Le Tarot d’Or — Золотое Таро | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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Le Tarot d’Or — Золотое Таро

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Le Tarot d'Or Le Tarot d'Or книга
Le Tarot d’Or (детский вариант 22 карт)

Характеристика Le Tarot d’Or — Золотое Таро

Автор: Joëlle Balle
Художник: Joëlle Balle
Производство: Франция
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция на французском языке
Язык карт: французский
Размер карт: 7,9 х 12,8 см
Год: 1998, 2003 (22 карты, самиздат), 2011

Традиция: Марсель
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли (плитка, сердце, меч, клевер)
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: мультяшная, детская

Аннотация: Превосходный комплект из 78 карт с богатой символикой. Является важным инструментом, знакомящим вас с духом Таро. 
Упаковка (8,5 х 13 х 1,5 см) с сопроводительным буклетом на 14 страниц, карты очень хорошего качества, яркие и красочные.

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Тароман — карты Таро

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Обзор Le Tarot d’Or — Золотое Таро

Tarot d’Or (или Золотое таро) существует в двух версиях, созданных французской художницей и детским психологом Жоэль Баль. Первый вариант старшеарканника был разработан специально для детей; вторая колода придерживается той же причудливости в образах, но был обновлен визуальный ряд для аудитории всех возрастов.

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МБК значения: Le Tarot d’Or — Золотое Таро





Tarot d’Or
Documentation and Instructions


The following is an English tranlation of the French text included with the revised edition of the lovely Tarot d’Or. We are pleased to be able to make this document available through our website, courtesty of the deck’s creator, Joelle Balle.




A new energy, a new Tarot. Joëlle Balle offers you a new way to approach Tarot, with freedom and in simplicity.

For more than 20 years, I have devoted my time to developing my psychic, psychological and spiritual intuition. My quest has led me to different countries where I was able to take part in various initiatory teachings. It is however, thanks to Tarot, in France that I have found my place and where I develop my true dimension.

For over a decade now, I have taught hundreds of pupils, and they use the Tarot in their daily life as a tool for personal development and in all fields: material, spiritual, emotional, and in their relationships.

I have created a new Tarot for you. The Tarot d’Or is a healer, because it transforms negative energy into constructive energy.

The Tarot d’Or is easier to understand than the Tarot of Marseilles or other Tarots. It is more dynamic, energetic and therapeutic. It will help you connect with your higher conscience, your inner child, your identity. It will help you to know yourself!

I wanted to create an initiatory Tarot. It had to be joyful so that you will enjoy using it and discovering the multitude of symbols that are hidden in each card. It is an excellent tool for communication and allows us to confront our fears, go beyond our limits and little by little transform our whole lives. You will become more confident, serene and balanced. You will also develop your creativity in order to realise your dreams. Life’s synchronicity will become second nature to you. Children will also enjoy using the Tarot d’Or.

Please contact me if you wish to have consult with me, or get information on the seminars that I organise in France and abroad.

You can also join me on my website: www.generationtarot.com.


 About the Tarot d’Or


When one meets Tarot, you are already prepared!

Tarot is an initiatory, a psychological and a spiritual tool which is used for gaining self-knowledge

INITIATION: Understanding the Tarot d’Or is a way of connecting to your higher conscience, to your soul, to the invisible world of synchronicity.

SPIRITUAL: It will bring you faith, love, joy, generosity, and a willingness to help others. It unites the heavens and the earth.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: It allows you to break out of the limits of rationality. It will give you strength to face your trials and to understand that they are necessary. With the help of the Tarot d’Or, you will be able to analyse any repetitive unhealthy patterns. This new self-awareness will allow you to change your life in a positive manner.

KNOWLEDGE: As when you read a book, you will want to learn more and more. To learn about yourself, your family and the history of mankind. You will develop in all fields and will be able to realise your dreams. You will also learn to listen to your intuition and trust it. Armed with this new knowledge, it will be as if you are being re-known, or re-born, similar to a resurrection.

