Tarot of the Trance — Таро Транса

Характеристика Tarot of the Trance — Таро Транса
Автор: Eva Marie Nitsche
Художник: Eva Marie Nitsche
Издательство: US Games
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция на английском языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 125 x 70 мм
Год: 1998
ISBN: 978-1572810945
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Принцессы, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: абстрактная; культура Мексики
Аннотация: Яркая колода Таро транса переносит твой дух в архетипический мир души. Мощное средство, с помощью которого пользователи могут напрямую общаться со своим внутренним Я.
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Обзор Tarot of the Trance — Таро Транса
Художник Ева Мария Нитче говорит нам, что она создала Таро Транса в состояние транса. «На этом поглотившем сознание уровне воображения, я встретилась с всеохватывающим миром форм и фигур, полных символизма и мудрости». Ее колода — претворение этого видения с помощью образов, предстающих перед нами в ярком стиле мексиканского искусства. Нитче призывает нас войти в архетипические области через творческие упражнения. Она дает по одному упражнению для каждой карты Старшего аркана в инструкции, в дополнение к ее значениям карты. Карты имеют названия, но не содержат номера. В картах двора Пажи были изменены на Принцесс. www.learntarot.com
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Спасатели Таро Транса (Tarot of Trance)
МБК значения: Tarot of the Trance — Таро Транса
The Fool is the spiritual wayfarer. He follows his inner voice, has a healthy basic sense of trust, and acts according to the pleasure principle like a small child. If you listen to the voice of the Fool within you, your life will not be determined by other people. The Fool personifies freedom and anarchy. The light of the Fool represents wisdom, intuition, fantasy, a childlike nature, spontaneity, and joy. The shadow stands for infantility, naivete, recklessness, irresponsibility, and ignorance.
Imagination: You go on a trip around the world. As luggage, you have a little sack which contains objects that give you magical protection. What are these objects?
The Magician
The Magician is the active individual and represents the «masculine» creative power. He acts according to the reality principle, and his deeds are purposeful and strategic. Instead of following his desires, he follows his will. Life isn’t a game anymore, but a great task through which a person can grow. The light of the Magician stands for activity, a pioneer spirit, discipline, a sense of responsibility, and a strong will. The shadow represents a hunger for power, coldness, weakness, and indecisiveness.
Imagination: Your ship is drifting on the open sea. You are alone. A storm comes up, and you lose your oars. How do you get yourself safely to land?
The High Priestess
The High Priestess represents divine love and the world of emotions. She is the primeval mother and creator of the material world. Her perception is found in ecstasy. She can let things happen when she knows that everything is taking its proper path. She is our knowing unconscious mind that spins the threads and ties them in the right way. The light of the High Priestess stands for feminine spirituality, intuition, empathy, and emotional power. The shadow means passivity, irrationality, devouring love, or vindictiveness.
Imagination: You are a bubbling spring with crystal-clear water that never runs dry. Go to your source — who or what do you find there?
The Empress
The Empress personifies the worldly mother. She represents sensual love, sexuality and fertility, and female authority. She is the feminine goddess who gives eternally, who satisfies all our needs. She rules over life and death; since whatever she gives, she also takes back again. In fairy tales, she appears as the just and fertile queen. In her shadow figure, she is the wicked stepmother or the devouring witch. The light of the Empress represents sensual love, a passionate nature, motherliness, emotional equilibrium, and inner wealth. The shadow stands for dependence, self- victimization and unconsciousness, mental and physical infertility, or malicious joy.
Imagination: A golden seed lies in your hands. You clasp it and send it all your love. The seed slowly becomes larger. What does it grow into?
The Emperor
The Emperor represents the father archetype and stands for procreative power, energy, and mascu-line sexuality. On the spiritual level, he is objectiv-ity, the invisible laws that are inherent to all being. The number four symbolizes the principle of stability, the cosmos that has become manifest, the four seasons, the four points of the compass, and the four elements. On the psychological level, he is the omnipotent father and possesses natural authority, courage, and decisiveness. The light of the Emperor stands for virility, stability, discipline, ability, and justice. His shadow is despotism, conservatism, and compulsiveness, or impotence, and problems with authority.
Imagination: You walk along a sandy path. Suddenly, a lion appears. You feel it is dangerous. How can you tame it?
