Power Animal Tarot — Таро Сила Животных

Характеристика Power Animal Tarot — Таро Сила Животных
Автор: Gayan Silvie Winter
Издательство: AGM Muller
Производство: Швейцария
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция
Язык карт: мульти
Размер карт: 70х120мм
Год: 2008, 2009
ISBN: 978-3-03819-314-2 AGM Muller, 978-1572816077 U.S. Games Systems (2009)
Традиция: Уникальная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: животные, фотография
Весьма любопытная колода таро Сила животных (Power Animals Tarot) неизвестного автора лишена символики обычного Таро — в нем присутствуют лишь фотографии разнообразных животных, сделанные крупным планом и обработанные различными фильтрами в графических программах. На каждой карте — ее название на четырех языках. (Ведьмино счастье)
Таро Силы Животных — упрощенные карты без символики Таро, просто крупным планом фотографии различных животных, обработанные компьютером. В верхней части каждой карты даны названия арканов на четырех языках.
Где купить Power Animal Tarot — Таро Сила Животных
*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.
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Обзор Power Animal Tarot — Таро Сила Животных
Сделанная для работы с любыми традиционными раскладами, позициями и интерпретацией, эта колода Таро создана, чтобы показать различные животные силы в каждой карте, предлагая новые идеи и перспективы для тех, кто, возможно, более чувствителен к природным созданиям и духам, которые управляют ими. Используйте силы животных в ваших личных открытиях или, чтобы помочь себе в поиске ответа, который ты ищешь на жизненном пути. Набор содержит 78 традиционных карт Арканов и небольшую учебную брошюру для начинающих и опытных предсказателей.
Рецензия Антона Самсонова
Пока не смотришь на произведение коммерческого искусства издательства AGM Urania, а просто читаешь описание можешь только умиляться – вся колода построена на животных, поставляется в приятной коробке, МБК на куче языков. Так что, не посмотрев ЧТО внутри можно умилиться, купить и вляпаться. Позвольте Вам представить – детские карты с картинками под видом Таро. Только я бы такие картинки не дал даже детям. Потому что высокопикселизированные фотографии всякой живности пропущены через убийственный фильтр Фотошопа. Причем один и тот же. Особые приступы ужаса летящего на крыльях ночи происходят на Колесе Фортуны, который сильно выбивается из общей размытости колоды. Плюс добавим весьма странную силу (под 11-м номером). Дьявола изображает змея, ядовито блестящая, а Башню (представьте себе) — СЛОН! Что в этом милейшем животном такого разрушительно ужасного. Соглашусь, что выбор некоторых животных заслуживает уважения, но… В Младших Арканах происходит новая радость – животные разбиты по мастям согласно среде обитания или особенностях рациона. Так рыбы это Кубки, Жезлы – птицы, Пентакли – травоядные, Мечи – хищники (в которых среди очевидных млекопитающих и преобладания семейства кошачьих неожиданно нарисовался крокодил. Видно тоже хищник, но с биологической точки зрения концепт провален). Рубашка карт несимметрична, так что про перевернутые карты забудьте, хотя они описываются в значениях в МБК. Кстати, об МБК – она пустая как голова голосующего за Виталия Милонова – в наличии только краткие классические значения карт. Короче говоря – выучите значения и играйтесь картинками. Описания того, какую конкретно крокозябру авторы изобразили на карте нет, и не дождетесь. Издательство видимо делает ставку на авторов, которые бы сами истолковали то, ЧТО они нарисовали. Данная колода оставляет в полном недоумении – для кого в принципе это было сделано и зачем? Фотошоп добил идею. Полный провал. Кстати, на Aeclectic со мной полностью согласны – колода получила 1.5 звезды.