MATERIAL: The Tarot d’Or will help you develop all your qualities, in order to live your life to the full by using all your potential. Abundance will be yours.

All the elements in the Tarot d’Or are symbolic. They are archetypes, which we need to learn to decipher and which will form a story. You will be able to connect them with each other. By decoding these symbols, you will gain ancestral knowledge which has been coded and veiled. By studying the Tarot d’Or, an alchemical process of inner transformation will take place. This process can be long. Patience will be an asset and a sense of humour will be indispensable.

The Tarot d’Or reveals teachings that past Masters have passed down to us to allow us to evolve, to grow with wisdom, with love, by attaining self-knowledge and by becoming the true builders of our own lives and for all mankind.

You will discover great self-strength as you learn to understand and love Tarot.

Discovering Traot is like taking a road which leads from a known world to an unknown world. It is a path that begins in darkness but which leads to light. From a world of ignorance to a world of knowledge, of awakening, where you will no longer be blind.

Life will receive a new impulse, changes will appear and your whole being will take on a new sense. Tarot asks us to be like alchemists and to transform our lead into gold!


 Card Descriptions and Interpretations



Your task: To step on the road to evolution.
Magic phrase: Freedom to explore new possibilities.

This card symbolises Man in search of his soul.

A person is on the point of departure carrying a half-opened suitcase, with only the Tarot d’Or inside it. He is walking on the deck of a ship, which is in fact a chessboard, as well as the web of the universe. The sun beneath his feet indicates a change in the plane of his consciousness. He moves forward on his quest for light, for it is lies before him. Barefoot, he feels free. He has left behind many things and many people, but what does this matter?

Possessing no number, this card serves as a joker, a wild card, and allows you to get out of any uncomfortable situation.

It will help you overcome those periods when you have the blues, moments of discouragement. This card will always allow you to rebound and start anew. A touch of folly enlivens you — without folly, life can be so dull! Your past experiences make up your riches and you know how to take advantage of them. But all the same, you should take care not to run away from reality and obligations.

With this card, you can do anything. You aspire to live out your destiny to the full, to be adventurous, even to move to other shores.

You have the heart of an adventurer! So don’t delay living or you may live with regrets!

You do not like your freedom being curtailed and you are right! However, you must respect the liberty of others to attain perfect balance.

Gemstone: Rock crystal or quartz crystal correspond to this card. Crystals are pure light, white light, which is what all human beings seek to attain.


Your task: To be the hero of your life, so create your adventure! To develop the divine which is within you.
Magic phrase: Point of departure, willpower, action, work. Learn and discover.

A new challenge is calling you, opportunities lie before you. A new kind of energy is felt.

You are this Magician, and in the bag, which also symbolises karma, are all the tools that you need for your work. The 4 elements, air, water, fire, earth, are represented on the table by the cup, the coin, the baton and the sword.

You are already prepared like in initiate to face your destiny.

You have energy, much intelligence, and courage. The Magician wears a heart. You wish to fill up your cup with love, and when it is full, you will be able to offer it to others.

Seek all the strength that you can find within you and choose the road which will lead you to success. Do not doubt yourself. Have self-confidence. If you were not able to connect to this confidence in your childhood, you will have to conquer it. You must use the sword to vanquish your enemies which are your fears, wake up the sleeping princess who is your soul and who wishes to be freed.

Your are the seeker in search of spirituality and you step on to the path. Your trials will need to be faced and seen as challenges to be overcome. Even if you trip and fall, you will get up and each time you will be a little stronger. The two pillars of your inner temple will invite you on this initiatory journey.

Gemstone: Rose quartz bring gentleness and tenderness. They will help you connect to your inner child.


Your task: To use the key to pass through the veil of unknowing.
Magic phrase: Knowledge opens the door to cosmic awareness.

How can one know without learning? Knowledge comes from the stars.

