Gipsy Tarot Tsigane (Zigeuner Tarot) — Цыганское Таро

Характеристика Gipsy Tarot Tsigane (Zigeuner Tarot) — Цыганское Таро
Автор: Walter Wegmuller
Художник: Walter Wegmuller
Издательство: AGMuller; U.S. Games
Производство: Швейцария
Состав: 78 карт + инструкция на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский, французский
Размер карт: 70×110 мм.
Год: 1996, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-88079-015-6 AGM; 978-0880790154 U.S. Games
Традиция: Уникальная
Младшие арканы: символы масти
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: цыганское таро
Другие колоды Walter Wegmuller: Таро Нового Века — Neuzeit Tarot (New Age Tarot)
В зависимости от версий происхождения, стилистики и авторства колоды Таро имеют различные названия: Марсельское, Висконти-Сфорца, Таро Тота Алистера Кроули и многие другие. Колода карт Цыганское Таро – еще одна вариация на вечную тему поиска ключа к тайнам познания и секретам будущих событий. Есть и легенда о появлении Цыганского Таро. В далёком прошлом мудрецы зашифровали только им известные великие знания в тайных знаках, разместив их на 78 картах, чтобы уберечь от посланцев Зла. Эти карты они передали странникам, не подозревавшим о скрытых в них тайнах. Звалось это племя скитальцев цыганами.
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Обзор Gipsy Tarot Tsigane (Zigeuner Tarot) — Цыганское Таро
Несколько примитивной и абстрактной в исполнении, колоде Цыганского таро автора Wegmuller есть что предложить, при погружении в ее символизм. Красочные, хотя и создающие изредка впечатление некоторой суматошности, эти карты Таро кажутся шагнувшими к нам прямо из движения контркультуры 1960-х. Первоначально колода была опубликована в Германии в расширенном формате под названием Tarot Zigenuer.
МБК значения: Gipsy Tarot Tsigane (Zigeuner Tarot) — Цыганское Таро
Gipsy tarot
0 The Fool Upright Interpretation
Difficulties resolved through external circumstances. Fortune in misfortune. Escape from a difficult situation. Fool’s or finder’s luck.
Reversed Interpretation
Clumsiness. Bad or stupid friendships. Fear of animals. Disturbance of consciousness.
1 Upright Interpretation
Successful examinations, tests. Mastery. Lucky experiments. Independence. Self-fulfilment, talent, precocity.
Reversed Interpretation
Immaturity. Dangerous player or gambler. Lack of perseverance. Manual or physical inabilities. Stupidity. Difficulties with one’s work. Always in mortal danger. Active in intention only. Unreliability.
2 Upright Interpretation
Listen to the advice of your mother or of a fortune-teller in matters of love. Consult a herbal doctor. Take care of the dark sides of your ego. Solve old problems now. Initiation by a woman. Keep secrets! Healing powers.
Reversed Interpretation
The night brings difficulties. A woman from the family takes revenge. Submissive attitude towards women. Irresponsibility. Quarrels with one’s mother-in-law. Contempt for the healing forces of nature. Insomnia due to nightshades.
3 Upright Interpretation
The way to your partner is open. Good fortune in love. Ask advice from an old woman in matters of conception. The man should listen to his wife. Relaxation through eroticism.
Reversed Interpretation
Impotence. Fear of erotic love and of women. Mother complexes. Sexual neuroses. Difficulties with the children.
4 The Emperor Upright Interpretation
Take command! Confront your enemies. Good results from a vote. Deepen friendships. Ask for a pay rise! Take advantage of the moment.
Reversed Interpretation
Strong adversity. Differences of opinion. Political defeat. Betrayal by friends and followers. Neglect of one’s family.
5 The Hierophant
Upright Interpretation
Counsel from an old sage. Let faith be part of your daily life. Ancient knowledge will help take you further. Visit holy places! Thoughtfulness.
Reversed Interpretation
You revere the wrong gods and are taken advantage of. You encourage your own weaknesses and dishonesty. False friends. Disbelief. Spreading false facts.
6 The Lovers
Upright Interpretation
Success through independent decisions. Refusing to decide is nonetheless a decision! Immobility leads to stagnation. All-round and versatile education. Wealth implies responsibility.