The Hierophant
The Hierophant is the spiritual guide in the world. He is the guru or philosopher who translates spiritual truths into conclusive systems of belief. Morality is his skilled tool. On the psychological level, the Hierophant represents the superego, the conscience. He lets us differentiate between good and evil and admonishes us to respect the law. The light of the Hierophant stands for a high level of morality, spiritual guidance, trustworthi-ness, and conscientiousness. The shadow is dogmatism, a moral presumptuousness, or a lack of principles, nihilism, and gullibility.
Imagination: You are imprisoned in a deep dungeon. The prison guard holds the golden key to your freedom. «Only when you solve three riddles,» he suddenly says, «will I give you the key. Where is spring during the winter? Who lives in your heart? Why are you here?» How do you answer?
The Lovers
The Lovers unite the masculine and the feminine principle. They represent the harmony of mind and matter, feeling and reason, consciousness and unconsciousness. The path of uniting opposites is the path of love. The human being on the path to individuation overcomes separation from the Creation only through love. The Lovers represent the sensual love between man and woman, as well as altruism and mother-ly love. The light of the Lovers stands for sensual and emotional love, harmony, fertility, and unity. The shadow is the inability to love, misogyny or androphobia, the pangs of love or symbiotic enchainment, immature sexuality, and the refusal to become an adult.
Imagination: You’re standing by a raging river. Your beloved is on the other side. How do you reach each other?
The Chariot
The charioteer personifies the purposeful will. The Chariot stands for properly applied talents and well-channeled abilities. The animals are the unconscious energies. The charioteer lives according to the motto «nothing ventured, nothing gained.» But he must correctly assess the power of his animals, take care of them and feed them if he wants to reach his goal. If his ambition becomes too great, the animals will leave him in the lurch. The light of the Chariot represents determination, daring, and emotional strength of endurance. The shadow means excessive strain and overestimating your power, or a weak will, self-pity, and fear of facing one’s tasks in life.
Imagination: You climb into a horse-drawn vehicle. It is much too big for you. The horses suddenly gallop off and you lose the reins. How do you get your chariot under control?
Strength symbolizes unconscious powers, drives, and energies. It is our libido, our deepest, most vital source of energy. Anyone starting out on the path within needs a stable self. An individual who refuses to perceive the nature of his own powers will be cut off from them and be overrun by them. If you activate the archetype of Strength, you will experience the entire spectrum of your emotions and set free an enormous amount of creativity. The light of Strength stands for energy, creativity, vitality, and joy in life.
The shadow is destructiveness, addiction, complacency, pessimism.
Imagination: You are standing at a deep canyon and would like to get to the other side. Build yourself a bridge.
The Hermit
The Hermit is the archetype of the wise old man. The phase of contemplation and self-determination begins with him. His light shows us the path within. Through introspection, we learn to empty our mind so that the unconscious world can pour into it. There is a danger in using the path within as a flight from reality since we will then encounter loneliness. The light of the Hermit stands for inner wisdom, receiving an intuitive message for solving a problem, and finding inspiration. The shadow is loneliness, escapism, a lack of relationships, or groping in the dark and losing one’s way.
Imagination: You descend a steep, winding staircase and land in a cellar. Everything is dark. But you know that a large golden mirror is in the middle of the room, and you now approach it. It gradually becomes lighter. What do you see?
The Wheel
The Wheel of Fortune stands for consistency in our lives, the cycle of nature, and the associa-tion of related events. After the introspection of the Hermit, we are increasingly capable of interpreting blows of fate or coincidences. Life must be lived if we want to transcend it. This card questions our maturity in facing the tasks of life. The light of the Wheel of Fortune stands for a panoramic view, the expansion of our horizons, great changes, and recognized opportunities. The shadow means defiance and an obsession with control; or cynicism, idleness, and a lack of meaning.
Imagination: You are at the center of a labyrinth. The place is swampy and full of thorns. When-ever you choose a path, you inevitably return to this inhospitable place. Now you discover something that will help you find the way out. What is it?
Justice represents emotional equilibrium, psychological balance, perception and deed, consciousness and unconsciousness, chaos and order. The archetype of Justice watches over us to discover the suppressed portions of our personality. A human being should learn that he is the creator of his own destiny. The light of Justice stands for honesty, the unification of opposites, and the search for truth. The shadow is dishonesty, feeling treated unjustly by fate, and suppressing emotions, playing the strict judge, and feelings of guilt.
Imagination: You are holding two beautiful apples. Three hungry children are standing in front of you and begging for food. What do you do?