In this card, a woman holds a sacred book. It speaks of Knowledge. Of cosmic laws. When you act in the law, you have balance, and your actions are just. This is called dharma. In the beginning, it’s as if you’re in a labyrinth, you are like someone blind and seek your path. Self-knowledge allows you to remove all the dark veils in order to reveal your true identity: your divinity. Step by step, by overcoming the emotional states that disturb you, you will acquire equanimity.

The cosmic mother is connected to the world of stars, to the whole cosmos. She unites the heavens and the earth. What is above is as below, nothing is separated. Her realm is spiritual.

The cosmic mother gives you the keys that open the gate of the tower! This closed tower represents symbolically the divine energy, the Kundalini, the serpent who unwinds, in order to vibrate at its highest level, and to unfold completely in the 16th card: «The House of Life».

The Cosmic Mother represents a woman who guides you through an initiation, who acts as a mid-wife, as a mother. She holds all secrets. She can represent the relationship to the mother.

Gemstone: Jasper calms the nausea of pregnancy and gastric troubles.


Your task: To express your creativity clearly.
Magic phrase: To think is to create.

After having passed the initiation of the Cosmic Mother, you have to aim at your target right in the middle, and score a bull’s-eye. You must use this knowledge for your inner development and personal life. There are different symbols that explain this. The goal must be the 1000.

The Hebrew letter, the final Aleph, has the numerical value of 1000 and means: the final apotheosis of the adept who meets the father again. The goose, who symbolises cosmic order (cosmic law) unwinds the Moebius ribbon or the yin/yang. Perfection.

With this card, you will learn how to put into practice the difficult task of harmonising the three different levels which are: Thought, Speech, Action.

Fix an objective and forget all else until you have reached it. This is important in order to succeed in any enterprise.

Choose a task and carry it to its finish with an absolute concentration on the goal to be reached. This will prevent your energies from being depleted or dissipated.

Once they are in harmony with each other, these three levels activate a process which liberates one’s intelligence and energy . And therefore great self-confidence is attained. This card betokens success.

The feminine archetype of this card represents creative power over the earth. (Fertility, goddess mother.)

Gemstone: Blue calcedony helps keep ideas clear and helps in clear self expression.


Your task: Construction, responsibility, generosity.
Magic phrase: Uncover the gems of your inner treasure, and display them to gladden others.

With The Conqueror you will be able to make that which you have conceived, something that exists in reality.

In this card, The Conqueror carries by way of a sceptre a planet. The sceptre symbolises command and inner royalty. He wishes to conquer and expand his territory as well as protect it. He is a builder. He represents the man, the father, virility, just authority. He possesses calming strength.

His legs in the shape of a 4 symbolise the square, the earth. In numerology, the 4 is the earth. He is well grounded in matter. He is stable and asserts power over the material world.

Gemstone: Jade helps maintain balance between the sky and the earth.


Your task: To communicate, create bonds of understanding and friendship.
Magic phrase: The union of hearts is the bridge that links people.

The two columns of the Temple are very important in this card. They represent the union between the sky and the earth. The arch of alliance symbolises stability and the rainbow links us to another dimension: the dimension of faith.

The two people hold each other’s hands and look to the future, straight ahead. What is important is the future, what is to come! Union amongst people will ensure peace on earth. Do not be dogmatic and believe in your spiritual power! The card heralds a blessing, a union, a marriage between two beings. It is the symbol of understanding, harmony and communication. Have a larger view on life and be more open to others. The body’s health depends on peace of mind. Heartwounds must heal.

Gemstone: Emeralds bring peace and harmony. It is said that they heal heartwounds.


Your task: To love.
Magic phrase: Listen to your heart and have confidence in yourself.

This card represents Love.

A donkey is moving slowly towards Isis, the Egyptian God, who is seated and serene on her throne. He will fall into the cup of love. The winding path of love can be a long one. Watch out! The roses has thorns and often causes hearts to bleed.

Love is always a question mark, for it can never be certain that you truly possess it. Love has a thousand faces, and many choices will need to be made in one’s lifetime. These are the laws of attraction and repulsion.

Love means giving and receiving. One cannot possess love, but do not doubt its existence. Have confidence in your heart. Only your heart truly knows, because love is beyond reason. Human love leads to universal love.

