Nova Tarot (Tarot: The Complete Kit) — Таро Нова




Характеристика Nova Tarot (Tarot: The Complete Kit) — Таро Нова
Варианты названия: Tarot, The Complete Kit; Fortune-telling: Book And Card Deck
Автор: Dennis Fairchild, Julie Paschkis
Художник: Julie Paschkis
Издательство: Running Press Book
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 6,5 х 7,5 см
Год: 1996, 1999
ISBN: 978-0762404186
Традиция: Смешанная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: миниатюрные карты; сказочная; детская
Другие колоды Dennis Fairchild: Kitchen Tarot — Кухонное таро
Таро Нова — колода из 78 карт со своеобразной техникой рисунка, в виде упрощенных изображений Райдера-Уэйта, выполненных на черном фоне. Это милое сувенирное Таро, а также карты, подходящие для детей. Есть две версии — одна с маленькими картами , другая с обычным размером карт.
Заглядывать в будущее — неотразимый способ повеселиться с друзьями. Этот гениальный комплект содержит все необходимое, чтобы провести расклады, в том числе полная миниатюрная колода, с легкими в обращении картами с традиционными изображениями Таро, коврик для раскладывания карт, и 88 стр. книгу, содержащую инструкции и советы.
Набор: Fortune-telling: Book And Card Deck, Running Press Book, 1996
Состав : 78 карт (2 3/4″x 3 1/4″) с буклетом и дополнительной 144 стр. книгой в твердом переплете о хиромантии ISBN: 978-1561387564
Набор: Tarot Nova Mini Set, Running Press Book, 1999
Состав : 78 карт (1/2″x3/4″) + 144 стр. инструкция + сундучок для карт на лямочке
Набор: Tarot, The Complete Kit, Running Press Book, 2002
Состав: 78 карт + буклет карманного формата на 87 страниц в коробочке на магните
Размер упаковки: 7,5 х 8,5 х 5 см
Размер карты: 6,5 х 7,5 см ISBN: B00BRA5SHC
Где купить Nova Tarot (Tarot: The Complete Kit) — Таро Нова
*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.
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Обзор Nova Tarot (Tarot: The Complete Kit) — Таро Нова
Таро Нова — небольшая колода с простыми, яркими сценами на черном фоне. Создатель Деннис Фэйрфилд и художник Джули Пашкис изобразили основное значение каждой карты в причудливых, но проницательных картинах. Разделение 3 Мечей показано, как растение с отрезаными листьями. Масти и старшие арканы имеют цветовую кодировку в углах для облегчения идентификации. В нижней части каждой карты есть название и номер. Таро Нова поставляется в двух размерах. Большая колода является частью набора Fortune Telling. Этот набор поставляется с буклетом и дополнительной книгой в твердом переплете о хиромантии. Крошечное Таро Нова в сундучке на ленте идет в комплекте с книгой в твердом переплете, описывающей колоду. Эта книга соответствует книге хиромантии в том же стиле и содержит ту же информацию, что и брошюра-инструкция в наборе.
Tarot Nova-очень интересная английская колода. На черном фоне в нарочито архаично-примитивном стиле изображены фигуры, людей, животных, растения, насекомые и т.д. В ней есть что-то шаманское, одновременно, что-то детское, и колода, можно сказать, даже не языческая, скорее, анимистическая, впрочем разгадывать загадки, таящиеся в рисунках, приходится, используя всю богатую символику, которую дают легенды, мифы, сказки- и в большей степени колода сказочная: здесь обычна гипербола, метафора, здесь теряют значение размер, вес, все условности мора физического- они служат единственной цели- показать и воплотить идеи, о которых хочет поведать рассказчик. juss1
Обзор Демонесса Nova Tarot
Колод, существующих только в «маленьком» размере, не так много, точнее, почти нет – большинство выпускается в стандартном формате. Но для людей с маленькими руками, привыкших к картам Ленорман или игральным картам, уменьшенный формат идеален. Одна из таких колод – Tarot Nova (Таро Нова). Помимо размеров, карты этой колоды «упрощены» и не обладают сложным, многослойным символизмом.
История появления у меня Tarot Nova такова: несколько лет назад, когда я активно вкладывала деньги в свое эзотерическое самообразование, я периодически искала оригинальные, нестандартные колоды, которых нет у других тарологов. Не имея возможности заказывать напрямую из заграницы, я проводила поиск по слову tarot в, просматривая все предложения, и наткнулась на набор Tarot: the Complete Kit. Честно скажу, что большой мотивирующей силой стала цена (на данный момент цена набора – 513 рублей, что сравнимо с мини-колодами от издательства Lo Scarabeo; ранее набор стоил еще меньше).