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is the personification of devotion to the cosmic order, truth, and the unconscious mind. He prepares the conscious mind for a great task: the encounter with death and its integration into life. Through a temporary surrender of the self, he makes it possible for us to enter the realm of shadows and death and experience the world «upside down.» The light of the Hanged Man represents devotion, surrender of psychic resistance, patience, and absorbing the shadow. The shadow is panic, an obsession with control, sacrificing the self, confusion, and stagnation.
Imagination: You’re walking along a dusty street. Suddenly, you notice that your coat is much too heavy. Its pockets are stuffed with useless things. You take the coat off, turn it upside down, and shake it. What falls out?
Death symbolizes the absolute transformation from finiteness to eternity. Death and the fear of it force us to confront our existence, our values, our image of the world, and accelerate our process of development. On the psychological level, Death stands for existential crises or com-plete reorientation followed by a transformation of the personality. The light of Death stands for transformation, a new beginning, remaining in motion, and far-reaching changes. The shadow is the denial of death, hardened feelings, stagnation or lethargy, meaninglessness, self-destruction, depression, and the longing for death. Imagination: You’re laying on a raft and drifting on the water. You are wearing a white garment and are very still. Where is it is carrying you?
Temperance means finding your center. After the spiritual experience of Death, the reborn self must find a new equilibrium. The matured personality not only wants to create a balance and harmony within itself, but also in the outside world. After the self has had many extreme experiences, it is capable of using its vital forces in a moderate way. The center can only find stability when the pendulum of feelings swings in all directions. The light of Temperance
stands for a new equilibrium, tolerance, psychological stability, and stabilization of life. The shadow is fear of extreme emotions, denying contradictions, a craving for harmony, and sensation-seeking.
Imagination: You walk through a deserted temple and find two chalices. One is magnificent, made of pure gold and but empty. The other is rusty and dented, but full. What is in it?
The Devil
The Devil is the personified shadow. He stands for what has been suppressed into the depths of the unconscious mind, for what has now become demonic. The more an aspect of the personality is suppressed, the more powerful and autonomous its effect will be within us. We encounter the split-off shadow not only in our own destructiveness, but also in the form of mishaps, opponents, or events that force us to confront what we have suppressed. The Devil is also the collective shadow, showing himself in social taboos, and acts of sadism. As long as a human being doesn’t see his shadow, he will be swept away by its power. The light of the Devil represents responsibility for our actions, not succumbing to destructive temptations, and discovering divided feelings. The shadow means the condemnation of aggression or sexuality, projecting suppressed feelings onto the outside world, sadism, violence, striving for power, and identifying with evil.
Imagination: You climb into a deep well. At the bottom of the well you see a heavy iron door. You open it. Behind the door is your shadow. When you look at it, you only see deep black. You follow it. It leads you to a chest that has «my secret» written on it. You open the chest. What do you find in the chest?
The Tower
The Tower symbolizes the destruction of old patterns and life circumstances, of an outdated image of the self and the world. When we are afraid of necessary changes, we may experience this as a catastrophe, as a streak of bad luck. The Tower is an image for rigid, hardened structures. We have walled ourselves in, leaving the undesirable things on the outside. Finally, the shadow strikes, the ivory tower collapses, and the self gains new freedom. The light of the Tower stands for restructuring, crossing boundaries, a new beginning, and liberation from constricting situations in life. The shadow is rigid moral concepts, illusions, the fear of something new, and violent upheavals.
Imagination: You are sitting at the edge of an old well looking down into it. The bottom is concealed in darkness. You climb into the bucket and slowly lower yourself into the well. What do you encounter at the bottom?
The Star
The Star symbolizes clarity, peace, and hope. Blocks and complexes are dissolved. It is possible to resolve the destructiveness of the shadow by encountering it. This is the card of repose, meditation, beauty, and the abundance of the unconscious realm. The Star is the gateway to the collective unconscious. The light of the Star stands for clear consciousness, vision, inspiration, and access to the unconscious treasures. The shadow represents a disturbed state, horror visions, apocalyptic moods, superficiality, and closing off to the unconscious treasures.
Imagination: You go out into the night in a white garment and climb a high mountain to its peak. You look up at the sky and spread out your garment. A thousand stars fall down and bring you wealth. What do you do with this wealth?
The Moon
The Moon is the mirror of the collective unconscious and the card of the imagination. It is the realm of the archetypes, myths, fairytales, and visions. Here we establish a connection between the conscious self and the Moon stands for perception, powers of imagination, clairvoyance, magical intelligence, and healing abilities. The shadow is illusions, loss of identity, being at the mercy of primeval fears, the feeling of being separated, and emotional coldness.
