The Tarots of the Golden Dawn — Таро Золотой Зари

Характеристика The Tarots of the Golden Dawn — Таро Золотой Зари
Оригинальные названия: Tarots of the Golden Dawn (Tarocchi del’ Alba Dorata), Enchanted Tarot (Очарованное Таро), Tarot of the Hidden Folk (Таро Невидимого Народа)
Автор: Джачинто Гауденци (Giacinto Gaudenzi)
Художник: Джачинто Гауденци (Giacinto Gaudenzi)
Издательство: Lo Scarabeo
Производство: Италия
Состав: 78 карт + буклет на англ. языке
Язык карт: мульти
Размер карт: 66 x 120 мм
Год: 1990 (22 аркана Tarocchi del’ Alba Dorata) и 1995 (Tarots of the Golden Dawn), 2001 (Enchanted Tarot), 2003 (Tarot of the Hidden Folk)
ISBN: 978-8883950216 Hidden Folk
Традиция: Смешанная
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: Волшебные существа (эльфы, феи)
Другие колоды Giacinto Gaudenzi: Celtic Tarot — Кельтское Таро, Decameron Tarot — Таро Декамерон, Таро Дюрера — The Tarot of Dürer
Аннотация: Существует мир, скрытый от человеческих глаз, где все еще пребывает волшебство, как на заре времен. Enchanted Tarot — репродукция классический англо-саксонской сказки. Художник, создавший эту очаровательную колоду, переносит нас в волшебный мир, скрытый от человеческих глаз и населенный феями и эльфами.
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Обзор The Tarots of the Golden Dawn — Таро Золотой Зари
Таро Золотой Зари — это характерная эльфийская сказочная колода Таро — не совсем оккультного направления, несмотря на свое название. Это более поздняя версия эльфийской колоды Tarocchi dell’Alba Dorata известного итальянского художника Джачинто Гауденци, которая была впервые издана в 1990 году в виде 22 Старших Арканов и которая была расширена до 78 карт. Колода также издавалась под названиями «Таро Невидимого Народа» (Tarot of the Hidden Folk) и «Очарованное Таро» (Enchanted Tarot).
В колоде «Духи природы» (Tarot of the Hidden Folk) художник Годензи рассказал историю Сичена в более серьёзном тоне. Антонио Лупателли в таро Гномов постарался превратить концепцию в нечто, доступное массовому пользователю, но и одновременно позволяющее углубиться в символику тем, кому интересна оккультная традиция.
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МБК значения: The Tarots of the Golden Dawn — Таро Золотой Зари
Separate the Minor Arcana from the Major Arcana and choose one of the four suits, according to the question, keeping in mind that: Wands indicate work, Pentacles, business, Chalices, love, Swords, legal questions. Form a question clearly in your mind. Mix the cards and cut the pack in the middle with your left hand. Place three cards across the table. The first card represents the past, the second, the present, and the third, the future. Repeat the same operation with the Major Arcana and place the first three cards near the previous cards. These represent influences on: 1) the past 2) the present 3) the future. Interpret the cards as follows:
0: strangeness, infantilism, holiday, detachment from worries, madness.
I: astuteness, diplomacy, ability in all areas, autonomy, spirit of initiative.
II: study, comprehension, charity, intuition.
III: intelligence, sensitiveness, fertility, dialogue.
IV: authority, will, protection.
V: clemency, pity, faith, relief, patience, tolerance.
VI: love, ties, choice, examination, attempt.
VII: success, recognized merit, evolution.
VIII: equilibrium, harmony, justice, natural law.
IX: wisdom, meditation, loneliness, prudence.
X: improvement, favourable but unstable phase.
XI: energy, work, moral strength, courage.
XII: idealism, sacrifice, regret, punishment.
XIII: rapid change, impediment, misfortunes.
XIV: moderation, recovery, adaptation.
XV: magnetism, sensuality, magic, perversion, agitations, hate.
XVI: arrogance, pride, catastrophe, chaos.
XVII: favourable omens, new ideas, peace.
XVIII: visions, adventures, illusions, strange meetings, trips.
XIX: friendship, harmony, honour, joy, love.
XX: renewal, birth, energies recovery, conscience examination.
XXI: completion of an enterprise, full result, promotion, reward, inheritance.
KING: business or law man, favourable. Readiness to converse, generosity. QUEEN: woman friend, wife or faithful fiancee. Romanticism, sensuality. KNIGHT: young lover, intimate friend. Amusements, relaxations, holidays. KNAVE: love messenger, newness. Jealousy, excessive attachment. 10: happiness, rest, recognition. 9: victory, prosperity, satisfaction. 8: moderation, festivities, love. 7: reveries, improbable projects. 6: self-analysis, renewal, happy future. 5: inheritance, patrimony to protect. 4: disgust, aversions, troublesome relations. 3: relief, recovery, happy conclusion. 2: love, passion, friendship, affinity. ACE: happiness, abundance, positive change. Sentimental satisfaction. Birth.
KING: well disposed speculator. Economic power, ability to forecast. QUEEN: severe but generous woman. Economic security, freedom. KNIGHT: useful, obliging, strange person. Propitious occasions. KNAVE: study, reflection, news brought by a child. 10: earnings, favourable placement. 9: prudence, discernment, realization. 8: manual and commercial ability. 7: recovery, exchange, beginning of business. 6: gifts, rewards, bonus. 5: obstacles, financial difficulties.
4: small gift, delay, uncertainties. 3: celebrity, support of powerful persons. 2: embarrassing news, difficulties, agitation. ACE: big commercial success, happiness, earnings, intelligence for business.
KING: good relations with a mature man, council to follow, austerity. QUEEN: friendship with a mature, confiding woman. Search of a durable relation. KNIGHT: an enterprising, fiery man. Departure, emigration, separation. KNAVE: young friend. Messenger. New cooperations and new ideas. Little rivalries. 10: uncertainties, oppressions, over-active. 9: strength in adversities. Calamities, obstacles. 8: creative tension, hopes, self-analysis. 7: success, completion of the enterprise. 6: failure, insurmountable obstacles, unfairness. 5: overcoming of obstacles, contradictions. 4: unexpected occasion, small reward. 3: initiative, end of adversities. 2: suffering, illness, sadness. ACE: creation, invention, beginning of a difficult enterprise. Begining of discussions.
KING: magistrate, power, authority, legal actions, difficulties, bad intentions, perversion. QUEEN: widowhood, sadness, separation. Malice, misfortune. KNIGHT: ability, courage, hot temperament, anger, imprudence. KNAVE: espionage, secrecy, vigilance, attention, difficult preparation.
10: affliction, pain, sadness, exhaustion. 9: failure, loss, well-grounded fear. 8: bad news, crisis, fatality, treason. 7: hope, confidence, attempt, reveries. 6: trip, displacement, planning, holiday. 5: degradation, loss. Lost hopes. 4: vigilance, retreat, loneliness, meditation. 3: absence, loss, confusion. 2: tenderness, equilibrium, favourable ambient. ACE: triumph, exhalation of strength, conquest. Creation, conception.
из энциклопедии таро Странникова