Xultun Tarot — Таро Ксултун (Таро Майя)
![The Flight of the Feathered Serpent](https://www.rozamira-tarot.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/The-Flight-of-the-Feathered-Serpent-236x179.jpg)
![The Maya Book of Life. Understanding the Xultun Tarot](https://www.rozamira-tarot.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/The-Maya-Book-of-Life.-Understanding-the-Xultun-Tarot.jpg)
Характеристика Xultun Tarot — Таро Ксултун (Таро Майя)
Автор: Peter Balin, Michael Owen
Художник: Peter Balin
Издательство: Arcade (1976); Kahurangi Press (2011)
Состав: 80 карт + инструкция на англ. языке
Книги к колоде: 1. The Flight of the Feathered Serpent (автор Peter Balin, Lotus Press, 184 стр на англ. языке)
2. The Maya Book of Life: Understanding the Xultun Tarot (автор Michael Owen, 500 стр. на англ. языке, 2013 год)
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 9 х 13,8 см
Год: 1976, 2011
ISBN: 978-0910261005, B005NC2DEQ (2011 год), 978-0910261012 книга 1978 год, 978-0473119898 книга 2013 год
Традиция: Уникальная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: господин, госпожа, воин и слуга
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: культура Майя; мифы
Созданное Петром Балин в 1976 году, Ксултун Таро было первой околокультурной или туземной колодой Таро. Колода основана на изображениях истории и культуры Майя, а также известна как Майя Таро или Книга Жизни Майя. Xultun Tarot названо в честь древнего поселения майа — Ксултун (в некоторых переводах Шультун) — в Гватемале, неподалеку от города Тикал. Изображения рассказывают о браке духа и материи, что Юнг называет процессом индивидуации из общего.
Символизм, нумерация, сцены, рисунки и искусство древней культуры были майя положены в основу стандартной колоды Таро.
Старшие арканы в Таро Ксултун не обозначены названиями на картах, используются только цифры майя, а младшие арканы используют в обозначениях английские названия.
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Обзор Xultun Tarot — Таро Ксултун (Таро Майя)
Xultun Таро основано на искусстве и культуре древних майя в Центральной Америке. Художник Петр Балин опирался на символы и мифы этой цивилизации, привнеся свежий взгляд на традиционные Таро. Карты Старших Арканов показывают просто изображение. Нет ни границ, ни текста, хотя число карты отображается в нижней части с помощью точек и линий. Каждая карта стоит особняком, но Старшие также могут быть объединены в головоломку-пазл, чтобы сформировать картину. Мастями младших арканов являются жезлы, чаши, мечи и нефриты. Каждый из них имеет разный цвет фона. Масти карты названы в черной полоске в нижней части, с названием, данным на пяти языках. Над этой группой еще показаны астрологические соответствия для карт и соответствующего количества масти символы. В верхней части есть сцена, которая отражает смысл карты — как правило, похожая на ту же сцену в Rider-Waite колоде. Карты двора — господин, госпожа, воин и слуга. Существует отдельная книга-компаньон для этой колоды, называется Полет Пернатого Змея. Балин описывает особенности майянских мифов и религии, чтобы показать, как эта сложная космология сливается с Таро и другими эзотерическими науками. www.learntarot.com
МБК значения: Xultun Tarot — Таро Ксултун (Таро Майя)
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Xultun Tarot
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, crtive.
Number. Zero, The Void.
Emotional: innocent, childlike, enthusiastic, trusting, integrity, loyal to his own nature, undivided, sense of humour, basic genuineness and integrity.
Physical: adventurous, risk-taking, acting on gut instinct, ‘just do it.’
Mental: beginner’s luck, untutored brilliance, taking a chance, a leap of faith, urges us on into life when thinking or feeling might be overly cautious.
Spiritual: spiritual yearning, finding magic in the ordinary, beginning the journey, natural force unburdened by knowledge or experience.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Zero, The Void.
Emotional: naïve, apathetic, gullible, abandonment, madness, folly, foolery, extravagance, infatuation, childish, always playing it safe, risk averse, lack of personal boundaries.
Physical: intoxicated, lack of resources, disreputable, irresponsible, not following own instincts.
Mental: poor decision-making, inept, air-head, stupid, hesitation, senseless, irrational, thoughtless, hare-brained, no objectivity.
Spiritual: frenzy, rapture, blindness, lacks purpose.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. One, Grandfather Sun, element of fire, illumination and enlightenment.