Набор состоит из 78 карт для гадания, титульной карты с данными издателя, книжечки в плотном переплете с красноречивым названием “Tarot” и листка с раскладом (Fortune Telling Mat). Все это находится в твердой коробочке с магнитным замком.
Размер карт составляет 6,5 на 7,5 см (для сравнения – размеры мини-колод от Lo Scarabeo – 4,4 на 8 см, а размер «карманных» колод от AGM Muller – 5,7 на 8,9 см). Карты очень плотные, ламинированные, покрытие не отстает по ходу использования, не очень частые расклады вообще не отразились на внешнем виде колоды.
Как уже упомянуто выше, колода включает в себя 78 карт (дополнительных карт для гадания нет), порядок Старших Арканов – VII Правосудие, XI Сила. Названия на картах даны только на английском, в нижней части карты. Масти – жезлы-кубки-мечи-пентакли, что традиционно для колод уэйтовской системы. Придворные карты тоже традиционные – Паж-Рыцарь-Королева-Король. Рубашка карт симметричная – те, кто переворачивает карты, смогут смело пользоваться колодой – стебли растений, луны и манипулирующие картами парни образуют пестрое переплетение.
Несомненной «фишкой» колоды можно считать черный фон всех карт (это делает рисунки «двумерными», мы не видим того, что происходит вдали, на заднем плане), а также цветные уголки карт, по которым можно быстро отличить Старшие арканы от Младших, и одну масть Младших Арканов – от другой. Цвета уголков имеют следующие соответствия: Старшие арканы – фиолетовый, жезлы – красный, кубки – цвет морской волны, мечи – оранжевый, пентакли – зеленый.
Судя по сопроводительным материалам, колода предназначалась создателями в качестве первой – для новичков в Таро и даже, возможно, тех, кто не собирается учиться и двигаться дальше. Листок с раскладом подробно и дельно описывает, как сделать 4-х карточный расклад (правда, много нового из этого почерпнут лишь начинающие тарологи), а книжка содержит рекомендации по каждой карте в стиле позитивного подхода к жизни и поиска возможностей. Создатели изначально не «затачивали» мини-набор под серьезные предсказательные или обучающие цели. Есть версия с большой сопроводительной книгой, но… по хиромантии, а не по теме Таро!
Цитата из книжки:
IX – Отшельник. Измените ненужную привычку. Попробуйте избавиться от нездоровых действий. Возможно, кто-то из «друзей» сводит вас с ума? Пора удалить их из своей жизни. Не позволяйте себе «застрять» в соответствии ожиданиям других людей. Перевернутая карта: проведите время с дорогими вам людьми, доделайте незаконченные дела. Не позволяйте ответственности тянуть вас ко дну, держитесь подальше от всего, что вам не по вкусу.
Изображения также наводят на мысль, что создатели хотели передать идею Таро в форме «просто и понятно», чтобы символику можно было читать по картинкам, при этом не усложняя ее до многоплановой панорамы некоего события, как, например, в колодах Антонеллы Платано (самый известный пример – Таро 78 дверей). И все же нельзя не заметить, что хотя бы первичное знакомство со структурой Таро и колодой Уэйта необходимо для комфортного использования (картинки на Старших Арканах просты, но их смысл будет более понятен в сравнении). Колода не нуждается в долгой проработке, но полезно уделить время и внимательно рассмотреть ее в общем, каждую карту и особенно Младшие Арканы – в них есть небольшие нюансы, свойственные только Таро Нова (см. полную галерею колоды). Примеры оригинальных карт – Император (красный сапожок с человеческим лицом), Тройка жезлов (очки и ручка), Пятерка кубков (человек, укрывшийся под зонтом от дождика, изливающегося из кубков), Тройка мечей (растение с сердечком и лицом, у которого мечом удаляются «вершки»), Шестерка пентаклей (батон хлеба). Придворные карты колоды тоже живые и выразительные. Если пройти мимо этих милых особенностей и трактовать строго «по классике», это обеднит предсказания. Однако, если нет времени или хочется новенького немедленно, можно начать делать расклады, едва распаковав колоду.
На мой взгляд и по опыту использования, колода подходит для бытовых, событийных раскладов, прогнозов на «ежедневные» темы – работа, деньги, покупки, как пройдет день (месяц, год), стоит ли принимать то или иное решение. Колода не способствует «рассусоливанию» и философским размышлениям на отвлеченные темы, зато на ней легко можно посмотреть, что будет. Из-за своей «двумерности» она не предназначена для медитации, зато будет хорошим повседневным, дорожным и походным инструментом. Лично меня она привлекает своим отменным качеством и удобным размером – карты такой плотности, столь хорошо помещающиеся в руке, нечасто встретишь!