Общая оценка(по пятибалльной шкале):
Качество исполнения |
Обычный формат, стабильное качество печати, все остальное – кромешный мрак. |
2 |
Текстовое сопровождение(МБК) |
Ничего в корреляции с колодой там нет. Лучше читайте классиков. |
0 |
Художественная ценность |
Сфотографировать зверушек в зоопарке и пропустить их через фотошоп может любой кретин. |
0 |
Простота (с позиции первого знакомства) |
Я очень боюсь за психику новичков, которые рискнут использовать это в качестве первой колоды. Бедолаги. |
0 |
Простота (с позиции дальнейшей работы) |
Думаю, что при достаточном употреблении веществ это могло бы кому-то сгодиться. Но веществ надо слишком много. Другой вариант – если у твоего поставщика карт ничего кроме этого издателя не бывает. |
1 |
Оригинальность |
Плюс балл за идею. Дальше все рухнуло. |
1 |
Соотношение цены и качества |
Даже за такие деньги этот набор картинок не оправдывает своей цены. |
0 |
Коллекторская ценность |
Если найдется псих, который согласится у меня это купить (новая, распечатанная, без раскладов), я добавлю балл. |
0 |
Суммарная оценка |
Считаю, что уж лучше радоваться куче скарабейных клонов, бесконечных ллевелиновских феечек и фолковых мотивов в разных ракурсах или шифферовскому артхаусу. Но у этого издателя это одна из худших колод. |
0 |
Проработка / Обсуждение Power Animal Tarot — Таро Сила Животных
Форум На грани миров Power Animal Tarot
МБК значения: Power Animal Tarot — Таро Сила Животных
0. The Fool
Upright Interpretation
Folly, mania, extravagance, delirium, frenzy, insecurity, frivolity, passion enthusiasm
Reversed Interpretation
Negligence, absence, bad decision, indecision, apathy.
I. The Magician
Upright Interpretation
Skill, diplomacy, selfconfidence, flexibility, domination, strategy.
Reversed Interpretation
Weakness of will, ineptitude, insecurity, delay, will power applied to evil ends, indecision.
II. The High Priestess
Upright Interpretation
Wisdom, common sense, learning serenity, objectivity, foresight, perception, emotionlessness, impatience, unmarried, too practical, teacher.
Reversed Interpretation
Ignorance, lack of understanding selfishness, improper judgment, shallowness.
III. The Empress
Upright Interpretation
Femine progress, action fertility, material wealth, mother, sister, wife, marriage, children, feminine influence, wealth, punishment, profusion, capable of motivating others, a leader businesswoman, level-headed, practical, decisive, intuitive.
Reversed Interpretation
Vacillation, inaction, lack of concentration, anxiety, frittering away of resources, infertility, infidelity, loss of material possessions.
IV. The Emperor
Upright Interpretation
Worldly power, accomplishment, confidence, wealth, stability, authority, indomitable spirit, father, brother, husband, male influence, direct pressure, communication, conviction, strength, attainment of goals.
Reversed Interpretation
Immaturity, lack of strength, indecision, failure to control petty emotions.
V. The Hierophant
Upright Interpretation
Ceremonies, humilities, kindness, inspiration, alliance, servitude, inactivity, lack of conviction, timidity, overreserved, captivity to one’s own ideas, a person to whom one has recourse, ritualism, indulgence.
Reversed Interpretation
Overkindness, susceptibility, impotence, vulnerability, unorthodoxy, renunciation, fraility.
VI. The Lovers
Upright Interpretation
Love, beauty, unanimity, trials overcome, confidence, beginning of a possibe romance, infatuation, tendency towards optimism letting oneself go, the necessity of testing or subjecting to trial, struggle between sacred and profane love, putting to the proof, yearning.
Reversed Interpretation
Failure to meet the test, unfaithfulness, separation, frustration in love and marriages, interference by others, fickleness, unwise plans.
VII. The Chariot
Upright Interpretation
Adversity, possibility already overcome, conflicting influence, turmoil, vengency, success, escape, fleeing from reality, perplexity, need for supervision.
Reversed Interpretation
Unhappiness, defeat, failure, conquered, overwhelmed.
VIII. Justice
Upright Interpretation
Justice, harmony, equity, virtue, honour, virginity, just reward, good intentions, well meaning actions, advice, self-satisfaction.
Reversed Interpretation
Vacillation, false accusations, fanatism, severity in judgement abuse.
IX. The Hermit
Upright Interpretation
Counsel, knowledge, solicitude, prudence, caution, resignation, withdrawal, misguided, failure to face facts, possessor of secrets.
Reversed Interpretation
Imprudence, incorrect advice, immaturity, rashness, confusion.
X. Wheel of Fortune
Upright Interpretation
Destiny, fortune, outcome, felicity, godsend, special gain or unusual loss, result, conclusion, inevitability.
Reversed Interpretation
Failure, broken sequence, interruption or inconsistency due to unexpected events.
XI. Strength
Upright Interpretation
Strength, courage, conviction, energy, determination, defiance, action, fortitude, innate ability, zeal, fervour, attainment at considerable peril, conquest, heroism, virility, resolution, physical abilities.
Reversed Interpretation
Weakness, pettiness, sickness, tyranny, lack of faith, impotency.
XII. The Hanged Man
Upright Interpretation
Life in suspension, transition, apathy an dullness, boredom, abandonment, sacrifice, repentance, readjustment, improvement, surrender.