Seek love, and each encounter will unveil love a little more. Do not be afraid to love and to be loved. Love makes one beautiful. The most important aspect of this card is to have confidence in yourself.

Gemstone: The ruby is red, like blood, like a heart. It is the stone of love.


Your task: To take difficult and courageous decisons which will help you to progress.
Magic phrase: Be the Master of your destiny.

A prince is riding on his chariot, full speed ahead! The galoping horses are pulling together.

He is blue, like Krishna on his chariot of fire.

You have a solid grasp on the reins, and have taken control of your life. You know where you are heading.

This card is the result of your choices and decisions concerning all your undertakings and your autonomy in general. It is a transformation, a form of initiation.

You are experiencing good, positive energy and are on the way to success. You hardly recognise yourself. Nothing and nobody will prevent you from reaching your goal! You are determined!

But be careful all the same not to go too fast. Success must be attained in stages.

You control and have mastery over your destiny. There is movement in this card, because you do not feel like keeping still. Perhaps you even wish to travel. This is the card that represents success on a material level and for any undertaking in general.

Gemstone: Citrine provides mental stability.


Your task: To be fair and balanced.
Magic phrase: Equilibrium is acquired by working on oneself and by the understanding of karma.

A tall oak towers over you. Its roots are impressive. They symbolise your rootedness in this life as well as your knowledge of your past. The oak represents wisdom, stability, balance.

A yin-yang sign is in the middle of its trunk. This symbol embodies both the harmony and the infinity of all things.

The scale represents karma, action and reaction, good and evil, and the eye represents conscience. The heart should be as light as a feather. All must be in perfect equilibrium. This is what one calls dharma. There is no need for self-justification!

Rigour and resolution in all one does is required. When it comes to the final reckoning, overseen by the Goddess Maat, the justice of man is not as severe as divine justice.

Mental strength will provide great energy. Be truthful, do not lie, and neither must you lie to yourself. Being true to oneself means that one no longer flees ones inner self. This card represents the awareness of right actions. It teaches you self-defense and also how to fight.

Gemstone: Snowflake obsidian has powerful magical qualities. It is the stone of truth.


Your task: Patience, study, wisdom, prudence.
Magic phrase: The crisis you are going through will be make you a better person.

The Enchanter is a sage. He is alone, but he is not sad.

This arcanum speaks of silence, solitude and slowness. Nothing seems to move, but that is just an illusion.

Three hares dance for the moon. In the Buddhist doctrine, the hare means renounciation and confidence in a future liberation. This card also symbolises emotional instability.

You feel rather lonely as you realise all you still need to learn and understand, and how much time you still need to wait in order to get the results you are counting upon! Be patient, soon you will see the end of the tunnel. The light will return. Changes will occur sooner or later.

Time is needed for things to mature. You need to learn to go within yourself, to feel comfortable with who you are. You are your own best friend. Accept this initiation. One is always alone with oneself.

Gemstone: Aquamarine helps to preserve the purity and innocence of the heart and mind. It enables us to see ourselves as we really are.


Your task: To not simply submit to Fate. To make the the wheel turn rapidly.
Magic phrase: Dare to take your life into your own hands in order to create your destiny.

A wheel turns, a ship sails, the wind blows! So much movement! The numbers represent luck. Get luck that brings success on your side by daring to turn the wheel of destiny. You must seize the opportunities that cross your path.

«Destiny leads those who accept. Those that refuse are dragged». (Seneca)

We are all bound to the wheel of destiny. It is the cycle of successive incarnations. Each incarnation carries within itself the experience of evolving. Chance will lead you there where you must be, for it carries God’s signature.

If you are at the bottom, you will once again rise to the top. But the reverse is also true. Become aware of your repetitive patterns and conditionings. In other words «Know thyself». Change implies a new state of mind. This card speaks of the end of a cycle.