Я бы порекомендовала колоду начинающим тарологам уэйтовской традиции (тем, кому хочется побыстрее ГАДАТЬ, не тратя время на освоение каббалы и проникновение в тайны масонских мистерий), более опытным – в качестве дорожного варианта для раскладов на простые вопросы (даже себе, ибо колода достаточно нейтральна), молодым людям (несмотря на то, что на картах есть обнаженные фигуры, они нарисованы схематично и целомудренно). За те деньги, которые за нее просят, Tarot Nova – отличное приобретение!
Проработка / Обсуждение Nova Tarot (Tarot: The Complete Kit) — Таро Нова
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МБК значения: Nova Tarot (Tarot: The Complete Kit) — Таро Нова
Tarot Nova
Upright Interpretation
Take things as they are, Matters are proceeding as planned. Do your part to settle outstanding disagreements. Kill others with kindness and let them suffer the consequences of their actions. This is a good time to build your investment or remodel your home.
Reversed Interpretation
Schedules are full, time is at a premium, Take time to enjoy life’s pleasure. Postpone business decisions temporarily. Use discretion and patience.
Upright Interpretation
Do you feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins? Now is the time to stretch yourself and test your limits. Be adventurous, daring and competitive — within limits. Success and recognition will follow. It’s an excellent time to begin new projects.
Reversed Interpretation
Pay attention to rules and think twice before acting. Don’t close yourself off from the help and guidance of others. Beware of arrogance. Make friends, not enemies.
Upright Interpretation
Trust your intuition more than your reason; act more on feelings than on facts. Take your time to think about your options. Tackle difficulties with enthusiasm — these are opportunities to learn. To be a winner now, don’t withdraw.
Reversed Interpretation
You’re expecting things to come too easily. Be careful not to give up right away when they don’t. You’re feeling a desire to escape, to withdraw into yourself. Shrug off your current lack of focus and work diligently to achieve your goals.
Upright Interpretation
Express your ideas and take calculated risks. Getting what you want to your responsibility. Your passions are of primary importance to you now. News of a wedding, pregnancy or children arrives.
Reversed Interpretation
Are you feeling inferior about your intellect, education or communication skills. Stop it! Don’t exaggerate your fears or be reluctant to take action. Problems with your mother and other intimate women are imminent.
Upright Interpretation
Play by the rules and don’t take shortcuts. Use common sense when managing your resources. Now is the time to get organized and make plans. Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success.
Reversed Interpretation
Despite your obvious talents, success comes slowly at this time. Respect the past and learn from it. Frustrations, obstacles, delays, or setbacks, will test your perseverance. Don’t react too hastily; make sure all your decisions are unemotional. Balance work with play.
Upright Interpretation
Follow the path that is familiar. Now is a good time to show how conventional you can be. Your public image and status with friends or in the community are of great concern to you now. Don’t sacrifice your beliefs or freedoms for status. Keep alert to the outside world.
Reversed Interpretation
Make things happen by taking care of detail. Don’t become rigidly attached to order and routine — the ritual shouldn’t mean more to you than the result. Personal growth comes though modesty and compassion.
Upright Interpretation
Lovers and close friends take center stage. Take the time to tell those closest to you what they mean to you. Examine all of your relationships that are going nowhere — eliminate the unwanted and unnecessary.
Reversed Interpretation
Exaggeration abounds, emotions run high — especially jealousy. Beware of self-indulgence and greed. Slow down. Don’t let anyone rush you or push you into things.
Upright Interpretation
Victories are on your horizon. Reject negative people but don’t judge them harshly. Appeal to other’s sense of fair play. This is a very good time for travel, taking a break, and getting away.
Reversed Interpretation
People are more defensive now. Don’t give in to intimidation or pressure. No one wants to waste time. Expect last minute cancellations of plans.
Upright Interpretation
What goes around comes around. Seek legal counsel, ask advice from elders. You may be embroiled in negotiations or tedious bureaucratic systems. Do healthy things — spiritually and physically.
Reversed Interpretation
Tell the truth or get ready to suffer the consequencies. Your friends are wishy-washy now. Do your part to say what’s real, what’s right, and what you feel. Let go of the past and resolve to turn over a new leaf.