Reversed Interpretation
Indecision. Victim of a bluff and of one’s wealth. Bondage, helplessness, dependence, aimlessness. A parasite.
7 The Chariot
Upright Interpretation
Firm leadership will help you reach your goal quicker. The forces of man and woman are united. Successful journeys. Frontal danger. Take better care of yourself.
Reversed Interpretation
Not reaching one’s goal. Bad lifestyle due to ignorance. The wrong partner. Lack of physical control. You have chosen the wrong party. Bad guidance. You are a danger to your environment.
8 Justice
Upright Interpretation
Having justice on one’s side. Fighting against injustice. You may trust visitors. Support of a just cause.
Reversed Interpretation
Negative verdict. Rights are lost. A lesson learnt from a woman. If there is a dispute, give in. Loss of support. Understanding comes too late.
9 The Hermit
Upright Interpretation
You will find a good teacher. Solitude and contemplation. Learn from religious wisdom. Listen to the advice of an older person. Pay more heed to your guru/teacher.
Reversed Interpretation
Loneliness. Rapid ageing. Problems. Old people become a burden. Failure to find an important solution. Fighting a losing battle.
10 The Wheel of Fortune
Upright Interpretation
Good health. Positive verdict in court. You are on the right track. Happiness and money come into the family. Ingenuity. Escape from misfortune.
Reversed Interpretation
Luck runs away from you. Bad gambler. Ill fortune in love. Misfortune on a long journey. Bad surprises.
11 Strength
Upright Interpretation
The instant of love at its most intense. Energies are well distributed between the body and the mind. A sports victory. Creativity through harmony with nature and the animal world. Learn to use your consciousness. Solve problems for yourself.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of strength and consciousness. Bad contacts with animals. Rupture with society. Misuse of friendship. Danger caused by the earth. Lack of physical control. Aggression.
12 The Hanged Man
Upright Interpretation
Isolation. A time of study and contemplation, in search of greater lucidity. Important discoveries and realisations, a new way of look at life. Try and reach an understanding of the ways of one’s ancestors. Tests — gathering of the forces of memory.
Reversed Interpretation
Difficulties. Loss of one’s global vision. Forgetfulness. Equilibrium disorders. Losses in general. Pretentiousness. Stubbornness. Contempt of nature. Dodging the issue!
13 Death
Upright Interpretation
End of political career. Professional fortune no longer shines on you. Release from great difficulties in life or from an illness. No more longing or homesickness. Bad surprises. Home truths confirmed. Contracts with the world of one’s ancestors. Loss of a relative.
Reversed Interpretation
Longing and homesickness. Accidents. One is forgotten. Contempt. Death penalty. The end of a political administration. War with deadly outcome.
14 Temperance
Upright Interpretation
Organize your life and work differently. Define boundaries. Control and adjust dimensions. Justice. Determine the right amountof work you should be doing and the right of food and drugs you should be taking.
Reversed Interpretation
Excess in all things. Gluttony, drug abuse, dipsomania, avarice. Criminal misuse of the sense of measure.
15 The Devil
Upright Interpretation
Power over weaker beings, including animals and plants. Lucky coincidences. Abuse of confidence. Pleasure in the subjection of others. Intrigues.
Reversed Interpretation
Sado-masochistic tendencies. Sexual manias. Possessiveness. Tyranny. Betrayer of secrets. Double agent. Swindler. Provocateur. Seducer. The conscious inducement of a depression in oneself or in others.
16 The Tower
Upright Interpretation
Divine intervention. Profit. Work well-paid. The goal is almost in sight. Money obtained through stupidity. Promotion by trampling over others. Inheritance.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of a good position. Downfall. Financial losses. Irresponsibility. Exploitation. Misleading others. Selfishness. Greed. Diseases of the brain.
17 The Stars
Upright Interpretation
The climax of consciousness. Easy childbirth. Happy children. A sense of traditions. Awakening and development of the woman. Taking care of your beings. Surprises.
Reversed Interpretation
Bad character traits show. Life energies dwindle. Bad seed. Pseudo-pregnancy. Frigidity. Destruction of young beings. One is deprived of the world, of one’s mother or both parents. Children’s diseases.
18 The Moon
Upright Interpretation
The spirits of the night are well-intentioned and help you to flee. Old wealth comes to light. Think about your own attitude towards life. Help from a stranger.