Imagination: Go deep down along a path. You reach a shore where there is a boat. Climb in and let yourself drift. You float through a long cave. It ends in a grotto. You look up and see the full moon. A female figure with long, silver hair appears before you. She wants to tell you something important. What is it?
The Sun
The Sun is the clear consciousness. Our personality has strongly differentiated and transformed itself, and dark figures are recognized in the light of the Sun and lose their terror. Dangers and obstacles are more realistically assessed. The Sun symbolizes wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. It provides us with cosmic vital strength and creative energy. The light of the Sun means healing, emotional wholeness, optimism, clear goals in life, idealism, and finding the self. The shadow is pessimism, aimlessness, chaos, a mania for order, perfectionism, and compulsiveness.
Imagination: You are a beautiful flower bud. You grow toward the sunlight in rich, moist soil. You become larger and larger and your lovely bud gradually unfolds. Something is concealed inside of you — what is it?
Judgment reveals the overall view of a person’s life. It represents the earthly processes of self-realization. In front of the inner eye, all the events of a lifetime, its consequences and correlations, shine and are comprehended in one single moment in their deepest meaning. The initiate finds himself beyond good and evil in a state of enlightenment that permits the cosmological correlations of meaning to be understood. The light of Judgment stands for an overview, reflection, differentiation, discernment, and a sense of reality. The shadow represents irritation, disorientation, prejudices, playing master over good and evil, and ignorance.
Imagination: Your house has just been destroyed down to its foundation. You crawl out of the ruins and suddenly find a golden key in the rubble. What is it for?
The World
The World means fulfillment; this is the goal of the initiation journey. All the opposites have found each other here; it is both the beginning and the end. The wheel has been able to come full circle, a development has been completed. Order, wholeness, and equilibrium occur. The time is ripe for a new developmental process on a further spiritual or psychological level. The light of the World stands for enlightenment, completion, harmony with the cosmic laws, and a new phase of life. The shadow is the compulsion to repeat things, not finding an ending, and not having an overview of things, not taking any position, and escapism.
Imagination: You dance on a large blue ball. You make wonderful, floating, light movements. The dance gradually turns into a rhythmical stamping. The ball beneath you begins to pulsate. It breaks open. What happens now?
The .Swords
Swords symbolize the element of air. They are the weapon of the intellect, reason, the «sharp» mind. Their function is thought; their strength makes it possible for us to draw the line and differentiate
between things. Swords represent order, control, and achievement. They strive for objectivity and the stabilization of the self. People with strong air qualities define themselves according to the motto «I think, therefore I am.» They possess great astuteness and self-control. There is the peril that the Swords will be used as dangerous weapons in the form of cutting cynicism or intellectual coldness. The astrological signs of air are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Ace of Swords
Great potential of the intellect, analytical thought, objectivity, sobriety, taking a position, mastering a long haul, structuring emotional chaos, setting clear goals, getting a perspective of your situation and putting it in order.
Reversed: Overemphasis of the intellect, denial of your own feelings, illusions, judging on a purely «objective» basis, coldheartedness.
2 of Swords
Test of endurance, indecision, clash between emotion and intellect, inability to weigh the pros and cons.
Reversed: Idealization or condemnation of others, perfectionism, fear of making decisions, rigid thought patterns, not finding a logical solution.
3 of Swords
Helplessness in a painful situation, hurt feelings, wrong decisions, expectations and demands that are too high, not being able to enjoy your successes.
Reversed: Violation of feelings, leading a life foreign to your own, dissatisfaction, destructive behavior.
4 of Swords
Retreat, the search for stability, bringing your ideals into harmony with reality, rethinking the maxims of your life, freeing yourself from an impasse, a willingness to make compromises, new perspectives.
Reversed: Excessive strain, mental exhaustion, intolerance, exhortation to permit yourself more freedom and practice being serene.
5 of Swords
The tendency to select the most difficult path, an inclination to discover enemies and rivals everywhere, the warning against letting a conflict escalate.
Reversed: Not being able to overcome a defeat, judging deviating opinions as a personal attack, defining your reason to exist through achievement.
6 of Swords
The journey into the unknown, beginning of a necessary transformation, letting go of rigid concepts of values, a willingness to make compromises, a time of upheaval, vulnerability, space for a new orientation. Reversed: Great uncertainty, a longing for old structures, clinging to things that are outmoded, no trust in the future, strong self-doubt.
