Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа

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Тароман — карты Таро

Характеристика Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа

Оригинальное название: Tarot de Paris

Автор: J. Phillip Thomas 
Художник: J. Phillip Thomas
Издательство: St Martins Press (2002), InSpira Editions
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + 240 стр. книга на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 9 х 14,5 см
Год: 2002, 2009
ISBN: 978-0312304225 St Martins Press

Традиция: Смешанная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: Земля, Вода, Огонь, и Воздух
Карты двора: Паж (Spirit), Рыцарь (Stallion), Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8. Старшие арканы: Source, Initiation, Veil, Nature, Order, Awakening, Harmony, Chariot, Equilibrium, Recluse, Sphinx, Presence, Question, Crossing, Alchemy, Energy, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, Angel, Universe
Категория: коллаж

Впечатляющие коллажи, созданные из тысяч образов классического и современного искусства Парижа и архитектуры. Фотографии  Таро Парижа являются оригинальными, и были собраны художником за двадцатилетний период.

Дж. Филипп Томас впервые посетил Париж в 1981 году, и после паранормального опыта, который буквально изменил его жизнь, он начал путешествие самопознания, создав Таро Парижа. Это не обычное Таро. Необычайная сила и глубина Таро Парижа отражает энергию и вдохновение ее создателя в течение 20 лет. Колода 78 захватывающих изображений включает в себя ослепительный массив классической и современной архитектуры и искусства из самых красивых городов в мире.

Где купить Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа

*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.

Тароман — карты Таро

Обзор с зарубежных сайтов

Обзор Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа

В 1981 году Дж. Филипп Томас посетил Париж в первый раз. Выйдя из метро, он был поражен солнцем, пробивающимся сквозь венок статуи. В тот момент ему было явлено видение старших арканов на основе памятников и других достопримечательностей Парижа. Таро Парижа —  реализация этого видения. Каждая карта представляет собой монтаж,  созданный из более чем 3500 фотографий города. Изображения отражают традиционные темы Таро, но по-новому. Свет является мощным элементом во многих картах. В книге-спутнике Таро Парижа, Томас обсуждает «триумфальный путь» от Триумфальной Арки к Стеклянной Пирамиде  возле Лувра. Он также описывает значение каждого изображения и определение ее элементов и их расположение в Париже. Этот набор включает в себя шелковую ткань, которая может быть использована в качестве мягкой поверхности для раскладов или для упаковки карт. www.learntarot.com, перевод rozamira


Таро Парижа была задумана Дж. Филипом Томасом в 1981, когда Томас, профессиональный иллюстратор-проектировщик посетил Париж в первый раз. Выходя из метро, он увидел, как солнечный свет течет через венок над статуей, и ,вдруг, внезапно увидел одну из Старших Аркан Таро. Он задумал выразить Арканы Таро как парад Парижских статуй. Чтобы воплотить свое видение в жизнь, Томас оставался в Париже в течение трех месяцев, фотографируя статуи и участки, но не мог оставаться там больше, поэтому проект был приостановлен. В 2000 он нашел финансового спонсора, и колода была закончена приблизительно из 3 500 фотографий.
Томас передает свои Старшие Арканы  как взаимодействие двух циклов. Первый или » One» цикл (Карты 1-10) является фазой иня или сокращением, сужением, понижение. » Two» цикл (Карты 11-21) составляет фаза яна или расширение,увеличение,повышение. Оба цикла  встречаются в Аркане  0 или 22  и  представляют Источник. На этой карте нет  никакого числа и она может считаться обоими числами. » Таро начинаются и заканчиваются здесь » пишет Томас.
Малые Арканы обретают себя в основополагающих элементах- Земли, Воды, Огня, и Воздуха. Они воплотили в себе диалог между космическими перспективами Таро и повседневными событиями нашей жизни,отражая как зеркало всю нашу игру. Томас хотел уйти от общепринятого разделения на масти Младших Арканов и соответствия астрологическим символам.Он решил что блеск Парижа будет лучше подан через эти элементы. bros-s.narod.ru 

Рецензия Антона Самсонова

Парижское Таро можно отнести к той категории колод, которые поражают своим визуальным рядом, после чего вскрывают мозг своей откровенно навороченной моделью и сложностью. Видимо, по этой причине колода улетела в тяжело добываемые раритеты, но обо всем по порядку. Английская версия колоды Дж. Филиппа Тома выпущена издательством Inspiria, спасибо что язык тоже английский. Поставляется в стандартной коробке внушительных размеров. Должен отметить, не очень удобной. Сами Карты тоже значительно крупнее стандарта и в ладони помещаются с большим трудом. Картон очень плотный, качество печати на уровне. МБК к колоде заботливо не прилагается. Это будет первой пугалкой. Вторая серьезная деталь – колода совершенно не обращается к изображению живых людей, вместо людей – статуи и изваяния. Часто их просто нет в принципе. К этому надо привыкнуть. Рубашка несимметрична, про перевернутые карты забудьте. Старшие Арканы в большинстве своем не смогли сохранить оригинальные названия – в живых остались лишь Колесница, Башня, Луна и Солнце. При этом большинство Старших Арканов, хоть и выглядят весьма отдаленно напоминающими канонические образы продолжают хранить верность классическому Райдеру. Исключение составляют Сфинкс (Колесо Фортуны), Пересечение (Смерть) и Алхимия (Умеренность). Многим может понравиться использование образов в виде статуй, правда, не всегда хорошо знакомых, что значительно усложняет работу – ведь как и картины данные объекты имеют свой исторический бэкграунд, который авторы могли бы и не иметь в виду, зато Тарошные энтузиасты с радостью их раскопают и препарируют. Правда, к сожалению, книги по этой колоде нет, а живой сайт по колоде, почему-то имеет лишь английскую и японскую(!!!) версии. В Японии даже центр этой колоды есть, во как! А вот сайт находится в стадии реконструкции. Причем целиком. Старшие Арканы пронумерованы, Сила(Присутствие) – 11-я, Справедливость (Эквилибриум) – 8-я. Для тех кто любит заморачиваться на нумерацию это, естественно, вызовет трудности, хотя, колода весьма располагает к тому, чтобы в ней разобраться. Кстати, к 22-м Старшим Арканам прибавлена карта Источник, на которой изображено некое подобие оргии. Младшие Арканы капитально переименованы, но интуитивно определяемы – Материя, Огонь, Вода, Воздух. Для тех, кто слегка в теме все выглядит значительно просто. Для новичков, ад, конечно. Двор, помимо традиционных Короля и Королевы представлен Всадником и Духом. Младшие Арканы следуют за классической традицией и весьма типичны, просто в своем жанре. Кстати – Король Мечей – сам Наполеон Бонапарт, а Паж Жезлов (Дух Огня) – Статуя Свободы. Таким образом, Парижское Таро предоставляет на суд достаточно типичные и хорошо знакомые образы. В общем и целом для меня странно, что такая весьма простая колода в стиле Райдера, оказалась раритетом, при том невостребованным. Образы понятны, сложность надумана, согласен отказаться от этого постулата как такового. Может дело в картах размером с пятерню великана? Я вот люблю карты большого размера. Дело вкуса. И при всех этих переменных колода получила на Эклектике оценку 4/5.