Reversed Interpretation
Blindness. Nights fears. A ‘night person’. Depression. Photophobic. Criminal tendencies. Seduction. Unfaithfulness. Lunacy. Jail.
19 The Sun
Upright Interpretation
A time of maturation. A deepening of one’s consciousness. A better understanding of one’s surroundings. Fortification and healing of the body. Luck in love. Things lost reappear. Farsightedness.
Reversed Interpretation
Misfortune in love. Impaired awareness. Loss of joie de vivre. Impaired growth. Obscuration. No peace found.
20 Judgment
Upright Interpretation
Overcoming pain. The end of a family feud or an illness. Calm is restored to nature. Peace among neighbours. Good news.
Reversed Interpretation
The extinction of a family. Natural disasters. Incurable diseases. Loss within the family. Poisoning.
21 The World
Upright Interpretation
Motherhood. Female advice affords a new direction in life. Old age. Listen to inner and outer echos. Peace. A rich harvest. Listen to what your mother says!
Reversed Interpretation
Sterility. Danger due to natural disasters. Destruction of sacred places. World famine. Abuse of the laws of nature. Ingratitude.
Туз Upright Interpretation
Qualities of leadership in the sense of a popular hero or leader of a polical party. Follow your instincts! Heed religious advice from a man. A gift of natural healing and the ability to hand down old customs.
Reversed Interpretation
Tendency towards excessive selfishness and masochism. The advice you were given is wrong. Living off others. Sensitive to pain.
2 Upright Interpretation
Finder’s luck. Good fortune in love. Positive energies day and night. Use physical movement consciously to your own advantage. Adolescent love.
Reversed Interpretation
Quarrels between brothers and sisters or partners. Danger of family or clan disputes.
3 Three of Wands Upright Interpretation
A good time for new business, apprenticeships, friendships. Good fortune in all realms of nature and in education. A good period for everything connected with growth. Promising acquaintances.
Reversed Interpretation
Friendships dissolve. Drop in one’s level of consciousness, insomnia, infertility. Problems in education and personal development.
4 Upright Interpretation
Positive worldwide communications with all races. Talents in the fields of the natural sciences as well as in anthropology. Good fortune in international sports.
Reversed Interpretation
Bad communications with other nations. Difficult commercial and working relations with foreign partners, especially where material goods are concerned.
5 Upright Interpretation
A good understanding of the laws of nature. Strong family sense. Sensitive in contacts with other people, animals or plants.
Reversed Interpretation
Difficulties with one’s environment. Family quarrels. Little faith in others.
6 Upright Interpretation
Success in the use of earth and water plants. The right mental approach to all matters connected with nutrition. Rich harvest. Good fortune reaches you from foreign soil. Exploitation of new plantation fields.
Reversed Interpretation
Agricultural problems. Weeds are everywhere. Famine threatens.
7 Upright Interpretation
A good time for close friendships, treaties, advance planning, family as well as political decisions. A time of contemplation.
Reversed Interpretation
Intuitive fears. Planning problems. A confrontation with a superior adversary. Loss of work tools. Interior dissatisfaction.
8 Upright Interpretation
A good time for meditation — the doors to the magical realms are open. Positive visit from the woman’s family. A balanced physical condition. Advice handed down by forebears and old traditions. Respond to the female world!
Reversed Interpretation
Ill luck with magical powers. Tendency towards emotional and physical isolation because of suppression of femininity and sexuality.
9 Upright Interpretation
Luck in matters of law. Predominance of the male world. Gain in natural energy. Sound advice from a sage or psychologist.
Reversed Interpretation
Difficulties in legal matters. Conflicts with female sexuality. Problems of faith. Fear of authority and external influences. Reduced nervous energy as well as neglect of the body.
10 Upright Interpretation
A favourable time for friendships and marriage. The gateways to all professions are open. Material gain. Support from the family.
Reversed Interpretation
Financial loss. Failure in examinations. Difficulties while travelling. Quarrels with relatives. Painful illnesses. Narrowing of one’s personal life space.
Паж Upright Interpretation
Positive learning. Family loyalty, beautiful and strong body. Fortune in all professions linked with nature.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of knowledge about the forces of nature. Dwindling physical forces. Danger of emotional instability. Friendships endangered through dishonesty.