Upright Interpretation
Break an unnecessary habit. Take steps to eliminate unhealthy ruts and routines. Have some of your ‘friends’ been driving you crazy? Now is a good time to get them out of your life. Don’t let yourself get stuck in the expectations of others.
Reversed Interpretation
Spend time with someone you love; take care of unfinished business. Don’t let your responsibilities weigh you down and stay away from anything that goes against your grain.
Upright Interpretation
You made your bed, now you must lie in it. Own up to your actions and responsibilities — or suffer the consequences. Be true to yourself.
Reversed Interpretation
Luck isn’t on your side just now. Don’t get embroiled in anything you’ll regret — stay constructively selfish. This is not a good time to be alone, though. Ask questions, seek answers, try options.
Upright Interpretation
Love conquers all. Avoid pettiness and prejudice. Try to be a peace maker. Weigh all sides of every situation. Don’t be so set in your ways that you miss the big picture by focusing on details. Stubbornness is your challenge of the moment.
Reversed Interpretation
Everyone expects the best from you and vice-versa. Arguments with your lover or close associates are likely now. Dont give in to intimidation or pressure, and never go to bed angry. Are you seeing things realistically? Wait one more day to take action.
Upright Interpretation
Rise above material concerns and the way things have always been. Try another avenue. Relax and rethink. Keep everything above board. Allow others to change their minds and look at new options. Contemplate, don’t agitate.
Reversed Interpretation
Stop being so close-minded. There are plenty of alternatives and solutions to your problems. Try something new. This is no time to be lazy or melancholy.
Upright Interpretation
You are entering a growing phase. Acknowledgement comes slowly. No one will offer a helping hand unless you beg for it. Don’t take ‘no’ as a final answer. Avoid self-pity. Get rid of some old habits. Stop doing anything that doesn’t feel right to you.
Reversed Interpretation
This card suggests you are egocentric. Be prepared to lend a shoulder and a handerchief. Ask for a favor and offer one, too. Setbacks and delays are likely. This is a great time for healthy escapism. Honesty brings rewards.
Upright Interpretation
Compromise brings happiness. Perhaps you’re not viewing matters objectively? Try to see the other side of the story. Use common sense and good management. The people around you are more set in their ways now. Postpone arguments and debates until they can open their minds.
Reversed Interpretation
Those around you are playing to win. Don’t be foolish or self-centered. But don’t believe all you hear, either. There’s lots of posturing in the air. Accept favors and be kind, but always listen to your higher self.
Upright Interpretation
Matter overpowers mind. Desires rule. Beware of your dark side. The pursuit of materialistic or sensual pleasures may taint your ability to think clearly. Cleanse yorself of behaviors and that habits that are doing you no good.
Reversed Interpretation
Things are unclear for you now. Don’t let yourself be intimidated and don’t judge others too harshly. Others seem uptight, set in their ways. Are you? Don’t let past issues, cloud today’s progress.
Upright Interpretation
Everyone wants to be admired. Others embellish the truth, but what’s necessary and real will prevail. Illusions will be shattered, enemies revealed. Don’t be upset if things don’t turn out as planned. Try to compromise and see others’ points of view.
Reversed Interpretation
Delays are inevitable. A fall from glory is likely. Be prepared to change course midstream. Cooperation is minimal; pushiness is plentiful. Meet opposition with compassion and sympathy.
Upright Interpretation
This is the card of optimism and hope. You have a chance to start over in long-standing situations. Beware of pride; aim for cooperation and innovation.
Reversed Interpretation
Remain humble. You’ll need imagination to come up with options for action now. Examine and evaluate issues carefully.
Upright Interpretation
People are acting clannish and very emotional. Don’t join the crowd. Read between the lines. Your intuition is very strong right now, but you’re still likely to be deceived. This is not the time to start anything new. Have patience.
Reversed Interpretation
Everyone wants things done his or her way so go easy on yourself. Take a mental-health day to get away from your responsibilities. When you come back, roll with the punches. Don’t be too trusting or willing to go the extra mile, — unless you can afford it.
Upright Interpretation
Any personal growth you achieve now will be linked to self-expression. Say what you feel when you feel it. Accept criticism and admit mistakes. Enthusiasm and self-assurance bring results.
Reversed Interpretation
Relationship hassles are likely. Don’t get wrapped up in yourself so tightly that you ignore your partner’s or others’ needs. Stop being overly dramatic. Set goals realisically and try to do what’s good for all parties involved.
Upright Interpretation
A job well done delivers many rewards; lazines is punished. Make peace — don’t nit-pik yourself or others too harshly. Patience brings success. Don’t be cruel. Health improves but it may take some effort.