Emotional: self-confidence, charisma, optimism.
Physical: skill, dexterity, craftsmanship, adaptability, self-starter, entrepreneur, makes things happen.
Mental: concentration, will power, intention, focus, purpose, one-pointedness, desire for knowledge, goal-oriented drive.
Spiritual: desire to live, inspiration, drive to change the world, originality, creativity, medicine man, alchemist, healer, doctor.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. One, Grandfather Sun, element of fire, illumination and enlightenment.
Emotional: boastful, deeptive, grandiose, narcissistic, con artist, exploiter, out of one’s depth, faking it.
Physical: no commitment, unreliable, liar, crook, concealed.
Mental: lack of willpower, devious, manipulator.
Spiritual: charlatan, imposter, false guru, cult leader.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Two, Grandmother Earth, element of earth, introspection and intuition.
Type. Emotional feeling.
Emotional: introspection, hidden knowledge, dreams, fantasies, empathy, receptivity, attunement.
Physical: body knowing without words.
Mental and spiritual: seeing and knowing the ‘other,’ another person (clairvoyance), the past (retrocognition), the ancestors (mediumship), the future (precognition, prophecy), or communicating with animals, plants and minerals.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Two, Grandmother Earth, element of earth, introspection and intuition
Type. Emotional feeling
Emotional: betrayal of and by the feminine, alexithymia (inability to know one’s feelings), chronic woundedness, distrust of feelings, brittle spiritual or emotional boundaries, borderline personality disorder.
Physical: not at home in one’s own body, space cadet.
Mental: loss of self-identity, identifying with another’s projection, revealing secrets or confidences, literalism.
Spiritual: denial of intuition, neglect of dream life, black magic, chthonic rites, madness, religious mania, fatalism and superstition.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Three, Plants, element of water, trust and innocence.
Type. Physical feeling.
Emotional: wife, marriage, home and hearth.
Physical: mothering, growth, fertility, fruitfulness, wealth, pregnancy, community, family, comfort, warmth, nursing.
Mental: courtesy, sociability, hospitality. Spiritual: impersonal caring, healing by nature.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Three, Plants, element of water, trust and innocence.
Type. Physical feeling.
Emotional: jealousy, vengeance, rejection of conventional female roles, triangular or unconventional relationships, under- or over-mothering, dependent personality disorder.
Physical: social appearances, vanity, formality, abortion, miscarriage,hysterectomy, infertility.
Mental: conventional, ruthless, vindictive.
Spiritual: absence of spirituality, physical growth without limits.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Four, Animals, element of air, harmony and balance.
Type. Mental feeling.
Emotional: leadership, authority, confidence.
Physical: power, masculinity, virility, potency, law, protection, stability, accomplishment, organisation.
Mental: will, conviction, reason, logic, intellect, principle.
Spiritual: mediator between heaven and earth.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Four, Animals, element of air, harmony and balance.
Type. Mental feeling.
Emotional: stubborn, coward, weak, passive-aggressive, manipulative, antisocial personality disorder.
Physical: tyrant, brutal, abuse of physical or financial power, impotent.
Mental: prejudice, indecision, rigidity, paranoia, perfectionism.
Spiritual: lack of conscience, religious oppression, preoccupation with immortality.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Five, Humans.
Type. Spiritual feeling.
Emotional: kindness, mercy, forgiveness.
Physical: celibacy, sacred sexuality.
Mental: teaching, knowledge, advice, mentorship, seeks meaning, philosophy of life or spiritual path, ethics, morality.
Spiritual: therapist, shaman, working with dreams and symbols, ceremony, tradition.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Five, Humans.
Type. Spiritual feeling.
Emotional: rejection of authority, persecution, cruelty.
Physical: renunciation, asceticism, prudishness, asexuality, sexual excess or addiction, meaningless ritual.
Mental: rigid beliefs, harsh conscience, puritan.
Spiritual: dogma, fundamentalist, religious fanatic.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine and masculine.
Number. Six, Ancestors, self-image.
Type. Soul feeling.
Emotional: decision in love, affection, attraction, emotional trials and testing.
Physical: sexual relationship, sensuality.
Mental: adoration, worship.
Spiritual: relationship with the anima/animus, soulmate.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine and masculine.
Number. Six, Ancestors, self-image.
Type. Soul feeling.