Рыцарь Upright Interpretation
Good opportunities while travelling. Pleasant encounters. Good contacts with animals. Independent traveller. A penchant for circus life. Male fertility. Close links with the world of one’s forebears.
Reversed Interpretation
The forces of nature are against you. Beware of slander. Danger of being distracted. Loss of friendship. Physical vulnerability below the navel.
Дама Upright Interpretation
Listen to the advice of a woman. Promotion possibilities, especially for women. A propitious time for nightshades.
Reversed Interpretation
Abuse of confidence on the woman’s part — all female aspects are negative. Wrong nutritions troubles you love life. Bad conditions at work. Disturbing influence on people around you.
Король Upright Interpretation
Good conditions for air travel. Good advice from an older man. Good living conditions in mountainous regions. Luck in all matters connected with air travel.
Reversed Interpretation
Danger for individualists. Tendencies towards feelings of heaviness and melancholy. Bad time for long trips. No luck with female energies. Don’t make your home in strange nests.
Туз Upright Interpretation
Good health, joie de vivre. Spiritual development. Positive learning processes. strength through medicinal baths. Baptism or initiation. Discovery of new sources of strength.
Reversed Interpretation
Life is felt as a burden. Impotence. Impaired vision or eye diseases. Fatigue. Difficulties in learning. Lack of courage.
2 Upright Interpretation
Luck with new acquaintances. Harmony. Sports victory. Good cooperation as a couple. Great physical strength.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of one’s partner. A weak body. Orientation problems. Infactuation and blindness. Insensitivity.
3 Upright Interpretation
Foundation of family or businesss. Be more perseverant. Religious celebrations. Setting up of new schools.
Reversed Interpretation
Lack of artistic sense. Marriage opportunities endangered. Forgetfulness. Apocalyptic fears.
4 Upright Interpretation
Good notion of health, even where others are concerned. Good communication with all races. Ethical attitude. Intelligence. Good social behaviour.
Reversed Interpretation
Mother or father complex. Quarrels with people of other races.
5 Upright Interpretation
Fertility. Strong family ties. You are living in the right place. Pronounced feminity. Increased cosmic energies.
Reversed Interpretation
Bad harvest. Insufficient health care for the sick. Weak femininity. Homosexuality. Mother complexes. Gluttony.
6 Upright Interpretation
Clarity in inner feelings. A penchant for writing. Fortune for illusionists and theatre people.
Reversed Interpretation
Bad gambler. Misunderstandings. Linguistic difficulties. Dishonesty. Impaired development. Introversion.
7 Upright Interpretation
Srong artistic talents, also in the fashion world. The world of theatre and circus. Good mountain guide. Ecologist.
Reversed Interpretation
Lack of imagination. Distorted esthetic sense. Fear of heights. Little manual skill. Fear of animals. Lack of concentration.
8 Upright Interpretation
Cancellation of old debts. Good fortune in agriculture. A good inheritance. Opportunity of profit. Balanced family life. Musical talent.
Reversed Interpretation
Old problems crop up again. Unfaithfulness. Dipsomania. Mismanagement of one’s property. Disbelief. Frequent change of employment.
9 Upright Interpretation
Good religious guidance. Sensitivity. Religious adoration. Generosity. Advocate of collectivism.
Reversed Interpretation
No perseverance. Eccentricity. Weak will. Lack of objectivity. Few friends. Brutality. Scorner of God.
10 Upright Interpretation
A happy and healthy life. Many friends. Many talents. A gift for languages. Applications. Neutrality. Diplomacy.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of friends. Illness. Unlawfulness and conflict with the law. Bad company.
Паж Upright Interpretation
Follow your inclinations. Possibility of a good apprenticeship. Promote magical interests. Inclination for medical, chemical and natural sciences.
Reversed Interpretation
Waste of one’s own energies. Schizoid attitude to life. Insufficiently developed manliness. Difficult child birth. Male sterility. Weak character, animosity towards religion.
Рыцарь Upright Interpretation
Old knowledge is in demand. Revelations through genealogy. Old traditions flourish once again. Minorities stand up for their rights. New friendships develop.
Reversed Interpretation
Fights between brothers and sisters. Minorities are oppressed. Friends are lost. Information difficulties in all areas. Strained contacts with the family. Old traditions are lost. Betrayal.