You must let yourself be guided by your inner compass. Take time to think about yourself, and really listen to yourself. You may tremble, but you must find the courage to take your destiny into your own hands. All that seems to you impossible to do is perhaps only the result of your limited thoughts.

Gemstone: Rhodocrosite, a remarkable transmitter of energy, allows for the integration of physical, mental and emotional aspects, when it is carried next to the skin.


Your task: To master and tame your instincts.
Magic phrase: A new beginning on a different level.

The colours of this card symbolise fire, energy and the intensity of life. It is linked to the astrological sign of Leo.

A certain physical violence and mental aggressivity can arise.

The ego must be controlled in order to give the best of yourself. The mind must control desires, including sexual desires.

The force is within you, but you must channel your energies and master your emotions. When this happens, a miracle will appear.

The salamander symbolises strength, peace and confidence amidst the troubles of life.

Gemstone: Carnelian helps one master one’s emotions. It calms anger. For concentration.


Your task: To empty your mind by meditating.
Magic phrase: Working towards self-awareness provides inner strength.

You are hemmed in a situation which is proving difficult to get out of.

You feel blocked and psychologically perturbed.

The situation itself, in which you find yourself, is blocked. You are immobilised in spite of all your efforts. You feel tied and imprisoned. You feel sorry for yourself.

The message of this card is: LET GO!! Relax, accept this temporary situation. Learn to look at things differently by self-questioning. It is vital to forget about yourself and your problems, or else you’ll end up completely stifled.

Free yourself from your anxieties by just letting things take their course, but this does not mean you must not care. It’s a question of mental relaxation. Time is of the essence in this card. It is necessary.

This card is linked to old memories. You need to unravel the psychological knots that fetter you. You need to understand and analyse them.

Gemstone: Amber is 50 million years old. It will help free you from your bonds and karmic knots.


Your task: To learn to die in order to be reborn.
Magic phrase: The caterpillar always becomes a butterfly.

A caterpillar crawls on the ground before becoming a butterfly. A willow weeps…

This card represents transformation and radical change. It is always a very intense period. Do not cling to the past.

To learn how to die, is to learn how to live. It is the theme of death for re-birth.

Illness, the loss of a loved one, or a trial such as a separation or a job loss, are difficult situations to go through, to handle and to endure. This is a delicate passage, as with any mourning period. Attachment to the past must slowly disappear. The wounds will heal, life will go on. It is a change in one’s conscience.

Gemstone: Hematite helps circulate energy. It aids anemic conditions, physical weakness, tiredness. It stimulates courage and strength.


Your task: To help those who are in need.
Magic phrase: Reconciliation with yourself and with others.

A fairy inside an amythist cave holds two dolphins, one golden and one silver, in her hands.

A web has been woven in the water, showing the alliance between what is above and what is below, between the invisible and visible worlds.

Telepathy between all beings exists. With this card, you can be sure that you too are telepathic. Learn to listen to the messages from the angels.

You are healed of the past. You feel calm and your mind is serene. You begin to feel in harmony with yourself and to appreciate whom you are… This is a very Venusian and angelic energy.

At last you feel the sweetness of life. Congratulations! You have learned patience and tolerance towards yourself and others. You wish to help them — go ahead. You have become a guardian angel.

Gemstone: Amythists bring luck, give strength and protection.


Your task: To free yourself from your egoistical desires.
Magic phrase: Use your creative energy for the service of good.

A person is split down the middle. One side is golden and there is a key which brings freedom from desires. This side represents freedom. The other side is black, and represents temptations and binds, the unconscious. Too much greed creates domination and limitations.

On one side is the devil, on the other a being of light. Human beings contain both these opposing characters which create great torment and guilt. This is what is known as good and evil. The rope symbolises attachments to the things of the world. Know pleasure without binding yourself to it.

The coloured circles indicate the energy centres or the chakras, which spin inside and outside of you. There are seven important ones. Some vibrate at different frequency levels.

The more you enjoy life, the more your energy will grow. Free your sexual and creative energies, your self-expression, love and intelligence. Trust your intuitions. Do not bind yourself to worldly things.