Общая оценка(по пятибалльной шкале): 4*

Качество исполнения

Сами карты – блестяще. Коробочка немного подкачала.


Текстовое сопровождение(МБК)

Ее нет.


Художественная ценность

К сожалению, почти стопроцентное копирование идей Пражского Таро, пусть и очень здорово исполненное.


Простота (с позиции первого знакомства)

Умеет показаться суперсложной будучи не являясь таковой. Красивая и загадочная дамочка.


Простота (с позиции дальнейшей работы)

Если вас не пугают переименованные масти и Арканы – без проблем пойдет. Новичкам не рекомендую.



Увы, ребята, переименовав Арканы и масти вы не изобретете новую систему. Перед нами пусть и навороченный, но очень близкий клон Райдера.


Соотношение цены и качества

Откровенно говоря, страшно подумать СКОЛЬКО это сейчас может стоить. На Амазоне цена новой колоды стартует от 60 долларов…


Коллекторская ценность

В коллекции это должно быть. И, боюсь, только на коллекционеров колода и рассчитана в силу размеров, несимметричной рубашки и так далее.


Суммарная оценка

Согласен с Эклектиком. Все-таки в коммерческом исполнении это бы било в десятку. А так пока ни о чем.



Проработка / Обсуждение Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа

форум Эклектик Tarot de Paris (англ)

МБК значения: Tarot de Paris — Таро Парижа

Ключевые Значения

Tarot de Paris

Major Arcana – Keywords

    0 – Upright: Life is labyrinth, pure spontaneity, expect the unexpected, living the paradox, all that is beyond mind and fear, adventure/exploration, unorthodox methods or therapies. Reversed: Pure foolishness, negligence, naivety, unprepared for what is next.

    1 — Upright: Creative initiatives, adaptive abilities, focused intentions, self-expression, originality, esoteric forces at work. Reversed: lacking skill, direction or will power, misuse of power, exploitation.

    2 — Upright: Doorway of inner teacher, wisdom of the goddess, empathy, psychic forces at work. Reversed: excessive passivity, fear of the unknown, bad dreams, fatique.

    3 — Upright: Love, nature, sensuality, nurturing, fertility, beauty, cycles of nature, ecology, accepted guidance, growth. Reversed: Lust, negative expressions, unsupportive attitude, frigidity or selfishness.

    4 — Upright: Law and order, practicalities, determination, required proof, authoritative people or institutions, extensive planning. Reversed: Abuse of power, narrow mindedness, contractions, strict or severe conditions, lack of planning.

    5 — Upright: The card of the incarnate Self. Does NOT mean conformity! Teaching by personal example, taking good advice, influential people, consultants, institutions/processes of learning. Reversed: Religious dogmas, saying but not doing, conformity, biased opinions, intellectualism, false moralities.

    6 — Upright: Harmony, relationships, tantra, a soul mate, marriage, agreement, partnerships, Reversed: loneliness, out of synch, separation, opposition, fear of rejection, possible divorce

    7 — Upright: Motivation, possible travel (quest), self-mastery, consolidated effort, in control, multiple means or abilities, healing through applied techniques Reversed: Hasty decisions, moving too fast, over confidence,

    8 — Up: Balance, mediation, fairness, social / political adjustments, confidence, realistic ideals, improved health, Reversed: Skepticism, dishonesty, hidden agendas, complications

    9 — Up: Spiritual or self-reflection, wise advice, taking a break, deep meditation, the sense of being here now, Reversed: Needing a rest, inability to look at inner problems

    10- Up: Wheel of fortune, spontaneity, sudden changes , good luck, new reincarnation, power over fate or destiny? Reversed: Fatalistic tendencies, denial, bad luck, time is not on your side

    11- Up: Mutual trust, courage, give and take relationship, following the instinct, perseverance through obstacles, Reversed: uncontrolled instincts, lack of determination, broken trust

    12- Upright: Stop struggling with reality, confront your fears, ask yourself what is true — who am I?, dive into the unconscious and rescue the Self, let go of habits Reversed: Stagnation, unawareness, feeling helpless, selfless or worthless

    13- Upright: Transformation, a turning point, out with the old, make way for the new, maturation and moving on Reversed: Fear of change, or missing an opportunity for change

    14- Upright: Synthesis, blending, a learning experience, positive experimentation, spiritual progress Reversed: Isolation, uncooperative circumstances, lack of a clear goal

    15- Upright: Intense power, contradictions, feeling obstructed or limited, dangerous habits Reversed: Addictions, negative relationships, obsessions, repressed sexuality, controlling people or circumstances or this position

    16- Upright: Restructuring of physical and/or mental realities, loss often with good results, breaking old habits, need for deep body therapies. Reversed: Lessens destructive force than above

    17- Upright: Spiritual confidence, dreams come true, finding your star, free of worry, hope Reversed: Feeling hopeless, lack of direction, following someone else’s dream

    18- Upright: Temple of goddess, Moon cycles, telepathy, imagination, release illusions, Reversed: Lost in shadows, attraction to another person’s light, intoxication

    19- Upright: Sun, radiant health, success, joy, productive relationships, enjoyment Reversed: Egotistical people, extroverts with no inner wisdom, selfish partners

    20- Upright: Evaluating your life, realization of what is important, clearing old debts, development of conscience Reversed: Misunderstandings, unfinished business, not listening to spirit, fear of death

    21- Upright: Attainment, wholeness, completion, in tune with the universe, progress, satisfaction Reversed: Last minute problems, dissatisfied, trying to prevent change.

Minor Arcana — Keywords

Matter Suit – Ace — 10

    Ace — Up: Positive Card. Success for well-planned project, returns on investments, healing, earth energy. A positive or productive relationship. Down: Still positive but blocked. Project lacking funding, bad planning, loss on investments, ill health, not grounded.

    2 — Up: A positive card bringing balance after a transition. Juggling two things at once. Two variants involved in financial matters. Down: Too many things happening, erratic changes, no rhythm.