7 of Swords
Making new friends, having a harmonious time, finding a new orientation, discovering social competencies within yourself, trusting your feelings, perceiving the limits of your patience, developing creative abilities. Reversed: Avoiding confrontations, sitting out decisions, displaying scheming behavior, and pretending to be helpless.
8 of Swords
The warning against becoming entangled in prejudices, fear of necessary changes, denying your feelings, not listening to your inner voice, misusing your intellect.
Reversed: Being taken in by a negative self-image, self-doubt, hostility, lack of drive, underestimating your abilities, idealizing others.
9 of Swords
A martyr attitude, feelings of inferiority, the search for recognition and appreciation, placing exorbitant demands of performance on yourself. Reversed: Hostility, feeling life to be a battle, expecting a major disappointment, sexuality as performance, having to prove something to yourself and others.
10 of Swords
Seeking the fulfillment of life’s meaning in suffering, creating situations in which you are a victim, unformulated wishes, dependence on the sympathy of others, intense feelings of guilt, sup-pressed aggressions, experiencing a narcissistic gain from emotional masochism. Reversed: Projecting your aggressions onto the outside world, needing a scapegoat, not wanting to feel your inner child, a defensive attitude.
King of Swords
Achieving great influence through your rational mind, exercising power, desire to have everything under control, stamina, persistence, tendency to overlook emotional motives. Reversed: Compulsiveness, fear of what cannot be controlled, belief in authority, emotional insecurity, seeking salvation from chaotic life situations in conformity, the exhortation to relax and observe your feelings.
Queen of Swords
Rebellion, resistance and courage, a sharp mind and reflection, speaking out about deplorable states of affairs, making a social appearance, healthy skepticism, knowledge of human nature. Reversed: Excessive control through the rational mind, fear of new injuries, playing the opposing party, not finding a position of your own.
Knight of Swords
Testing your powers, mental agility, lack of inhibitions and inexhaustible ideas, unbroken self-assurance, the time to master many tasks, great reserves of strength, optimism. Reversed: Inconsideration, short-windedness, low tolerance of frustration, constantly having to prove yourself, a deep feeling of insecurity when there are setbacks.
Princess of Swords
Conquering new areas of knowledge, great enthusiasm and goals, trying out new instruments of thought, overestimating your abilities after successes, self-judgment after failures, overestimating the value and effect of intelligence, underestimating emotions.
Reversed: Presumptuousness, standing on a shaky foundation, vulnerability, being on the defensive, directing the weapons of the intellect at yourself, the exhortation to be more tolerant.
The Wands
The Wands are fire and represent intuition, will, activity, vitality, aggression, and struggle. People dominated by the Wand qualities are inspired, sparkling with good ideas and enthusiasm. They follow the motto of «I am» and «I create.» They have a great physical and mental urge to be active and would rather follow their own impulses than careful reflections. The astrological fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Ace of Wands
A desire for action, optimism, great possibilities for self-development, potential for creative pow-ers, opportunity to use the power of your vitality.
Reversed: Overshooting the goal, compensation for feelings of inferiority, proving yourself to others, hunger for power, a defensive attitude, not being a match for challenges.
2 of Wands
Properly assessing your own abilities, discovering your strengths, turning a goal into reality, dealing well with failures.
Reversed: Disappointments when your power potential must prove itself in reality, the refusal to digest failures, playing the role of victim, low tolerance for frustration, pessimism , comprehending life to be a big competitive battle, rivalry instead of cooperation.
3 of Wands
A sense of reality, creating an adequate position for yourself in the world, balancing your views, serenity, being able to wait for a new opportunity, emotional maturity, a healthy exchange between the intellect, intuition, and emotions.
Reversed: Presumptuousness, looking down on others because of their fears, embitterment about your own failures, a forced break, no motivation of your own, envy toward people who are more energetic.
4 of Wands
Correctly assessing your own potential of strength, the vitality begins to bear fruit and «materializes» in something like a good job or a viable love relationship; stability, a state of equilibrium, responsibility for your actions, diplomacy, willingness to compromise.
Reversed: Overestimation of your ability to cope with stress, the «helper syndrome,» an excessive striving for security, lack of stamina.
5 of Wands
Willingness to make extreme changes in your life, courage and strength to risk an undis-covered terrain, healthy willingness to engage in conflicts, defending your standpoint, desire for new perspectives, discovering new abilities.