Emotional: unrequited love, foolish infatuation, puppy love, infidelity, jealousy, immaturity, broken-hearted, drama queen, histrionic personality disorder.
Physical: failure, unwise plans.
Mental: sexual manipulation and taking advantage, sexual grooming, stalking, sexual obsession, doubts, indecision.
Spiritual: unconsummated love, ‘pure’ love without ear.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Seven, sacred dream, symbols of life experience.
Type. Emotional thinking.
Emotional: initiation, assertiveness, anger, bravery, boldness, daring, determination, respect for authority, valour, gallantry.
Physical: war, aggression, action, mastery, conquest, fortitude, endurance, control, sports, achievement, progress, obeys orders, willing to put self in harm’s way.
Mental: exploration, opportunistic, triumph, victory, fame, pride.
Spiritual: hero or heroine’s journey, overcoming adversity, making something out of nothing, finding the treasure, saves the day, gives life to protect life, fights for the dream.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Seven, sacred dream, symbols of life experience.
Type. Emotional thinking.
Emotional: lack of initiation, defeated, loss of confidence, timidity, fear, pussy-whipped, vengeance, rage.
Physical: conquered, accidents, injury, murder, killing.
Mental: arrogance, pomp, grandiosity, bigging up, unwarranted pride, too far up himself.
Spiritual: loss of heart, dispirited, lack of courage.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Eight, laws, cycles and patterns.
Type. Physical thinking.
Emotional: self-control, patience to harness own animal instincts, the anger, bitterness, fieriness, temper, machismo, sulking, rashness, moodiness of the warrior, assimilating one’s own affects.
Physical: endurance, strength, force, fortitude, physical health, self-containment, mastery of the body and physical environment, providing for oneself physically, physical practices (for example, walking meditation, chanting, martial arts, dance).
Mental: perseverance, mind over matter, self-restraint.
Spiritual: allowing spirit to move in the body, cellular consciousness.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Eight, laws, cycles and patterns.
Type. Physical thinking.
Emotional: rash, impetuous, impatience, hot-headed.
Physical: lack of care of body (diet, exercise), weak, lethargy, stupor, couch potato, four of the seven deadly sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth).
Mental: no self-discipline.
Spiritual: succumbing to temptation, addiction.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Nine, design of energy, choices and decisions.
Type. Mental thinking.
Emotional: beginning of individuation, the intensification of emotions leads to illumination.
Physical: silence, retreat, meditation, quietness, time off, solitude, enforced rest or illness, aware of hidden rhythms and cycles, wandering, renunciation.
Mental: prudence, caution, deliberation, contemplation, reflection, nostalgia, abstractions, history, cosmic meaning, geometric forms, calendars, numbers, cold hard facts, self-knowledge, first principles, underlying patterns, religion and the occult, esoterica, turning away from versus engaging with the world.
Spiritual: timing, knowing when to stop, start or watch, kairos and kronos, catching minimal chance.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Nine, design of energy, choices and decisions.
Type. Mental thinking.
Emotional: reserve, restriction, resignation, withdrawal, uncommunicative, pessimism, unsociable, melancholy, grumpy old man.
Physical: loneliness, isolation.
Mental: relentless introspection, self-torment, too much consciousness, over-vigilant introspection, paralysis by analysis, pedantic, picky, misanthrope.
Spiritual: recluse, solitary, hermit, outsider, lone wolf.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Ten, all measures of intellect, all states of consciousness.
Type. Spiritual thinking.
Emotional: rolling with the punches, acceptance of one’s fate as the amalgam of universal forces and our own life choices.
Physical: unexpected success or failure, risk-taking, progress, movement.
Mental: understanding the inevitability of universal laws.
Spiritual: fortune, destiny, fate, luck, inevitability, providence, cosmic patterns, time, Lady Luck, karma, the mysterious workings of the universe.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Ten, all measures of intellect, all states of consciousness.
Type. Spiritual thinking.
Emotional: ego inflation, inability to accept one’s fate.
Physical: speculation, gambling, excess, flying too high.
Mental: hubris.
Spiritual: bad luck, misfortune, calamity, tribulation, catastrophe, accidents.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine and feminine.
Number. Eleven, all Great Grandfather Stars, spiritual memory.
Type. Soul thinking.
Emotional: use of free will without recourse to laws or conventions, impartiality, honesty, integrity, virtue, mercy, fairness.
Physical: action and physical consequences that flow from decision, takes responsibility for intended and unintended consequences.