    3 — Up: Card of Work or learning a skill. Making an effort. A sign that something is in process but not yet ready. Down: Shows an inability to learn from a teacher or lacking focus. May mean you need to learn a new skill for a new job or project.

    4 — Up: Stability. A materialist. Security issues. Rigid outlook. Needs to enjoy life more. Can be positive if surrounding cards are weak or for people/ideas that need grounding. Down: Very fixed situations or attitudes. Something that will not change. May imply chronic health conditions — arthritis or clogged arteries or senility.

    5 — Up: A special card of self-awareness in spite of alienation from a group or society. Trust yourself in tough times. Also prepare for short-term problems, but something new will come. Down: Fear that things will never change, of being rejected, or unpopular.

    6 — Up: Generosity, sharing, prosperity, debts will be paid, receiving assistance Down: Lack of the above or the need to be more of the above.

    7 — Up: Complex card. Something has taken a long time to prepare. Right timing is essential for success. Patience, experience pays off latter. But keep your eyes open for opportunity Down: Too much in a hurry, looking for a quick fix, opportunist.

    8 — Up: Conservatism, prudence in spending, economic caution, use self-discipline, experience is a valuable asset Down: Lack of discipline and commitment. Inept with money. Impractical ideas.

    9 — Up: Accomplishment, worldly profits, peak moments in life, wish fulfilled Down: Less of the above, but still a good card unless connected to other negative cards

    10- Up: Abundance, well being of family-group, philanthropy, long-term goals are best, support from others Down: Short term good times, some family problems. Period of abundance is challenged.

Air Suit – Ace — 10

    Ace — Up: new ideas, good news, clear thinking, power of reason, expanding consciousness, originality Down: confusion, hasty ideas need solid planning, intellect without soul finds no place to rest

    2 — Up: Difficult decisions. No perfect solution but something must be decided. A temporary fix, affirmation or compromises. Co-dependent relationships. Down: No deal made. Previous decision did not solve problem. Sometimes means an agreement made in past. Investigate decisions someone else made for you. Generally not a positive sign.

    3 — Up: Ask yourself ‘what is true’ in all situations, two people not communicating openly, this brings sorrow, denial, doubt, arguments. Generally a static situation. Down: Delays, repetitive power struggles.

    4 — Up: Need a rest, refuge from stress, need to take time for healing or meditation, find lost spirit Down: problems that come from stress.

    5 — Up: Great exhaustion, count your losses and pull away, a humiliating circumstance, the timing was wrong not your intentions. Down: more bad timing, you may have used by someone else.

    6 — Up: Transition time, needing mediation, agreements that are tough to start but improve slowly. Possibility of travel or changing residence/job. Learning to ‘go with the flow’. Down: Progress stops due to nagging details. Often divorce. Sometimes shows the end of a long standing problem.

    7 — Up: Dead end! May be successful, but lonely. Need to admit making a mistakes and reverse direction. Needing a strategy to solve problems. A very complex person who plays politics. Down: Lies and treachery, and fears of all kinds. The political world. Annoyances.

    8 — Up: Holding yourself back, tied by your own rope. Imaginary excuses. Feeling confined, negative commitments Down: Less intense than above, or feeling everything is your fault.

    9 — Up: Debilitating worries. Your own worst enemy, nightmares, allowing someone to help you out Down: Generally a card of self-affliction. Need to look for new reason to live. Save yourself/Spirit.

    10- Up: Facing your fears, a last chance, letting go of bad memories, fears, and grudges. Approaching the end of an old problem. Last step is hardest but success is assured. Down: Mistakes, negative mental patterns, bad choices, or rigid ego. Missed opportunity for change.

Fire Suit – Ace — 10

    Ace — Up: Great card! Possible birth of a new idea, child, or project. A profound spiritual experience,. Strong creative desires, life force. Inventive. High potential for success. Down: Changing of intense desires. A passion that consumes everything.

    2 — Up: Balance of power, the power is in your hands, self-affirmations, the soul touching the world. Often means creative work with the hands, art, music, healing, etc. Down: Inability to keep partnerships, divorces, running out of energy.

    3 — Up: sees time as a continuum, connections to success, honesty, staying on right path Down: making a wrong turn or minor readjustments.

    4 — Up: ambition, building something well, clear vision for future, favors matters concerning house, property, and purchases Down: stop and check for defects in everything!

    5 — Up: confronting obstacles or adversaries, take on new challenges, ask your boss for a raise Down: losing face in a confrontation, lack of self-confidence, look for other ways to accomplish your goal.

    6 — Up: tarnished triumph, victory with some loss, dependable leadership, never give up, promotions, rewards Down: Be more practical in your ambitions and don’t spend your savings.

    7 — Up: individual expression, testing your power, fighting for a cause, survival instinct Down: suggests a little more compromise, criticism of your ideas

    8 — Up: dragon energy, high energy period brings change, strong team effort, suggests success, travel, lightning speeds things up, excitement. Down: Still a good card, but comes more slowly. Watch out for energy overloads.

    9 — Up: Caesar directing his troops! A good reputation, good leader. Need for both strategy and strength. A moment of great importance that will affect the future. Down: Learn to subdue the ego, don’t force your opinion on others. Need for clear or practical goals.

    10- Up: a spiritual card of release, desire for physical freedom from old problems or responsibilities. Down: too many responsibilities, exhaustion, oppression, struggle to get free.

Water Suit – Ace — 10

    Ace — Up: Essence of Love, Hope and Charity. Healing conditions prevail. Success for new projects that help people. Openly seeking love or pregnancy. The Heart chakra at work, Down: Still good but less of everything above, lacking imagination.

    2- Up: A balanced friendship, partnership, agreement or love affair, force of attraction, confirms a good partnership of any kind, trust Down: Mismatch of any kind, love lost, secret love affair.

    3 — Up: Active friendship, releasing old habits or relationships, joyful expression, break time between situations, party or celebration Down: anti-social, need to heal problems with friends or family or groups

    4 — Up: Apathy, discontent, unsatisfied with something, uninspired, missing the point Down: unseen emotional attachments, unable to take responsibility for own problems

    5 — Up: Emotional loss, grief, regret over past situation, but take what remains and start over Down: Less of all the above

    6 — Up: Memories, especially childhood, good things come from past connections, psychic impressions Down: Feeling nostalgic, locked in the past, past life complications. Childhood problems.

    7 — Up: Fantasies, visions, vivid imagination, sign of impermanence, many love affairs Down: too dreamy, unrealistic plans, over indulgence emotions or sex

    8 — Up: Indecision, sorting out emotional or family ties. A time between relationships. Down: Too much emotional baggage, repeating same love patterns over and over.