Reversed Interpretation
Lack of sacrifice, failure to give of one’s self, preoccupation with the ego, false prophecy, useless sacrifice.
XIII. Death
Upright Interpretation
Unexpected change, loss, failure, the ending of a familiar situation or friendship, loss of income or financial security, illness, possibly even death.
Reversed Interpretation
Stagnancy, immobility, slow changes, partial change, avoidance of serious accident, inertia.
XIV. Temperance
Upright Interpretation
Moderation, patience, accomodation, harmony, management, compatibility, fusion, good influence, consolidation, mother image, father image, worldly image, exuding confidence and complacity, fortunate omen.
Reversed Interpretation
Discord, conflict, hostility, impatience, sterility, frustrations.
XV. The Devil
Upright Interpretation
Subordination, decay, bondage, malevolence, weird experience, seeming inability to realize one’s goals, violence, shock, fatality, selfishness, temptation to evil, self-destruction, lack of principles.
Reversed Interpretation
Release from bondage, respite, recognition of one’s needs by another person, overcoming insurmountable handicaps.
XVI. The Tower
Upright Interpretation
Change in a complete and sudden manner, abandonment of past relationships, unexpected events, termination, adversity, downfall, disruption, loss of stability, loss of money, loss of love and affection, terrible change, annoyance.
Reversed Interpretation
Continued oppression, living in a rut, entrapped in an unhappy situation.
XVII. The Star
Upright Interpretation
Faith, inspiration, bright prospects, mixing of the past and present, fulfillment, pleasure, promising opportunity.
Reversed Interpretation
Unfulfilled hopes, disappointment, lack of opportunity, stubbornness.
XVIII. The Moon
Upright Interpretation
Deception, twilight, obscurity, trickery, caution, warning, bad influence, ulterior motives, selfishness, slyness, false promise, disgrace, slander, liable, being taken advantage of, failure to avoid the dangers which surround, danger.
Reversed Interpretation
A minor deception recognized before damage is done, trifling mistakes, overcoming bad temptations, taking advantage of someone.
XIX. The Sun
Upright Interpretation
Satisfaction, accomplishment, contentment, success, favourable relationship, love, joy, devotion, unselfish sentiment, engagement, favourable omen, a good friend, high spirit, warmth, sincerity, achievement in the arts.
Reversed Interpretation
Unhappiness, loneliness, cancelled plans, clouded future, lack of friendship.
XX. Judgment
Upright Interpretation
Atonement, judgment, the possibility that present conduct towards other people is unfair and unkind, rejuvenation, promotion, the desire for immortality, the possibility exists that someone is taking unfair advantage of you and will be sorry in the future, legal judgment in one’s favour.
Reversed Interpretation
Delay, aversion, incapacity to understand the facts, indecision, divorce, theft, alienation of affection.
XXI. The World
Upright Interpretation
Attainment, completion, perfection, ultimate change, the end result of all efforts, success, assurance, synthesis, accomplishment, capability, the rewards that come from hard work, the path of liberation, eternal life.
Reversed Interpretation
Imperfection, failure to complete the task one starts, lack of vision, failure, disappointment.
Ace of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Creation, beginning, fortune, start of an undertaking, birth of a child, adventure.
Reversed Interpretation
False start, cloudy outlook, decadence, humiliation, cancellation of plans.
2 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Mature individual, housekeeper, attainment of goals and needs, boldness, a dominant personality.
Reversed Interpretation
Sadness, trouble, loss of faith, unexpected surprise.
3 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Practical knowledge, strength, enterprise, trade, compromise
Reversed Interpretation
Assistance with an ulterior motive, treachery, cessation of adversity.
4 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Romance, society, harmony, prosperity, peace, the fruit of labour.
Reversed Interpretation
Unfulfilled romance, insecurity, tarnished beauty, incomplete happiness.
5 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Unsatisfied desires, struggle, labour, dispute, obstacles.
Reversed Interpretation
Trickery, contradictions, complexity, caution against indecision.
6 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Triumph, good news, advancement, expectation, desires realized.
Reversed Interpretation
Indefinite delay delay, fear, disloyalty, superficial benefit.
7 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Success, gain, overcoming obstacles and challenges, advantage.
Reversed Interpretation
Consternation anxiety, embarrassment, hesitancy causing losses, perplexity.
8 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Swift activity, speed, hastily made decisions.
Reversed Interpretation
Thorns of dispute, jealousy, harassment, quarrels, delay, discord.
9 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Expectation of difficulties and changes, awaiting tribulation, anticipation, hidden enemies, deception, discipline, a pause in a current struggle.
