanship. In this case it is less confusing to define by comparison. This card is artistic achievement, as in the creation of one of kind works, while the Eight of Pentacles, which may also reflect craftsmanship, is more about repeating the same process with indistinguishable results. They are also not mutually exclusive, as for example; composing music then consistently and flawlessly performing it repeatedly.
Reversed Interpretation
It is common to define this as artistic failure, but the why is not so easy to realize. It would be simple to assume there isn’t the necessary artistic talent, however more prevalent is stubbornness or egotistical behavior; manifested within the unwillingness to be flexible with one’s ideas when running counter to the sincere input or criticism from another.
Four of Pentacles
Cnsidered by some to be rooted in aesthetics, ‘as in look at what I have,’ however, it is more likely to indicate a preference for the material over personal relationships with other living things. Both could be and are likely to be true in that a fixation with objects and superficial relationships that provide the opportunity to display what one has acquired would make a good partnership.
Five of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
The obvious and unmistakable aspect in this situation is misfortune, perhaps tragic bad luck, if you will. The real story here is the need to be pitied by others, but not overtly, and possibly even a belligerently displayed resentment. Clearly someone in need, but at the same time they seem to make it difficult and uncomfortable in assisting them.
Reversed Interpretation
It is difficult for those who have not experienced tragic setbacks to understand, but it appears to leave some bitter and resentful, while others become demanding with feelings of entitlement as a result. The reverse of this card is the middle ground where assistance is appreciated and misfortune is not the fault of those who have not experienced it.
Six of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Although the sharing of one’s good fortune or time is always a positive, the purest form of altruism is when it moves in one direction. To be anonymous in one’s charitable acts is the ultimate act of kindness. It is not always possible and in should not diminish any contribution if the action is borne of a truly benevolent heart.
Reversed Interpretation
We find here a myriad of possibilities and one must follow the context to find the correct interpretation. A charitable act can benefit both the giver and the receiver, and at the heart of it is a self-aggrandizing purpose. This by no means makes it any less beneficial in spirit to the receiver, so a true negative may not be present.
Seven of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
In this case we often find a prevailing sentiment of “you reap what you sow!” And this is not to be excluded entirely, but what is more specifically at work here is that once you have planted your seed and your work is done, that is not the time to expect results. There is a process of waiting that must be considered when one begins a project or a task. This is a reference to expectations, and one must consider that waiting in anticipation is a significant part of any worthwhile endeavor.
Reversed Interpretation
A pair of easy analogies for this situation are picking the fruit before it is ripe, or the impatience to wait for the paint to dry. For this interpretation either will lead to a disdain, or even denial of responsibility while blaming others for one’s failure. In a word, redundantly, this is impatience with a process that cannot be rushed.
Eight of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Pimarily the ability to concentrate upon a task with repeated precision that leaves each result nearly, if not completely indistinguishable from each other. The consummate craftsman in deference to the artist, and as presented in regards to the Three of Pentacles it is quite possible to be both. However, one must find in context the difference between the innovative one of kind mind, and the concentration to repeat a process with unmatched precision.
Reversed Interpretation
The loss of concentration or focus upon a task, perhaps due to boredom, or even laziness. Clearly diminishing results, whether the results of attempted short cuts or lack of effort due to feigning interest, this is not incapability, it is laziness or lost interest.
Nine of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Primarily an indicator of affluence or financial self-dependency, and historically depicted as a woman. The latter aspect likely due to the era from which Tarot art originated when it was less common, however, perceive this as you see fit as it reflects upon fiscal acuity, self-reliance, and independence, regardless of gender.
Reversed Interpretation
Various degrees of financial misfortune often due to poor money management, bad planning, or even corruption. It may, as well, reflect ill gotten gains through embezzlement or grifting.
Ten of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Usually a generational bond and can be either of a financial or business nature. Inheriting the business, or raising the child that one day will, are often is at the forefront of this situation. Purposeful lineage of career or means which aren’t as prevalent today as they once were, but nonetheless easily describes as following in the footsteps of a parent.
Reversed Interpretation
This can easily be translated into rebellion; a resistance to an expected family tradition. The appearance of this card reversed does not describe subtle and accepted choices, but devastating and difficult circumstance marked by strife and powered by unyielding expectations.
Page of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
This is generally a quiet and reserved person, but not from shyness, as they are articulate and knowledgeable, perhaps just less verbose than others. Often the designer of a deliberate and grounded plan, the Page of Pentacles is not just standing there, they are taking it all in, preparing to create their own path. Of the four Pages this Page, is the strongest believer in academia and the value of knowledge. They are more likely to be patient, committed to the preparation, and although they won’t be the first to arrive, when they arrive they will be the best prepared.
Reversed Interpretation
When reversed, we find many of the same attributes as the upright Page of Pentacles; however, here their elaborate plans are not always purposeful or even constructive sometimes. Although their plans can be wasteful, self-serving, and even destructive, their inabilities might not be the result of bad intentions. They may become lost within a single detail; like a writer stuck on a single word after having successful navigated several thousand prior; leaving them blocked, and a project never finished.
Knight of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
This is apt to be a person with a limited social life due to well placed priorities at their current stage in life. Their patience and diligence can make their progress imperceptible, they are not frivolous with their time, and they know what they must do. They are organized and their actions are well thought out. Between the necessary efforts of academia and possibly working in their chosen field simultaneously, or perhaps just for financial need, they are still designing their plan as they begin to implement it.
Reversed Interpretation
Somewhere in their great plan is an unmade decision, and this person is going in circles. As a metaphor one might describe hopping over the fence, checking the grass; hopping another fence, checking the grass, and on and on. A good real world representation might be the repeated changing of college majors, or constant job hopping driven by constant dissatisfaction. A person’s irresponsibility could become apparent here, but it still comes back to the decisions, either not made or poorly made.
Queen of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
This can often represent a higher purpose or a person with a long history of strong commitments to others, and perhaps a dedication to environmental projects as well. They may enjoy the finer things in life, but will generously share with others. This is a person with no resistance to hard work, but at the same time able to relax, feel the moment, reflect, and plan new strategies for the future. Aside from a willingness and commitment to projects and causes, they are quite capable of organizing and managing them as well.
Reversed Interpretation
This is quite often a very shallow view of situations and people, and as a person could easily be envisioned with a measuring stick in each hand. They see the worth of a person in their possessions, and will go to great lengths to create a façade of material wealth, an illusion and a show, to lead others to believe that they are successful themselves. They might even actually believe that they are the same as those with true wealth, thus they may also display elitism to further their pseudo projection of affluence.
King of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
A perfect blending of knowledge, practical experience, and the patience to create a viable plan then see it through to the best possible outcome. This often represents a person in charge of a highly successful business or endeavor. Often an approach that is detailed and organized to succeed with the utmost efficiency, or the person that understands that proper planning and preparation make success much more likely. Most often this card as a person is found to be practical, grounded, and successful as a result. They are seldom if never rattled, upset, or angry, because they are seldom caught off guard or surprised by outcomes and events that transpire around them.
Reversed Interpretation
This is often a perverse sense of acquirement and possessions. Whereas the Queen of Pentacles reversed is about putting on a show of wealth and obtainment, the King of Pentacles is often a person who is obsessed with it, and quite frequently have seemingly no sense of ethics or fair play overseeing their quest. They will openly display an elitist attitude, which is a reality behind the obsession; a need to feel more important than others, and a willingness to act without limits to achieve that. ‘Whomever dies with the most toys wins’, would be a simple but accurate description.
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