    9 — Up: Peace. Oneness. No waves. Emotions evolve rise into spiritual awareness. Also refers to retreats , spas and water therapies. Down: Up or down, still a good card, may longer to achieve results. Peace is at hand but something gets in the way.

    10- Up: Harmony within a family or group. When things are set in order. A feeling of well being that can be passed on to others. Down: Still a positive card but shows something is disturbing the harmony. Sometimes a dysfunctional family situation or longing for happiness within a family.

Court Card — Keywords Fire Suit

    Spirit of Fire Up: Finding your own face in the crowd, liberating yourself from the group mind, an enthusiastic person, reaching for new goals, meeting a new group of people with new ideas Down: Lacking vision and determination, self defeating, or differently it means youthful egotism after reaching the top of the mountain, bragging

    Stallion of Fire: Up: An adventure film, exuberance, an extroverted traveller, an opportunity to get ahead, you can bet on this stallion, or support when most needed Down: Be prepared for some minor problems along the way but don’t give up, this is natural in any adventure, travel delays

    Queen of Fire: Up: Inner fire of intuition joins with outer passion of instinct, a high profile person, desire to travel, an independent person with the ability to inspire others, believe that you are worthy! Down: Hot temper, passion becomes obsession, vanity, too self-conscious.

    King of Fire Up: A very powerful and complex person, entrepreneurial pursuits, performers, the ability to handle many tasks at once, something or someone that stands out in a crowd Down: Advice that something is too hot to handle, personal disagreements affect projects and progress, a person who plays the King but has no throne.

Matter Suit

    Spirit of Matter Up: Strong and earthy person, confident, trustworthy, magnetic attraction, sense of diligence, finding a rhythm in the world, possible pregnancy Down: stubborn, refuses advice, physical problems or injuries

    Stallion of Matter Up: Athletic, make plans for future, never gives up, building on sure ideas, young healthy person. Down: Lack of planning, stubborn, dull, bad health (arthritis, joints muscle pains, over exertion)

    Queen of Matter Up: Natural dignity, generous, large responsibilities, patroness, influential, good nutrition Down: Possessive, need to diet, introversion, loves the outdoors

    King of Matter Up: Natural leader, stamina, good sense of value, well planned investments will succeed, long term thinking. Down: Too authoritarian, bad health, investments, looking for short term profits

Water Suit

    Spirit of Water Up: Kind person who has love to give, intuitive abilities, open to love, trust your feelings, go with the flow. Down: Several possibilities – not ready for long relationship, emotional dependency.

    Stallions of Water Up: A great lover, artistic abilities, seeing eye to eye (agreements), soul mate, let someone know you care for them. Down: Casanova, jealousy, hopeless romantic.

    Queen of Water Up: Elegance, intuition, emotionally mature, possible psychic abilities, sometimes moody. Down: Too deeply involved in own emotions, oblivious to others.

    King of Water Up: Fair, optimistic outlook, talented, experienced in emotional world, respected by others. Down: Hidden feelings, inability to express one’s self.

Air Suit

    Spirit of Air Up: organize your thoughts, analyze details in communications, solving problems, tell the truth about something, curiosity Down: unorganized in general, talking but not making sense, check for hidden details

    King of Water Stallion of Air Up: Sudden decisions or news, being active involved, speaking your mind, investigations and research. Down: Sarcastic, tricks, thinking too fast leads to mistakes, short attentions.

    King of Water Queen of Air Up: Seeing and understanding trends, sharp minded woman, no patience for trivia, advises to think for yourself. Down: Cold-hearted attitude, suspicious of others intentions, controlling others with rules.

    King of Water King of Air Up: Taking charge of decisions, a man with strong intellect and opinions, winning in a decision, ability to manage complex situations. A critic. Down: Not open minded, possibility of arguments, a strict person, or advising that your ideas won’t work and to get a better idea.

The Major Arcana

Of the seventy-eight cards in the Tarot de Paris, the twenty-two major arcana cards are truly mysterious by nature. Not only were these the images that I witnessed during the visionary event that inspired the creation of this deck, they also inspired the creation of the Infinite Arcana – the unique system I now use for teaching the major cards and reading the Tarot Year. The word ‘arcana’ implies something of mystery. In ancient Latin and Greek the root words refer to secrets, keys, a locked chest or box, or hidden things. Older decks often called these cards trumps: a shortened term for triumphs coming from the 15th to 18th centuries when tarot was played as a competitive card game. Many of the first esoteric decks speak of the major arcana as Atouts (meaning stars — from French). Simply put, the Major Arcanum are images that portray what words cannot otherwise explain. Try to visualize them as causative fields of energy much like the movements of high and low pressure zones in a weather forecast. The causal influences of the Major Arcanum are far reaching and often beyond the scope of the logical mind. Thus, it by interaction with the Minor Arcana cards that their effects in everyday matters life are made known.

To unlock the mysteries of this card group we must look closely at the dynamic interplay of the imagery and symbolism with the numbers 21 and 22. The cards of the Major Arcana are numbered from 1 – 21 cards + 0 card = 22.The number 21 is freely associated with the workings of fortune and maximum possibility. Dynamically, 21represents a peak point or climax at which circumstances coalesce and transformations occur. The best example of the 21 in action is the rolling of dice. Over three thousand years before tarot appeared, dice were the most common device used for divination in many ancient cultures. At some point in their later development, the total number of dots per die were standardized as 21 (1+6-2+5-3+4). It is interesting to note that the ‘roll of the dice’ was not attributed to luck or fortune, rather the outcome was believed to be controlled by the gods! The Roman goddess Fortuna, daughter of Zeus (later known as Lady Luck), was believed to determine the outcome of a throw. In modern times 21 plays as a winning hand in the game of Black Jack and, of course, we are now living in the 21st century. Lastly, the Tarot de Paris was only published 2002—21 years after it began in 1981. In numerology, 22 is considered a master number. It is the progenitor of many alphabets such as the Chaldean, Sabean, Roman, Copt and Hebraic. In genetics, chromosome 22 was the first to be deciphered because it contained similarities to all other human chromosomes. In theology, we find there are 22 chapters in the Book of Revelations, and 22 pathways on the tree of Kabalah. But more to the point, the city Paris has an overabundance of correlations with both 21 and 22 as discussed in previous chapters. From the above, we can conclude that 22 is an integrative number – a common denominator – that mirrors the complexities of existence.

In conclusion, the Major Arcana are perhaps best described as the 22 facets of a crystalline prism through which clear light is refracted as the spectrum of colors of a lifetime.