Mental: judgement, detachment, objectivity, separation, decision, clarity, cutting through ignorance, ambivalence, confusion, numbering, weighing, principle over passion, logic, reflective judgement, cool-headed decision-making undisturbed by personal feeling or physical desires.
Spiritual: gift of free will, one who chooses their own way.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine and feminine.
Number. Eleven, all Great Grandfather Stars, spiritual memory.
Type. Soul thinking.
Emotional: bias, dishonesty, lying, deception, bigotry, can’t lie straight in bed, crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
Physical: fraud, stealing, embezzlement, theft, larceny.
Mental: poor judgement, injustice, intolerance.
Spiritual: venal, degenerate, debased, decadent, lawless, amoral.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Twelve, all Great Grandmother Planets (all sister planets with human life).
Type. Emotional sensation.
Emotional: turning the world upside down, overturning old priorities, seeing things from a new angle, upending the old order, doing an about-face, sacrifice, suspension, devotion, submission to duty, repentance, expiation, conscious vulnerability.
Physical: tension between the old and the new.
Mental: forsaking familiar beliefs, necessary self-betrayal, paralysis of will, in limbo.
Spiritual: sacrifice of what blocks life or no longer serves us, suffering undertaken for the growth of the personality, awakens the heart of the animus or the anima.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Twelve, all Great Grandmother Planets (all sister planets with human life).
Type. Emotional sensation.
Emotional: avoidance of suffering, restoration of the persona, refusal to let go.
Physical: resistance to change and death, unnecessary sacrifice.
Mental: unrealised ideas, things left undone, obligations not kept, traitor, promiscuous unselfishness.
Spiritual: spiritual stagnation.
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Thirteen, Earth Mother, Spirit of the Plants.
Type. Physical sensation.
Emotional: dying in each moment, dying with consciousness, preparation for rebirth, triumph of life over death.
Physical: change, ending, transformation, alteration, destruction, putrefaction, alchemical mortificatio.
Mental: death of beliefs.
Spiritual: annihilation, disillusionment, disenchantment.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Number 14, Earth Father, Spirit of the Animals.
Type. Mental sensation.
Emotional: taking the middle way, combining things in their right proportion, doing the thing, the right action at just the right time even in a situation of conflict, accommodating, adjusting, trust in oneself, inner authority and self-containment.
Physical: earthy wisdom, spiritualised instinct or instinctualised spirit, animal intuition, conscious cooperation with the forces of nature.
Mental: firmness of will, increased capacity to face reality ‘as it is,’ beginning of ‘sobriety,’ common sense and street smarts.
Spiritual: greater harmony between conscious and unconscious, inner life and outer events, self and others, understanding of the interconnectedness between all things and how the universe works.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Number 14, Earth Father, Spirit of the Animals.
Type. Mental sensation.
Emotional: discord, disunion, lack of cooperation, gauche, tactless.
Physical: cityfied, clumsiness, over-civilised.
Mental: conflict of interest, competition.
Spiritual: going against the grain, fighting nature, misuse of resources, enslavement of matter.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Fifteen, All Human Souls.
Type. Spiritual sensation.
Emotional: knowing one’s own darkness.
Physical: sacred sexuality.
Mental: taking responsibility for what one is not responsible for.
Spiritual: becoming bound to spirit so the soul may be free, submitting to the designs of spirit, choosing between good and evil.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Fifteen, All Human Souls.
Type. Spiritual sensation.
Emotional: addiction to emotions or relationships (emotional co-dependence), bewitchment, all things that interfere with free will.
Physical: addiction to substances (drugs, money, food, clothes, sex).
Mental: addiction to ideas and power (hierarchy or equality), political correctness.
Spiritual: addiction to spirituality (fundamentalism, religious fanaticism), occult power, black magic, bondage, malevolence, evil.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine and feminine.
Number. Sixteen, All Enlightened Human Souls.
Type. Soul sensation.
Emotional: egocentric ambitions are shattered, consequences of ambition, final shattering of the Mirror of Self-reflection.
Physical: natural disaster, overthrow.
Mental: disaster resulting in liberation, the old collapses to make way for the new.
Spiritual: illumination, awakening, ascension, liberation, materialistic attitude dissolves.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine and feminine.
Number. Sixteen, All Enlightened Human Souls.
Type. Soul sensation.
Emotional: disgrace, destruction, ruin, downfall.