Reversed: Seeing resistance and injustice where there is none, inner withdrawal, mistrust, feeling yourself to be a scapegoat and a target.
6 of Wands
Success, great ability to bear stress and strain, confidence, tolerance. Seeing through other people’s true motivations, great self-assurance, knowledge of human nature, empathy.
Reversed: The manipulation and seduction of others, exploiting your charisma, a lack of self-confidence, dependence on approval, excessive strain over a momentary situation, fear of confrontations.
7 of Wands
The opportunity to fully realize your potential, a willingness to engage in conflict, search for chal-lenges, desire to test your powers, strength, and endurance; tolerance for frustration.
Reversed: Aggressiveness, always having to win, actions for their own sake, inner emptiness, losing sight of your true goals, fear of responsibility, idealizing of other people.
8 of Wands
Stability, achieving a goal, willingness to make compromises, a sense of equilibrium and stability, a breather, creating the basis for new ideas, being able to let go, finding peace and quiet.
Reversed: Not being able to make a decision, overshooting your goal, deadlock situations, a compulsive need to be in control.
9 of Wands
Sense of reality, good powers of discernment, purposeful and systematic actions, staying power, being in control of the situation.
Reversed: Stubbornness, embitterment because of what you have experienced, not tolerating anything new, giving up a goal, surrender.
10 of Wands
Goals set too high, weighty tasks, having too much to bear, excessive strain, not allowing yourself any rest, feeling your strength only during action, taking on too much, defining yourself only on the basis of your achievements.
Reversed: Turning your life into a rat-race, placing demands on yourself that are too high, not being able to enjoy the goals you have reached, restlessness, feeling burned out.
King of Wands
Attaining natural authority, knowledge of human nature, showing tolerance, living on an intense energy level, setting high goals for yourself, knowing and accepting your own limitations.
Reversed: Believing in the right of the stronger person, wanting to force a hierarchy onto the surrounding world, judging people as «winners» and «losers,» perfectionism, fear of being a failure, never being satisfied, shadowboxing, striving for power.
Queen of Wands
Creativity and creative power, sexual energy, living out your desire, vitality without self-limitation, taking time for yourself, flexibility, a high degree of openness, curiosity, patience, having trust in the flow of happenings.
Reversed: Wanting to avoid making decisions, fear of responsibility, looking for a loophole, not giving life any contours, procrastination, a fear of commitment, not completing anything.
Knight of Wands
Desire for adventure, pioneer spirit, setting new goals, shedding habits, enthusiasm, optimism, childlike confidence, ardent zeal, tenacity.
Reversed: Premature actions, excessive emotional pressure, impatience, self-doubt, losing contact with your true needs, craving for sensation, experiencing peace and quiet as boredom, and looking for diversion.
Princess of Wands
Developing your abilities, setting new boundaries, unclouded confidence, a new phase of life, freedom from prejudice, opportunity for living an authentic life, and not letting yourself be forced into anything. Reversed: Instability, immature behavior, asking too much of yourself in a new life situation, retreating, sulking, becoming dependent, idealizing other people, making others responsible for your needs.
The Cups symbolize the element of water. They stand for the flow of life, the world of feelings, and passive, circular being. Our deepest secrets are concealed within water. People who primarily have Cup qualities define themselves according to the motto «I feel, therefore I am.»
The astrological signs of water are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Ace of Cups
Basic trust, mature sexuality, a deep love of life, harmony with your feelings, satisfying your needs, surrendering to the flow of life, love without self-sacrifice, belief without naivete.
Reversed: Disowning your feelings, forcing yourself to be something you aren’t, listlessness, hanging onto the illusion of perfect love, not wanting to face reality.
2 of Cups
Becoming aware of your needs, being able to accept contradictions, bridging differences through the ability to love, accepting your weaknesses, respecting other people’s feelings, the creation of a love relationship.
Reversed: Only feeling alive when you are loved by someone else, being stuck in a symbiotic relationship, confusing your needs with those of the other person, dependency, obsession with harmony, excessive mistrust.
3 of Cups
Addressing your needs, making the right decisions, entering into a stable love relationship, starting a family, fertility, creativity, motherly love, love of nature, an exuberant enjoyment of life.
Reversed: Only finding a sense of security within a group or the family, tendency to make yourself indispensable, fear of your own and other people’s independence, being a loner, egocentrism.