Gemstone: The Unloved has eyes of malachite. Malachite, as with all green stones, restores the 4th chakra, the heart. This stone brings harmony and creativity.


Your task: To enter into the Temple, your inner house.
Magic phrase: Enter into the spiral of spirituality.

The two columns are now only one. This card is fusion by cosmic fire.

What is hidden will appear. What is badly built will fall down. A tower rises, in the shape of a spiral.

Lilacs cover the sky, a shower of light lightens the bottom of the well. Light always wins.

This card represents an explosion, a fireworks display, like a burst of laughter! The universe opens out to give you its gifts and blessings. Learn to accept them, even if they are not what you had planned for. These gifts can be the crumbling of a situation that was not good for you. This card puts things in their right place. Do not be rigid and stubborn. Loosen your mind and give your ego less importance.

This tower is your body, your temple. It also represents your house, your home.

Gemstone: Opals are iridescent. All colours are reflected in it. It helps us to reach higher spiritual planes.


Your task: To forgive and to give affection to those around you.
Magic phrase: Do not waste your energy any longer, find your place.

A beautiful young woman opens her arms in a gesture of abundance. She is surrounded by a blazing blue star with five branches, symbol of divinity. It it the light of spirit that brightens the world. We are all stars that have come down to earth.

She is joined to her star by her golden hair. The peacock, symbol of the soul, invites you to rise up in freedom.

Lotus flowers bloom on this river, the Egyptian myth of the creation of the world. Here is the power of both creativity and compassion. It symbolises the knowledge that, through successive reincarnations, allows one to attain nirvana, the final stage of supreme illumination.

You are free from all your fears and anxieties. Hope is reborn, life becomes untroubled and wonderful. You are also more humble, you help others with compassion. You can give life.

Gemstone: Turquoise reflects our deep and secret soul. It is very protective and has the faculty to absorb negative thoughts and feelings.


Your task: To hold on to your dreams.
Magic phrase: Mix the colours and paint your future.

This is indeed a strange landscape. It is still night. The dawn will soon rise. The moon is smiling at you and the pale sun still waits to be painted with the palette of coulours! This card is the promise of your destiny. The ultrasound baby speaks of a birth. We are in the maternal archetype. A project or an unconscious desire to create. A period of gestation. A dog is hiding! The dog symbolises obedience and fidelity. Be faithful to your dreams, jump over the fence and go forward to the unknown, the land where you dreams are fulfilled. The future! Even if you are scared, you are going to have to face it some day. Creative imagination lives in you, let yourself be cradled, but watch out for illusions. You are looking for the sun in the middle of the night… Do not let doubt and sadness overcome you. Get out of the shadows. Hidden emotions can cause physical ailments. Imagine, visualise, et free yourself through action.

Believe in yourself and in your dreams, they are yours so cling to them, they are your birthright.

Gemstone: Moonstones help with creativity, release emotions, and help overcome shyness. It is the stone of hope and purity. It counterbalances dissatisfaction and greed.


Your task: To share with the warmth of generosity and with a spirit of fraternity.
Magic phrase: Joy exists even in the little things of life.

A huge sun dominates the card. The golden light is within your reach. You have found the door which leads you out, you are content, harmonious, great joy washes over you. Jubilation fills you as you realise you have won the game. You wish to share, to dance and to laugh. Communcation with others becomes easy. You are reconciled with yourself, as well as with your body. You no longer suffer from any complexes. Your heart beats to the rythm of life and you just express joy. Your partner is also happy to see you like this! You can collaborate with others, you feel at one with those around you. Success in work or another field is certain.

A couple is formed, love, a friendship. The Father archetype.

Gemstone: The beautiful yellow colour of Topaz is like the sun. It emits a powerful healing power. It influences blood circulation. It is very efficient in aiding circulation in the limbs, or if they are cold.


Your task: To respond to the call of the divine.
Magic phrase: Renewal and rebirth to a higher consciousness.

As in the springtime, here we see transformation and rebirth! You leave behind you the bare bare winter, and come out victorious and healed.