Reversed Interpretation
Your desire to escape is strong. Keep your ears open and your mouth closed. Listen. Read all the fine print. Self-esteem is low and needs a boost. Act now without fear — shift into high gear!
Upright Interpretation
Look at both sides of every situation and surround yourself with those who truly love you. Refuse to get shaken when others try to undermine your confidence in your strengths and abilities. Rewards and paybacks are just around the corner. Don’t give up anything for anyone.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t be too trusting. Put your faith in Number One! Pamper yourself and the object of your affection. Seek intimacy and personal happiness in all you do. Resolutions come slowly but will be worthwhile when they arrive.
Upright Interpretation
Now’s the time for sending out résumés, starting a new enterprise, or beginning a journey. Your strength uplifts those who lack the resources to solve their problems alone.
Reversed Interpretation
It pains you when you don’t have the answers to the question others ask. Remain strong.
Upright Interpretation
Be a willing listener. Knowing what people need gives you an advantage. Help is on the way, even though you have the self-confidence to succeed on your own. Re-examine your goals and define exactly what it is that you want to achieve.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t rely too much on loved ones or business associates for advice. Trust your own instincts to get you though a crisis.
Upright Interpretation
You are very good at putting the talents and skills of others to their best use. Be specific about what you want and don’t be misled by well-meaning friends. This is not a lonely time. Use the strength of those around you — teamwork brings luck.
Reversed Interpretation
Stop struggling! stay focused and don’t be intimidated by know-it-alls. Ask questions. Take time to define what you want clearly.
Upright Interpretation
Social life and activity come to the forefront. Don’t get stuck in old behavior patterns. If you come to a fork in the road, keep your eye open for all options. Past efforts and labor bring rewards.
Reversed Interpretation
Try to appreciate what you have; don’t let envy get even the smallest foothold in your life. Errors in judgment are likely when emotions cloud reason. Do you really think someone is taking advantage of you? Think about it.
Upright Interpretation
People around you are cranky; morale is low. Stay calm through the chaos and remember who you are. Read all the fine print — legal troubles are possible now.
Reversed Interpretation
You don’t always have to come out on top. Accept compromises and apologies. Re-prioritize.
Upright Interpretation
Competition brings out the best in you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Apologies are in the stars.
Reversed Interpretation
Everyone — including you — wants to have things his or her way now. Sit it out, bide your time.
Upright Interpretation
Faith overcomes current obstacles. You have the power to accomplish your goals. Consider all consequences, but act swiftly.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t be indecisive. Say what you feel and move on. Situations are nowhere near resolution, so be patient.
Upright Interpretation
All your plans have a green light. Move ahead. Your understanding of people and their problems delivers opportunities to get what you want. Friends and nature bring remedies for what ails you.
Reversed Interpretation
Your energy is scattered. Think before you act. Don’t ignore the chain of command.
Upright Interpretation
Fight for and hold onto what you believe. Projects are near completion; relaxation is at hand. Victory soon arrives. Luck comes to children.
Reversed Interpretation
Be prepared and aware of the rules of the game. Arrogance creates obstacles. Rid yourself of self-pity and anxiety. Tend to your health.
Upright Interpretation
The aggressive pursuit of your goals will result in serious setbacks with superiors until you learn to be more restrained and more original. Break out of stubborn patterns and look for new approaches. An on-the-job transfer or change of status is likely.
Reversed Interpretation
Focus your energy or you’ll waste it. Be sure you have an objective in mind and you’re not just blowing off steam.
Upright Interpretation
Tact and diplomacy will bring the best results. People are in a giving mood, so don’t hesitate to ask for assistance and get matters off your chest.
Reversed Interpretation
Everyone wants to get things done quickly. Don’t overlook important details in the rush to completion.
Upright Interpretation
The more self-assured you are, the better things will go. Everybody’s playing to win, so be prepared for competition. Fight the need to have the final word.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t believe everything you hear. Beware of impatience and the white lies of others. Stand firm in your convictions, but know when to swallow your pride.
Upright Interpretation
Believe in yourself — don’t be afraid to take the lead. Dealings with authority figures go well. Answers arrive when you talk things out with friends and lovers. Write letters, make calls, send faxes. Punctuality counts.
Reversed Interpretation
Bet only what you can afford to lose; don’t take silly risks. Guard against unrealistic thinking. Dare to dream, but keep both feet firmly on the ground.