0 — The Source

Source is probably the most difficult card to encapsulate, in words or symbols. The nonconformists, the spiritual explorers, the creative savants, the intellectually innocent-all are personified here. The wandering shadow of Peter Pan also offers a clue. Plan ahead, then take a chance.

1 — Initiation

Creative initiative begins long before any results appear. And if these initiatives are to materialize, a definitive element of choice is necessary. Timing is crucial. A touch of inspired magic may spice up the mix, but self-motivation, self-expression, and originality will all take you there faster.

2 — The Veil

This signifies the correct use of intuitive powers to complement and counterbalance the analytical mind. It also indicates acquired self-knowledge which may sometimes conflict with the norm, but confirms what the intuition knew all along-that real secrets and mysteries do exist.

3 — Nature

The ambient of this card brings us in tune with the forces of Nature, heightening our sensitivity to the deity in us all. The image calls our attention to people, often women, who exude an aura of health, sexuality, and happiness, and acts of spontaneous generosity.

4 — Order

This suggests all manners of «four-ness»-seasons, directions, elements-as well as a clear-minded determination, using practical and proven methods, to bring about predictable results. It also signifies builders working in the third and fourth dimensions.

5 — The Awakening

This reminds us that to learn is to allow the «new»- be it information, insights, or influential people-to enter. Orthodox methodologies are valued for their exactitude in worldly matters, but unorthodox techniques are needed to reach higher altitudes.

6 — Harmony

The mirror is met. The equation is clear: who you are and what you project will determine what you attract and what you become. Somewhere in the shuffle the two Threes will meet, and love will always be the hardest choice. Decisions, decisions .

7 — The Chariot

This indicates that now is the time to push ahead with plans for change. It is possible that the right person, who is able to lead the charge, is on the scene. Speedy success is assured when combined with self-control and skillful navigation.

8 — Equilibrium

Outcomes are decided justly from a higher perspective, and are sometimes accompanied by discomforts in the everyday world. This signifies awareness (through experience) of karma as an invaluable apparatus for growth. Honesty, maturity, and a strong sense of fairness are indicated.

9 — The Recluse

Call for a time-out. Release yourself from your own gripping patterns. Practice letting go of the reins-for short periods, in a quiet place-just to see what happens in your own absence.

10 — The Sphinx

Get a new spin on things. They may be complex by explanation, but simple by experience. The dissolution of older patterns is indicated. Call it good luck when we are pleased and bad luck when we are not-but when it is good, it is very, very good. Reincarnation encompasses it all.

11 — Presence

Project trust as a way of attracting the same in return. This card suggests a lust for life and the courage to live it out. Tap into your instinctual drives to bring about change. Persevere.

12 — The Question

Understanding the practical uses of the right time and place furthers our trust in the day-to-day reality we all create. By turning the world on its head, we gain a new perspective on our old hangups. Dangerous? Yes, but only for the mind in the mirror. The aftermath brings a well-deserved sense of peace and a great sigh of acceptance.

13 — The Crossing

Conclusive actions will bring immediate results. Radically evaluate your surroundings. Don’t just rearrange the furniture this time-open up the door and throw it all outside. Then, piece by piece, decide if it adds to or detracts from the equation that is your new life. A time of renewal awaits.

14 — Alchemy

This card stresses the importance of entirely integrating all aspects of our being: waking/dreaming, receptive/aggressive, masculine/feminine. In so doing, we achieve a rhythmic balance rather than a static state. Cooperation and compromise are effective assets to bring on your journey.

15 — Energy

The Energy card (traditionally The Devil) represents the extraordinary power to control, create, or destroy, speaking of boundaries and limitations requiring attention before action. It plays with the paradox of shadows and light in the realm of devilish fantasy, sarcastic humor, and trickery. There is a suggestion that the application of direct experience will expel ignorance, out-moded beliefs, and hardened dogmas.

16 — The Tower

In the realm of earthly matters, change is imminent. The same old rules still apply: what goes up will certainly come down, so expect the unexpected. In the greater scheme of things, this card is the practice jump that lightens our load before the final leap. It also represents the destruction of all explanations of God fashioned in our own image.

17 — The Star

As our oldest source of inspiration and hope, The Star signifies all forms of subjective guidance as well as the wish to follow the light. It confirms our intuitive powers, assuring us that we are able to live with our heads in the clouds but still keep our feet on the ground.

18 — The Moon

Be it moonstruck or moonshine, the lessons of this card are deeply personal and mystical. They can take any form-whatever is necessary to confront our fears. The trick is to stay awake, even when dreaming.

19 — The Sun

This is the joy of all joys-a corona of success is implied, or otherwise radiant health. A liberating experience is signified; perhaps an enthusiastic person who willingly extends their energy to others. Productive partnerships, marriage, and collaboration are also suggested.

20 — The Angel

This indicates that an event sparks a dramatic change. Religious or political matters are suggested by The Angel. Release any density that creates personal or spiritual gravity. Expect reunion and mutuality.

21 — The Universe

This suggests creative adaptation. Seek a practical end to affairs that have strayed off course. Achievement and successful outcomes predominate. Start from the big picture and use that vision to make the world in everyone’s image. But never rest on those dried laurels.

Tarot de Paris — MINOR ARCANA

The Minor Arcana are significant, for they serve as mundane messengers of the deck, creating a dialogue between the cosmic perspectives of the Major Arcana and the everyday events of our lives. In this supportive capacity, the Minors may be seen as our mirrors on the world-our local news headlines. The four suits of the Minor Arcana are predisposed as the fundamental elements-Matter, Water, Fire, and Air. Each suit has fourteen cards: Ace through 10, plus four court cards (Spirit, Stallion, Queen, and King). These sixteen court cards personify the interaction of the conscious and unconscious, otherwise known as «the games we play.»

The Tarot de Paris is a compilation of thousands of photographic images (taken between 1981 and 2001) of found objects around the city. From the beginning, my commitment was to let the city expose its hand, symbolically revealing an underlying order within its treasury of art and architecture. My pre-existing concepts of the Minor suit symbols and the court cards were thus left to the city to decide. I was convinced that the brilliance of the city’s artistic achievements would be better served if I were to match the suits to the elements. In so doing, I intended to avoid the age-old conflicts of interest associated with the four suits, their definitive symbols, and their corresponding elements. I felt no need to impose a system of astrological correspondences on these cards, and instead chose to let the tarot enthusiast decide for themselves.

Matter (Coins)

This suit indicates the earth principle and the reality we perceive via the senses. In the material universe, it is the human body and the tangible facets of life in all forms. This is the domain of agriculture, banking, investments, insurance, acquiring, and preserving. However, it can also manifest itself negatively as insecurity, greed, debauchery, or other excesses. Love appears here as a commitment or family bond.