4 of Cups
Surrendering to the flow of life, inner calm and serenity, patience, trusting your ability to make decisions, intuitively doing the right things, allowing yourself a break to rest.
Reversed: Passivity and apathy, complacency, having high standards for others, boredom and weariness, feeling that all hopes have been wrecked, not being able to find a new direction.
5 of Cups
Working through a painful experience, dealing with defeat, coming out of a sad situation with maturity, taking the time to grieve, the emotional strength to encounter pain.
Reversed: Not wanting to accept a separation or defeat, believing in illusions, wishful thinking, denying reality, making a loss sound smaller than it actually is, deep depression, and working through old pain from childhood.
6 of Cups
Overcoming a phase of grieving, being in harmony with your feelings, being able to accept negative feelings, finding the path to your inner child, letting go of false standards and goals, rediscovering desire and curiosity, pampering yourself.
Reversed: Not being able to work through the painful past, compulsive actions, dependence, the idealization of authority figures.
7 of Cups
Immersing yourself in your emotions, looking at your dreams and fantasies, introversion, discovering your true motives, encountering suppressed conflicts, a high level of sensitivity.
Reversed: Being «thin-skinned,» excessive vulnerability, suspicion, dismissing suppressed conflicts and projecting them onto the outside world, fleeing into dream worlds.
8 of Cups
Questioning old habits, examining concepts of values and relationships, withdrawing to contemplate, living according to your own ideas instead of conventions, taking a leap in maturity, following your intuition.
Reversed: Suffering because of upheaval, _ perceiving no meaning in new life situations, acts of defiance, clinging to the familiar.
9 of Cups
Phase of contentment, completing a development of the psyche, stability, receptivity for everything beautiful, able to experience joy.
Reversed: Complacency, inner emptiness, lack of new ideas, no desire and inspiration, blocked libido and vitality, stagnation.
10 of Cups
Great emotional wealth, flowing energy, a sense of being connected in your deepest depths with others, directing your eyes at the surprising, and wonderful things in life, savoring the joys of life, letting others join in your happiness.
Reversed: Developing fantasies of greatness, feeling omnipotent, feeling pursued by misfortune, constantly looking for someone else to blame for your situation in life.
King of Cups
Great creativity, social competencies, balance between self-realization and inherent necessities, clever compromises, new ideas and inspirations, a master of the art of living, taking your feelings seriously, great tolerance, having a role model, a fair approach to power, permitting yourself and others freedom and elbow room.
Reversed: Excessive demands, wanting to please everyone, difficulties in making decisions and having scruples, the tendency to assume responsibility for other people, standing in the way of your own development and that of others.
Queen of Cups
Deep spiritual consciousness, being one with your dreams, wishes, and fantasies, intimate sexuality and love relationships, great wisdom of the soul, trusting your intuition, being able to accept yourself and others, a mature emotional life.
Reversed: The tendency to lose your sense of reality, egocentric behavior, not being able to accept inspirations and suggestions, being oblivious to your own needs, developing addictions, fear of emotional depth.
Knight of Cups
Enthusiasm, developing great .ideas, resourcefulness and intuitive grasp, playful approach to ideas, charm and humor, the search for exciting and unconventional solutions to problems, finding satisfactory friendships, achieving social competence.
Reversed: Considering yourself irresistible, having a hard time accepting distance and personal boundaries, pushiness, putting your own neediness in the foreground, insecurity, giving up your emotional independence.
Princess of Cups
State of emotional balance and great inspiration, accepting your feelings without judging them, optimism and equilibrium, basic trust in the world and your own abilities, integrating new experi-ences, putting your emotional innocence to the test.
Reversed: Acting in an infantile manner, constant longing for harmony, a symbiotic love relationship, projecting aggressions and envy on the outside world, clinging to a childish view of the world, manipulating others with your supposed weakness, attempting to recreate the mother-child relationship time and again.
The Coins
The Coins symbolize the element of earth. They stand for the material, physical world, the body, sensual perception, and the world of work and money. They express themselves in the categories of time and space, cause and effect. The dimen-sion of Coins shows how ideas, emotions, and thoughts are translated into action. This level can be the test for all the other levels. Here we face the facts of reality. Deeply suppressed conflicts manifest themselves or express themselves in the form of physical complaints. People with mainly Coin qualities concentrate strongly on material goals, whereby their self-realization process often gets a raw deal, and addictions and greed can easily prevail. The astrological signs of earth are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Ace of Coins
The will and opportunity to translate an idea into the material level, striving for financial security, applying your strengths to your occupation, overcoming an obstacle, taking action.