Upright Interpretation
You’re about to be surprisingly successful in navigating extremely complex situations as you strive toward meeting some of your long-range goals. Use your intuition and treat others royally. Cooperation in professional project brings great rewards
Reversed Interpretation
Seek new options for growth and mobilize your skills. Stay firmly within ethical boundaries when you act and don’t be too aggressive.
Upright Interpretation
Happiness arrives soon, but it may take some effort on your part to bring it to fruition. Those around you are more emotional than usual. Don’t rely on them to be the voice of reason. Postpone debates. Examine home and family issues. This is a good time to consider relocating.
Reversed Interpretation
Accept assistance from others. Don’t be too full of yourself. Act with determination. Know when to say no.
Upright Interpretation
This is a good time to make peace with anyone who recently did you wrong. Expect a happy surprise, such as a love letter or a new relationship. Don’t buy into social pressure.
Reversed Interpretation
Keep things light! Now is the time to make any outstanding apologies. Don’t let anyone or anything else raise your blood pressure. People may be asking too much of you now. Find constructive ways to relieve tension.
Upright Interpretation
People around you are seeking acknowledgement in the form of positive strokes or physical affection. Flexibility and adaptability will bring luck. Family problems will soon mellow.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t let disappointments get in the way of your happiess. Beware of overindulgence and depression. Jealousy clouds reason.
Upright Interpretation
Take a step back and look at matters from a different perspective. You might notice that your heart has been ruling your head. Share your thoughts — don’t be selfish. Do your part to settle disagreements.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t jump the gun or get angry when others disagree. Political power plays are on the rise. Hurt feelings could steer you down the wrong path. Be open to new friendships and relationships.
Upright Interpretation
Things are not what they seem. Keep your emotions in check. Beware of deception and illusion. Reinforce your beliefs with facts and demand the same of others. Take care of unfinished business.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t let yourself be overburdened by chores and responsibilities. Rise above petty politics. Friends bring support, but it might also help to take a vacation and get away from the daily grind.
Upright Interpretation
Your personal magnetism is on the rise. Be firm in affairs of the heart. Don’t let the past detract from the present. This is an excellent time to start a new love affair, renew vows, or relocate.
Reversed Interpretation
Make good on all your promises, but don’t give in to unreasonable demands from others. Be constructive in your efforts to solve problems; refrain from being pushy. Find time for deep belly laughs and new friends.
Upright Interpretation
Truth is soon revealed. Act kindly and calmly. This is no time to lose your cool. Reevaluate matters and set some long-laid plans in motion. Call an old lover just to say you’re a better person for having known him or her.
Reversed Interpretation
Make sure you’re speaking clearly; high-strung emotions could cloud your message. You have very little patience just now. Try to relax. Let go of all your worries.
Upright Interpretation
Self-sacrifice is likely to be asked of you. Beware of quarrels; use caution in negotiating affairs of the heart. Attention spans are running short, so don’t take anything too personally. Count your blessings and try to be content with what you have.
Reversed Interpretation
Emotions run high. Let go of situations that no longer concern you. Spend some time and money on the things that make you feel good.
Upright Interpretation
People are generous to those in need. Enjoy the kindness of strangers. Stay away from shop-talk and try not to worry about finances.
Reversed Interpretation
Postpone decision-making. Weigh your options. No one minces words now. Beware of arrogance — try to be easy going.
Upright Interpretation
Tender words and sympathy bring the best results. Speak from your heart. A sudden flirtation or love affair is likely. Food and drink become more appealing now, so try not to overdo it. Leave the answering machine on and let someone ele answer the door.
Reversed Interpretation
Be kind to strangers, as well as to yourself. Your emotions are unfocused. Be discreet. Follow through on promises made.
Upright Interpretation
Don’t get upset if things aren’t going as you hoped. Be open to alternatives and prepare for a change of plans. Think before reacting, beware of childish behavior.
Reversed Interpretation
Now is the time to be independent. Friends and co-workers may not understand your feelings. Don’t let emotions overpower you and don’t judge others too harshly. Patience wins in the end.
Upright Interpretation
A break from responsibilities soon arrives. Let others pamper you. Do something nice for yourself.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t be in a hurry to get things done. Stop and think things through before acting. Take a vacation and stay away from responsibilities. There is life beyond work.
Upright Interpretation
Remember that life is about more than your day-to-day job and worries. Take time to examine spiritual beliefs. Don’t get bogged down by trivial details or the demands of others.
Reversed Interpretation
Those around you are acting stuffier than normal. Pay no attention. Take time to rethink matters, especially your eating habits.
Upright Interpretation
Go easy on yourself ad acept what the day brings. Control your temper; don’t take criticism personally. Try not to feel pressured by deadlines.