This card speaks of a resurrection, a rebirth. Fears diminish little by little. A new way of approaching life is revealed to you. You have, after all, crossed this wasteland pretty much on your own. Today you know what you want and what you are worth. You are true to yourself. Your friends and family recognise you for whom you are. The angel whispers good messages that you now understand. People may judge you because others may not always agree with you. Do not feel guilty about this and continue on your way. You have finished an initiatory cycle.

Music frees emotions.

Gemstone: The beautiful blue lapis lazuli contains nuggets of pyrite. In ancient Egypt it was called «the stone from heaven». It reinforces one’s determination, one’s kindness, and is the stone of friendship. It helps those who are overworked and helps overcome depression.


Your task: To reach complete self accomplishment. Leave nothing to chance.
Magic phrase: Realisation of Unity.

This is one of the most powerful cards of the Tarot d’Or! The cosmic egg.

The 4 elements united in the 5th.

It announces a triumph. The mirror is decorated with the seven colours of the rainbow. In the centre, you are as a king or a queen of the world. The 12 astrological signs can be found on this card. They represent the totality of the fulfilled being. Happy and proud, your programme of self transformation is a success. You are a mirror for others. Now you realise that even the most difficult things can be accomplished. Everything becomes clear, a wide inner smile illuminates you. The card speaks of maternity. It represents divinity, the woman.

Wings seem to grow on you. The world opens it’s arms, so open your arms likewise to it! This is unity, there is no more separation between you and others.

You feel as if you are blessed by the heavens. A sensation of well-being overcomes you, you realise that your life has no limits.

This card is an invitation for travel, to discover other countries and lands. This new breath of energy revives your needs to get moving, to go out and meet new faces and have new experiences. So give yourself these pleasures that are a part of life.

Gemstone: Black tourmaline helps develop noble sentiments. It aids the mind to be clear and precise. It can also be rainbow-coloured.


 Reading the Cards


Some examples of Tarot spreads
The Tarot d’Or is the mirror of the soul

It is not easy to remain neutral when one does a reading. If you are a beginner, ask someone to do it for you, although you must partcipate fully.

Before each reading, relax for a minute or two. Close your eyes and try to empty your mind.

1 card spread
The easiest spread is to choose a card at random every morning. This will give you an idea of the atmosphere of the day. Keep this card near you all day long. This exercice will help you connect to the Tarot d’Or and to make it yours little by little.

3 card spread
You can do this spread for any questions you may have.

Past, present, future. Ask the Tarot d’Or a question. It can be in any domain to do with your emotional life, your working life, your relationships, or your psychological, spiritual or financial concerns. It can concern any doubts you have or decision making you need to do.

The cards may be drawn upright or reversed.

Mix your cards face-down on a table, and choose three cards.

The card you will put on the left represents the past, what you have been or what you have experienced.

In the middle is the present, what you are experiencing at the moment.

On the right is what will occur, the advice and insights concerning your question.

If a card is reversed, choose another card and put it below the reversed card. This will cancel the blockage, and will give you some advice for some positive action or energy.

The transformation spread
This spread can be done every three months. It’s a spread that requires great attention, as it is very deep and psychological.

It is composed of seven upright or reversed cards.

The first three cards must be put on the left, and represent what you need to transform in your life, or in your way of thinking or acting.

The middle card represents you in the present time. Upright or reversed.

The last three cards must be put on the right, and represent your future.

Take a long time to study the first three cards, because they are very important in order to understand the other four. If you are aware of what you need to transform, you will be able to transform your future.

If some of the cards are reversed, draw a card to put underneath each of these reversed cards, in order to cancel the blockage.

In any reading you do, you should express all your feelings and thoughts. Understanding will be gained through a dialogue between you and the Tarot d’Or or the tarot reader.

My best wishes go with you for your exploration of the Tarot d’Or. I hope it will assist you in connecting to your true identity, to your inner self, and also that you are able to plan a better future thanks to this better understanding of yourself.

— Joëlle Balle


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