Ace of Matter

This suggests success for projects that mix spirit with matter, or ideas with research, or finance with strong foundations. In order to understand its eventual outcome, it is essential to look for the situation’s root. In matters of health, this points to the cure.

Two of Matter

In this case the image foresees that a well-managed system is in place. Putting yourself at the center of things will require your full attention. Many things are able to connect to or develop from the presence of this card in a spread.

Three of Matter

The theme of this card is work. In exalted position, it signifies the effort through which matter is transformed, tasks are accomplished, and changes implemented. Through the synthesis of exertion, endurance, and experience, all things are seen as possible. The trinity of the Father, Son, and Spirit in this card calls attention to every other such symbolic trio. When this card works its way into a spread, it can be seen to signal the importance of hard work, determination, craftsmanship, apprenticeship, planning skills, or a creative mix of expertise.

Four of Matter

Matter should not shoulder the blame for the mind’s cravings. After all, the apple did not bite Adam! In a perfect world the Four of Matter could advise individuals to balance their financial commitments, protect their assets with insurance, and forbid the mind to see the body’s limitations as a sign of weakness. However, in our less-than-perfect reality, we should judge the true mastery of Matter only by its ability to stimulate growth and prosperity for the whole.

Five of Matter

Practically speaking, this Five advises you to tighten your belt for a lean period. It even hints at the possibility of losing your position within a group or company. Not to worry, for a noticeable glow of self-confidence will open new doors and attract new associations. Living with this new light requires courage, but controversy will only increase its luminescence.

Six of Matter

What goes around, comes around. Extending a hand to someone around you may expose channels of opportunity for both parties. When this card makes an appearance in a reading, rest assured that things are turning in your favor. Patronage and genuine hospitality will soon appear in your life. Your hard work is finally appreciated.

Seven of Matter

Patience is a virtue, earned with hard work. The seated figure is a master of his profession. He understands growth cycles and has profited from many years of acquired experience. The disk on his seat shows that he has tasted the profits of his methods and that he has the stamina to wait until the other disks have matured properly. At this point inaction is the best course, but be ready to move quickly when summoned.

Eight of Matter

The Eight of Matter contains both the innate ability and well-honed skill to produce new works by creatively reinterpreting classical themes. Apprenticeship is the age-old method of passing on unwritten knowledge from a master to a student. In this card we must develop an inner dialogue with the self, as both the master and the apprentice. Prudence and good judgment are usually suggested when this card is drawn.

Nine of Matter

C’est la vie»-this says it all. The peaks must be savored. Store them up, as you may need to rely on them in poorer times. Now is the positive time you’ve been waiting for. You have been working hard to get here. This card urges you to follow the piper’s lead. Engage in activities that truly satisfy the soul. In so doing, you can discover the immensity of being in the right place at the right time.

Ten of Matter

The material world has given up all its treasures. Now questions arise about the future of this Matter. The extent of this wealth is not limited to objects and estates. The riches of a well-lived life include heritage, moral examples, collective memories, and knowledge gleaned from experience. In an advisory reading, this card suggests you make decisions that provide prosperity for your posterity.

King of Matter

The King of Matter is a worldly leader. He knows how to build his domain of influence from the ground up. Possessing the powers of both discrimination and negotiation, he succeeds where others failed in securing peaceful compromises. Highly regarded for his physical health and stamina, he takes on any task with discipline and determination. He also has a keen sense of value. The King of Matter would probably suggest that all investments begin with a concise plan for when to harvest. He would also advise that one have both feet on the ground.

Queen of Matter

The Queen of Matter has a natural dignity. This is generously expressed in her lifestyle and easily experienced in her nurturing presence. By any standard, her true wealth is measured by an earthy practicality that is plowed with patience. As a result, she is well suited to positions of responsibility and prestige. Her patronage of the arts and the environment can often have a decisive effect on both their prosperity and their public acceptance.

Spirit of Matter

The Spirit of Matter is proudly cloaked with the aura of a group, movement, or nation. Her manner is trustworthy. Her womanhood is fully blossomed, but she does not flaunt it. Her influence is manifested by magnetism, and she therefore attracts exactly what she needs. In a reading she personifies education, turning commitments into reality, and an overall sense of diligence.

Stallion of Matter

In a reading, this Stallion suggests you devote time to planning for the future. Career and financial matters are practical concerns, with security as a high priority. Mature beyond his age, the Stallion of Matter is surefooted even when loaded with many responsibilities.

Air (Swords)

It comes as no surprise that the suit of the mind would also be fraught with struggle. The powers of discrimination and analysis are administered by the two-edged sword, which makes a fine conductor of pure thought and logical reasoning. On the negative side, the sword also rallies around the ancient but effective theme of divide and conquer. But the individual, when divided, becomes frustrated, angered, and clouded by sorrow. Love, in the suit of Air, appears as a language, with a different meaning for each and every listener.

Ace of Air

The crowned two-edged sword is featured as a metaphor of a honed intellect cutting through indecision. The crown itself intimates that we each have a greater capacity for receiving knowledge that is beyond common logic. The card suggests a time when things speed up, communications set things in motion, and you feel as though your thoughts have wings.

Two of Air

At its best, this card advises the questioner to narrow their field of choice and to decide in favor of the long-term benefits. Restrain yourself from taking up challenges that taunt the ego. These are old themes, and already they fill too many pages of our history.

Three of Air

Overhead, the recurring caduceus is pierced by two swords, showing the painful effects of denial and doubt in relationships. There is a strong feeling of having lost someone close or being lost inside one’s own mirror. However, salvation is as easy as accepting the truth, and as real as the reality you dare to witness.

Four of Air

The source of this Four’s present condition may have begun as an altercation resembling the Three of Air. Whatever may be the case, the shortest road to recovery can begin only by identifying the root cause and then withdrawing one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual participation from it. An orderly retreat to a place where the self can let down its guard safely will yield the best results.

Five of Air

Drawing a positive picture from this deadlocked situation will depend entirely on the adjacent cards in the reading. The statue pictured here is called Clemency, and the figure is most probably in homage to Joan of Arc, who received no such reverence from her captors or her own king. The best action for now is probably non-action. Objective investigation will bring the real provocations to light-then you should make your move. Your talents and qualifications are not in question. This means that your services will be in demand again, as soon as the dust settles.

Six of Air

The Six of Air represents a transitional state in our lives. We must negotiate our release from dysfunctional situations and navigate our way to more hospitable shores. Relax and rehabilitate. In this case, a vacation, moving to a new house, or a change of job is the recommended course of action. If we dare to look forward, the wings of change are ready to support our recovery.