Reversed Interpretation
Associates seem to be plodding along very slowly. Keep a backup plan handy in case they can’t keep up. Exaggeration is in the stars, so read between the lines. Find a helping hand in old friends and family.
Upright Interpretation
Your spirit is strong and pioneering. Don’t let your ego get in the way. This is a good time to push ahead with ideas, contract negotiations, and other legal matters. Goals you can meet quickly are better than long-range ones.
Reversed Interpretation
Things are out of balance. Practice patience and perseverance. This is the time for some solo work. In your dealings with others, don’t distort the facts.
Upright Interpretation
Tensions begin to mellow. Help is on the way. Slow down and relax — you’re entering a leisurely phase. Make yourself available to others, but don’t spread yourself too thin.
Reversed Interpretation
Your ability to see merit in all arguments hampers your ability to make decisions. Don’t vacillate. Aim for cooperation, not confrontation.
Upright Interpretation
You misinterpret another’s intentions. This could be a time of regret or separation, so keep your chin up and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t let nervousness or worry cloud clear thinking and action.
Reversed Interpretation
Progress is sluggish; delays are inevitable. Are you looking at things honestly? Find ways to take control of the situation.
Upright Interpretation
To soothe disagreements, look for a conservative middle-of-the-road position. The opposition lessens when you realize that people can change. The greatest obstacle to your success is impatience.
Reversed Interpretation
You’re likely to experience difficulties in communicating with others. Let associates lend a hand. Don’t get bogged down by the past. Family, friends, and co-workers bring answers soon.
Upright Interpretation
You’re feeling overwhelmed and low in spirits. Now is the time for reprioritizing. You are not as powerless as you may feel.
Reversed Interpretation
Beware if pessimism and low self-esteem. You’ll have to work harder, and success may not come quickly, but things will soon begin to turn around. Don’t neglect your health and diet. Allow yourself some time for play.
Upright Interpretation
To achieve security and happiness you’ve got to plan your goals carefully now. Knowing when to say no will help you maintain your integrity. Take some time for yourself.
Reversed Interpretation
Your greatest accomplishments come through competition. Learn from the opposition. Look outside yourself for alternative courses of action. Solutions become clear when you get away from day-to-day duties.
Upright Interpretation
Making plans becomes problematic. Friends may let you down. Don’t rely too much on others. You can’t lose what’s not yours to begin with. Get everything in writing.
Reversed Interpretation
Pressures are on the rise. Don’t take on too much. Learn from the successes and failures of others.
Upright Interpretation
Gossip is in the air. Be easy going when you encounter opposition from stubborn people. Postpone ultimatums. Don’t accept everything as a fact. Update your résumé and open your mind to new business deals. Think about current and future financial needs.
Reversed Interpretation
This is a slowing-down period that delivers opinions and freedom from restrictions. Results won’t be instant.
Upright Interpretation
Depression, suspicion and self-doubt cloud your sense of purpose. Don’t lose your focus.
Reversed Interpretation
Confusion and poor decision-making are in the air. Your step falters and progress is delayed. A good time for second thoughts.
Upright Interpretation
Trouble in personal relations has been weighing on your mind. Your ability to solve problems can be determined only when you apply what you know and feel.
Reversed Interpretation
Someone you love or respect will soon give you the stimulus you need to put your talents to good use. If you can resolve your self-doubts and fears, you’ll soon prove your abilities.
Upright Interpretation
Do you resent the intrusions of others in your life. Make a break. Assert yourself. Those who truly love you will continue to stand by you.
Reversed Interpretation
You often change your course of action as you work toward your goals. This isn’t necessarily bad, as long as you keep your goals clearly in focus. Friends may make excessive demands. Decline kindly, but firmly.
Upright Interpretation
You’re an understanding listener and you know just what to say to please others. But don’t get so close to associates that you have a hard time thinking for yourself. Rely on your own ability to solve problems.
Reversed Interpretation
Troublemakers surround you. Deal with them openly and boldly to keep them from dominating your thinking and blocking your talents.
Upright Interpretation
Let others suffer the conseqences of their actions. Be yor own person and you won’t get burned.
Reversed Interpretation
Heavy demands make you feel doubt. Loyalty is admirable, but don’t dwell too much on the past. You have a mind of your own — assert it! You don’t need anyone else’s approval.
Upright Interpretation
Your keen imagination helps you achieve independence. Cultivate your talents. Seek the company of those who truly care about you.
Reversed Interpretation
Jealousy abounds — in you or those around you. Watch out for narrow minds and prejudice. Develop your intellectual skills; play your hunches.