Physical: misfortune, sudden unexpected adversity, bankruptcy.
Mental: loss of meaning.
Spiritual: existential disorientation, nothing worth living for, suicide.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Seventeen, the Sweet Dream Teachers.
Type. Emotional intuition.
Emotional: faith, expectation, bright promises, inspiration, hope born from struggle.
Physical: new direction, knowing your path.
Mental: idealism, originality.
Spiritual: vision, favourable omen, sees the light within the light, transpersonal will.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Seventeen, the Sweet Dream Teachers.
Type. Emotional intuition.
Emotional: dispirited, unfulfilled hope, disappointment.
Physical: disoriented, lack of direction.
Mental: indifference, arrogance, stubbornness.
Spiritual: loss of life purpose, no vision.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Eighteen, Holder of the Book of Life.
Type. Physical intuition.
Emotional: stillness, waiting, accepting, ripening, darkness, quiet, secrecy, muteness, hiddenness.
Physical: all physical rhythms and cycles, sleep, hormones, growth, puberty, menstrual cycle, menopause, tides, death and rebirth.
Mental: all fluids, dew, mist, rain, sea, blood, semen.
Spiritual: the unseen world, the unconscious, the slower, natural cycles of life, powers of intuition.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine, receptive, creative.
Number. Eighteen, Holder of the Book of Life.
Type. Physical intuition.
Emotional: deception, illusion, danger, plots, scandal, blackmail, gossip, hidden enemies, instability, variation, fluctuation.
Physical: twilight, darkness, the unknown, instinctual terrors.
Mental: indecision, uncertainty, mooniness, delusion, fantastic beliefs, lunacy, occult forces.
Spiritual: chaos, regression, atavism, frenzy, madness, changeability, enchantment, magic, vampires, ghosts, werewolves.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Keeper of the Higher Self.
Type. Mental intuition.
Emotional: happiness, contentment, joy, satisfaction, success, glory, honour.
Physical: material fortune, energy, aliveness.
Mental: enlightenment, clarity, revelation.
Spiritual: life-force, inexhaustible spiritual energy for growth, divine fire, the will of the Creator.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Keeper of the Higher Self.
Type. Mental intuition.
Emotional: anger, vanity, pride, delusions of grandeur, bluff, facade.
Physical: delayed success or triumph.
Mental: misunderstood.
Spiritual: creative stagnation, uncertain future.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Twenty, Great Spirit, God/Goddess, Creator.
Type. Spiritual intuition.
Emotional: end of self-punishment and self-hatred, repentance, forgiveness.
Physical: compassion and kinship with all things, higher and lower are joined, matter becomes spiritualised and spirit becomes materialised.
Mental: deliverance from limitations.
Spiritual: redemption, love and liberation, ego’s reconciliAtion with the Self, soul reunites with the body, union of opposites, coming of peace, resurrection of new life, understanding the symbolic aspects of a concrete situation, seeing the meaning behind mundane daily events, bringing abstract realisations into everyday life.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Masculine, active, conceptive.
Number. Twenty, Great Spirit, God/Goddess, Creator.
Type. Spiritual intuition.
Emotional: trapped, situation one cannot escape from, impatience, hopelessness.
Physical: confined for the time it takes to outgrow one’s problems.
Mental: harsh, wrathful judgement.
Spiritual: despair of ever changing.
Upright Interpretation
Energy. Feminine and masculine.
Number. All numbers and medicines in the Twenty Count.
Type. Soul intuition.
Emotional: triumph, honour, recognition, success, achievement, satisfaction, joy, fulfilment, full participation in the dance of life.
Physical: reward, promotion, cannot live by spirit alone and must have ordinary, earthly satisfactions.
Mental: the end result, integration, all things live according to their own nature, seeing meaning and beauty in the most difficult events.
Spiritual: perfection, seeing the luminosity of spirit in all matter, all things are ‘pure’ and not contaminated by what they aren’t, all things contain their opposite, all the opposites are joined, all things contain all other things, in the end is the beginning.
Reversed Interpretation
Energy. Feminine and masculine.
Number. All numbers and medicines in the Twenty Count.
Type. Soul intuition.
Emotional: lack of closure, fear of change, self-sabotage, envy of success.
Physical: inertia, fixity, stagnation.
Mental: falling at the last hurdle, obstacles, failure, resistance.
Spiritual: belittling of achievements, unfinished work, destruction, cataclysm.
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