Дама Upright Interpretation
Moderation with drugs and medicines. Old remedies and methods help. Surprises. Respect and love nature! Revelations of a woman’s secrets. Higher level of awareness.
Reversed Interpretation
Drug abuse. Lack of genetic consciousness. Withdrawal of affection. Confused action. Inability to learn. Intellectual regression. Dangerous journeys. Physical weakness.
Король Upright Interpretation
Strengthening of one’s own party. Young people are looking for new leadership and are offered more living space and means of expression. Prosperous time for the old and the young.
Reversed Interpretation
Exploited youth. Poverty. Peace endangered. Values disappear. Oppression by the army. Bad working conditions and poor supplies. Lies propagated by the media. Fear of war. Family feuds. Popular revolts.
Туз Upright Interpretation
Depend on your intelligence and not of your feelings! Daytime work is to be preferred. The spirits of the air are not well disposed. Don’t let your neighbour exceed certain limits. Do not put weapons in foreign hands. Appeal to a woman’s good sense.
Reversed Interpretation
Impotence. Frigidity. Lover’s quarrels. Slanderous neighbours. Bad prospects in court. Insomnia. Accelerated ageing. Physical disorders due to drug abuse.
2 Upright Interpretation
Positive traits of character in both man and woman. A happy family. Law enforcement. Luck in all ‘earthly’ matters.
Reversed Interpretation
Parents are against a love affair. Trouble with one’s superiors. On the wrong track. Overwhelming animosity. Dizzy spells.
3 Upright Interpretation
A welcome visit from a woman. Fertility. A key position can be obtained. Educational courses are completed. Pay attention to the animal world! Nature is well disposed.
Reversed Interpretation
No luck in the garden. A malicious visitor. Political defeat. Exclusion from a circle of friends. Bad harvest. Circulatory problems.
4 Upright Interpretation
Peace treaties, international political meetings. exchange of knowledge and energy. Family gatherings and also war councils. A period of inner purification.
Reversed Interpretation
War for political or religious reasons. Danger of losing one’s nationality. Loss of friends and relatives as a result of war. Quarrels between brothers and sisters. Deterioration of the supply situation.
5 Upright Interpretation
Don’t underestimate yourself! New possibilties are opened up. Seek advice from ancestors. Depend on reason! Obtain security in matters of inheritance.
Reversed Interpretation
An invisible foe is close by. A tendency towards instability. Resitting examinations. Loss of inherited objects. Worsening eyesight.
6 Upright Interpretation
Support from an unknown party in a dispute. Everything adapts itself to your needs. Build-up of war material. Increase stocks. Secure your employment.
Reversed Interpretation
Troubled times. Possible insect plague. Danger through water and wind. Infertility. stomach disorders. Difficulties with trade unions.
7 Upright Interpretation
Organize your work. Self-examination is necessary to ensure the week runs smoothly. Take more time for yourself. Meetings with business friends. Controlling selfish behaviour.
Reversed Interpretation
Quarrels at work. Body fluid problems. Dissatisfaction among young people. Military demotion.
8 Upright Interpretation
Cooperative support. Military protection. Major changes in the business sector. Important arms deals.
Reversed Interpretation
Loss of salary. Open fight with trade unions. Dipliomatic means exhausted. Physical injury. Loss of one’s home. Lack of friends.
9 Upright Interpretation
Advice from an old and wise man. Old family objects are given a new meaning. Practical advice discovered in old books. Successful healing of friends. Accept the trust put in you by strangers. Collect the right plants. Pass on remedies.
Reversed Interpretation
Self-destructive tendencies. Dipsomania. Fear of being alone. Adaptation difficulties. One is always searching in the wrong place and neglects medical advice.
10 Upright Interpretation
Cooperation with other professionals. Intensive friendships. Big parties and intersting work. Top positions of responsibility. Good salary. Take advantage of business opportunities.
Reversed Interpretation
Major professional problems. Fierce competition. Fights with other professions. Negative court verdicts. Problems at work.
Паж Upright Interpretation
Unopposed election. Contentment for all through a new source of energy. Good education possibilities for the young generation. Natural energies afford great help. New domestic happiness.
Reversed Interpretation
Strife or war. Energy problems. Danger of fire. Skin diseases. Defenselessness. Tired of living.