Seven of Air

The Seven of Air asks us to expect the unexpected, but not to start being paranoid. Use the powers of compromise and collaboration to strengthen your position, but beware of overexposure. Use prowess and invention to introduce new solutions to seemingly unsolvable puzzles. The man at the top already faces the future as the Eighth flag. It is important that he now use this privileged view to instigate preemptive measures. These will insure that he has a range of options when tomorrow’s crisis occurs.

Eight of Air

The consolation to learning by experience is to learn by observation. Let this card dissuade you from making key decisions. Instead, wait until everyone is focused on the same objective. Perhaps you are also tied up in knots at the moment. You should avoid getting roped into new commitments. Actual confinement is a very real possibility.

Nine of Air

What better teacher can there be than direct experience? Who can know your pain better than you do? Worry is a debilitating disease. Her raised hand is saying that enough is enough. Although she may not know what to do about this mess, she can say with true authority that she knows exactly what she will not do again! The ninth sword is made available only after mounting a convincing effort.

Ten of Air

In a daring move to end these ongoing mental hostilities, one swordsman has decided to sheathe his sword. By signaling his desire for a truce, he is essentially dropping his guard in good faith. The risk will always be great. The shadowed figure in the background personifies the rigid memory, with its propensity for repetition. The presence of this card in a reading suggests that in order to lay down arms, one must make a do-or-die effort.

King of Air

The King of Swords steps in. He takes charge of the natural systems seen in the Queen, but uses them to perform specific functions in the world at large. Encompassing science, invention, and technologies ranging from satellites to computer chips, this King exercises his mental dexterity to effect change in this world and beyond. Unafraid to employ severe measures, he provides the will and the power to achieve any goal, and at any cost.

Queen of Air

Yes, this Queen raises the standard definition of maturity. She is intelligent because she uses her intelligence to alter and enhance the confines of reality. She fulfills a greater role as a scrutinizer of thought and a medium for the insemination of ideas. Some interpretations have even declared this Queen to be a vindictive widow whose sword is enlivened with grief. As the caduceus (or winged staff) would testify, however, she stands in no one’s shadow.

Spirit of Air

Emphasizing the need to be well informed, this inquisitive young woman faces the daunting task of making it all make sense. Poised on a pillar of amassed knowledge, she is the Queen’s attaché. Her responsibility is to process and prioritize the jet stream of information that is the realm of the Air suit. Her character is studious, analytical, literate, outspoken, and she is rational to the point of insensitivity. Her presence suggests that we reassess the small details of the question-allowing for all the pros and cons-before we make an objective decision.

Stallion of Air

Pegasus is just as well known as Mercury, but is slightly misunderstood. The victim of a rough childhood, he sprang from the blood of the beheaded Medusa and rose through the ranks to carry Zeus’s thunderbolt. After a brief stint as the proud mount of an all-conquering hero, he settled down with the Muses and assumed an honorary title as the wings of creative imagination. Here, with Mercury, you have a match made in heaven: speed and steed, communication with imagination. As a tool, this card gives the querent an ability to act decisively and to make aggressive decisions.

Fire (Wands)

Enthusiasm, ambition, creativity, and risky adventures are just some of the more obvious aspects on the surface of this suit. When actively engaged in the world, this takes shape as competitiveness, politics, speculative investments, exploration, and action sports. By intensifying this heat, we free our spiritual intuition, allowing it to seek its own immortal spark. The downside is a complete lack of patience, a goal-oriented attitude, and the smoke of spiritualism. Love appears here as a transforming and spiritual experience.

Ace of Fire

The hand of Liberty bears her torch to light the path of self-discovery. Embodying pure life force, it reveals our aspirations in the world as well as our creative inspirations. Practically, this Ace is associated with births, new ventures, tantric energy, and a lust for life.

Two of Fire

This card thrives on taking risks and excels in matters of personal challenge. Make an effort to learn the art of collaboration and you will double your chances of success.

Three of Fire

This card sees the past, present, and future as one continuum, and makes good use of this fact. Likewise, it exercises an innate ability to maintain extensive lines of communication that in turn foster the success of commercial objectives. Privately it promises positive support for all manners of creative pursuit.

Four of Fire

This card shows Jules Hardouin-Mansart, chief architect to Louis XIV, standing on top of a symbolic foundation. Supported by tradition and driven by ambition, he momentarily imagines Paris in the distant future. Such a vision is indispensable, since it acts as collateral for the Four’s prosperity in a constantly changing world. This card denotes a favorable response in matters concerning the house, property, and acquisitions.

Five of Fire

Hercules fittingly demonstrates the idea of confronting an obstacle or adversary in a ceremonial show of strength. Both contestants will survive the test, and the points scored will be recorded for future matches. Looked at in a more sensitive light, the card urges you to take on new challenges formerly thought impossible, or to be more assertive in your creative endeavors. Let your boss see what you are capable of-stand up and be counted!

Six of Fire

As the result of competent and dedicated efforts, your success is heralded and suitably rewarded. Your newfound celebrity will also create a wealth of enterprising offers, and these will usher you into circles of power. Learn to channel that power for the benefit of the whole, rather than stashing it away for your own use. Optimism and long-term planning will find public appeal, and both will help to build lasting control over short-term advances.

Seven of Fire

There is a certain ritualistic feeling here-for example, coming of age by facing your physical fears. The shield of Mars is a sign of drawing courage from your higher self and tapping into the warrior archetype. Though the young warrior is armorless and equipped with only a staff, he makes full use of his survival instincts and innate agility to overcome the dangers of the natural world. Essentially his survival is based on the total integration of many minor skills with the intensity of his defense.

Eight of Fire

Trends tend to follow storms. Now is the time to gather your resources, spread your wings, and take advantage of the gap in the clouds. This card is motivated by the future and fueled by a determined vision of achievement. A sense of team spirit inspired by dedicated leadership proves to be a winning combination!

Nine of Fire

A courageous reputation may be achieved through expansive conquests or by strenuously defending one’s own perimeters against opportunistic raiders. The truly gifted leader is inspired by the symbolic two-headed eagle. This creature demonstrates an ability to see both ways lead along the same path to success. The Nine of Fire challenges you to show what you are made of, and everyone is watching. Your response should be adequate, but carefully measured.

Ten of Fire

This peak experience boosts the human spirit into a higher orbit. Our aspirations are now liberated from their earthly goals and fall away like spent rockets. All of a sudden, both your life’s purpose and your creative faculty shine in the same direction. The torch, as a symbol of the eternal flame, has now merged into one universal light. Transformation is in progress.