Reversed Interpretation
Adversity, problems, delays, disaster, barriers to overcome, ill health.
10 of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Problems soon to be resolved, striving to meet a goal or to maintain a certain level or position, possibly using power for selfish ends.
Reversed Interpretation
Difficulties, intrigues, treachery, a traitor, some losses will occur.
Page of Wands
Upright Interpretation
A faithful and loyal person, emissary, a stranger with good intensions, a consistent person.
Reversed Interpretation
Indecision in proceeding, resistance, instability, a gossip, displeasure.
Knight of Wands
Upright Interpretation
A journey, advancement into the unknown, alteration, flight, absence.
Reversed Interpretation
Discord, interruption, unexpected change, removal, discussion.
Queen of Wands
Upright Interpretation
A sympathetic and understanding person, honourable, friendly, loving, practical, full of femine charm and grace, gracious hostess, sincere interest in other persons.
Reversed Interpretation
Assiduity, deceit, possible infidelity, unstable emotions, fickless, opposition.
King of Wands
Upright Interpretation
Honest and conscientious person, friendly educated, fatherly.
Reversed Interpretation
Severity, austerity, dogmatic, deliberate, somewhat excessive and exaggerated ideas.
Ace of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Fulfillment, perfection, joy, fertility, oppulence, productiveness.
Reversed Interpretation
Change, erosion, instability, sterility, unrequited love, clouded joy, false heart, inconsistency, alteration.
2 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Love, friendship beginning or renewed, passion, union, cooperation, connection.
Reversed Interpretation
Unsatisfactory love, false friendship, separation, crossed desires.
3 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Conclusion, comfort, healing, satisfactory result, compromise.
Reversed Interpretation
Excessive pleasures, over-abundance, loss of prestige, delays.
4 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Weariness, aversion, disgust, infelicity, stationary period.
Reversed Interpretation
New possibilities, new acquaintance, new knowledge.
5 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Partial loss, friendship without real meaning, marriage without real love, error, inheritance, imperfection, incomplete union or partnership, lament.
Reversed Interpretation
Hopeful output, alliance affinity, return of an old friend, reunion.
6 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Memories, past influences, nostalgia, longing, childhood passed.
Reversed Interpretation
The future, plans that may fail, that which will shortly arrive.
7 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Fantasy, foolish whims, daydreams, illusionary success.
Reversed Interpretation
Happiness, effort continued until full success is attained, gaiety, feasting.
8 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Discontinuance of effort, shyness, modesty, abandoned success.
Reversed Interpretation
Happiness, effort continued until full success is attained, gaiety, feasting.
9 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Succcess, advantage, well-being, good health, victory, material attainment.
Reversed Interpretation
Mistakes, material loss, imperfections, misplaced truth, false freedom, opposition, differences, dispute.
10 of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Home, happiness, cheerfulness, pleasure, peace, love, honour, esteem, virtue.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of friendship, unhappiness, family quarrel, pettiness, rage, combat
Page of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Reflective and resolute, studious, loyal, willing to offer services and efforts towards a specific goal.
Reversed Interpretation
Inclination, deviation, susceptibility, seduction, a flatterer.
Knight of Cups
Upright Interpretation
An invitation or opportunity may soon arise, arrival, advancement, attraction, challenge, proposal.
Reversed Interpretation
Sublety, artifice, inducement, fraud, a sly and cunning person.
Queen of Cups
Upright Interpretation
A warm-hearted and fair person, adored, devoted wife, practical, honest.
Reversed Interpretation
Inconsistency of honour, not to be trusted, vice, dishonesty.
King of Cups
Upright Interpretation
Responsibility and creativity, learned person, professional, businessman, a considerate person, kind, reliable, artist, generous, lawyer, scientist.
Reversed Interpretation
Artistic temperament, double-dealing, dishonesty, scandal, ruin, injustice, a crafty person without virtue, loss, shifty in dealings.
Ace of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Great determination, initiative, force, activity, excessiveness, triumph, power, fertility, prosperity, love, deep emotional feeling, championship, conquest.
Reversed Interpretation
Debacle, tyranny, disaster, obstacle infertility, hinderance.
2 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Balanced force, harmony, firmness, offsetting factors, stalemate, affection, concord.
Reversed Interpretation
Falsehood misrepresentation, treachery, false friends, lies, dishonor.
3 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Absence, sorrow, strife, removal, diversion, opposition, delay.
Reversed Interpretation
Distraction, error, incompatibility, separation, loss, alienation.
4 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Respite, rest, repose, replenishment, solitude, exile, retreat.