Рыцарь Upright Interpretation
Surprising news or reunion. Positive verdict in court. A good time for travelling. A friend from the army indicates a possible way out.
Reversed Interpretation
Military obligations. Betrayed by someone in the family. Jail or defeat. Danger while travelling at night.
Дама Upright Interpretation
Musical gifts. Love of plants and music. Good advice from an older woman. Consolidation of old bonds. Mistakes made by men are put right.
Reversed Interpretation
Unhealthy night life. Beware of nightshades. Lack of imagination, no sense of music. Jealousy. Vulnerability to veneral diseases. Troublemaker.
Король Upright Interpretation
Material gain. Luck in space research and development. New professional opportunities. Military promotion. Technical ingenuity.
Reversed Interpretation
An experiment fails. The powers of the wind have a destructive effect. Danger is in the air. Fear of the future.
Туз Upright Interpretation
Enough small change (coins) to cover living expenses. Good possibilities in international trade. Even the meanest coin may lead to wealth.
Reversed Interpretation
Bad luck with money and business. Loss of one’s last penny. A forgotten bill finally turns up.
2 Upright Interpretation
A partner helps bring about financial growth. Savings turn out to be well invested. Opportunities in trade of all kinds.
Reversed Interpretation
Shady deals lead to losses. A lot of work for little money. Difficulties with a partner.
3 Upright Interpretation
Many opportunities to make money. Talents in the administration of other people’s money. Good fortune with inheritances and dowries. Outside help comes on three occasions.
Reversed Interpretation
Unfortunate influences due to a foreign business partner. Problems with an inheritance. Loss of income. Old debts fall due.
4 Upright Interpretation
Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Luck with securities and foreign trade. Success in private and family business.
Reversed Interpretation
Difficulties with foreign currencies and investments. International business disputes. Expensive health care!
5 Upright Interpretation
Good advice from someone rich. Hard work as well as smart investments bring profit.
Reversed Interpretation
Money lost through war, dishonest business, speculations on the stock market. Promised support is not forthcoming.
6 Upright Interpretation
Positive information from an external source. Balanced private and business life. Stabilisation in the family and in the social sphere.
Reversed Interpretation
Business stalls. Danger for one’s own existence and property. Business problems with one’s spouse or companion.
7 Upright Interpretation
Good business due to intelligent transactions, also conducted abroad. The work of ancestors benefits their descendants. Insurance policies taken out prove to be valuable.
Reversed Interpretation
Financial projects, investments, deposits are in danger. The authorities insist on the payment of taxes. Depreciation of assets.
8 Upright Interpretation
Positive tensions, especially where business is concerned.
Reversed Interpretation
Decreasing profits. Beware of ‘good deals’. Tensions at work. Difficulties with employees. The effects of earlier mistakes come to light.
9 Upright Interpretation
Gambler’s luck. An old idea bears fruit. Good cooperation with young and old alike. Especially luck in small deals. Success in the book trade.
Reversed Interpretation
Money lost for sexual reasons. Bad business partner. Illegal business impeded.
10 Upright Interpretation
Business opportunities of all kinds. Support from all sides. Access to mineral resources. Promotion.
Reversed Interpretation
Property falls into bad hands. Loss of position. Decline. Watch your money! Damage caused by nature. Boundaries newly defined.
Паж Upright Interpretation
Keep your bets low and profits will be assured. A good time for holidays. Follow the advice of merchants. Good luck in all professions related to the entertainment world.
Reversed Interpretation
Bad times for investments and gambling. Loss from within one’s circle of friends. Holidays are turned into a working period.
Рыцарь Upright Interpretation
Financial support from friends or from an institution. Luck with unexpected business and travel.
Reversed Interpretation
Inexplicable loss of money. Fraud by an investor. Difficulties with loans in general.
Дама Upright Interpretation
Luck with speculations and investments. Ideas bring money. Positive financial prospects from a female source.
Reversed Interpretation
Business endangered by hazardous speculations. The female side loses its good influence on money matters. Financial collapse.
Король Upright Interpretation
One man’s fortune is another man’s ruin. Traditional skills bring profits. Benefits from new media.
Reversed Interpretation
Support of the older generation is in danger. Children lose their sense of proportions in money matters. Good ideas come too late. Tendency to overestimate oneself.
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