King of Fire

The King of Fire feels constantly challenged. He does not need to be prompted to pursue his professional aspirations, and he understands that restraint is a necessary part of the creative process. This King represents the élan of an entrepreneur, the charisma of a performer, and the aggression of a commander. He generates a lot of heat, so prefers to work in open environments where opportunities proliferate. Here is a rare individual who can handle multiple tasks and enjoy it.

Queen of Fire

The Queen of Fire represents that quality of inner radiance which can not be contained. Her calm self-assurance emerges to inspire the best in others. The appearance of this card could confirm an instinctual choice. It could also indicate a high-profile personality in your life. Whatever the source of passion, this Queen amplifies the emissions and stimulates achievement.

Spirit of Fire

This card always conveys a message in a reading. This does not mean a speech about patriotism or any other -ism; more a personal, self-liberating message. It invokes the inner fire to shape the outer face. Live your life as the whole of who you are, with total acceptance. It is a time to stand up and make a difference. Youthful enthusiasm permeates the setting, where you may climb to a creative peak that you once thought was unreachable. Then, standing on the summit, you realize that you are supported by many other daring souls. They have made the same trek to self-liberation.

Stallion of Fire

You know the sort. This Stallion wears an aura of enthusiasm, and is not miserly with his energy because he seems to possess abundant supplies. He is at home in the presence of Kings; in fact, he is seen as a stimulating flame for the otherwise jaded members of the inner court. The Stallion of Fire also likes to run with anyone who can keep up with the pace and share the adventure. When this card turns up in a reading, it presents an opportunity to activate a plan or come up with a new solution.

Water (Cups)

This suit reads as a manual of adaptability and imagination. Falling as a drop from the sky, it feeds the earth before flowing into the ocean, only to rise again on the rays of the sun and be reborn as a cloud. These cards follow a similar cycle: the sensations are first transformed into emotions, which are then bonded into relationships, from where they sometimes transcend into devotion. Negatively, an incomplete cycle leads to addiction, emotional exhaustion, and apathy. Love appears here as the flow of spirit.

Ace of Water

The Ace of Water replenishes our reserves just as joy and love refresh the soul, cleanse the mind, and heal the body. The card also symbolizes birth/rebirth, in sympathy with the city’s birth on an island in the Seine. Newly created projects fare well in a receptive environment where compassion for the whole is not only needed but nurtured.

Two of Water

Here we feel the expressive power of love, which gushes from the fountains and pools around the couple (who form an island of contentment). It also portrays a creative pairing much like that in the human genome, where both chromosomes are equal, yet only as a pair do they add their nature to the evolution of a greater spiral. In the general context of relationships, it can refer to like-minded people, professional partnerships sharing similar views, or the love within a family.

Three of Water

Friendship and mutually beneficial affairs predominate. This card advocates the acceptance of a greater role in social activities, or any other means of extending one’s best face to the world. Releasing the problems and patterns of the past are advised here.

Four of Water

This image seeks to illustrate a moment of choice we all make every day. If we settle for three, and disregard the fourth, we sink slowly with the ship in the background. Listen, instead, for the sound of the One that completes this Four, and you’ll always be carried to the shore.

Five of Water

It would be foolish to suggest that this man’s pain is undeserved or inappropriate. The best-case scenario is to convince him of the impending loss of the two remaining survivors. Unless immediate efforts are made to form the bonds of a new relationship, they will disappear in some way. Consider going off in new directions, where change can work its magic with minimum resistance and no fear of embarrassment.

Six of Water

The Six of Water works like a network connection between times and dimensions of being. In the upright position this card may appear to be connected to a psychic hotline. You will notice that your intuition works overtime in response to increased activity. A sense of emotional well-being and security permeates this image, which is personified by the young centaur straddled on the back of its mother. Such childhood recollections will also bolster your resolve during stressful periods.

Seven of Water

The odds favor the side of excess. But it is likely that this excess was caused by a positive event or opportunity where you experienced a heightened sensitivity or openness. This card may best be described as a visionary spa, where every treatment looks to be your dream come true. While there is no reason to deny the healing possibilities of such a pleasurable experience, we should also be aware of the benefits and hazards of this wonderland. Psychically, creatively, and emotionally, this is a realm to be explored, but it is not a place to stay.

Eight of Water

On the positive side, this card points to the conclusion of a period of disenchantment. You need to let go of earlier relationships that no longer represent your present state of being. At first, the progress will be slow and muddy, but as the waters clear, the course will become self-perpetuating

Nine of Water

Here we see large vessels stacked in a predictable formation. Surmounted by the moon, they are filled to the brim with a lifetime of emotional ebbs and flows. The maiden appears to be at one with the water. She is at peace with herself, alone but not lonely. Unburdened by emotional baggage, she is aware of the cosmos as all and herself as one. This is a card of freedom from the conditional terms of the emotions.

Ten of Water

Completion does not express the full capacity of this card. The One and the Zero are briefly reunited here, and immediately rise again as a mist. The mutability of the Water suit is at its greatest point, thus allowing emotional healing and relationship repairs to take place. Forgiveness can cross previously insurmountable barriers to create extended families.

King of Water

As the King of Water, he is deeply devoted to all systems that nourish the spirit. As a person, he is genuinely empathetic to the struggles of the flesh. Through his reputation as a decisive and forthright mediator, he commands the respect of those in his court. He is always able to hear both sides of a disagreement. Mystically, he is associated with Neptune (Poseidon), sailing, and navigation. Alternatively, he is also linked with vision quests and other esoteric practices.

Queen of Water

The Queen of Water is in the flow of things, both seen and unseen. An intuitional understanding of life in general enables her to use special listening abilities to nurture the lives of others. Around her you will feel that you too are specially endowed, and that your sense of self-worth is invigorated. In an advisory capacity she would encourage you to be faithful-above all else-to your inner voyage. You will never navigate the course of consciousness without knowing the point from where your journey began.

Spirit of Water

The Spirit of Water is about fluid feeling and fluctuating emotions. This card accesses and lubricates our capacities for sympathy/empathy. In the voluntary service of the Queen of Water, she attracts us to take a dip, cleanse the soul, and swim in the creative imagination. Her specialty is to ferry the emotional body along the tributaries of life.

Stallion of Water

This card’s traditional reputation as the Romeo lover still holds water. Possessed of deep convictions, he will allow no ocean, however wide, to separate him from his beloved. The limitless power of a man genuinely inspired (sailor or saint), is the true meaning of a superpower. In its wider reaches, this card can become our guide to express the spiritual within the temporal. The boat floating within a vessel, itself floating within a larger expanse of water, attempts to describe the preciousness of two people in love within a greater ocean of humanity.

© 2009 J.Philip Thomas.

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