Reversed Interpretation
Activity, precaution, economy, desire to recover what is lost, prudence.
5 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Conquest, defeat, degradation, revocation, infamy, adversaries.
Reversed Interpretation
Uncertain outlook, weakness, possible misfortune befalling a friend, seduction, burial.
6 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Travel, voyage, route, attempt through difficulties, expedient manner, success.
Reversed Interpretation
Desperate situation, unwanted proposal, confession, declaration.
7 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
New plans, wishes, efforts, perseverance, attempt, fantasy.
Reversed Interpretation
Arguments, quarrels, uncertain counsel or advice, slander.
8 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Crisis, calamity, imprisonment, criticism, sickness, calumny
Reversed Interpretation
Treachery in the past, difficulty, depressed state of mind, disquiet, fatality.
9 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Misery, quarrel, unhappiness, anxiety over a loved one, despair.
Reversed Interpretation
Doubt, slanderous gossip, shame, scruple, reasonable fear.
10 of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Misfortune, grief, trouble, disappointment
Reversed Interpretation
Benefit, temporary gain, passing success, favour, advantage.
Page of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Penetration, vigilance, agility, a discreet person, an active youth.
Reversed Interpretation
Revealed as an imposter, unforseen, illness is also possible, powerlessness in the face of stronger forces.
Knight of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Bravery skill, opposition and war, heroic action, capacity.
Reversed Interpretation
Incapacity, imprudence, simplicity, disunion, impulsive mistakes.
Queen of Swords
Upright Interpretation
Sharp, quick-witted, intensely perceptive, misfortune, loneliness.
Reversed Interpretation
Narrow-mindedness, maliciousness, fanaticism, deceitfulness, vengefulness, a treacherous enemy.
King of Swords
Upright Interpretation
An active and determined person, experienced, authorative, controlled, justice, force, superiority, a professional man, highly analytical.
Reversed Interpretation
A person who may pursue a matter to ruin, cruelty, conflict selfishness.
Ace of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Perfection, attainment, prosperity, felicity, bliss, gold, great wealth.
Reversed Interpretation
Prosperity without happiness, corruption by money, greed, fool’s gold
2 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Difficulty in launching new projects, difficult situation arising, new troubles, worry, concern, preoccupation.
Reversed Interpretation
Literacy, ability in handling matters, enforced gaiety, letter.
3 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Mastery, perfection, artistic ability, dignity, renown, power.
Reversed Interpretation
Mediocrity, money problems, preoccupation, lower quality.
4 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Loss of material wealth, hoarder, usurer, skinflint, miser.
Reversed Interpretation
Setbacks in material holdings, obstacles, suspense and delay, spendthrift.
5 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Material trouble, destitution, loss, failure, error, lover, affection.
Reversed Interpretation
Reversal of bad trend, new interest in matters, overcoming ruin.
6 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Philanthropy, kindness, material gain, gratification, charity.
Reversed Interpretation
Avarice, selfishness, jealousy, dangerous error, unpaid loan.
7 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Ingenuity, hard work, progress, wealth, successful dealings.
Reversed Interpretation
Anxiety, uneasiness, imprudent actions, loss of money.
8 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Fast apprenticeship, craftmanship, candour, frankness, modesty, effort.
Reversed Interpretation
Lack of ambition, vanity, sensitivity, disillusionment, usury, hypocrisy, intrigue.
9 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Accomplishment, discernment, foresight, safety, prudence, material well-being.
Reversed Interpretation
Threat of safety, roguery, dissipation, danger, storms, bad faith, possible loss of a valued friendship or a treasured possession.
10 of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Riches, security, intactness, family, ancestry, inheritance, dwelling.
Reversed Interpretation
Possible loss, risk, robbery, loss of inheritance, dissipation, gambling.
Page of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Study, deep concentration and application, reflection, respect for science, philanthropist, bearer of news.
Reversed Interpretation
Illogical thinking, rebelliousness, wastefulness, loss, unfavourable news.
Knight of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
A mature and responsible person, methodical, persistent, laborious.
Reversed Interpretation
Stagnation, carelessness, inertia, limited dogmatic views, idleness.
Queen of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
Wealth, generosity, security, liberty, grace, dignity, prosperity.
Reversed Interpretation
False prosperity, suspense, suspicion, responsibilities neglected, vicious person, fearful of failure, untrusting person.
King of Pentacles
Upright Interpretation
A person of character and intelligence, mathematical ability, loyal friend, reliable in marriage, successful businessman, wise investments, an experienced and successful leader.
Reversed Interpretation
Corruption, avarice, unfaithfulness, an old and vicious man, peril, threat.