Reversed: Being fixated on a material image of the world, short-sighted, striving for material wealth instead of emotional wealth, being in danger of developing an addiction, constant dissatisfaction.
2 of Coins
Turning an idea into action, a good opportunity for realizing plans, taking a critical look at the realization of intentions.
Reversed: Becoming entangled in concepts of ideals, constantly criticizing others, not forgiving yourself and others for mistakes, making exorbitant demands, not correctly assessing your strengths.
3 of Coins
Putting a talent to use, working hard, taking a critical look at your physical and mental abilities, sharpening your sense of reality through practical work, giving in to your creative urge.
Reversed: Avoiding mental and physical effort, indolence, seeing life as drudgery, compulsively working out feelings of guilt.
4 of Coins
Exaggerated striving for security, being a prisoner to material goods and a slave to ambition, and work, joylessness, emptiness, exhaustion.
Reversed: Being prematurely satisfied, not risking anything new, fear of disappointment, low sense of self-worth, envy and suspicion.
5 of Coins
Dependence on material things, finding a way out of a financially difficult situation, seeing problems within a larger context.
Reversed: Overrating a loss, distraction from the true deficits, feeling of failure, examination of your goals, fear of moving down socially, using money as compensation.
6 of Coins
Realization of abilities, material success, a great urge to create, completing your «life’s work,» finding a new emotional state of equilibrium, giving others support, and overcoming a way of thinking based on fears and prestige.
Reversed: Wanting to force others to do things your way, giving yourself an aura of being infallibility, exploiting your creativity and sacrificing it to material advantage, abusing drugs in order to boost creativity.
7 of Coins
Receiving wages for your work, contentment, the feeling of leading an authentic life, the security of being at the right place, a strong sense of self-worth, being well-grounded.
Reversed: Overestimating your abilities, setting unrealistic goals, presumptuousness and impatience, feeling omnipotent.
8 of Coins
Recognizing that «life is what you make of it,» concentrated work, conscientiousness, endurance, patience, situations requiring discipline, mobilizing new energies.
Reversed: Always having to «see things through,» not recognizing your own limitations, demanding top performance from yourself, having to control your desires, drives, and other people; intolerance, capitulation.
9 of Coins
Inspiration and creativity, a fertile state, a high energy level, being balanced, tenderheartedness, finding your goal in life.
Reversed: Blocked energy, narrow-minded appraisals, judgments, and evaluations, compul-sive discipline, too little recognition, a rigid orientation toward performance.
10 of Coins
Satisfaction of material needs, development of a new goal in life, creating pleasant life circumstances, the search for spiritual truths, and embarking on the journey within.
Reversed: Boredom, weariness, aimlessness, following old patterns of behavior, living in the golden cage of affluence, fear of new or enlightening spiritual experiences.
King of Coins
Secure social position, material success, responsibility, expertise, leadership qualities, striving for social recognition, harvesting the fruits of hard work, attaining a financial fortune, using this fortune without regrets, being able to enjoy your wealth.
Reversed: Using material things as vicarious satisfaction, not recognizing your deficits, covering up old pain, lack of success, unable to express your wishes, not having a balanced relationship between giving and taking, greed, false modesty.
Queen of Coins
A great wealth of knowledge, sensual desire, beauty, devotion, and passion, a deep longing for nature, rediscovering your body, enjoying all your senses, new energy and sensitivity, loving motherly feelings, being good to yourself.
Reversed: Living in opposition to nature, disregarding your natural needs, forcing yourself to do things, turning emotional conflicts into physical symptoms.
Knight or Coins
The desire for beauty and aesthetics, musical and artistic abilities, the urge to express yourself physically, receptiveness for magic, transcendent states through sensory stimulation.
Reversed: Warning against aestheticism and the cult of the body, turning your body into an instrument, narcissism, succumbing to outward appearances, leading a life of facades, whitewashing sadness, letting your abilities lay fallow, addiction, the exhortation for introversion.
Princess of Coins
The ability to become completely wrapped up in an activity, a high level of concentration, a creative state, a feeling of deeper meaning, using activity as a source of strength and inspiration, working because of desire and passion, finding your oasis.
Reversed: Giving up the authentic areas in your life, becoming addicted to prestige, evaluating yourself according to standards of achievement, exploiting your source of inspiration, becoming a strict judge of your abilities, perfectionism, impatience.