Upright Interpretation
This card heralds good luck with new business endeavors and acknowledgement for a job well done. This is a great time to apply for new work or seek a promotion. Enjoy — and demand — life’s pleasures.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t let self-doubt get the best of you. Money may become tight. Beware of reckless, irresponsible people. Surround yourself with colleagues looking out for your best interests.
Upright Interpretation
Let go of something old in preparation for new opportunities. Keep your ears tuned to alternative business proposals. Brainstorm with peers, explore teamwork.
Reversed Interpretation
Reflect carefully about your motives before dealing with people. Act with integrity and you’ll be sure to find success in all your endeavors.
Upright Interpretation
Achievement in business is at hand, chiefly because you’re willing to make yourself available to your supervisors. But be careful not to buy others with gifts — this will only lead to resentment.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t let your insecurity drive you to be overly generous to the needy — you’ll end up with less energy and less money.
Upright Interpretation
Manage your money with firm ethics. Respect those in power but do not accept intimidation. Your ideas are rich but still need development.
Reversed Interpretation
The demands of personal security weigh heavily on you now. Confusion and loss are likely if you let greed or insecurity take over. Challenge and opposition are on the horizon. Meet them head on.
Upright Interpretation
Your hard work and devotion to others may not be paying off. Let others know what you expect in return. Temporary health and financial problems may be ahead.
Reversed Interpretation
Learn the virtues of self-discipline and teamwork — these will bring rewards. Others try to make you conform. Reserve the right to express yourself as you choose. Repaid loans or a new source or income are likely.
Upright Interpretation
You will soon profit from the extra efforts you’ve been putting forth. Stop being overly sensitive to the needs of others at work. Beware of overindulgence.
Reversed Interpretation
Don’t let your insecurities push you into being a workaholic. Choose well-defined objectives that will bring growth. Slow down. Try not to borrow money now — new obligations will take the starch out of your sails.
Upright Interpretation
Have you been jumping the gun lately? Patience and hard work bring success. Try to listen to others and postpone decisions until you’re informed. You hate to be broke, but don’t over-burden yourself to make ends meet.
Reversed Interpretation
You may like to have the final word, but there’s no harm in asking for advice. Take your time to make informed decisions.
Upright Interpretation
You want what’s best for your loved ones and co-workers, and you have the strength to provide it. But you have lots to learn. If you lack information, have the determination to find it!
Reversed Interpretation
You’ll soon gain recognation for accomplishments. Don’t forget those who made your success possible. You want to help people, so be a willing listener.
Upright Interpretation
Look for opportunities to develop your creative potential and to prove what you can do. Start now! The time for paybacks and rewards is quickly approaching, but it will only come if you strive for success.
Reversed Interpretation
Plan carefully for whatever you hope to achieve right now. Don’t assume everything will work out just as expected, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Upright Interpretation
Your imagination is second to none, so express yourself. Your talents are in demand. Just as you attain one goal, another will emerge. Be prudent and confident. Make plans and refuse to be deterred from your new objective.
Reversed Interpretation
You’ve been busy helping others. Keep your own goals foremost in your mind. Friends will show their true colors. Be on the lookout for legal entanglements.
Upright Interpretation
You want to be financially independent, so why not get started right away? You may have to put up with criticism from family and friends, but this is the time to push forward and improve your quality of life!
Reversed Interpretation
You’re being hesitant, secretly doubting that you’ll succeed. Do not be afraid of a little competition
Upright Interpretation
You’ve been questioning whether you’ll ever have enough money to get the things you want and need. You rarely feel discouraged, but lately you lack confidence in the future. Success is around the corner, but first you must learn to budget time and money better.
Reversed Interpretation
The way to your future financial security is to stop overspending. Cut back. Start looking at bottom lines, what you owe, and to whom you owe it.
Upright Interpretation
You may be doubting your ability to live up to your responsibilities. Believe in yourself, but don’t look for too much approval from others at this time. Rewards will arrive when you work independently, in your own way.
Reversed Interpretation
What you lack in daring, you make up for in perseverance. Stay focused, don’t let others scatter your energies or sway you off course.
Upright Interpretation
Stop trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. Specialize. You have strong sensual and physical desires just now. Don’t let your sense of self-dicipline interfere with your personal happiness and fulfillment.
Reversed Interpretation
You’re being extremely sensitive now, more vulnerable to the suggestions of others. Stop it! Fear of competition and growth will only delay desired outcomes. Act now to meet your goals. Tell your partners your objectives and feelings. Don’t be afraid of rejection.
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